MARCH'18 (public)
WHY HAS JP MORGEN CHASE acquired 33,147,091 Oz (1,031 TONNES) SILVER?
I think you are mistaken about the EU. The EU is an incredibly corrupt gang of pocket fillers which are not ashamed to take whatever they like out of the pockets of the EU-member-countries, the EU- citizens and businesses. During this process the real EUSSR is created, where only the EU directors and civil servants earn money and get rich. While the people are oppressed ... and enslaved. Poor children and grandchildren. (O.H.) |
The Goldonomic Team wishes you and your loved ones a HAPPY EASTERN !
Thursday March 29, 2018 - Countries whose economics are based on savings & production will prosper - Countries whose economics are based on debt and consumption will suffer.
Updated Sections:
Countries whose economics are based on savings & production will prosper - Countries whose economics are based on debt and consumption will suffer. The problem and the danger is that today Authorities and Bankers are cheating, are misrepresenting the reality, are selling the impression that this DIRTY GAME will go on forever, that they - and Society - will never be punished for their acts. The REAL danger is that because of these actions, the odds that a CORRECTION may well come all of a sudden and take everybody (and the Millenniums in particular) by surprise are growing exponentially. Again, Venezuela is a excellent and modern example. Venezuelans also continued to live in the conviction that the game of Chavez and Maduro could never fail...Today with an average monthly salary of $7 (€ 5) per month they know better. (if you did not know, after WW II Venezuela was one of the Richest countries on planet Earth! In only 50 year's time the local politicians ran the country into bankrupcy. Only those who left the country in time are safe.)
What Happened To The West I Was Born In?!Frankly, I am awed, amazed and even embarrassed. I was born in Switzerland, lived most of my life there, I also visited most of Europe, and I lived in the USA for over 20 years. Yet in my worst nightmares I could not have imagined the West sinking as low as it does now. I mean, yes, I know about the false flags, the corruption, the colonial wars, the NATO lies, the abject subservience of East Europeans. But imperfect as they were, and that is putting it mildly, I remember Helmut Schmidt, Maggie Thatcher, Reagan, Mitterrand, even Chirac! And I remember what the Canard Enchaîné used to be, or even the BBC. During the Cold War the West was hardly a knight in white shining armor, but still – rule of law did matter, as did at least some degree of critical thinking. I am now deeply embarrassed for the West. And very, very afraid. All I see today is a submissive herd lead by true, bona fide, psychopaths (in a clinical sense of the word) And that is not the worst thing. The worst thing is the deafening silence, the way everybody just looks away, pretends like “ain’t my business” or, worse, actually takes all this grotesque spectacle seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you people?! Have you all been turned into zombies?! WAKE UP!!!!!!! The people of the West have accepted, or don’t even know, that they are ruled by an ugly gang of ignorant, arrogant psychopaths. At the very least this situation shows this:
LOOK NOT WHERE WE ARE BUT WHERE WE ARE HEADING!! Do you really want to go to war against a fully united nuclear Russia? You can get 200,000 anti–gun (sigh, rolleyes) protesters in DC but NOBODY AT ALL ABOUT NUCLEAR WAR?! What is wrong with you people?! What happened to the West where I was born in in 1963? My God, is this really the end of it all? Am I the only one who sees this slow-motion train-wreck taking us all over the precipice? If you can, please give a reason to still hope. Right now I don’t see many. |
Important Fundamentals:
- Assume you need to buy a VERY LARGE amount of Gold....would you push the price UP or DOWN while buying? ...more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Everybody is preparing for his Eastern excellent opportunity to push down the price of Gold so we can buy MORE at a good price next week!...more in the Subscriber's section
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WEDNESDAY MARCH 28, 201 8 - Public debt is the greatest of dangers to be feared for it is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debt as it goes.
Updated Sections: Coal,Solar & Rare Elements, Copper,Platinum & Non-Ferro's, Inflation Index, Bonds-USA,
The collapse of the American Dream Explained. We decided to republish a cartoon we published years ago...for the sake of ALL who still BELIEVE in THIN AIR, BITCOIN and other WORTHLESS means of exchange. Especially for ANYBODY who still thinks of PHYSICAL GOLD in terms of Worthless Fiat Paper Money. Watch the video to the end!!
Imporant Fundamentals:
- see Subsciber's Section
Important Technicals:
- Weeks ago we mentioned the BREAKOUT of xxxx and xxxx Shares are still a buy at respectively $18 and $ 12 1/2 with targets resp. $52 and $18 ...see Subsciber's Section
see Subsciber's Section | |
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Tuesday March 27, 2018 - Democracy in Europe is a JOKE and does not exist!
Updated Sections: Long Term Chart Indexes (color change), Banks & Financials, Uranium shares, Bio-Tech & Pharma, Gold & Silver Juniors , Juniors Information,
Elected Catalan politicians face up to 30 years in jail !? Europe & Spain arrests and locks up democratically elected leaders and the Spanish police beats 'protesting' citizens. In Spain 10 elected politicians are in jail while others have wisely fled to Switzerland, Scotland, Belgium,... In the Netherlands, politicians (Wilders) are prosecuted and sentenced for Racism and both Belgium & the Netherlands practice "Cordon Sanitaire" to ensure elected politicians cannot become part of Government. Even worse is that EU-petty Government officials are un-elected!
The Founding Fathers knew damn well that in the long run, Authorities always become dangerous. That was the very reason WHY the 2nd Amendment #2 became an inherent part of the US-Constitution and why it is so important that American Citizens have the right to keep and bear arms and why this right should NEVER been taken away.They knew that unarmed people have no way to protect themselves against Government and Authorities which no longer serves 'We the People"...
Brainless uneducated Millenniums who were protesting in Washington D.C. don't seem to realize that once Guns are taken away, the People have little means to protect themselves from an invading, greedy and selfish Government. Maybe it is time we understand it is not Guns who kill but rather the uneducated Millenniums. And maybe one must blame the parents instead of the Guns!?
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
- during this correction, expect US-bank shares to test the breakout level.
- see how US-Bank shares differ from Canadian and European bank/financial shares.
- xxxx (Bio-Pharma) is completing a bottom formation and could break out.
- Juniors are doing better than Majors...extremely positive for the price of Gold & Silver.
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Monday March 26, 2018 - The West imports 3 x more goods from China than it exports to the East!
Updated Sections: $-Gold, Silver, US-Dollar, World Stock Market Indexes (BAD), Royalties, Majors, Recession Proof Shares,
Americans live in a fantasy world about their Great Country, their Great Economy, their Great Military System that ensures them Hegemony Over the World even though after 17 years the World’s Greatest Military has been unable to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban in Afghanistan, their Great Everything. But in fact, insouciant Americans live in The Matrix. They have no idea of their real situation!
The math is simple: Real Inflation (CPI) is 10% , the US-Dollar-Index lost 10% and Trump imposes 10% tariffs on imports or 10% + 10 % + 10% = a 30% increase of the general level of goods and services (CPI)...a pretty decent rate of HIGH INFLATION...a prelude to Hyper-Inflation?! + this will severely affect EARNINGS. |
China crude futures launching Monday. China is set to launch an oil futures contract on Monday, an effort that is several years in the making. The Shanghai Crude future is hoping to rival WTI and Brent as a market for oil, but it will lack liquidity, at least in the beginning. Yuan-denominated oil contracts will also have some rules that are unfamiliar to western traders. It is unclear how the new oil futures contract will fare, but it is part of China’s effort at gaining more influence over how oil is traded, as well as a way to boost the standing of its currency. [see earlier updates for details]
Important Fundamentals:
- Paper Manipulation Of The Gold Market Will Not Last. There is a giant secret stirring under today’s market. China, India, Russia and almost every central bank is buying physical gold. Within another year, physical gold will be swept off the market...more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- The stock market dropped again today. The Dow Industrials broke below its February low, ..more in the Subscriber's section
- Charts below CLEARLY show what the scenario will be of the WORLDWIDE-correction to come. See sector for World Stock Market Indexes for details and large PF charts.
SP500 is a Sell | Transportation Index is a Sell | Global Index is a Sell |
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Friday March 23, 2018 - Gold & Silver are breaking up a BOTTOM formation and are about to initiate a strong upleg.
Updated Sections: Short candles for $-Gold, Crude Oil, HUI-index (majors) , GDXJ (Juniors) ,
More DEBT has become a NEVER ENDING STORY...The House passed a massive $1.3 trillion spending bill Thursday, sending it to the Senate with just over a day to spare before the government would shut down for the third time this year. The chamber approved the more than 2,200 page legislation — released only Wednesday night — by a 256-167 vote with bipartisan backing. This will ONLY fund the Government until the end of September.
The end of capitalism will be due to the unbelievable amount of debt that is currently being created. This will create monster inflation that will destroy every currency. The only currency that cannot be destroyed is gold. When investors realize this, we’ll have the makings of the greatest bull market in gold ever seen. |
Household debt is ALSO high in many advanced economies and on the rise. Worst is Denmark.
Tariffs (and Quota's) may - like all import restrictions - be beneficiary in the SHORT run but are ALWAYS negative in the Medium to Long run. Both “trade wars” in 2002 and 1930 saw a negative outcome. In other words, this will not only hurt Global Trade but also the US-Dollar.
The Chinese Yuan (see section of Yuan-Gold) is strong and sits in a secular bullish trend versus the US-Dollar and already makes all "Made in China" products more expensive to the Americans. Moreover China exports steel at ZERO PROFIT to the United States....Therefore, technically speaking, Trump's decision makes no sense.
Important Fundamentals:
- Be advised and prepared: after Gold has confirmed present bullish action your next #1 PUBLIC ENEMY are the Authorities (Government) which will try to legally seize your Gold (and maybe Silver) holdings for PUBLIC BENEFIT. Best case scenario one must expect a heavy windfall capital gain tax.
- Trump slaps China with tariffs on up to $60 billion in imports...making Dow Jones tumbling more than 700 points on trade fears. In 1930 prior to the Great Depression, the introduction of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act triggered a global trade war and made it all worse...more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- more in the Subscriber's section
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Thursday March 22, 2018 - Facebook tells us - N O T H I N G - comes for free!...How much are you spending on your financial information?
Updated Sections: ,
Facebook tells us - N O T H I N G - comes free!...How much are you spending on your financial information? ...or are you also getting it for free? GOOD Financial & Economic information is EXPENSIVE. Those who are not prepared to PAY for Independent Financial Advice soon or late pay a heavy price for being GREEDY.
Elections are nothing more but a tool to keep the HERD happy and to give "The People" a feeling they have some input.
Important Fundamentals:
- The Federal Reserve raises rates for the sixth time since the policymaking Federal Open Market Committee began raising rates off near-zero in December 2015...and GOLD loves it !!! [Gold traditionally loves higher interest rates....]...more in the Subscriber's section
- The CPI (consumer price index) no longer measures the true increase required to maintain a constant standard of living. This is the main reason that more people are falling behind financially, and why more Americans rely on government entitlement programs. The inaccuracy of the CPI began in 1983, during a time of rampant inflation, when the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics began to cook the books on its calculation in order to curb the increase in Social Security and federal pension payments. The change affected more than entitlements. Because increases in corporate salaries and retirement benefits have traditionally been tied to the CPI, the change affected everything.
While official CPI was hovering between 0.8% and 1.0%, REAL INFLATION was *% to 10%.
Important Technicals:
- Gold & Silver are in a SECULAR BULL trend and they keep bottoming out of the correction which started in September 2011. It is just a matter of time and "PATIENCE" before we hit new highs. Price spikes with 20% clearly shows the state of the Gold market: each time Gold wakes up, the price rises....more in the Subscriber's section
- Crude Oil is nearing another 3 year high (see Crude Oil section) and is boosting ENERGY SHARES. Oil Service stocks are even stronger...more in the Subscriber's section
- We knew well beforehand that FACEBOOK was about to correct. As a matter of fact it took the Technical Pattern (Bearish Divergence) about 6 months to mature and another 6 months before the stock broke down. Amazing however is that Talking Heads define this minor 10% correction as a CRASH!?
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Wednesday March 21, 2018 - IT'S ALL ABOUT ENERGY & OIL...
Updated Sections: Crude Oil ,
It's all about ENERGY and Crude Oil and what happens in the U.S.A. & the UK with Russia (Putin) happens in Venezuela with the U.S.A. ! and you know what: IT WORKS! [use subtitles in your language]
Barely somebody remembers the Oil Crisis of the 1970' you remember what it was all about and what happened? - are these the reasons why Europe is being colonized by Muslims? Ever heard about the Protocol of Barcelona...and the Strasbourg Resolutions. Do you know which dirty role the Belgian Tijl Declerck played?! Tijl Declercq was the man who sold out Europe to the Arabs. The consequences of his actions are even worse than those of Camille Gutt. Tijl Declercq was a CVP member of parliament from 1971 to 1987 and was a union leader and head of the national education department of the ACV. Declerq was also twice (1978-1981 and 1987-1988) President of the Eurabian Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation (PAEAC). On June 7-8, 1975 after the first oil crisis of 1973 the PAEAC concluded a covenant on the restoration and tightening of friendship ties between Western Europe and the Arab world. Tijl Declerq was the spiritual father of this resolution.
more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- more in the Subscriber's section
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Tuesday March 20, 2018 - Dow Industrials Coils Up as Breakout Nears
Updated Sections:
The Dow Industrials is in the midst of a narrowing consolidation and chartists should watch the March range for the next directional clue. The 2018 range extends from the January high (26,617) to the February low (23,360), which is 3257 points or around 13% of the current close. The range narrowed as the Dow formed lower highs and a higher low. As such, a large symmetrical triangle formed over the last few months...more in the subscriber's section
Technical Patterns are a great help to investors but one has to take the time to look at his charts and be patient....
Important Fundamentals: HALF of the population living in Amsterdam and Rotterdam are IMMIGRANTS (mostly Muslim)
Important Technicals:
- The two converging trendlines in the chart below show the Dow Industrials forming a potential "symmetrical triangle" (which has one trendline falling and the other rising). The falling trendline on top is drawn over its January/February peaks. The rising trendline is drawn under its February/March lows. This is also a continuation pattern which favors an eventual upside breakout. The key to the resolution of the pattern is which of the two trendlines is broken first. A break of the lower line would be negative, while a break of the upper line would be positive. Technical odds favor the upside which would also put the Dow decisively above it March high and 50-day average. A Dow Industrial upside breakout would be more bullish if it's accompanied by a similar upside breakout by the Dow Transports. Bear in mind that any action of the Dow Jones will result in action for: the US-Dollar, Gold & Silver, Oil,....
more in the subscriber's section
- Following 2 charts also show a maturing technical pattern: xxxxxx and xxxxx xxxx xxxx. (courtesy P.L.)
more in the subscriber's section | |
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Monday March 19, 2018 - Canada at risk of a banking crisis?!
Updated Sections: Banks & Financials, Real Estate in Canada,
This January, Canada lost 88,000 jobs!
Canada at risk of a banking crisis. | Canadians have the MOST DEBT in the World! |
Canada..a deja vu of the situation we had in the USA in 2006. Unemployment rising, Canadians under financial strain, and a Trudeau spending money like a drunken sailor.
Especially COMMERCIAL banks are a risk factor in Canada: Scotia bank, TD-Toronto Dominion, CIBC,...more in the section for bank & financials
Between November 2000 and September 2011, the gold stocks as measured by the HUI skyrocketed 1664.4% higher! The SP500 lost 14% over the same period of time. Gold stocks are even more attractive today given the exceedingly-overvalued and dangerous US stock markets, which are on the verge of a long-overdue major bear.
While Amazon is trading at 250 times earnings, the world’s largest gold miner in 2017-production terms, Barrick Gold, is now trading at a TTM P/E of 9.5x. That’s dirt-cheap by any standards. And ABX’s profits-growth potential is greater than AMZN’s. Every 10% increase in prevailing gold prices boosts Barrick’s earnings by 25%. And the average gold price so far in 2018 is already up 5.7%, so gold miners’ profits are growing fast. Gold stocks are cheap as chips and darned attractive!
The gold stocks are truly a coiled spring today, ready to explode higher soon and trounce everything else. They are deeply out of favor, incredibly undervalued, and one of the only sectors that can rally sharply when general stock markets sell off. If you want to multiply your wealth this year by fighting the crowd to buy low then sell high, this small and forgotten contrarian sector is the place to be. Nothing else rivals it.
Important Fundamentals:
- more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
Trends, often begin with a Triggering Event so it is essential to identify these Triggers in advance for Key Market Sectors and to deploy one's investments and Trades Accordingly. The triggering event is the BREAKOUT and/or BREAKDOWN of the price once a TECHNICAL formation ( coil, wedge, head and shoulders, saucer bottom,.....) has matured.
- xxxxx shows a BREAKOUT on the PF-chart (see xxxx). This is normally a long term BUY signal. Candle chart below shows what the short term setup looks like.
- A similar pattern we have for xxx and other xxx shares...Will something happen towards the end of this month of March when the new xxxxx is activated by the Chinese and Russia?
more in the Subscriber's section | |
- The xxxxx also shows a maturing TRIANGLE/WEDGE...Important is to be aware that technically speaking this may be a BEARISH WEDGE. Whether or not the technical pattern is a Bearisch Wedge or Bullish will be confirmed by market action over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!...more in the Subscriber's section
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Friday March 16, 2018 - The price of Gold should be at least 1070 times higher to cover for the Derivatives debt alone!
Updated Sections:
A REVALUATION of the price of GOLD is the ONLY and BEST option for the Authorities, Central Banks and Banks to get out of their DEBT problems. Only by pushing up the price of Gold will they will ever be able to prop up the worthless balance of their worthless balances and junk bonds they have been buying over the past decennia.
Central Banks and Banks are already buyers of GOLD but I expect that over the coming months they will buy even more because Gold is the only way to get out of the debt problem without causing pain to the financial and economic system.
A raise of the price of Gold with $10,000 would not have any negative effect at all. Even a raise of the price of Gold with $50,000 would not have any negative effect. Hence the ONLY and MAJOR problem for the Central banks would be to buy , seize or get physically hold of any available Gold .
Gold is scarce and I do expect that just like happened during the last Great Depression, Governments will find some LEGAL WAY to force citizens to turn in their Gold. Having said this, all OFFICIAL GOLD HOLDERS: Royal Mints, Gold Traders, LBME, COMEX,....will be the 1st to seize your gold holdings as ordered by the Authorities. Only those who kept their metals OUT OF POLITICAL REACH will be safe.
A new GOLD STANDARD will both solve the DEBT problem and ensure the banking system can continue to operate without any major financial accident. A new Gold Standard is the only practical solution and therefore you must NOT expect that the authorities will inform you about the steps which they are gonna take to achieve this goal. As happened during the 1960-70's it will probably happen OVERNIGHT.
Important Fundamentals:
- more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- more in the subscriber's section
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Thursday March 15, 2018 - Central Banks will fight to the bitter end not to loose the benefits of FIAT MONEY.
Updated Sections: US-Dollar , Oil shares (one new stock), Natural Gas & shares, Stock Indexes in Gold,
Central Banks will fight to the bitter end not to loose the benefits of FIAT MONEY. The Federal Reserve will fight to the bitter end not to loose the benefits of creating A RESERVE CURRENCY (the US-Dollar) out of thin air. But a Financial System, Banks and Central Banks CAN BY DEFINITION NOT survive because the system is based on DEBT. Once the DEBT goes bad, the Banks and Central Banks also will.
Stock Market Indexes have - on average - lost 80% in value since the year 2000. At this point and since 2008/09 our charts show a consolidation - distribution pattern. Those were the years where QE (Quantitative Easing) was launched in an effort to save the banks and the financial system. The only Stock Market Indexes which did not brake down are the South African and the Indian Index. Both countries have harsh capital controls and the import and export of GOLD is regulated and controled by the Central bank. Note that the South African Rand lost 80% over the past years....
Russia is ‘culpable’ over ex-double agent poisoning, claims Theresa May. Maybe she is WRONG and Russia was framed by the CIA?! What if it was the CIA who set this up in order to discredit Russia? The CIA is still very active all over the world, in Syria,....and has the Media on it's side. Russia and Putin don't need this BS....Russia and Putin are doing extremely well. The Russian Economy is doing well and so is the Ruble. End of this month the new OIL BENCHMARK will be activated hereby killing the Petrodollar and the U.S. Dollar. Germany may wel unilaterally decide to end the sanctions against Russia. Maybe the USA and the CIA don't like this?
This Poison like murder in Britain makes me think of the alleged use of chemical weapons and chlorine gas by a country (Syria and Assad ) who hasn't got any.... This also has a CIA signature.
Important Fundamentals:
- Reality can "Only" be seen when expressed in Gold or Real Money. Note the PEAK on the charts below in the year 2000. That year ....more in the Subscriber's Section
see Subscriber's section for the charts... | |
Important Technicals:
- Mind the BEARISH FLAG on the xxxxx.
- xxxxx ready for a new breakout...and higher? The SECULAR trend is up and this is also true for the xxxx & xxxxxxxxx.
- TODAY the single best way to keep your SAVINGS/PURCHASING POWER is in xxxxxx (and xxxxx). ..more in the Subscriber's Section
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Wednesday March 14, 2018 - the EU levies Tariffs (EU-import duties) on 13,000 items!
Updated Sections: Oil shares, ,
The EU levies Import duties on 13,000 items...or this proofs that these unelected Petty Government officials are worse than Ali Baba and his bandits!...and yet, the same crooks dare to raise their voice because Trump is raising 25% taxes on Steel Imports and 10% taxes on Aluminium imports. This LEGAL THEFT - and more - will go on until the EU-Monster is dead....To add insult to injury, the EU-CARROUSEL costs the European tax payers BILLIONS and the cost goes up every year....
more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- more in the Subscriber's section
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Tuesday March 13, 2018 - In Volatile Markets Wealth Preservation is King: one misstep and your loss can be dramatic!
Updated Sections: Real Estate (new graph) ,
The coming war on China. The biggest military necklace of American bases lies within 400 miles around China. It is a landmap for potential mistakes and nuclear threat. Also precarious is the amassment of NATO troops to the West of Russia. Having said this, maybe this is needed to ensure China doesn’t offload the billions of US-treasuries it is holding and doesn't break the back of the US-Dollar...Also, there ain't a big deal of difference between Trump and the previous American presidents. Only on the surface things may look different. In reality they are NOT!
It seems that slowly and surely, the major gold producing nations of Russia, China and other BRICS nations are becoming tired of the dominance of an international gold price which is determined in a synthetic trading environment which has very little to do with the physical gold market.
The Shanghai Gold Exchange’s Shanghai Gold Price Benchmark which was launched in April 2016 is already a move towards physical gold price discovery, and while it does not yet influence prices in the international market, it has the infrastructure in place to do so. End of this month the OIL BENCHMARK will be reality as CRUDE OIL will be traded in the East...and be convertible in Gold.
When the First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia points to London and Switzerland as having less relevance, while spearheading a new BRICS cross-border gold trading system involving China and Russia and other “major economies with large reserves of gold and an impressive volume of production and consumption of the precious metal”, it becomes clear that moves are afoot by Russia, China and others to bring gold price discovery back to the realm of the physical gold markets. The icing on the cake in all this may be gold price benchmarks based on international physical gold trading.
Last but not least we MUST ask your attention for the last coup of the EUSSR (Junkers & Co) in Brussels:
Unelected bureaucrats make the EU-laws | The EU or a traveling Circus with a HUGE Co-print |
Important Fundamentals:
- GOLD trading in London and ...more in the Subscriber's section
While the London and New York gold markets together trade virtually 24 hours, they interplay with the current status quo gold reference rate in the form of the LBMA Gold Price benchmark. This benchmark is derived twice daily during auctions held in London at 10:30 am and 3:00 pm between a handful of London-based bullion banks. These auctions are also for unallocated gold positions which are only fractionally-backed by real physical gold. Therefore, the de facto world-wide gold price benchmark generated by the LBMA Gold Price auctions has very little to do with physical gold trading.
Important Technicals:
- Patience is Bitter but the fruit is SWEET: more in the subscriber's section
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Monday March 12, 2018 - Silver storms back and Gold follows.
Updated Sections: ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€, £-Gold & £/$/€, R-Gold & R/$/€, Kr-Gold & Kr/$/€, Yuan-Gold & Yuan/$/€, Rupee-Gold, World Stock Market Indexes (new formation), Zimbabwe,
Zimbabwe, when they had their hyperinflation, they also had a bubble in the stock market. As the hyperinflation started to gain traction, there was a six week period in which the currency tumbled 10-fold. That’s a huge drop. During that time the stock market rose 500-fold. So net of inflation, the stock market rose 50-fold measured in US dollars.
Six weeks later, the Zimbabwe currency had eroded another 100-fold and the Zimbabwe stock market went to zero. It fell 99.9% and then it stopped trading. In other words, ONLY those invested in PHYSICAL Gold and Silver were safe...the others lost it ALL!
During the worst of the crisis, many locals were panning gold just they could buy food and eat....
This is a BRAIN DRAIN: At least 100,000 HIGHLY EDUCATED Italians are emigrating yearly. Mainly to the United States and Britain. As a matter of fact Italian university professors PUSH their students to leave the country. One doesn't need to be an Einstein to know that in Italy it will in the future GET A LOT WORSE before it gets better. Educated Spanish people also emigrate mainly to Spanish speaking countries. Educated Venezuelans have been leaving for years...
In Europe we have a situation where Highly Educated people and Entrepreneurs are leaving the continent but LOW CLASSES are immigrating and are on welfare.
Socialism is the subtle expression of Communism. I really think most people have not understood this yet. They don't have a clue that the Bolshevik revolution happened without a bang....they call it liberalism and today also "democracy". |
Important Fundamentals:
- Silver today is trading at exactly 1/3 the price that it did 7 years ago, which is remarkable in itself, especially given that most other assets are trading dramatically higher...more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Technically spealing, as of today (March 2018) the US-Stock market Indexes have a last UPLEG to go...more in the Subscriber's section
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Friday March 9, 2018 - Exchange Controls Are Coming And The Time To Act Is Short
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€, Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€, Can-Gold & Can$/$/€ ,
Exchange Controls Are Coming And The Time To Act Is Short. Gold and Silver will be major beneficiaries of the dollar’s decline. US dollar based investors still have a window to get out of dollars and out of the US. But soon there will be exchange restrictions that will prevent this. Same will happen to EU-citizens. As a matter of fact, today it has become virtually impossible to sell Gold nameless. Any sale is recorded and payment is made only to a bank account. Investors who – over the past years - bought Gold nameless in the hope to ...the tax Authorities may have a problem the day they need to SELL part of all of their physical gold. (many still fail to realize Governments are prone in changing the rules of the game when it suits them)
It is very important not to own illusory or paper gold. It must be physical gold and silver which is stored outside the fragile banking system. ETFs are not recommended. Most ETFs don’t hold the metals free and clear, regardless of what they say. Also, they store the gold and silver, if they have it, in banks (ex. Canadian Mint) which is not where investors want to hold it. In addition, the ownership is subject to counter party risk since it is signified by a piece of paper held within the financial system. Physical precious metals, held correctly, are the best insurance investors can own against a totally rotten financial system.”
We know of excellent and SAFE non-Bank-Vaults out of political reach and where contrary to what is usual the case when you rent a box with a bank, you can INSURE the content of the box and you also don't run the risk to have the access to your box blocked because of some bank and/or Legal incident (death of a family member, divorce, …)
Important Fundamentals:
- Shadow Inflation figures remain a lot higher than the official figures and Inflation will continue to go up because of the weak Dollar. Be advised that in a Inflationary Depression the price of LOW ORDER CONSUMER GOODS goes up but the price of HIGH ORDER CAPITAL GOODS (Real Estate) come down. Note the cheating began under BUSH Sr. and got out of hand under Bill Clinton...more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- $-Gold: more in the Subscriber's section
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Thursday March 8, 2018 - Canada or a nation crashing with no survivors
Updated Sections: €-Gold & €/$ ,
Canada or a nation crashing with no survivors or how Trudeau is finishing the job his father started decennia ago.
Important Fundamentals:
- Trump's main objective is to reduce the deficit on the balance of trade. ...more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- the preliminary price target of $-Gold is ....more in the Subscriber's section
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Wednesday March 7, 2018 - The Government Will Never Let It Happen!?
Updated Sections: $-Gold, Silver, US-Dollar, Agriculturals,
If you think and are convinced that " The Government Will Never Let It Happen" , you are extremely naive and inexperienced. We know that things happen because Government MAKES IT HAPPEN because of ill management.
A Good Reasoning it is:
Important Fundamentals:
- more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- more in the subscriber's section
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Tuesday March 6, 2018 - Italians are sick, tired and disgusted about Red Political Skeletons calling themselves Democrats...and prefer to vote for a Clown and drop out student!
Updated Sections: Silver Targets, Investment Pyramid (vault pic), URANIUM SHARES (new chart & info) ,
Italian polls prove again EU project ‘is not working,’ .The election in Italy just adds more weight that the EU project is not working. But we all know what the EU's response will be, don't we? 'More Europe'. The Euroskeptics have emerged as the top single party in Italy's election, and are expected to win 33.1 percent of the vote in the Senate, according to the SWG pollster for La 7 television channel. The prediction by another pollster, Tecne, suggests the anti-establishment party will win over 34 percent of the vote in the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies. The Five-Star Movement has come out as the top individual party in Italy's election, while the anti-immigration Lega also outperformed expectations, early projections suggest. Pro-EU centrists suffered dramatic losses on Sunday.
With no parties large enough to form a majority, runners will likely seek to form a coalition. The Five-Star Movement, which caps a meteoric rise since its founding in 2009 by the comedian Beppe Grillo, has vowed that it will not join others in a coalition government, but could agree to a more flexible arrangement.
Oil-Yuan Futures To Start Later In The Month - Implications For Gold - more in the subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Remember yesterday's post about Gold:
- Following stocks are a buy at present levels: xxxxx and xxxx - more in the subscriber's section
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Monday March 5, 2018 - Retail Apocalypse: 23 big retailers closing stores - this is the big Depression of the 21st century!
Updated Sections: ,
More Depression and NO Recovery sits around the corner!
Major supermarket chains reportedly plans to massively close stores. The DEPRESSION or the falling REAL PURCHASING POWER of the consumer is the main reason. e-commerce is only part of the problem. In Europe Green-Red locals are adding injury to insult by kicking out automobiles out of all cities. By pretending to improve the air quality they are slaughtering the local Middle-Class.
More than 300 companies have filed for bankruptcy in 2017 so far, here’s a look at the most significant casualties:
- Abercrombie & Fitch: The chain has closed hundreds of store locations over the last few years
- Aerosoles: The New Jersey-based women’s footwear company filed for bankruptcy last year
- American Apparel: American Apparel shuttered all of its 110 U.S. locations last year after filing for bankruptcy.
- BCBG: The chain closed 118 store locations nationwide last year, though more than 300 remained in operation under a company-wide reorganization.
- Bebe: The women’s apparel chain closed all of its remaining 168 stores by last May
- Bon-Ton Stores Inc.: The chain, which operates 256 stores in 23 states, also announced it plans to close 42 stores in 2018 as part of a restructuring plan.
- The Children’s Place: will close hundreds of store locations by 2020.
- CVS: The pharmacy retailer said it would close 70 store locations in 2017 as part of a bid to cut costs and streamline its business.
- Foot Locker: The sports retailer will shutter about 110 stores. Foot Locker closed more than 140 stores globally last year.
- Guess: Guess closed 60 of its struggling U.S. store locations in 2017 as part of a plan to refocus on international markets.
- Gymboree: The kids clothing retailer confirmed last July that it would close 350 of its more than 1,200 store locations.
- Hhgregg: The electronics retailer said it would close all of its 220 stores and lay off thousands of employees when it failed to find a buyer after bankruptcy proceedings.
- J.C. Penney: The department store chain closed 138 stores last year while restructuring its business to meet shifting consumer tastes.
- The Limited: The clothing chain closed all 250 of its physical stores last January as part of a bid to focus on ecommerce. The closures reportedly resulted in the loss of about 4,000 jobs.
- Macy’s: The major retailer will shutter an additional seven stores that were previously undisclosed and lay off some 5,000 workers. Macy's aleady closed 81 stores last year.
- Michael Kors: With same-store sales plunging, the upscale fashion retailer said it would close as many as 125 stores to adapt to a difficult, promotional sales environment.
- Payless: The discount shoe retailer filed for bankruptcy last April and has moved to close about 800 stores this year.
- RadioShack: The once-prominent electronics outlet shut down more than 1,000 store locations earlier this year. The brand now operates just 70 stores nationwide, down from a peak of several thousand.
- Rue21: The specialty teen clothing retailer confirmed last April that it would close up to 400 of its more than 1,100 locations and later filed for bankruptcy last May.
- Sears/Kmart: The brand shuttered 35 Kmart locations and eight Sears stores last July and has closed more than 300 locations last year amid pressure from ecommerce outlets.
- Toys R Us: The venerable toy outlet filed for bankruptcy last September amid mounting debt and pressure from wary suppliers.
- Wet Seal: The teen fashion brand shuttered its 171 stores in 2016 after previously filing for bankruptcy in 2015.
Trump to impose 25% tax on Steel imports and 10% tax on Aluminium imports. Tariffs and Quota's are only the beginning of a new Trade War and struggle for survival. History teaches that when these measures stop working, politicians start WARS. Short term the TARIFFS may bring some relief. Middle term it will make the depression even worse and push the U.S.A. into more (HYPER)-INFLATION. The measures are supposed to bring Steel and Aluminum production back to the USA. Countries like Canada, China & Brasil will be most affected. The US imports 19% of it's steel from Canada.
A cheaper U.S. Dollar, Import duties & other import restrictions together with fiscal advantages aim at bringing back PRODUCTION to the U.S.A. More domestic production means less "Made in China" and less "Unemployment". At least that is the reasoning process behind the measures taken by Trump.
Europe and the EU also have happely been using the Tariff's and Quota tool. If the E.U. wants to further increase their already massive tariffs and barriers on U.S. companies doing business there, the US will simply apply a Tax on the European Cars which freely pour into the U.S....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- see Subscriber's section
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Friday March 2, 2018 - The day the Central Banks (FED – ECB) reverse their interest rate-money supply policy will mark the beginning of QE4.
Updated Sections:
Venezuela had 367 tonnes of gold in 2015 and now, allegedly, still holds 187 tonnes (and no toilet paper). Sadly, this is not enough to save the country. And the stupid people have not held any gold either. Most people in Venezuela have not had enough money to buy gold for in later years. But if they had just put a fraction of their income into gold, that could have saved them. Today 13 million Venezuelans are on minimum wage which is $7 per month. With hyperinflation, that dollar amount collapses fast. Just imagine if over 20 years ago some Venezuelans could have saved enough over to buy just one ounce of gold at $300. That ounce of gold would today be enough for 5 years minimum salary. But very few, if any did it. This is why I am telling people today who don’t have a lot of money to put aside just a small amount every month and buy gold. One gram of gold is $43. Most people in the West can afford to put that aside. And if you do that for 32 months, you have one ounce of gold. Remember that in Venezuela today one ounce of gold goes a long way.
Today, the official price for one ounce of gold is VEF 38 million. But that is not the real price because the black market price of the Bolivar is 8x greater than the official price. Thus the real price for one ounce of gold is 300 million Bolivars. This means that gold has gone up an astounding 150 million percent since 2000. VEF300 million for an ounce of gold might sound a lot but remember that during the Weimar Republic the price went to 100 trillion mark.
The dire economic conditions have led to lawlessness in parts of Venezuela's capital Caracas, with truck drivers subjected to 'Mad Max' violence as looters target heavy goods vehicles carrying food. According to Reuters, there were 162 lootings across Venezuela in January, including 42 robberies of trucks. Venezuela has one of the world's highest murder rates and the attacks are pushing up food and transport costs. The truckers are not allowed to carry guns so have resorted to forming convoys to protect themselves. They text each other warnings about potential trouble spots and keep moving as fast as possible. Massive numbers of Venezuelans have been driven from their homes by a dire financial crisis that has seen many struggling to feed themselves.
Civil war looms in Italy, France, Sweden, more and more people no longer take it that immigrants make life a hell. This will add to the economic failure of the Western World and accelerate the negative process. For the idiots who still don't get it: “we have a DEPRESSION” and recovery doesn't sit around the corner. Over the coming months and years the Depression will get worse. As REAL PURCHASING POWER continues to fall more retailers will close their shops (stop blaming e-shops). The cost of low order consumer goods will continue to rise as the value of High order capital goods (Real Estate) will continue or start to come down. As more and more people slide into poverty, crime rate in Western Europe and the USA will get worse.
The Eurozone has not created any net additional employment since 2008 despite its population growing by over six million people. Greece is experiencing a slower economic recovery than the US did during the Great Depression. Most Eurozone countries have seen little or no inflation adjusted REAL growth since the implementation of the Euro. Even worse is that as several European countries have the highest ratios of bad debts in the world, it becomes clear that the Eurozone economic experiment has been a total failure, at least for NON-German countries....more in the subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- more in the subscriber's section
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Thursday March 1st, 2018 - The U.S. Dollar will die together with the Petrodollar!
Updated Sections: ,
China will begin trading oil futures March 26 and will hereby terminate the PETRODOLLAR! China Is Ready For Its Own, Yuan-Based Oil Benchmark. SHANGHAI/TOKYO China is almost ready for its next step toward full-fledged superpower status: launching crude oil futures trading. Final preparations are underway at the Shanghai International Energy Exchange, or INE, in the city’s pilot free trade zone. After five system tests in 2017, the trading platform is nearly set to go, and Trading in yuan could start by March, once the authorities give the go-ahead.
While China mostly prohibits foreign investors from trading commodity futures on its soil — to prevent a flood of speculative funds — it is opening its doors wide for crude. Trading will be guaranteed by Gold. The launch will mark the culmination of a years-long push by China to create Asia’s first oil futures benchmark, and is aimed at giving the world’s biggest oil importer more clout in pricing crude sold to Asia. It will potentially give the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE), which will operate the new contract, a share of the trillions of dollars each year in oil futures trading.
December 18, 1971 the official gold price was raised from $35 to $38 an ounce. But the gold convertibility was not restored . Nixon tried to recreate an international order with fixed exchange rates but the effort smashed as the Sterling and the Pound continued to loose confidence and stayed under pressure. This lack of confidence pushed Gold up to $90 an ounce. |
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Important Technicals: ...more in the Subscriber's Section
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