
NEWS JAN'17 (public)


Tuesday January 31, 2017 - Dollar Faces Death Knell

Updated Sections: SILVER , 

panama hatPanama Tourist Visa changes. Over the last few weeks Panama has changed its immigration policies. First, it abolished a norm that allows foreigners from the European Union to enter the country without the need of a tourist visa. Now they will have to have one to be able to visit the Isthmus, according to the new decree.

This sudden change of policy, came after the neighboring country of Costa Rica adopted a similar position. However, the new rule does not affect the great majority of European citizens who can still enter both Central American countries for short stays without a need of a visa. United States citizens can also enter without visas.

The decree signed by the Panamanian president, Juan Carlos Varela on December 28, abolished tourist visas for those “who have visas to enter or are United States, Australia, Canada and Great Britain residents and have been used to enter those countries.”..click here for more

John Williams-Dollar Faces Death Knell:


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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

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Monday January 30, 2017 - After last week's option expiry we have a New Moon and a New Chinese year which will be positive for Gold.

einde cashUpdated Sections: Investment Pyramid , 

Trump revolutionary act is a breeze of freedom on a sea of regulation. It recognizes something modern governments NEVER admit: that they can be and have been WRONG. It is exactly as Trump promised.

The elimination of CASH from our economy threatens our personal and financial freedom. If you don't prepare for a CASHLESS financial system now, you will pay a heavy price for it the day it happens... As cash money has almost been banned and more and more countries automatically exchange financial information, gold owners are NOT safe.

The elimination of cash from our economy threatens our personal and financial freedoms. These threats include:

  1. Loss of Privacy - there will be a digital trail of all your purchases and transfers.
  2. End of Dissent - the government can use any data it gathers against you.
  3. Endangers Freedom - a single keystroke can freeze access to your account or transfer your money to the government.
  4. Negative Interest Rates - the government could effectively tax every dollar you own by charging you to keep your digital currency in the bank.

click here for more...

p.s. as usual Government will blame money laundering, drugs and terrorism when they implement the legislation...SICKENING..

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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

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Friday January 27, 2017 - We may have to wait until we have a top for the Dow Jones before Gold & Silver start their bull run.

Updated Sections: $-Gold , €-Gold & €/$ ,

It certainly is POSSIBLE but not sure the Euro and EU-zone will disentegrate in 2017/18. Whether or not such will happen will become clearly visible on our Point and Figures charts for the Dollar Index and the Euro. [see subscriber's sections]. Sooner or later the RED fascism monster of the EU-zone will be starved by expensive energy.

Governments, politicians and rulers have become a self feeding Seven-Headed-Monster which must and will be terminated either by a peaceful revolution or by a Civil War. During the Middle-Ages we had Kings from father to son. Today we have Presidents and Ruling Politicians from Father to son and daughter...It is a small group living for themselves and their buddies. The situation has become so bad that the actual system can no longer be called a DEMOCRACY, for it is NOT!


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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic. 

Thursday January 26, 2017 - Dow clears 20,000 and hereby initiates final run for 20,800 before correction.

fascismUpdated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, 

A county like the US that gives its GNP away to other countries is locked into a transformation from First World to Third World. This is what Trump has said he will reverse.

The so-called trade partnerships "TPP, TIPP, NAFTA" are weapons of economic imperialism.

The most strategic part of the “TPP, TIPP, NAFTA,..agreements” is that they make global corporations immune from the laws of the countries in which they do business if those laws adversely impact the profits of the global corporations. Who decides in case of a conflict? Not the courts of the countries or a world court. The decision is made by a corporate tribunal staffed only by corporations. In other words, the sovereign laws of sovereign countries, such as France’s laws against GMOs, are subject to damage suits decided by corporate tribunals, which means the end of the legal sovereignty of countries.

Whether Trump and his advisors are aware of this or not, Trump has on his third day dealt a lethal blow to a power lusted after by US global corporations. How will this formidable force respond to this blow inflicted upon them by Trump? That remains to be seen if the blows that Trump has promised against the interests of the elites continue. The least we can say is that he is playing a VERY DANGEROUS GAME.

Fashism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power

The REAL fascists are the Bush's, Clinton's, the Obama's, NAFTA, TIPP, TPP, EU, ...

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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic. 

Wednesday January 25, 2017 - Trump means business and terminates the political correct SHIT!

new broomsUpdated Sections: Corporate Bonds (top formation) , 

Trump tells business leaders he wants to cut regulations by 75% or 'maybe more'. Corporate rules have got out of hand as it is not normal that a BRA needs 12 labels to be allowed on the market. He has terminated TPP and pulls back out of NAFTA and TIPP. He's about to roll back Obama's environmental protections and pull back out of the Paris climate accords. Last but not least, Congress has introduced a bill to leave the United Nations.

It cannot be that legislation (Government) requires a BRA to have 12 labels and kills corporations by regulations...

Trump also will massively cut taxes for large corporation, middle and small class.This will balloon DEBT and put more upward pressure on interest rates and inflation. Our Investment Pyramid shows you how to be invested to profit from this change of wind.

Trump settles 7 year Pipeline dispute which is good for 28,000 jobs (Obama froze the project!) U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday said for the first time that he supports the completion of a pipeline project near a North Dakota Indian reservation, which has been the subject of months of protests by tribes and environmentalists. He has also allowed the construction of the Keystone pipeline. You don't have to be an Einstein to know it is safer to transport Oil and Gas underground!

Note: whatever dumb green people pretend, a pipeline is a LOT SAFER than transporting Crude Oil or Natural Gas by Rail or by Truck...The termination of the project will have a positive impact on several shares listed in the subscriber's Energy sections and ensure rail-accidents like we had in the past NEVER happen again.

Important Fundamentalsmore in the subscriber's section

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.   

Tuesday January 24, 2017 - In 5 years from now Mainstream media will no longer exist!

Updated Sections: Bonds & Treasuries in Europe

I told you we would have NO Brexit after the Brits voted for a Brexit in a Referendum. As a matter of fact, they have appointed the best anti-Brexit politician ever (Theresa May) to ensure what the Brits voted for in a referendum NEVER becomes reality. Theresa May is the politician by excellence: she will strongly pretend something will happen...but in reality such never happens!

Bill Murphy is our KEYNOTE speaker at out April 22, 2017 Symposium in Belgium. He is one of the few who's is able to tell us how long the suppression will last for and what will happen after...Register NOW for the Symposium. The number of attendants is strictly limited. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to more than double your savings...At some time the Gold and Silver price is gonna BLOW...like happened in the 1960-70's

Important Technicals:

  • The conclusion of our charts is that Interest Rates will go up: we have a trend reversal for Euro-interest rates, Bank share shave broken out and we have a trend reversal-topping out for other interest sensitive instruments.

 DM10 candle2

       Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Monday January 23, 2017 -  Inflate or die...

interest ratesUpdated Sections: Inflation Index ,  Bonds/Treasuries in the USA , 

Richard Russell said for years …”Inflate or Die”! Looking at the graphs below, you will notice the parabolic move began in 1971. This was possible because "debt" had previously been constrained by the amount of purported U.S. gold holdings. De linking from gold allowed literally parabolic growth in new debt issuance. The increase in reserves really started to accelerate around the year 2000 and went vertical beginning around 2008. These were both years when the economy (and markets) began to seriously falter.

Looking at the chart from a real world vantage point, the last two plus years has been more than a minor hiccup ...the parabolic "trend" has clearly changed and reversed. Trump has communicated desires to eliminate the trade deficit which will expedite the decline of paper reserves. I would remind you what Trump said yesterday, "the dollar is too high"! This is further evidence of a move away from globalism toward nationalism. A "lower" dollar will help our exports while curbing imports.

With Trump at the helm, it looks like the U.S. will no longer play the game. Simply put, "game over" will be rapidly seen and understood as inevitable where no amount of hope will trump "policy" nor Mother Nature! The credit contraction is here and now, if you know this and understand what it means, then you know where it will all end.

 "inflation" (growth of debt) must either continually go up AND at an increasing rate ...or it rolls over and dies.

With regard to the charts below, "inflation" (growth of debt) must either continually go up AND at an increasing rate ...or it rolls over and dies. This is exactly why  "credit"  is so important. Credit conditions all over the world have been tightening. The greatest fear of the Federal Reserve has always been a credit contraction that could not be reversed ...their greatest fear has arrived and in spades! Please understand that "credit" affects EVERYTHING. Production, consumption and the "ability" to consume, and importantly "distribution". Without credit, the economic, nor financial world will turn ...which of course will affect the "social world" as stomachs begin to growl in hunger.

grafica M Jan 2017

Unlike in the past , there is now little to not much collateral left (even including sovereign balance sheets) anywhere in the world. The amount of existing debt is so large, that new additional debt has little to no effect on the entire pool. In other words, we have reached and past the point of "debt saturation" where the ability to add meaningful debt does not exist. The availability to obtain new credit is winding down. Assets are now in the process of being sold to pay existing debt down, very similar to Ponzi clients asking for their money back.Trump's proposed policies of weakening the dollar and balancing the trade deficit will only speed the process ...into complete and utter chaos. The "utter chaos" part is easily forecast because of debt levels compared to current production, and financial derivatives are often 10 times or many more the underlying assets themselves. "Orderly" will not be used to describe the coming liquidation process! 

Important Technicals: This is what our charts tell us today...see subscriber's sections for more

  • Stock Markets (Dow & SP500) are due for a correction soon.
  • The Dollar will come down, the Can$, Aussie, Euro and Sterling will strengthen.
  • Pharma & Medical shares will resume their bear trend because Trump will revert Obamacare as much as possible.
  • Energy will resume the uptrend: especially Uranium & shares, Natural Gas...but also Oil
  • Inflation will continue to rise
  • Commodities and Agricultural products will get more expensive...check our charts for Commodities expressed in Gold and see for yourself most commodities are as cheap as in 1982. This cannot last...
  • Interest rates (Treasuries and Bonds) will correct as they are bouncing up support levels. [correction means LOWER interest rates in the short run only]

       Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Friday January 20, 2017 - When credit dries up, distribution dries up and when distribution dries up, there will be no more food in the stores.

preppersUpdated Sections: Recession Proof Shares (many are a SELL!) , 

American and European people have two speeds: graze and stampede. As a wave of extremely cold temperatures and isolated winter storms hits the South and Southeastern parts of the United States, Americans are once again proving their tendency to panic buy food and basic provisions in the event of even the most predictable and short-term emergencies.

Society is completely unprepared for ANYTHING AT ALL out of the ordinary… and if it lasts more than 12 hours, it will cause complete chaos shortly afterwards.

If panic buying can empty the shelves of a major box retailer like Wal-Mart in just a few hours, is so common place even in the event of a minor, predictable weather event, then what will happen when a serious crisis like a severe economic crash or an escalation of global conflict breaks out?


Empty Shelves??....Blame the Russians !

The HERD is stupid and today one only has to mislead 50% +1 of the Voters to get into control of 100% of the HERD...and believe me, POLITICIANS are aware of it and fully play the game.

What most people don't realize that ALL STOCK sits in the shelves and once the shelves are empty, there is NO MORE until more is trucked in. Today, the STOCK is traveling on the roads or is shelved in warehouses specially equipped to deliver from factory to shop. The smallest problem brings it all to a halt: blizzard, hurricane, strike, shortage of energy (gas, diesel),...

Important Fundamentalsmore in the subscriber's section

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic. 

Thursday January 19, 2017 -  Markets often make a fake movement in the opposite direction...

 Updated Sections:  Long Term Commodity charts, Negative Interest Rates

Peter Schiff sees the same evolution for the markets like we do: a lower US-Dollar, a higher Loonie, a higher Aussie,...Peter also explains what happens to those Real Estate investors who are too optimistic and think REAL ESTATE is the best investment EVER. Real Estate is a ONE SIDED BULLISH investment and the consequences for any real estate investor who invested with a leverage (Mortgage) are DRAMATIC. Those who invested in American Real Estate NOW start to experience what the second downleg of a BEAR TREND feels like...

Important Fundamentalsmore in the subscriber's section

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

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Wednesday January 18, 2017 -
My guess is that Belgium will be the last country to leave when the EU-ship sinks...

Updated Sections: Coal, Solar & Rare elements , Agriculturals ,

typical-pf-chartIt has become hard to find the truth about the economy and markets so far as we could determine it. Not an easy job given the deluge of Bogus Official Numbers and Mainstream Media Spin or outright distortion or Censorship. Fortunately, there are Alternative Sources of Accurate Information. Technical Analysis in particular has a proven track record and seldom fails. If only it was easier to TIME certain happenings, technical analysis would be a perfect a lot easier.

Technical Analysis – and Point and Figures charts in particular are an excellent instrument as they show clear patterns of what is to happen. As there is NO time indication, investors often have to be PATIENT before price breaks out or down out of a mature pattern.  This is the reason why inexperienced and young investors loose money: they lack the required patience...

Our Point and Figure charts already CLEARLY indicate what the near future will be of the Big DRUG companies, Bio Tech stocks....see subscriber's section for more.

Important Fundamentals:

  • "They're getting away with murder," said President-elect Donald Trump about Drug Companies at last week's epic news conference. Drug Companies are part of the SWAMP he will drain...
  • Trump openly stated that "Global Warming because of Human action" is a HOAX...so expect a backlash and the WIND & SOLAR sector will take a serious hit as they are also part of the SWAMP...The change in policy will revitalize the COAL sector.
  • I certainly think it is possible that the UK will try to enlighten TAXATION. Especially London. Such will be a blessing for the world.

Important Technicals:

  • BIO TECH (pharma) remain a CLEAR SALE. 
  • We remain BEARISH on the US-Dollar and BULLISH on the EURO
  • We remain BULLISH on ENERGY, GOLD and SILVER and Commodities
  • We remain BEARISH on the Dow Jones
  • We are BULLISH on the Pound Sterling

     Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Tuesday January 17, 2017 - Technical Analysis is a GREAT instrument and allows to see through the smoke curtains sold by the Media.

Updated Sections: Banks & Financials, Crude Oil price ,

Investors UNDER-ESTIMATE the power and the impact of the CIA on World Trade, World Investments and World Politics. Most people are not even aware that Embassies are SPY-HOLES by excellence. [read the Dulles Bro's - see literature list of site]

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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

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Monday January 16, 2016 - instead of poisoning, modern despots use drugs which cause a cardiac arrest.

udo ulfkotteUpdated Sections: BIO TECH , Oil Shares , 

Ulfkotte died from a heart attack on 13 January 2017 at the age of 56. Udo Ulfkotte was a German journalist and political scientist. He was an assistant editor for the German main daily newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for several years. Ulfkotte studied jurisprudence and politics at Freiburg and London. Between 1986 and 1998 Ulfkotte lived predominantly in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan. Ulfkotte publishes a magazine called "Whistle blower", which reports on topics not covered by the German media. Ulfkotte was about to take Merkel to court....

There is NO democracy and if you know too much, if you become a danger....they won't hesitate to KILL you!

Note: The Clinton's allegedly had more than 40 killed over the past years. Assange was lucky....until today that is.

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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

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Friday January 13, 2017 - so as January goes, so goes the whole year (old saying)

Updated Sections:  Juniors , 

This is the end of the Mainstream Media, the very end. Donald Trump blasts an out of CNN line reporter harassing him at his first press conference since the election (what an arrogant guy). Note that Mainstream Media are also part of the Swamp that hopefully will be drained.

Internet is rapidly taking over from the dying (and lying) Mainstream Media. In my opinion, these Media have a maximum of 5 years to go before they will be completely suffocated by the independent news coverage on Internet and disappear all together. And this includes the BBC, CNN, CNBC, ......This revolution is to be compared to the historic revolution caused at the time it became possible to PRINT BOOKS. Those who haven't forgotten the History lessons will remember that it also gave birth to PROTESTANTISM; people stopped their blind belief in religion as soon as they were able to read a Bible.

Important Fundamentalsmore in the subscriber's section

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

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Thursday January 12, 2017 -
If you lie hard enough and you bribe the Mainstream Media to agree with your lies, the Herd will believe your lies!

Obama-Snake-OilUpdated Sections:

Politicians and Obama in particular are a shame to humanity. When you hear Obama pretend he took the USA out of a recession, you know he is either an IDIOT or worse a Snake oil sales man. Those politicians and the people who support them, are also living in LALA-LAND. Obama made the Swamp bigger...hence Trump will have more to drain. I don't think he will succeed...Obama's speech made me think of speeches by Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela and Mugabe in Zimbabwe...poor US and A (yes, they can). The American people elected a man (Trump) who went through 6 bankruptcies....and may have to use his bankruptcy experience soon nationally!

Obamas recovery

The Recovery is right around the corner!? (Herbert Hoover-1932)  This is what an American President pretended right as the worst of the Great Depression started. Having said this, noteworthy is that in Europe (Belgium and the Netherlands in particular) we also have politicians who pretend they took their country out of the recession...and we have people actually believing these lies...!?

Important Fundamentalsmore in the subscriber's section

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.  

Wednesday January 11, 2017 - If it ain't working, blame Russia. After Obama and the Clinton's, Sweden also find the Russian excuse handy.

Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Majors (a bull run we have) , Uranium & Shares , Copper & Platinum , 

worst president everWhat the Mainstream Media publish make me throw up. Obama was one of the worst president's ever. Obama-care is a DRAMA. Under Obama the cost of Medicare, Drugs and Medical insurance went up instead of coming down. Total Federal Debt soared to almost bn $20 and the Recession got worse. Obama is also the president of the Arab spring and the War in Libya, unrest in Tunisia, war in Syria,...

Under Obama crime in many parts of the USA got worse: Chicago is a good example. To add insult to injury, under Obama (black president) the tensions between BLACK and WHITE got worse and not better....and employment and the quality of life of Afro-Americans degraded.

Wal-Mart To Cut "Hundreds" More Jobs Before End-January. Despite the proclamations from The White House and its lackeys that this is the best jobs recovery ever and we are at full employment, it appears all is not well at the world's third largest employer.

Other retailers have recently moved to slash jobs and close stores as they battle sluggish sales and try to save money to invest in their e-commerce efforts. Last week, Macy’s Inc. said it would close stores, cutting 10,000 jobs and streamlining operations. [Wal-Mart closed more than 150 U.S. stores last January].

Important Fundamentalsmore in the subscriber's section

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Monday January 9, 2017 - Surprise!? a stock market that goes down, a recession, and a bond market rally and precious metals going up...

Updated Sections: ¥- Gold , £-Gold , Rand-Gold , Krona-Gold , Yuan-Gold , Rupee-Gold ,

  Tariffs and Quota's and import duties don't work Donald...and this is EXACTLY the message Chinese are giving the world by devaluating the Yuan.

M2 dec 2016 10y us gov 2016 depression 2016 and interest
  US corp debt16 CNY pf1

 Not hard to understand the Puzzle: 

  • When there is less money, interest rates go up (whether or not rigged by Central banks & Governments).
  • Higher interest rates ALWAYS results in more RECESSION and Depression.
  • This time, higher interest rates will result in the BIG DEPRESSION of the 21st Century.
  • As Global Debt ( Private, Corporate, Government) has reached unbearable levels, the coming cycle will at a certain time push the World into GLOBAL BANKRUPTCY and a severe deflation which will destroy all DEBT and Debt INSTRUMENTS (Money...Currencies). Only those keeping purchase power in REAL MONEY with no 3rd party risk/counter-party = PHYSICAL GOLD in a VAULT out of Government reach will survive. This will the time where one will be able to buy a WHOLE STREET for TWO GOLD COINS .

Important Fundamentalsmore in the subscriber's section

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

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Friday January 6, 2017 - Bitcoin again approaches parity with Gold ...and looses 20% overnight!

Updated Sections: €-Gold & €/$ ,  Bio Tech , CanGold & Can$/$/€ , Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€

Watch this is you have BITCOIN or you plan to buy some.

We need to get rid of Obama care and get a FREE market back. This will be more efficient and bring down the cost of medicare and medication. What is happening in the section of BIO TECH certainly spells some drastic changes will be implemented by the Trump administration. All shares in the sections are TOPPING out or have already fallen in STOP LOSS and reversed trend.

Important Fundamentals:  see subscriber's section

Important Technicals:

  • The US-Dollar pulls back as expected.
  • Gold & Silver miners are boosted.
  • Uptrend in Banks and Financials is stalling.
  • Uranium resumes fresh UPLEG. Shares in sector remain a BUY
  • Interest rates are correcting as expected.

 Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Thursday January 5, 2017 - WE TOLD YOU SO!!! The euro surged as much as 1.6 percent against the dollar

Updated Sections: $-Gold, Silver , Silver Fundamentals , 

Silver AgSilver is extremely scarce

What makes silver particularly interesting is its scarcity. Around 170,000 tons of gold have been produced in history and virtually all of this quantity is still around in one form or another. This is not the case with silver. There are no significant silver stocks anywhere in the world. Almost 60% of the silver produced is consumed, the rest goes to silverware, jewellery and investment. Central banks hold no silver stocks. The annual global silver production is 27,000 tons which at $17 is $15 billion. As a comparison, annual gold mine production is $114 billion. More silver has been consumed globally than has been produced for a number of years. Investment demand for silver is only $2.5 billion annually. The total size of the silver market is miniscule in relation to world financial assets. That is why it has been very easy for Deutsche Bank, UBS, Barclays and a few other banks to manipulate this market. Deutsche has admitted their rigging of the silver market but since they have implicated a number of other banks, we haven’t seen the end of this story which is very likely to spread to the gold market also...click here for more.


Important Fundamentalsmore in the subscriber's section

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

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Wednesday January 4, 2017 - We live a planned market economy (communism) not a free democratic market !!!!

russian boomUpdated Sections: Physical Gold versus Paper Gold ,  Gold Objectives (new charts) , Portfolio , Biotech , Real Estate in the USA , 

Even SANCTIONS by (jealous) the Western World could not stop it. This year the Russian currency has strengthened 17 percent against the dollar, only marginally beaten by Brazilian real which gained over 17 percent.

The ruble had a tough first month of the year when oil dipped to $27 per barrel. At the time, the currency hit an all-time low of 82 against the dollar. With crude prices stabilizing, it rebounded to 60.40 in December. On Monday, it was trading at 60.80 against the dollar and 63.60 against the euro, both close to eighteen-month highs.

"We see foreigners are actively entering the ruble market and buying ruble-denominated bonds this year, given the positive trend of strengthening of the ruble and taking into account good yields of such bonds," said Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov on Friday.

Since the beginning of the year, the proportion of foreign buyers of Russian federal loan bonds (the so-called OFZ) has grown by over five percent to almost 27 percent.

The Russian stock markets have shown a good performance, too. The ruble-trade MICEX index is up 24 percent this year, hitting many record highs. The dollar-denominated RTS index has been even more successful gaining 49 percent since January.

All money is DEBT...if the Debtor fails, your money fails and you fail..and this is what will happen to anybody relying on Money and its derivatives. There are few ways out...

  • One is to keep your assets in physical gold and silver
  • Two is to go for a second passport (permanent residence) in an political en economic stable country.
  • Three is to move yourself and your loved ones to that country.

Note: Bitcoin can be a good instrument to transfer digital money from one account to another one. Bitcoins however are NO MONEY and are backed by NOTHING...

Important Fundamentals:

Nature forces are pushing Interest rates up.

  • There is no liquidity in the Bond market...there is no liquidity in the Treasury market.
  • The lack of volume in the bond markets is the beginning of the coming decline
  • The rule of law is gone....expect a BIG false flag prior to the financial collapse
  • All wars are banksters wars and the elite is always warned ahead of time

Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section

Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Tuesday January 3, 2017 - We wish you All a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Updated Sections:

This was 1994, the year NAFTA was singed: With the new year comes the free trade zone . I don't feel threatened, says the 36-year old weaver,  who worked at cone mills the world largest producer of denim fabric. It will be good for textiles and save our jobs. Ever since FACTORIES in the USA have been closed and jobs lost. And this not only happened in the Rust Belt...

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America. The agreement came into force on January 1, 1994. It superseded the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement between the U.S. and Canada.

NAFTA has two supplements: the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC).

NAFTA was created and signed in 1994 by Political IDIOTS...and pushed thousands of Americans into Poverty.

This was 2016, the year CETA was signed: another political STUPIDITY. There are three of a kind roaming Planet Earth: 1.Stupid people and 2.Clever people...and Stupid & Clever people who refuse to learn: these we can define as 3. IDIOTS.

A MAJOR problem people have, is that they don't recall or don't know what happened in HISTORY. Either they never learned, either they never experienced, either they don't have a clue similar situations happened in the past (History). They don't know nothing about the Roaring 20'ties, the Great Depression of the 30's, the World Wars, the rise and fall of the USSR, Argentina, Venezuela, the Gold Pool,...They don't realize that in 1-2 generations time you can destroy and push into poverty what used to be the richest country on Planet Earth. The fact that GOVERNMENT is selling more and more PROPAGANDA and Obama has signed the Countering Disinformation And Propaganda  Act’ will make it all more dangerous and a lot worse.

Important Fundamentals:

  • Trump inherited the Titanic or a nuclear reactor that is about to explode.  As he tries to fix this giant mess, he’s bound to upset the apple cart.  The economy is fragile.  If he touches anything, something is liable to break somewhere.  People want Obama Care removed immediately.  They want to see the swamp drained immediately.  I think these are things he believes in, and he is certainly a pragmatic manager compared to Hillary Clinton, who would have been an utter disaster for everyone in this country. . . . The problem for Trump, besides the piranhas that are circling him, both the Democrats and Republicans, is that he has inherited the Titanic, which means he can cause us to sink faster simply by touching something.  That’s why Obama Care can’t be turned off overnight.  That’s why he can’t impose massive tariffs on China overnight.  Whatever he does will cause tremendous dislocations.  Any corrective action that he takes will have unintended consequences, and he understands that.  He’s a pragmatist, and I think he is prepared to deal with this.  All the people he has chosen, all have differing opinions, but they are all excellent in one way or another.
  • Because of DEBT, REAL ESTATE is some states will come down another 75%. In those countries which were spared until now (ex. Belgium, Canada,..) Real Estate Prices can come down a lot more.

Important Technicals:

  • NO MORE SALES. This is the end of a 3rd SHAKEOUT of the Gold & Silver sector.  We probably won't see #4 . 
  • Tax loss selling in the miners should also be viewed as an opportunity to find bargains in the next two weeks.
  • China's message is clear : they won't take SHIT from Trump. As a matter of fact they already have devaluated their currency (Yuan). Note how it has fallen out of a gigantic TOP-DISTRIBUTION zone. I suspect that for every 10% of import duties, they will devalue the Yuan another 10%.

CNY pf1

  • We are consistent in forecasting a weaker dollar for a few years. It now looks like the manipulators are running out of options to keep propping up the U.S. dollar.
  • I don't like the NEW YEAR forecasts, however apart from a lower US-Dollar we shall see higher OIL & Energy prices, higher commodity prices and higher Gold & Silver. 

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