NEWS MAY'16 (public)
Tuesday May 31, 2016 - They DARE to call it Better Policies for Better lives...and the Herd seems to buy it!?
Updated Sections:
They DARE to call it Better Policies for Better reality, it's nothing more than DIRTY, STINKING LEGAL THEFT! Be advised they won't give up...even after people protest in the streets. Those amongst you who continue to live in LALA-land with the conviction it will all not get that bad, will be stripped of all their metals and slaughtered. If you have savings, you are GAME!
The automatic financial information exchange between countries is spreading like a Cancer...and will ensure all members will end up like Zimbabwe, Venezuela....(click to enlarge)
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Monday May 30, 2016 - This is the beginning of the civil unrest in Europe...
Friday May 27. 2016 - Monday is Memorial Day and most financial markets will be closed. Next update comes Tuesday.
Updated Sections:
Technically speaking the US-Dollar still shows in a Secular Downtrend versus the Euro. How Will America Trade With WORTHLESS DOLLARS & NO GOLD?
In the past we warned over and over for FRANCE...the biggest EU-accident to happen. What used to be the country of LOVE, is burning. Paris, the city of LOVE is burning.... The problem in life is that even for us it becomes BORING to repeat the same story over and over again. For this reason we advise readers to also consult PAST updates. Any country where more than 50% of the GNP (Gross national product) is generated by government is DOOMED!
Keynesian central planning cannot work, but the world's central bankers remain convinced that their theories are correct because that's what the textbooks from academia say. The end result is that they are going to destroy what is left of the productive economy and our currencies. This is why I believe gold & silver come with a central bank guarantee.
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday May 26, 2016 - Bonds, Treasuries are the biggest bubble EVER!
Updated Sections: Bonds General & USA , Treasuries in the EU , Corporate & Junk Bonds , Short Candles and PF
for $-Gold, €-Gold, CanGold, Swiss-Gold , Aussie-Gold ,
In 1960 US debt was only $280 billion but today it is $19 trillion. Anyone under the illusion that their investment in US treasuries will be reimbursed in real money lives in LALA-land. The US used to be a major manufacturing nation. In the mid-1940s manufacturing wages were almost 40% of GDP. Today it is below 10%. A major economy cannot survive on nail bars, pizza deliveries or Facebook, especially since average real wages for the majority of US workers has not increased since the early 1970s. Over the past eight years, the Fed's pumped $3.5 trillion into our financial system. And the national debt has more than doubled.
The Fed has set us up for a massive financial crisis…one that will ultimately destroy the U.S. dollar: these reckless policies have produced not just billions, but trillions in malinvestment that will inevitably be liquidated. This will lead us to an economic disaster that will in many ways dwarf the Great Depression of 1929–1946. Paper currencies will fall apart, as they have many times throughout history.
This is a Hedge Fund: The massive leverage of Germany’s banks and the derivatives position is guaranteed to bring Germany as well as Europe down. Also, Germany’s life insurance companies are in trouble like most insurers in the world. They have been told by the regulator to increase their capital at a time when profits are declining. I have said it many times, insurance companies as well pension funds are not going to survive the coming global downturn. The consequences are obvious, insurance cover of all kinds will disappear and so will most pensions. Very few people are aware of these risks and the repercussions will be horrendous.
Important Fundamentals:
- OPEC is dead and will not be missed. Cartels are power arrangements for maximizing profits at everyone else’s expense. Oil prices will remain volatile but the current surplus of supply will prevent a strong recovery. Even as the global economy eventually recovers and the record amounts of crude in storage are gradually reduced by consumption, the advance of technology has enabled more conventional oil to be produced than was imaginable less than a decade ago. Supplies may be finite but there are also vast quantities of shale oil, largely untouched. Marginal production price however continues to rise from $75 to $85 and this should be the future mean price level of Crude Oil. However, energy prices paid by consumers will vary considerably among nations, subject to their individual taxation policies.
- Rio Tinto defends Zimbabwe diamond sale amid storm. Rio Tinto defended its decision to sell a 78% stake in Murowa Diamonds and Sengwa Colliery to RZ Murowa Holdings a transaction that has been criticised by the Zimbabwean government. These decisions are important as they show changes in the African Mining game. And who wants to keep operating a company/mine in a country lead by an Idiot you cannot trust!? When during the 1990's , DE BEERS moved its operating HQ from South Africa to Botswana, it was evident that South-Africa also was to walk to same path as Zimbabwe does.
- Caribbean banks are having a real problem in this new Compliance environment. Belize is basically unbanked as they can’t get correspondent banks. Antigua’s banks are going through receivership. Anguilla’s top banks are being restructured by the government. Banks which have adapted to the new Compliance environment are at a big advantage vs. other offshore banks – they are getting more correspondent banks and expanding their operations. (ex. EuroPacific St-Vincent)
Important Technicals:
- $ 1,220 is an important support level for Gold. If this level doesn't hold, next support level will be $ 1,180 (200 day Moving Average)
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Wednesday May 25, 2016 - A 10% rise in gold can cause gold stocks to jump 30% or more...and gold could easily triple the coming years.
Updated: yields in sections of recession proof shares – majors - oil shares - nat gas shares - ,
Tax Havens: A Legitimate Defense against Greedy Politicos: Officials, Intellectuals, Workers Hypocritically Denounce Strategies They Practice Themselves. Why can't tax evasion be a legitimate form of self defense? In some countries and circumstances, it is: France, Belgium, The Netherlands,...all countries where LEGAL THEFT has reached IMMORAL levels.
Most Swiss bankers know EXACTLY how Politicians are bribed and what the mechanisms are to avoid leaks.
Despite what politicians want us to believe, tax havens exist because some countries have been turned into tax hellholes by officials bent on “social justice” and “income redistribution.” Sometimes, those same politicians top the list of “offshore” account holders trying to evade taxes
Foreign banks to start China yuan trade settlement last Friday. The first batch of foreign commercial banks has registered to directly trade yuan CNY=CFXS used for overseas trade settlement and can begin doing so on Friday, the foreign exchange market operator said. Approved foreign commercial banks include CTBC Bank, Taipei Fubon Bank, Standard Chartered (STAN.L) and Citibank Hong Kong Ltd (C). Foreign central banks have already been approved to trade directly in the country’s massive interbank forex market.
The French Revolution began as the uprising of the Estates General against taxes, demanding a cheap government. Interestingly, the twentieth century, which saw a rapid growth in the size of governments and taxes, was free of riots and tax rebellions...that is until recently! Today France has revolts all over the country and Big French Government is not bulging. Note that over 60% of the french national product is generated by GOVERNMENT and TAXES.
Important Fundamentals:
- It's been a quiet few months for stocks. Actually, in a way, it's been a quiet couple years: The S&P 500 hasn't fallen below 1,810 or risen above 2,135 since February 2014. Still, the lack of activity in recent days has been noticeable. It is worth noting, for instance, that Monday was the lowest-volume day of the year for the popular S&P 500-tracking ETF SPY. The S&P's monthly Bollinger Bands are now in their narrowest range in more than 20 years. The historical reaction to these conditions is mixed, but when this happened about 20 years ago, the S&P 500 found itself 23 percent higher in a year's time.
- Basically you choice is easy: either you keep your savings in Physical Gold & Silver, Shares (real assets) or you act like an idiot and keep these in Worthless Printed Paper and dangerous DIGITS of a bank account...see subscriber's sections for details.
- YIELDS have been updated in several sections. Note that several Stocks we advise to buy/hold have yields of 4% and higher and some yields show a flashy +10%! . A lot safer than bank deposits and negative interest rates...
Important Technicals:
- see subscriber's section
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Tuesday May 24, 2016 - Does it really matter that Gold soars to $ 10,000 and Silver to $ 250 . The answer is NO !
Updated Sections: Inflation Index , Agriculturals ,
As we forecasted, Austria flipped to the extreme right. Miraculously however Far-right candidate was narrowly defeated in Austrian presidential election by 0.4%. The Austrian interior ministry confirmed that after postal votes were counted, Hofer’s final score was 49.7%, against 50.3% for his rival Van der Bellen, a Green party leader. The two were separated by just 31,000 votes out of more than 4.6 million ballots cast after finishing neck and neck in Sunday’s elections, when Van der Bellen collected 48.1% of direct votes and Hofer 51.9%.
Action always results in Reaction and the refugee-action of the politicians in power has been absolutely stupid: the Authorities have simply been ignoring the wishes of the Majority. |
EU is in process of collapsing on itself: The EU is on the brink of collapse, as two of its main pillars on which it's founded – Schengen and the euro – are in the process of crumbling despite the billions of euros spent on keeping the structure from falling. The threat of condemnation of countries which do not accept migrants – a €250,000 fine for each migrant not taken in – is in itself revealing. The threats, the blackmail, now used systematically by the European Union is, above all, a gigantic problem of weakness,
Veteran readers know that we preached the end of the EU-zone and the Euro years ago...and it's only a matter of time before the EU fails. Referenda won't change nothing...As the EU is anti-democratic, the Frankenstein Monster will rot from the feet (bottom) up. Expect the EU and Europe to fall apart an become nationalistic like never before.
The EU is a ruthless, neoliberal capitalist machine, as Greece and others have found to their cost. Anyone on the left who thinks the EU cares about workers is deluding themselves. |
Does it really matter that Gold soars to $ 10,000 and Silver to $ 250 ? The answer is NO ! As a matter of fact, it would be BETTER that we don't see these prices for they will come with a lot of trouble you will not like. The #1 of owning physical gold and silver is SECURITY , is WEALTH PRESERVATION.
Manipulation is of all times and can momentarily (from days to years) be used to prop up price or hold prices down...or rig elections. Only Mister NOBODY knows when the rigging stops working. The day it does you will experience an explosive bust in the opposite direction. |
Are you still keeping your deposits with a major bank? Do you let them manage your savings? If the answer on these questions is YES, you don't deserve your savings and you are bound to loose these anyhow. Banks and Central Banks rig: LIBOR, Interest Rates, Gold & Silver, Oil, Commodities, Treasuries, Equities,....and go on doing so even AFTER they have been taken to court and found guilty.
5 major banks rigged $9trn bond market. Five big banks – Bank of America, Credit Agricole SA, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, and Nomura Holdings – were named as defendants in the proposed class-action lawsuit, filed Wednesday by the Boston Retirement System pension fund for city workers. Traders at the banks are accused of secretly communicating with each other via instant messaging and chatrooms to determine what prices they would offer bond customers on the secondary market.
Only through collusion could a dealer quote a wider spread than market conditions otherwise dictate without losing market share and profits," the complaint said, according to Reuters. "Defendants reaped millions of dollar(s) in profits at the expense of plaintiff and members of the class as result of their misconduct."
The bonds in question – known as supranational, sub-sovereign, and agency (SSA) bonds – are issued by international and regional development groups, organizations sponsored by governments, infrastructure borrowers, and social security funds. Since many of these bonds are backed by governments, they are highly valued.
Monday May 23, 2016 - Dollar eventually Going to be Kicked Off its Perch, but so will the Euro!
Updated Sections: candle charts in several sections - Silver, US-Dollar, $-Gold, World Stock Market Ind. - SP500, Crude Oil , Majors (HUI) , Copper & Platina , Coal/Solar & Rare Elements,
Dollar eventually Going to be Kicked Off its Perch, but so will the Euro...Our Point and figures charts will tell us WHEN and by how much. The video only stresses that you may need to become an ACTING person and start to manage your savings yourself...instead of leaving this responsibility to some yuppie operating out of one of the BIG FAILED banks. Instead of buying some Investment Fund with a sexy name and dark backgrounds.
Shopping is about to become a completely different experience. "Factory Shops" will be the last bastion of today's distribution system. Instead people will increasingly shop "on line" and have their purchases delivered at home.
One of America's key industries just gave us another warning sign…Last Wednesday, stock in Macy's (M)—the largest department store in the U.S. and an iconic American brand—plunged 15%. The next day, department store Kohl's (KSS) fell 9%…And on Friday, high-end retailer Nordstrom (JWN) joined the bloodbath, dropping 13%. The massive selloff—which the media is calling the "Retail Wreck"—was due to terrible first-quarter results. This is the latest bad news in what's been an extremely ugly earnings season.
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
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Friday May 20, 2016 - A March 1968 Gold scenario is rapidly closing in!
Updated Sections:
I have stopped spending time listening to the Oracle talk of Yellen and her colleagues. Markets are being led by their nose and today's investors have become CasinoGamblers...
Financial Markets are being reeled into the November Presidential Elections. Between November and today, the MIRAGE, the DREAM of a healthy financial system and a strong US-Dollar has to be kept alive by all means. Anything else would kill all aspirations of Democrats and Killary Clinton to become the next president of the US and A. Even worse is that control of Congress may be lost as 469 of the 535 SEATS are up for re-election.
This is most bullish forphysical Gold and extremely bearish for paper Gold & Silver. Using data from the LBMA and Bank of England on gold stored in London vaults and net UK gold export data from HM Revenue & Customs, we estimate that the “float” of physical gold in London (excluding gold owned by ETFs and central banks) has recently declined to +/- zero.
If correct, the London Bullion Market is running into a problem and is facing the biggest challenge since it collapsed from an insufficient supply of physical gold in March 1968. |
Besides the growth in physical gold demand from existing sources (see below), there is more than US$200 Billion of trading every day in unallocated (paper) gold. If buyers lose confidence in the market’s structure and ability to deliver actual bullion, the market could become disorderly (via an old fashioned “run” on the vaults) as it seeks to find the true price of physical gold.
But not only the Gold & Silver market are at stake. The derivatives market for gold dwarfs the size of the physical market. That is also the case in the equity, bonds and other futures and options markets because most people wish to benefit from volatility in prices rather than holding the physical asset. This only becomes a problem when someone attempts to corner the market, by buying up available futures contracts then taking delivery and refusing to have their holdings lent against.
After the Gold Pool collapsed, Bankers and Central Banks lost BILLIONS! There was a BANK HOLIDAY and the Gold market was here for more.
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
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Thursday May 19, 2016 - Severe Weather and Power outages in Florida didn't make it possible to publish today's update.
Wednesday May 18, 2016 - Get out the banking system AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, for banks are an accident waiting to happen!
Updated Sections: Bank shares ,
No Milk Today, My Country is run by Socialists. Lootings are becoming a common occurrence in Venezuela, as the country’s food shortage resulted in yet another reported incident of violence in a supermarket — this time in the Luvebras Automarket located in the La Florida Province of Caracas.
Videos posted to social media showed desperate people falling over each other trying to get bags of rice. One user claimed the looting occurred because it is difficult to get cereal, and so people “broke down the doors and damaged infrastructure.” Warehouse workers indicated that people managed to get about 50 bags of unprocessed corn. According to the local newspaper, Carabobo and municipal police later arrived to the scene and took control of the situation, but not before residents set tires and other objects on fire.
The mayor of Chacao Ramon Muchacho warned that Caribbean islands and Colombia may suffer an influx of refugees from Venezuela if food shortages continue in the country.
“As hunger deepens, we could see more Venezuelans fleeing by land or sea to an island, to Colombia”
Curaçao President of the Red Cross Angelo Ramirez reported that the island is preparing itself for possible Venezuelan refugees “in the event that the situation in Venezuela becomes worse.” Muchacho recently reported that with so little food available on supermarket shelves, Venezuelans have taken to the streets to hunt pigeons and other animals — even in the richer regions of Caracas.
Gasoline Shortage Looms in Oil-Producing Venezuala |
Our two cents: we should FORCE all Socialists, Social-Democrats and Greens to travel to Venezuela for at least 6 months so they all can enjoy the WET SOCIALIST DREAM OF THE PEOPLE in VENEZUELA!
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday May 17, 2016 - China could well pull the plug....and make GOLD & SILVER geyser! - who knows?
Updated Sections:
China have invoked Article 9 of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Friendship (FCT) notifying Russia that they have begun offensive/defensive military movements to protect national interests – including the deployment of a flotilla of attack submarines to the west coast of America.
China’s announcement comes just one day after President Xi Jinping warned President Obama that the two countries were perilously close to war: “China will firmly safeguard the sovereignty and related rights in the South China Sea and will not accept any freedom of navigation as an excuse to undermine China’s sovereignty and national security interests.” here for more
Chinese authorities state that their vital national interests are now under immediate threat due to:
- Continued military provocation(s) against the PRC by the United States in the South China Sea.
- The possible ascension to the US presidency of Hillary Clinton who has threatened war against the PRC (and is the most hated American woman in China).
- The possible ascension to the US presidency of Donald Trump who has not ruled out war against the PRC.
- A direct threat of nuclear war made against the PRC by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) the United States, and its allies, are preparing to “intervene/interfere” in.
Maybe Li doesn't like the way the USA is dealing with the member states of the BRICS?!
The CIA is a master in HERD MANIPULATION. The CIA is an inherent part of the US (foreign) policy. The CIA appoints presidents and takes them out of power if they are judged unfit for the USA. Often almost like you tune out the light. If you've read the book The Brothers, you know.
America is bankrupt...but also a very proud nation with under one arm the Bible and under the other a rifle. Such is explosive dangerous. They will do EVERYTHING to NOT lose their position ... to provoke a world war ... in the end they will lose gloriously. The most recent CIA actions were in North-Africa and the Middle-East (Arab Spring), the Panama Papers (Putin and XI – Russia and China) , Brazil and South-Africa (Tilma and Zuma) . The Zuma affair is not really working out as expected. Probably because South-Africans and Africans in general refuse to accept orders from Afro-Americans which are considered as unworthy children of Slaves.
Important Fundamentals:
- Negative rates are starving European banks of income… Spanish banking giant BBVA’s (BBVA) profits fell 54% last quarter. First-quarter profits at Deutsche Bank (DB), Germany’s largest bank, were down 58%. Swiss bank UBS’s (UBS) profits plunged 64%.
When a central bank cuts its key interest rate, rates across the economy fall. This is good news if you want to borrow money. If you're a lender, it's a problem. |
The policy has forced European banks to charge rock-bottom interest rates on loans. These banks also must pay negative rates on money they hold with their central banks. Both are eating into bank profits.
Deutsche Bank:Which is why we were surprised to find that in a promotional offer by Europe's biggest, and by many accounts most insolvent, bank, Germany's Deutsche Bank is not only not rushing to penalize depositors, on the contrary it is offering its Belgian clients a 5% gross return for new €10,000 - €50,000 deposits if this money is locked up for the next three months. The offer is only valid for the next 40 days, until June 24. Our advice: DON'T ACCEPT THE OFFER...and if you have assets with the bank, TAKE THESE OUT ASAP.
- Without this concentrated short sale, it would be impossible for SILVER to be under $18. Heck, without any concentrated short position on the COMEX, it would be impossible for silver to be under $100 - Eight traders hold 84% of the entire net short position in COMEX gold and more than 100% of the net short position in COMEX silver. The concentrated net short position of the big 8 is now at a record 92,837 contracts or 464 million oz. On average, each of these 8 traders hold more than 11,600 silver contracts short, or 58 million ounces each. As way of comparison, no single mining company in the world produced more than 43 million oz of silver in 2015. THIS IS AN ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN!
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Monday May 16, 2016 - The EU is taxation without representation, Absolutism in it's purest form, people being treated like slaves !
Updated Sections:
The EU is 'back to Louis XIV, back to the USSR....and TIPP makes it even worse. This is ABSOLUTISM in it's purest form...and the Stupid Democratic Herd is buying it.
We should leave the video as #1 all week. It is a must see for everybody taking his savings, his life and that of his children and grand-children seriously.
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
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Friday May 13, 2016 - Panama is a huge economic success story...and many countries seem to be jealous!
Updated shares: Uranium shares ,
Panama is a huge economic success story, enjoying an average annual growth rate that’s about the best in the world in the 21st century. Growth last year was a tad below 6% but is expected to be a bit above 6% this year. Unlike the numbers coming out of China these days, which are ostensibly slightly higher, Panama’s are the real deal. Its growth is still light-years ahead of that in most of the world’s countries. Unemployment is near ZERO and the country is extremely safe (very low criminality).
Contrary to global headlines, Panama is no sleazy money-laundering backwater. Quite the opposite. Panama City is becoming the financial center of Latin America, with scores of global and Latin-American financial institutions having a sizable presence there. The country has made considerable progress in transparency. The multi-government Financial Action Task Force on money laundering removed Panama from its gray list this year. In 2012 it was taken off the OECD’s blacklist of tax havens. Panama is implementing other reforms, such as doing away with anonymous shareholder certificates, and expects to be in compliance with OECD transparency standards by 2018.
Investors think Panama’s prospects are bright. The government recently floated a $1.2 billion bond issue, which was quickly oversubscribed. Government debt to GDP is only 40%; in the U.S. it’s over 100%.
Panama is a melting pot of entrepreneurs out of Venezuela, Argentina and Colombia. Nowadays there is also a growing population of Canadian and Americans expats and more and more Europeans are also discovering this GREAT country where Inheritage Taxes are ZERO !
Gold at $1,300 is an absolute bargain. It is the most cost effective insurance that anyone can buy against a bankrupt world economy and financial system. The beauty of buying gold as insurance is that the “premium” you pay for the insurance i.e. the price of gold is very likely to increase substantially in value in coming years. Could there be a more perfect insurance against global risk than physical gold? I doubt it!”
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday May 12, 2016 - People Vote for politicians but politicians have stopped listening to the Voters....
Updated Sections: Oil Shares , Natural Gas Shares ,
Killary Clinton is painted by the Mainstream media as the establishment's perfect ruler. Trump is (incorrectly) painted as the pupped of the overseas barons...The outcome of the November presidential elections may well be as big a surprise as the primaries....and after a new president has been elected, we still have to see what will happen in Congress and how the NEW president will act.
Financial Markets HATE insecurity and therefore we may well have more or less flat markets until after the Presidential Elections. Whatever happens, one MUST by definition ALWAYS use sharp corrections in GOOD SECTORS to accumulate positions. The Gold & Silver sector was a SCREAMING BUY in August and December 2015 and the Oil sector is probalby one today (see the section for Oil shares for details).
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
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Wednesday May 11, 2016 - Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Argentina,....the wet dreams of Socialism and Democratic Socialism
Updated Sections: Stock Market Indexes expressed in Gold, Long Term Stock Market Indexes, Recession Proof Shares , Crude Oil price ,
Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Green Socialism much for the IDIOTS who believe in a minimum guaranteed income.
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday May 10, 2016 - Sell in May and stay away until November?
Updated Sections: World Stock Market indexes , Portfolio ,
Brexit might set off an EU earthquake as Mr Gove says - akin to the collapse of the Berlin Wall in the words of France's Marine Le Pen - but it would not resemble his children's fairy tale. Nobody knows exactly how the EU will respond to Brexit, or how long it would take to slot in the Norwegian or Swiss arrangements, or under what terms. Nor do we know how quickly the US, China, India would reply to our pleas for bi-lateral deals. Over 100 trade agreements would have to be negotiated, and the world has other priorities. Lets see what happens next month and whether the FOREX markets evaluate the exit properly.
Sell in May and stay away until the 2016 November presidential elections may well be a good idea. Better to be safe than sorrow?
Important Fundamentals:
- Worldwide pension funds are underfunded and so will continue to be the biggest default ever. The Dutch Holding World’s Largest Pension Funds are Raising the Pension Age to 72. As more and more Baby-boomers retire, more and more assets will have to be liquidated to fund the growing demand (equities, bonds, real estate).
Important Technicals:
- The section of World Stock Market indexes has been updated and still doesn't spell any major changes, nor that Indexes will break their long term overhead resistance zones. I think one must continue to exercise CAUTION until at least the November presidential elections.
- The Gold & Silver section may consolidate/correct somewhat longer than expected. See section for Gold Objectives for yearly cycles (top left).
- Candle charts have been refreshed in several sections (Gold, Silver, Majors,...) and these paint a good picture of what can be expected over the coming weeks and months.
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Monday May 9, 2016 - If you preach Green Energy as the future and refuse to understand Nuclear, you live in LALA-land! (or you are a politician)
Updated Sections : Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€ , Yuan-Gold , Rupee-Gold , US-Dollar , Majors (candle2) , Silver
Erdogan has reversed much that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk achieved when creating a secularized and westernized Republic of Turkey following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. But soon we will be referring to Erdogan as the Sultan of an undemocratic and increasingly authoritarian Turkey? The man and his followers (who also happen to live in Europe) is an accident waiting to happen in the Middle-East and in Europe! . Turkey is a NATO country and stores nuclear war head equipped missiles. Turkey has one of Europe's largest army's.
Negative Interest Rates: A Tax in Sheep's Clothing. But a negative interest rate is just a tax on the banks’ reserves. The tax has to be borne by someone:
- The banks can choose not to pass it on and just have lower after-tax profits. This will depress the share price of banks and weaken their balance sheets by having lower equity values.
- The banks can pass the tax onto depositors by paying a lower interest rate on deposits or charging them fees for holding the deposits. In either case, depositors have less income to spend on goods and services.
- The bank can pass the tax onto borrowers by charging them a higher interest rate on a loan or higher fees for processing the loan. In either case, it is more costly to finance purchases of goods and services by borrowing.
We set interest rates the way the USSR was setting the price of bread...way too low....the central banks should let the markets set the price of money or interest rates. |
Negative Interest rates can exist because of the manipulation by the Authorities of interest rates and the misallocation of funds resulting from fractional reserve banking. Note we had a more or less similar situation during the Great Depression in the 1930's: money was extremely cheap but nobody got and/or borrowed any! If the investment climate is killed by over taxation and over regulation, Entrepreneurs wisely choose NOT to invest and NOT to borrow money, even if it comes for free.
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The modern “Green Energy & Global Warming” religion is only possible because of a terrible misallocation of funds which is possible because of the creation of fiat money out of thin air and fractional reserve banking....AND because the extremely poor IQ of the Stupid Democratic Voter. “Green Energy” as the Authorities like to call it, is pure nonsense because Wind and Solar both request a 100% backup by dirty traditional energy stations. Unless we have a major technology leap, Nuclear power stations are the ONLY way to go! China is aware of the situation and moreover the nuclear power stations which are already built on the continent, the Chinese are now also working on an additional 20 floating nuclear power plants.
Anyone that has been around the gold market long enough realizes there is an inverse correlation between the US Dollar and gold prices. Therefore, determining where the dollar is going becomes a fundamental element in forecasting gold prices. The US Dollar is making its last stand before potentially confirming a double top...if this rally fails prices will start a 6+ year bear market. What happens over the next few weeks/months (Summer 2016) in the dollar cannot be overstated...the unfolding scenario will dictate the return on your investments over the coming years. [note: our charts indicate the Euro may well follow a similar scenario]
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday May 6, 2016 - With a little luck, this election will expose both parties as the corrupt machines that they are and destroy them both.
Updated Sections: Can-Gold & Can$/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ , £-Gold & £/$/€ , R-Gold & R/$/€ ,
At a minimum, this election will destroy the American Republican Party, no matter who they nominate. And it will take the Democrats even further to the left. The Dems are "progressive," believing we should move toward collectivism and more State control (Communism) , which they posit as good and fair and moral. In contrast, the Reps don't really believe in anything. In fact, they completely accept the Dems underlying premises. With a little luck, this election will expose both parties as the corrupt machines that they are and destroy them both. But will the evil two-party system be replaced by something even worse?
The figures show that the average American’s & European standard of living has been dropping since about 1971. This is manifestly true relative to the rest of the world. But it’s also true in absolute terms, especially after you back out extraneous factors. For instance, today’s families usually need two breadwinners just to make ends meet. Huge amounts of debt have also helped disguise the decay. The situation is becoming critical with real unemployment closer to 20% than the official 5%. Interest rates are being held at zero to maintain unsupportable levels of debt.
Try to understand this: Taxation has been going up and keeps rising...but the Standard of Living keeps falling!? |
People are now widely aware that the rich have been getting radically richer because of QE and Zero Interest Rates and they resent it. Any further hardship occasioned as we go into the hurricane’s trailing edge will likely cause that resentment to become violent...and we shall have civil war, revolutions, more war...
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
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Thursday May 5, 2016 - 2016 president candidates will be Trump versus Killary (Cruz and Kasich to drop out)
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ ,
The Showdown of the century: Trump vc. Clinton. 2016 president candidates will be Trump versus Killary (Cruz and Kasich to drop out). Expect the Mainstream Media to do the impossible to get Killary elected. If she does get elected (this we already forecasted in 2015), better emigrate out of the USA but also out of EUROPE to Canada, Panama,...because Hell will break loose in the USA and Europe.
There is no doubt we live in (LALA-land) interesting times. Do you think this is NORMAL!? Headlines this week that floating rate mortgage holders in Denmark, Belgium and Netherlands are receiving cheques from the bank because the interest rates on the loans they took out are now negative is another reason to believe we live in very strange times indeed. This is an upside down world and this story will have a BAD ending.
Those who followed our advice and bought this basic no fuzz investment vehicle in 2003 for 20,000 now have something they can liquidate for 200,000 (x factor 10 - a profitof 180,000).... expected target however is 320,000 (+ another 160%)
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
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Wednesday May 4, 2016 - TIPP is an American Lobbying Project & The EU-commission is trying to sell out the EU to the Devil.
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Majors , Gold & Silver Juniors ,
TIPP is an American Project. The European Union always was a CIA project (click here for the full article). Tipp is 100% the result of the lobbying of mainly American Multi-Nationals. The documents show that US corporations will be granted unprecedented powers over any new public health or safety regulations to be introduced in future. If any European government does dare to bring in laws to raise social or environmental standards, TTIP will grant US investors the right to sue for loss of profits.
The EU-commission is trying to sell out the EU to the Devil ! Now, for the first time, the people of Europe can see for themselves what the European Commission has been doing under cover of darkness - and it is not pretty... |
The leaked TTIP documents, published by Greenpeace this morning, run to 248 pages and cover 13 of the 17 chapters where the final agreement has begun to take shape. The texts include highly controversial subjects such as EU food safety standards, already known to be at risk from TTIP, as well as details of specific threats such as the US plan to end Europe's ban on genetically modified here for more - Note: a lot of information has been withheld as CONFIDENTIAL - see link for more . No doubt NON-ELECTED-EU POLITICIANS are selling out the EU to the USA like they are selling it out to Turkey (visa waiver will be decided today)
According to official statistics, at least one million jobs will be lost as a direct result of TTIP – and twice that many if the full deal is allowed to go through. Yet we can now see that EU negotiators are preparing to trade away whole sectors of our economies in TTIP, with no care for the human consequences.
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday May 3, 2016 - Is it possible that Gold expressed in Euro's and US-Dollars have the same Target?
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Majors (partially) ,
This is an extreme opinion...we think extreme opinions are overdone and can be dangerous.
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see Subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday May 2nd, 2016 - The whole voting system is RIGGED...What they call Democracy is a mockery!
Updated Sections: $-Gold, Silver, US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$
The WHOLE voting system is RIGGED and such is not the privilege of the United States. About 25% of the American Voters 'understand' how the American voting system works...and only 5% of the world 'knows' and 'understand' how the US voting system works.
Donald Trump is FEARED because he's a wild card, because he's somebody not belonging to the political system. He's an OUTCAST and even International Politicians fear he may be the beginning of the end of the existing UNFAIR and UNDEMOCRATIC voting and political system. Modern Politicians are the new Louis XIV (après-moi le deluge). Politicians are just like Royals in the past appointed from father to son or daughter and from Man to Wife. Argentina was an excellent example (Kirchner) of this sickening practice.
Mainstream Media and the Legal System are used as a tool to put certain opponents into disgrace. The situation is so bad the voting system doesn't allow NEW political parties to blossom. Also, any party which is disliked by the Ruling Majority can be kept out of power by what Belgians call "Cordon Sanitaire": majority political parties simply refuse to work with certain designated political parties. Even worse is that in most cases the leaders of these parties are legally harassed. Examples are Wilders (The Netherlands) , De Winter (Belgium) , Le Pen (France), Farage (United Kingdom), ...but also Donald Trump in what used to be "the land of the free".
How is it possible that uneducated elected and uneducated non-elected people are taking so many life important decisions while the Herd shows no or little reaction ? If it would be bus drivers who would drive buses full of children in a ravine, people would stand up and probably lynch the driver....instead they acclaim the drivers and even provide these with new buses loaded with children. |
This fully, the tricks, sleight of hand and outright lying by Authorities (politicians) as to a country’s condition are not working anymore. The primary voting on both sides show an electorate where a large percentage of citizens have woken up in anger. It doesn’t matter if the average guy does not know exactly “what” is wrong, he/she knows it is something! Reality is so bad the “machine” can no longer hide it and the boiling point is being reached. The election looks as if it is going to be a referendum of the average guy versus the establishment. The danger of course is if enough “average guys” have their votes ignored they will rail against the machine. The upcoming election(s) will be about the establishment retaining the control and ability to continue bilking the system or the populous rising up and taking power back.
The upcoming election(s) will be about the establishment retaining the control and ability to continue bilking the system or the populous rising up and taking power back. |
Important Fundamentals: see Subscriber's section
Important Technicals: this is the chart showing a BREAKOUT of a very conservative and safe investment vehicle...selling aroung 15-16 and with a target of 22 (+37 %)
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