NEWS NOV'16 (public)
We live the wet dream of Democrats: Socialism, Communism it in fact is.
Wednesday November 30, 2016 - The Gold & Silver sector ain't for geeks and inexperienced yuppies.
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Miners ,
Very dangerous to pretend the US-Dollar will continue to rise versus the Euro and even more dangerous is to pretend the Gold & Silver sector will tank even more. The fact that this kind of calls are made are a hint that we do have a BOTTOM for the sector and that the US-Dollar is in fact strongly OVERBOUGHT. Those who pretend the US-Dollar will continue to go up and Gold & Silver resume their downtrend don't take into account the international economic fundamentals nor the technicals of the sector.
Whatever Trump and his new staff decide to do in the USA, an expensive Dollar would be a serious handicap for exports. The business man Trump will rather go for a cheaper Dollar than let the currency further appreciate.
An clear direction for the US-Dollar will come before the end of 2016. |
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Tuesday November 29, 2016 - The day comes 2 Gold coins will buy a whole street!
Updated Sections: Majors (HUI-index) , Natural Gas (price & shares ) ,
Property Market to Lose More Than 75%. The property market Bubble has been fueled by the credit/debt explosion. I meet many wealthy investors who believe that property is the best form of wealth preservation. It is of course true that property has been a fantastic investment for the last 100 years. The creation of the Fed lead to credit growth and money printing of exponential proportions in most of the Western world. And this is why property prices have moved up in the last 100 years. But to believe that property now represent real value after the biggest rise in history is very dangerous and irrealistic. In the last few years this bubble has additionally been fueled by virtually free money with interest rates at zero or even negative.
Believe it or not but in Gold terms US Homes peaked in the early 1970s. The fall of an average US home against gold has been 87% since then. When we look at the high level of lending in this market combined with low interest rates, it is likely that housing in the Western world will decline substantially from here. A minimum target is the 1980 level which would involve a 50% fall in real terms which is against gold.
Investors in property will lose 75-95% of their assets in real terms. The fall in asset prices (Real Estate) and the consequent increase in the value of gold will happen in the next years. It will involve misery and a major adjustment for most people. But this is necessary for the world to start growing again. With debts of $250 trillion and derivatives in the quadrillions, there is no chance for the world economy to advance unless all this debt implodes together with the assets that it has backed.
Real Estate Prices in countries (Canada, Belgium,...) where the Bubble has yet to start deflating will even be more dramatic than in countries where the bubble busted in 2006-07 ! |
The Price of Uranium to go Radio-Active over the next 5 years. Uranium cycled through its first bull market in the 1950s. This bull was mainly driven by the nuclear arms race between the US and the Soviet Union.
Next there was the Late 1970s Uranium Bull Market. The uranium price increased more than tenfold during this bull market... from $3 to $43. Some uranium stocks shot up by a factor of 100. Greater nuclear power use was the main driver.
With Fukushima a major source of demand in the global uranium market was gone. And a global supply glut followed. The uranium price crashed from around $85 to under $30. Then it continued sliding to around $18 per pound, where it sits today. The spot price of uranium is less than the cost of production. The current uranium supply/demand imbalance has a lot in common with the last market cycle. It's setting the stage for the next uranium boom. Now is the time to get positioned for the same kind of explosive returns we've seen in previous uranium bull here for more
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Monday November 28, 2016 - Paper Manipulation Of The Gold Market Will Not Last and the Dow Jones heading for 30,000 and higher!
Updated Sections: Long Term Stock Market Index Charts , Indexes in Real Money (Gold)
The end of the current system will be due to the unbelievable amount of debt that is currently being created. This will create monster inflation that will destroy every currency. The only currency that cannot be destroyed is gold. When investors realize this, we’ll have the makings of the greatest bull market in gold ever seen. Gold and Miners will reward their holders like never happened before in history....because DEBT never was so high as it is today [click on the picture above to see the system collapse]
The coming monster inflation will destroy every currency but also the Real Estate Markets. |
In Germany during the Weimar Revolution one could buy a whole street with 2 Gold coins. In 1932 people wouldn’t pay $10,000 for a building in New York City. During 1932, that real estate parcels in New York City were often for sale for $10,000 cash. Yet they didn’t sell because people were afraid to put down $10,000 cash on a New York City building. Anybody who had cash refused to part with it regardless of the huge possible return on their money. If you had cash, you thanked God that you had it and no investment was juicy enough to entice you to put down your money. Thus, New York real estate was selling at giveaway prices and it stayed that way until the Great Depression ended.
1932 New York real estate was selling at giveaway prices and it stayed that way until the Great Depression ended. |
Taxation is LEGAL THEFT and it has reached IMMORAL levels. This is WHY French decapitated Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette during the French Revolution - 1793. This is WHY American pioneers kicked out the British in 1776-US Independence War. This is WHY Belgians kicked out the Dutch only in 1830-Belgian Revolution (were Belgians always late?). There is NO WAY anybody can advocate that the present tax pressure and today's TAX WITCH-HUNTING is morally acceptable and beneficial to Society. IT IS NOT and it results in CAPITAL FLIGHT and in a DEGENERATION of SOCIETY.
Travel Tips for The coming Holidays:
Use your credit card(s) WISELY. Bankers and Authorities are watching. A Spanish resident traveling or going on holiday to black listed countries, will receive the visit of his taxman. I expect that over time, other Socialist & Democratic Countries will act in a similar way. It doesn't make any difference whether you are rich or poor: if you have money, you are GAME!
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Thursday & Friday November 23-24, 2016 - Thanksgiving and Black Friday won't bring any drastic changes!
Updated Sections:
For those who went out fishing, don't come back until Monday. Between November 8 (Presidential Elections) and the Monday after Tanksgiving/Black Friday not much will change. The chart below provides some information. However only after browsing through ALL the charts of Gold expressed in the Major Currencies and the Charts of the US-Dollar versus the Euro, Sterling,...a conclusion can be reached. Add to this that the Election DUST still hasn't settled....
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Wednesday November 23, 2016 - A Hyperinflationary Depression comes with falling HOCG-prices and rising LOCG-prices and rising Stock Markets.
Updated Sections:
There are REAL dangers if Interest Rates continue to rise. Not only will several countries which have borrowed US-Dollars run into problems, but the Economy and Trading System will also have to adapt.
Today's economy is based upon a JUST-IN-TIME-SUPPLY-SYSTEM. Such is made possible because we have low/zero interest rates, QE and cheap energy. Warehouses have been banned and all stock is rolling on the roads (Trucked) or sailing on the 7-seas. The day interest rates and energy rise, truckers will fail, shippers will fail and the shelves in the Super-Markets will be empty.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Tuesday November 22, 2016 - Is that all what these Louis XVI politicians are good at: spend the money of the citizen and pushing their people into more debt!?
Updates Sections: ALL sections - Gold expressed in the major currencies and the currencies versus the Euro and US-Dollar
The USA became independent because they were Sick and Tired of Taxation without representation...WHY then are we back to square one?
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday November 21, 2016 - What do € 1000 and the Tax man have in common?
Updated Sections: $-Gold , ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ ,
From now on in The Netherlands a "Petty Government Offical" will tell farmers 'how many cows' they can keep!? ... This is what is called "Modern Democracy"... We believe it is in fact a deeper kind of Communism.
In Italy (EU) they call this progress: take € 1000 out of an ATM machine and get automatically a complementary visit of your taxman.
Those who dare to take more than € 1,000 a day or more than € 5,000 a month out of an ATM machine will be listed by the bank which will automatically inform the tax authorities of the action. The tax man may then start an investigation where you will have to proof that the money is legitimate.
These measures apply to both private and corporate bank accounts. Italian banks now also have to keep a track record of all transactions on your bank account. As soon as you break a certain maximum limit, the bank (and Tax man) can also take action and start an investigation. [note limits also exist for Bitcoin]
It therefor becomes dangerous to collect a few thousands cash to buy a car or to buy gold anonymously. Those who do break the rules risk the visit of a tax officer the following days or weeks ...
Our advice: Some countries will NEVER exchange financial information with Rogue Governments. Now that it is still possible to open a bank account OUTSIDE the EU, we suggest to open one as soon as possible. Whoever has some savings outside the EU ensures there are some reserves in case Government makes life a hell. Which eventually will happen. Very hard to start a new life abroad if all of your assets are frozen by your Sweet Home Government.
This type of Government action always end up the same way: capital (accumulated labor) is consumed by government, citizens become poor, an ever smaller group of citizens is crazy enough to start a business, entrepreneurs and CAPITAL leave the country. History has plenty of examples of what is to happen: the USSR, the DDR, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Venezuela, ...
In Panama I regularly meet Venezuelans who - without a penny in their pocket - fled Maduro's Socialist Regime. Most of the time these are people educated people who get a job right away (in Panama, unemployment is almost ZERO and there is a huge shortage of skilled people).
Soon also in Belgium and the Netherlands (EU):
- For a Russian citizen it is prohibited by law to have financial/bank accounts in other countries then Russia.
- In Sweden, people have to request a special permission from the tax authorities to open an account abroad.
- The current banking system (SWIFT) allows the government to immediately close the borders for international payments/money transfers . Whoever was/is so stupid to fall into the tax amnesty trap, will never forgive himself.
- A Brazilian traveler pays 6% taxes on every purchase made abroad which is put on his credit card.
- The South African traveler used to have a limit on his foreign credit card spendings. The standard limit used to be € 1,000. (I experienced the period of Sanctions against South Africa and the ingenuity of citizens in move capital outside the country was great,.... but there were risks attached)
- There is still such a thing as nameless Credit Cards.
- Everybody who continues to believe the "failing state Fairy Tales" ends up in the streets, either because she/he became poor, or during an uprising. Venezuela is a good example. (After WW II, before Chavez and Maduro Socialism destroyed the country, Venezuela was one of the richest countries in the world. It all took less than 50 years...)
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Friday November 18, 2016 - This is this month's most important chart...
Updated Sections: US-Dollar,
The US-Dollar looks strong...and the technicals are critical. We have however still no cigar or NO BREAKOUT.
The puzzle doesn't look right...We had these elections and although Gold is also oversold and pushed all the way to the BOTTOM of its trend channel (same scenario for the Miners), the BREAKOUT of the Dow Jones doesn't confirm the picture (as well as the charts of other currencies versus the US-Dollar). Having said this, my 45 years of experience tell me to be never knows. See US-Dollar charts in the subscriber's section...and remember that even Donald Trump or GOD cannot save the US-Dollar. Too late...
However, if the Dollar does break out, the target is € 1.20 ....
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday November 17, 2016 - Gold a barbaric, worthless metal?...that is not what people in India think it is.
Updated Sections: US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ ,
Gold investors should totally ignore these short-term moves as well as any news or events that temporarily move gold. Sadly, many investors buy gold when it goes up and sell it when it goes down. This behavior shows a total ignorance of the role of gold and why it is so important to hold physical gold. Because gold is not an investment and should definitely not be seen as a speculative commodity
Gold is REAL MONEY and everybody pretending it is not is an IDIOT! Poor, desperate people, whom the government treats like slaves or perhaps insects. Somehow these people have been brainwashed into thinking they live in a free country. My granddad kept photographs of British royalty on the walls of his office until his final days, for he had realized that the British had treated him much better.
Small businesses are in shambles, and many will probably never recover. The Hindu wedding season has just started and people are left with unusable banknotes. Their personal and family lives are now an utter disaster. Government and the Wet dream of Socialism which is being sold as DEMOCRACY RUINS the lives of millions of Hindu's, Venezuelans,...coming soon to your town?
As the case with India shows, governments have no compunction about violating the public trust with immediate effect and without warning. So if you’re in the US, don’t keep a mountain of $100 bills in your safe. Keep 10s, 20s, and 50s. If you’re in Europe, definitely avoid the 500 and 200 euro notes, opt for 20s and 50s. |
Neither Clinton nor Trump can break the trend of massive debt expansion. Trump's proposed tax reductions and major infrastructure investments will add over $5 trillion to the debt. But with this expansive policy, there is absolutely no reason why debt in the next four years will grow by less than the 9% annual average. This would take the US debt to at least $28 trillion by 2021.
But it is likely to get a lot worse. Rising interest rates, higher unemployment, stress in the debt markets and major problems in the global financial system are likely to lead to substantially higher debt as well as massive money printing. We are sliding into a dramatic Hyperinflationary Depression and the rising stock markets, rising interest rates, rising price of certain commodities are the PROOF of it.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday November 16, 2016 - As interest rates rise and free money disappears, Banks will in MASS call mortgages due and this will massively impact the Real Estate sector.
Updated Sections:
Real Estate or you haven't see nothing yet. Those fleeing into Real Estate are about to experience a ONCE in Their Lifetime bad experience as Real Estate prices tank and continue to tank... As money dries out, interest rates will continue to soar and banks will call mortgages on people. In the end one will be able to buy a High-rise or a street of houses for 2 or 3 gold coins.
Huge Crisis Headed Our Way, Credit Freeze, Bank Runs & Riots. The plan of the Hillary gang was a limited nuclear war with Russia...
more in the subscriber's section...don't miss it!
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Tuesday November 15, 2016 - When gold moves strongly based on events, the move is seldom sustained.
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes , Majors (Index) , Juniors (Index) ,
When Gold moves strongly based on events, the move is seldom sustained. The event we just had, was the Election of Trump...together with a SUPER-MOON which occurs once every 35 years... Just like in the US, many Europeans are tired of an elite in Brussels ruling over 500 million people with little understanding of the resentment that this unaccountable and unelected elite is causing.The Italian election is next in December and then we have France and Germany in 2017. The breakup of the EU and the end of the Euro is just a matter of time and it could happen a lot faster than anyone expects.
If we do get Hyperinflation, the price of Gold could go anywhere, from $ 125k to $ 999 billion. We are not alone calling $ 125,000 per oz. for Gold. Actually, this figure is nothing but a guess. See Gold Objectives. The Speaker is trying to explain in his wording what a Hyperinflationary Depression looks like: the price of High Order Capital Goods will come down (example Real Estate) but the price of Low Order Consumer Goods will soar (example: milk, fuel, food & energy in general,...)
The BOND markets are deflating...more in the subscriber's section...and in tomorrow's update.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday November 14, 2016 - The wisest investors could do this past week, was to go fishing and wait until the dust settles!
Updated Sections: Copper & Platinum (breakouts & Buys) , $-Gold , Zar-Gold & Zar/$/€ ,
As a result of the fact that the World expected Hillary to be the President Elect of the USA but we end up with Trump, MOST portfolio and fund managers have to re-adjust their portfolio's and such creates a LOT OF DUST in the Financial Markets...Advised is to stay away, to go fishing and to assert the situation once the dust has settled!
There is little doubt that what happened in the USA is still NOT understood by the Western Politicians and their lackeys or the Mainstrean Media. The change however is happening and History is written and there is little doubt the upcoming elections in Europe will bring more CHANGE. The People are sick and tired of being milked by the Establishment. INTERNET is also bringing tremendous change and in 5 years from now, it is very well possible that the BBC does no longer exists.
Marine le Pen (France's next President) doesn't put up with any nonsense of this BBC reporter....who gives the impression he lives on the Moo n. After watching the video it becomes obvious Marine has the same stamina Trump has.
Gold has been behaving in a rather EMOTIVE and WEIRD way on the day of the Presidential Elections and following days. Few people remember that the day Ronald Reagan was elected (Nov 1980) the US-Dollar broke out and VOLKER hiked the Prime Rate and by doing so aborted the Secular Bull trend for Gold. Over the following years the price of Gold came down from $ 850 to $ 250 . A similar action is TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE as it would WRECK the American and World Economy and Financial System. |
Note : Reagan was elected in November 1980 and $-Gold and US-Interest rates topped out early 1981. Today, we could argue that Trump was elected November 2016 while Gold and Interest rates are bottoming out....
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday November 11, 2016 - Gold Price Skyrockets to $ 2294 In India After Currency Ban
Updated Sections: Bonds USA , Treasuries in Europe ,
Huge lines forming outside gold shops in India — and gold traded heavily until late into the night yesterday. Depending on who you ask, the retail price of gold has gone up between 15% and 20% within the last 10 hours. For some time now Gold is selling at a premium in India.
At some places, it was sold for as much as US$ 2,294 per ounce. That is, if you can actually find physical gold — gold inventories at stores are rapidly depleting. Last night (8th November 2016), India's government banned the use of Rs 500 (~$7.50) and Rs 1,000 ($15) banknotes. This pretty much made most currency-in-use illegal. Banks and ATMs are closed today. The government believes that doing this will help eradicate corruption and push counterfeit money out of circulation. What it in fact does, is push up the Retail price of Gold in India.
CALEXIT....We certainly can have a secession in the USA! People in California are marching for a secession of California. California, Texas,...Florida. A secession of California may actually be a blessing for the USA as the state has HUGE DEBTS. Expensive Energy does NOT allow for Complex Societies. Hence, the US and A will at some time down the road certainly join what is already existing in Europe (BREXIT) and what is yet to come with ITALEXIT, FRANCIT,.... The referendum on constitutional reform is set for Dec. 4 and is shaping up as the next big risk event for the euro zone, with Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi earlier this year saying he would resign in the case of a referendum defeat.
See EDUCATION HALL for the articles and research on Energy and Complex Societies.
Do we have an ongoing Trend Change in Interest Rates? 10Y Treasury yields just topped 2.10% for the first time since January this year as inflation expectations explode higher post-Trump. Italian bonds are getting crushed, Bunds, Gilts, and JGBs all seeing yields spike as developed market bond yields hit 6-month highs and the US yield is at its steepest since 2015.
Higher Interest rates will push consumers to BUY goods and services TODAY rather than tomorrow. It will increase the VELOCITY of Money and as a result we shall see HIGHER inflation!
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Wednesday & Thursday November 9,-11 2016 - If politicians don't change politics, people change politicians
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Juniors ,
If Politicians don't change Politics, People change Politicians...Taking into account the dramatic efforts of the Clinton & Obama clan, this is a MAJOR defeat for the clan and a MAJOR victory for the ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT movement. Certainly because Donald Trump is NOT a politician but an ENTREPRENEUR. We at Goldonomic wish him all the best and we sincerely hope he will be able to drain the swamp. His victory over the Establishment will have profound effects upon the World and upon European politics and Establishment. Next year we have elections in France, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and the odds are great that we shall see a similar swift: the days of the EU-zone are counted! Hopefully next year Trump will be joined with Marine Le Pen, Wilders,...the world is sick and tired of the ruling political suckers. Francis D. Schutte |
It would have been TERRIBLE for the World if Killary would have been elected. With Trump we have SOME HOPE.... Tomorrow the real work has to be done and it will NOT be easy!
Election day in the U.S. has finally arrived to put an end to the ugly spectacle which has been billed as the presidential campaign. The capper came on Monday, when in response to the FBI ending its investigation of Hillary Clintons email transgressions, the Dow magically rallied back to 18,200 . Simultaneously gold and silver were viciously attacked, while virtually every other asset category, including oil and copper, which incidentally have terrible fundamentals, rose in price.
This represents business as usual as the 'Deep State' pulls out all stops to have their candidate Hillary Clinton elected. In the fullness of time Monday will be seen as one of the most ridiculous days in market history, irrespective of who wins the election. The sad fact is that the U.S. problems now run so deep that no president has any ability at this stage to address the situation and bring back the good old days of sustainable growth and containable inflation. We are going to see rising inflation in conjunction with a steadily weakening economy as the staggering debt load takes its inevitable toll.[ John Embry]
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: It will be Monday before the markets will start behaving normally again!
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Tuesday November 8, 2016 - Last year I told you the Mainstream Media would do whatever to get Hillary elected....
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Majors ,
FBI Director James Comey Is Unfit for Public Service. America has just witnessed one of the most—if not the most—egregious abuses of power in the service of one man's ego in its history. If Hillary gets elected, we may well see UPRISINGS all over the United States...
The choice before the American people is very simple. Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt politician to ever run for the presidency, and the extremely long laundry list of Clinton scandals and crimes has been well documented over the past three decades. The voters know exactly what they are getting with her. And if they choose her anyway despite all of the things that have been revealed, that means that America is willingly choosing lawlessness.
To most conservatives, this election is all about Trump, but I believe that it is far more about Hillary Clinton. I am convinced that we are at a pivotal moment in American history, and if the American people willingly choose Hillary Clinton it will be an indication that there is zero hope for the future of this nation. [zerohedge]
The FBI is stronger than GOD...they can read 650,000 emails in less than a week time ! |
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Monday November 7, 2016 - Today either the election, either the outcome is rigged.
Updated Sections: World Stock Markets , US-Dollar ,
Half of the Obama cabinet were nominated by representatives of the CITIBANK ! Hillary closed the biggest arm deal with the Saudi's ever after they paid millions into the Clinton Foundation...Does anybody who is going to vote for Hillary has the guts to watch this video all the way to the end? Did you know Libya is mainly Hillary's war? Hillary is also responsible for teh European Migrant and Refugee crisis...The Devil would NOT have done it better.
The financial markets tell us that Donald Trump will be elected as the next president of the United States. Just like they forecasted we would NOT have a Brexit. Although the outcome of the British Referendum was a YES, we have still not seen the Brexit happen. On the contrary, a politician (Theresa May) which was clearly against it, has been appointed as premier of the UK. Farage was fired and UKIP is falling into shambles. This past week even the British High court ruling has put the brakes on the Brexit.
"Remember, the election system is a rigged", said candidate Donald Trump last weekend. |
And the “system” is so rigged the election results hardly matter. The only response is a massive awakening from the electorate. Today elections are increasingly becoming a battle against The Establishment. But was it no always so? It's relatively easy to change the PUPPETS, it is however extremely hard to get rid of the vested Petty Government officials (bureaucrats) and those who control the Puppets. Politicians have become the opposite of what they were meant to be. Instead of speaking for The People, they have become professionals speaking for themselves.
1961 when the Berlin Wall was erected, 2,700,000 East Germans had already fled to the West. |
Financial Repression and Legal Theft are of All Times. Each time Governments have pushed their country into Debt, authorities recur to "The Law and Force" to steal what they need from their Subjects. As a result Entrepreneurs and Capital leave for better horizons and by doing so, unemployment and recession worsen and Authorities have to invent different means to tax the increasing the Sales Tax on Electricity. The BEST entrepreneurs leave first...and the weak ones stay behind...when things get worse, borders are closed and walls are erected.
The tax inventivity of the Authorities has no limits. The Brazilian government imposes a tax of 6.38% on all purchases made by Brazilians with credit cards abroad.
This rate rose from the previous 2.38% in 2011 with a federal mandate in an effort to curb the rising trend of Brazilians traveling abroad to make purchases that are often cheaper than back home.
In Argentina during the Kirchner Reign, the Farmers were taxes on the products they exported. Years ago, European rulers went taxed the number of windows of a house...
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday November 4, 2016 - Welcome to the wonderful world of illusions.
Updated Sections: Uranium shares ,
"Welcome to the wonderful world of illusions. This is a world where few people can see the difference between reality and fantasy. And maybe there is no difference. Just looking at the US election and the candidates, it seems like total fantasy. It is difficult to take the whole election process as well as the candidates seriously. But this is the world we live in today. Having in the last week seen people in many European countries run around the countryside and cities chasing Pokémon Monsters, you wonder if the presidential candidates might also be part of the same game..."
Global banks have illusory stress tests. Countries like Portugal and Greece were naturally excluded as their banks are bankrupt. The criteria were set so that every bank would pass except for Monte dei Paschi in Italy. Since the whole world knew that this bank is bankrupt, it was impossible to cheat. Otherwise, in the illusory world, all banks were considered to be in decent health. The top performing banks were the Swedish ones, with Swedbank and Nordea shining (whoehaha). This is particularly fascinating since only a couple of weeks ago, the regulator in Sweden, in an internal report, had expressed particular concern that Nordea was severely undercapitalised to the extent of SEK 50-80 billion. This report was quickly hushed down and clearly ignored in the stress test.
Bank stress tests are a joke and totally useless as they fail to take into consideration the real crisis nightmare. To pretend an minimum equity capital of 4 per 100 of assets is sufficient to brave a crash/crisis is ridiculous. ...
Turning to the US dollar, it looks particularly sick currently. It seems likely that the dollar will soon start a major secular downturn. The world's reserve currency is greatly overvalued, and due to the state of the US economy discussed above with ever increasing debts and current account and budget deficits, the dollar will soon start the final leg to its intrinsic value of zero. It has been a 100-year race but the dollar may be first to the bottom of the major currencies. This will have significant effects on both debt and stock markets.
A multi-million-dollar question: which currency will fail first? the Euro, the Sterling, the Yen or the Dollar?...whatever happens, GOLD will SURVIVE! |
On n'aime pas les riches (Francois Hollande) – We don't like rich people.
Figures released by the French Ministry of Finance revealed that in January 10,000 millionaires have fled the country since the inauguration of Hollande. Not only millionaires are leaving the France. Mainly taxpayers with an income of more than euro 200,000 in revenues left. The largest number occurred in the category of those with an income of 400,000 euros per year and more. In each of these categories there were in 2014 at least 15% fewer taxpayers than in 2013. A similar exodus is noticed in Belgium, Spain and The Netherlands. Communists (they call it Democracy) are in a process of killing the Duck with the Golden eggs...
A similar pattern was noticed in EAST Germany prior to the erection of the Berlin Wall by the USSR and the DDR. The Authorities don't care because they are priviledged. In the USSR, Government officials had acccess to SPECIAL SHOPS where they could buy foreign products with any currency (also US-Dollars). Today similar shops already exists in the EU-buildings (example in Brussels) and EU government personel doesn't pay taxes!
I told you so...we will NEVER see a BREXIT as long as there is no WAR or a REVOLUTION!
BREXIT NO MORE? "England’s High Court ruled on Thursday that the British government requires parliamentary approval to trigger the process of exiting the European Union, a major upset for Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans for Brexit. Sterling rose on the news, with many investors taking the view that lawmakers would temper the government’s policies and make an economically disruptive 'hard Brexit' less likely.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Thursday November 3, 2016 - The upcoming US presidential elections are only 6 days away.
Updated Sections: Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€ , Yuan-Gold , Rupee-Gold ,
The American Rulers and their Puppet-Democrats are panicking. Never in history did a ruling president act like Obama is. The odds that Trump is elected as president of the USA on November 8th, 2016 are rising each single day. The establishment is scared to death about what is to come as it will be extremely hard to blackmail a man who has no political history. If the Democrats loose the White House a lot more is to happen in the USA and the World.
If the real-estate magnate triumphs, gold could rise to $1,500 an ounce, according to HSBC, up from around $1,289 at 10:55 a.m. in New York.
The rising Gold price has compensated for the devaluation of the Krona. As usual and as can be expected in any case, Swedish people holding Physical Gold instead of Swedish Krona have not suffered from the crash of the Swedish Krona.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Wednesday November 2nd, 2016 - The major bull market for Gold, Silver, Platinum, still in force
Updated Sections: $-Gold , Copper & Platinum ,
The major bull market for Gold, Silver, Platinum, still in force, so this is a good buying opportunity despite even the downward correction we’ve seen recently, gold, silver … have been the top performers for the year, they’re doing great and we think there’s a lot more to come… We think the dollar will resume its decline as gold moves up….
Gold and Silver equities are still cheap as chips and we expect a return on our selected miners of 500%!
During the 18th century, WOOD, Fuel and Lighting commodities spiked during a Hyperinflation. We expect to see the same to occur in the near future....with Crude Oil, Uranium, Natural Gas.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday November 1st, 2016 - We live the wet dream of Democrats: Socialism, Communism it in fact is.
Updated Sections:
We live the wet dream of Democrats: Socialism, Communism it in reality is. So as Japan goes, so goes Sweden and so will the rest of the Western World go...until we end up like Venezuela.
Nordea’s chief analyst in Stockholm, Andreas Wallstrom, said he still expects more easing by the Riksbank, "including a rate cut” to minus 0.6 percent in December. “The government bond purchase program is forecast to be expanded by 30 billion kronor ($3.4 billion), equally distributed between government bonds and index-linked bonds,” Wallstrom said.
7 days to go before the American Presidential Elections and a potential $100 Overnight Gold Spike. Mr. Trump blames the Fed for creating a “false stock market”, believing that the low interest rate policies engineered by the Fed has not revived real growth but instead created a “false economy” which could lead to the next global meltdown. He is right, this time.
America’s position as the world’s largest debtor is its Achilles’ heel and despite flexing its financial hegemonic powers, America must rely on others to finance its deficits.America’s overwhelming national debt has already reached a peacetime record at levels where other countries have spiraled into default. Twice America has lost its sovereignty to creditors and today it depends again upon foreign investors such as China, Russia and Saudis.
Whether Trump likes it or not, America’s greatness is already in the pawnshop. Ironically, our view is that a Trump presidency would likely spark a massive run on the DOLLAR in a reversal of the biggest carry trade on earth caused by those fund managers who borrowed big time to juice their investment returns in a world of low yields. We believe a Trump victory would likely translate into a $100 per ounce spike overnight. Gold will be a good thing to have.
A $100 overnight Gold Spike!? Mr. Trump blames the Fed for creating a "false stock market", believing that the low interest rate policies engineered by the Fed has not revived real growth but instead created a "false economy" which could lead to the next global meltdown. He is right, this time. America's position as the world's largest debtor is its Achilles' heel and despite flexing its financial hegemonic powers, America must rely on others to finance its deficits.
America's overwhelming national debt has already reached a peacetime record at levels where other countries have spiraled into default. Twice America has lost its sovereignty to creditors and today it depends again upon foreign investors such as China, Russia and Saudis. Whether Trump likes it or not, America's greatness is already in the pawnshop. Ironically, our view is that a Trump presidency would likely spark a massive run on the DOLLAR in a reversal of the biggest carry trade on earth caused by those fund managers who borrowed big time to juice their investment returns in a world of low yields. We believe a Trump victory would likely translate into a $100 per ounce spike overnight. Gold will be a good thing to have.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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