NOV'18 (public)
Despite a stronger US-Dollar and weaker Stock Markets Gold and Silver continued to strengthen...very positive.
Friday November 29, 2018 - China stopped buying Oil from the USA or the other side of a Tariff wars it is!
Updated Sections: ,
China stopped buying Oil from the USA or the other side of a Tariff wars it is. At least we know WHY the price of crude oil tumbled by $ 25. The price cut, erased most Profit of US-Frackers. China is now probably buying oil from Russia or Iran and the trade is settled in Yuan, Ruble or Gold.
The USA and Trump must realize that this is THE END of the American Hegemony and that sanctions and tariffs create more problems than they bring solutions...The trade war is already starting to take a toll on the U.S. economy. American farmers have been hit hard by retaliatory tariffs from China, which have tanked prices for corn and soybeans. More recently, the stock market has seen a spike in volatility, and all of the gains U.S. stocks have seen in 2018 have been wiped out in the last few weeks.
Tout va tres bien Madame la least this is what the CLOWNS and SUPER-IDIOTS of politicians want you to believe.
- General Motors is firing 14,800 employees and closing several plants. So as the Automobile sector goes, so goes the economy. GM also slashes 7 factories and ditches several models.
- Bayer is firing 12,000 employees.
- In Belgian has a Clown-minister-president by the name of Charles-Michel pretending the purchasing power of the Belgian citizen has improved and gone up since 2014. Luckily the Yellow Jackets realize the Authorities are lying through their teeth like there is no tomorrow and in Europe we see more and more protests. The demonstrations started earlier this month and have morphed into a wider rebuke of France's President Macron’s presidency and his attempts at economic reform. Read more TAXATION. On Jan. 1, the tax on gasoline will go up by around 12 cents per gallon and on diesel by approximately 28 cents per gallon, according to Transport Minister Elisabeth Borne. Gas taxes will go up by another 5 cents per gallon by 2020, with diesel jumping an additional 2 cents. On Monday, in France and Belgium gasoline cost around $6.26 per gallon in Paris, while diesel was around $6.28 a gallon...more than double the price in the US....
- While the protests were sparked by the looming increase in fuel prices, they in fact have become an outlet for people to express their discontent with the high cost of living in France and with Macron’s presidency more generally. The protests are extremely dangerous to the ruling powers because they are GLOBAL and have NO POLITICAL label whatsoever. It is the GENERAL PUBLIC protesting....
This recession happens at a time Governments are over-indebted and have no money left. All the money of the others has also been spend. Next comes MORE taxation, more regulation and more WITCH-HUNTING by the fiscal authorities. The Cherry on the cake will be a MASSIVE-REMAKE of the OPERATION GUTT! |
Important Fundamentals:
- Tariff wars or Trump and the U.S.A. will end being the LOOSER! Trump must realize that things become slippery when one mess with Oil. I expect Oil prices to resume to normal (higher) as soon as things between China, the Saudi's and the USA have been cleared (behind closed doors). For non-believers: note the Yuan-oil-benchmark has more impact on the Oil price than most people realize...more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
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Thursday November 28, 2018 - Russia , China , Iran and other countries ditching dollar for alternate currencies payment system to avoid sanctions.
Updated Sections: Goldshare fundamentals ,
via GIPHY |
Russia , China , Iran and other countries ditching dollar for alternate currencies payment system to avoid sanctions. SWIFT’s Iran ban will ‘expedite global de-dollarization’. The US puzzlingly seems to want to expedite global de-dollarization with its ill-advised weaponization of SWIFT. The blacklisting of Iran from international financial messaging system SWIFT serves as a warning to Washington’s enemies, but will hasten the demise of the dollar.
The impact this is having globally is clear. Russia and China are developing an alternative to SWIFT while also buying hundreds of tonnes of Gold as a means to escape the $USD chokehold. This in turn will accelerate global de-dollarization and send the US-Dollar to hell.
"We are not setting the target of moving away from the dollar – the dollar is moving away from us, and those who take respective (sanctions) decisions are shooting themselves not just in the foot, but slightly higher, as such instability in calculations in dollars creates a desire of many global economies to find alternative reserve currencies and create settlement systems independent of the dollar,” Putin
Debt in the U.S.A and all developed countries is unpayable, for example, especially when you add in unfunded liabilities… where could the government get funds to service it all? Important question when one sees that the West and especially the U.S.A. is doing whatever possible to ensure foreign countries stop buying U.S. Dollars and American Treasuries. One source could definitely be gold. The risk of a gold confiscation is not zero. A gold confiscation may not be imminent; however it could happen if one or a series of events having significant worldwide implications occurs.
Gold confiscation may sound preposterous to investors used to securities, bank deposits or real estate. But it’s happened in the past enough times to make it a reasonable concern for those uneasy about unsolvable debt levels, runaway government spending, and continual central bank money creation. When a grab is made for people’s savings, governments don’t bother to confiscate instruments like stocks and bonds and savings accounts—those can be wiped out by heavy taxation, simply devaluing the currency, by a BAIL-IN or simply by a OPERATION GUTT.
When times are really tough, governments have “requested” citizens turn over their gold—the one asset they’ve historically been unable to control, since it’s not someone else’s liability. When a gold confiscation happens, there unfortunately aren’t a lot of viable solutions. If your government declares it illegal to own a meaningful amount of bullion, you’d have little choice but to comply. Either that or play the role of a fugitive—with the prospects of financial penalties, forcible confiscation of your metal, and even jail time waiting for you. [keeping your gold out of poitical reach in a non-bank-vault of course solves a lot of problems and makes it for the Government impossible to seize...]...more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Fundamentals:
- The 35 year interest cycle turned up in 2015 and we are now likely to reach at least the 15-16% as in the late 1970s and early 1980s. With low & negative manipulated interest rates, the interest burden is already more than nations can afford. So let us assume that debt will “only” double between today and 2030, the doubling would mean a global debt of $500 trillion by the late 2020s. Half a quadrillion debt is a figure that virtually nobody can fathom today. But let us assume that interest rates go to (only) 15% by that time. That would mean a global interest bill of $75 trillion! If we relate that to current global GDP of $80 trillion, it means that the future interest cost would almost be equal to today’s global production of goods and services.
- President Trump is undermining the U.S. Oil sector...Few realize that a low Crude Oil price puts again all FRACKERS out of business. When Crude Oil is too expensive , problems follow. However, when oil gets too cheap , problems also follow...The World needs a STABLE OIL PRICE and not a YOYO so it can operate and plan properly.!!!...more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
more in the Subscriber's sections |
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Wednesday November 28, 2018 - Gold is a non-expiring hedge for monetary collapse and/or a currency regime change.
Updated Sections: ,
Buying gold is a non-expiring hedge. But only people who perceive a need to hedge, will buy the hedge. The rest may think that stocks are a bargain here, being down almost 7% from the high last month. So far in this incredible boom following the crisis, every time people who bought the dip were rewarded. Are we getting close to the point where it won’t be?
When gold goes to $10,000/€10,000 it is not gold going up. It is the currency going down. It is inevitable that the currencies will go down. There was a talk at an Austrian economics conference in Madrid “There Is No Extinguisher of Debt” (paper to be published soon). The collapse of the dollar is baked into the mathematics.
People could buy gold today at an 88% discount from that price. But do yourself a favor. Watch any politician on TV. Watch a Republican promise to “grow our way out of the debt”. Or watch a Democrat promise a free university education to everyone. Watch even many libertarians promote Universal Basic Income(!). If you think they don’t understand, you are right. But the vast majority of voters support these politicians. The voters, too, don’t understand. And the same holds for investors.
With $250 trillion debt and another $2 quadrillion derivatives and unfunded liabilities, the world cannot print itself out of trouble. You cannot solve a problem by the same means that created it in the first place. But since central bankers have no other weapons, they will print unlimited amounts of money. It will probably be new crypto-currencies-money in order to diffuse the situation. Don't be surprised to see the dollar and the euro turned into a cryptocurrency in order to fool people into believing that this has now solved all the debt problems since the current US and EU debt will be settled in a new crypto dollar.
Important Fundamentals:
- The marginal production price of Gold is a HARD BOTTOM under the market price.....more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- There tends to be a Gold & Silver rally beginning in the middle of December. That will coincide with the rate decision, and normally, even when they’ve raised rates, gold has tended to go up....more in the Subscriber's sections
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Tuesday November 27, 2018 - General Motors to fire 14,800 emloyees in North America!
Updated Sections: Treasuries-Bonds in the EU, Corporate Bonds ,
It's not only about the Marrakesh Pact but also about Authorities & Politicians increasingly controlling THE MEDIA and abolishing FREE SPEECH (there is no free speech on YouTube, Twitter,...!). Pierre Trudeau made a HELL out of Canada when he was Prime Minister. Today his son Justin Trudeau ain't any better, if not worse. He's a SHAME TO ALL CANADIANS and is pushing the country right into the Abyss. Handy is to control the Canadian Media like Communists like to makes it so much easier to control the STUPID HERD.
Important Fundamentals:
- ANALYSTS TOTALLY WRONG ABOUT GOLD (even Harry Dent has become bullish on gold): Top Gold Miners Production Cost Still Provides Floor In The Market Price While the debate on the dynamics of the gold market continues, at least the top gold miners production cost provides us with a floor price. Or rather, a basic minimum price level. I get a good laugh when I read analysts suggesting that the gold price will fall back to $450-$700. For the gold price to fall back to $450, then we would need to lose 95+% of global gold mine supply. Many Analysts (or people calling themselves so) don't have a clue about what a "marginal production cost" means. For most miners the marginal cost lies just below the $1,000 per oz.
- We believe this new Gold & Silver market rally is setting up to be something....more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- There must be a political story behind the price fluctuation of Crude Oil and Natural Gas which we are not allowed to know yet. Price fluctuations like this are certainly not the normalcy. Having said this, Crude Oil has reached a very important SUPPORT LEVEL. [the US-Oil-Fracking industry is loosing money at today's price level]
- Breakouts and bullish targets for xxxxx and xxxxxx...more in the Subscriber's sections
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Monday November 26, 2018 - BANKS ARE BLOCKING CLIENT ASSETS & US dollar is Washington’s pressure lever to punish countries
Updated Sections:
US dollar is Washington’s pressure lever to punish countries. The United States is using its currency, the dollar, as a tool to exert pressure when it wants to punish someone. Washington immediately stops servicing any banking operations in dollars in relation to both the country that they want to punish and any countries that continue relations with it. Washington is manipulating the dollar at its discretion. It is the Mafia tool by excellence to racket large non-US entities like the BNP-PARIBAS, British Petroleum (BP), Societé Générale,...
The role of the greenback as a global reserve currency will be diminished as more countries will switch to non-dollar currencies in trade. Gross abuse of the role of the US dollar as a world reserve currency will cause its role to be weakened in a same way the role of the Pound Sterling was weakened and is today almost non-existent.
And Banks will and can block your deposits at all times....Any assets held in a bank will be exposed to all the risks of bail-in, debasement, liquidity restrictions (think Argentina), fraud or bankruptcy. Banks have become the TAX COLLECTORS of the Authorities. The ONLY WAY to be safe is to keep your assets SAFE is to keep physical Gold & Silver in a NON-BANK-VAULT-OUT-OF-POLITICAL-REACH. Those who don't follow this advice take an IMMENSE RISK. more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Fundamentals:
- Gold & Silver to go limit up soon? more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- This is what the market situation looks today.
more in the Subscriber's sections | Higher Interest Rates and weaker stock markets will continue...until QE-4 starts. | more in the Subscriber's sections |
Belgian Stock Market to loose another 40% |
Bedow Bouncing down the 50 & 200 day MA | AEX Bouncing down the 50 & 200 day MA |
Miners continue to bottom... | Miners are resilient but need to break their 50 and 200 day MA... | |
When QE-4 starts, Gold & Miners will rise 10 times faster and 100 times higher than common stocks. | Because the Gold & Silver sector has been bombed out, we have are little/no sellers... |
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Thursday & Friday November 22-23, 2018 - Happy Thanksgiving and see you all on Monday!
Updated Sections: Inflation, Bonds & Treasuries USA, World Stock Market Indexes (important candle charts),
Click on the picture for our Black Friday Special:
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Wednesday November 21, 2018 - The Marrakesh Agreement is the unconditional surrender of the White race to the Barbarian Immigrants!
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes (mind the Absolute Stop Levels),
If you for one second respect yourself and your loved ones, you MUST take the time to watch this video so you can see through the LIES of the Authorities. In December 2018, world leaders gather to sign the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration - a disaster for Western countries which virtually eliminates property rights and free speech, enshrining the right for everyone to enter Western countries and live off the taxpayer. This immigration makes the present economic crisis worse and A LOT MORE DANGEROUS. It is a deja vue of the USSR and the MARRAKESH agreement means also the end of PROPERTY RIGHTS! (got Real Estate?)
If you're WHITE, you're TOAST: shut up and pay your taxes: this is the end of Freedom of speech (for whites only) and their unconditional surrender to the Invading Barbarians!
Important Fundamentals:
- Give or take 5 years and Western Europe will have a Revolution, Civil War, War, more will be a place where you don't want to see your children and grand-children grow up! What I saw happening in Johannesburg in 1994-95 is about to happen in Europe soon.
Important Technicals:
- Failed BREAKOUTS are Strong Technical SELL Signals! See short candles in section for World Stock Market Indexes (Dow, SP500, Transportation Index)...more in the Subscriber's sections
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Tuesday November 20, 2018 - Natural Gas Price Explosion surprises markets and Bankrupts Traders
Updated Sections: ,
A Tampa, Florida based options trading firm, OptionSellers, went dark this weekend after it informed its clients of a “catastrophic loss event,” resulting from a short squeeze on the NATURAL GAS market. The short squeeze took place at a rate “truly beyond anything I have seen in my career. It overran the risk control systems of OptionSellers and and left them at the mercy of the market.”
The market obviously had no mercy for traders shorting natural gas; last week, on Wednesday, natural gas shot up 18 % to the highest since 2014, on the back of forecasts about cold weather that drove traders into a frenzy as they bought more gas to cover their short positions, probably opened on reports of ample supply in the United States. Since the start of the month, natural gas has gained as much as 48 %.
One analyst last week told CNBC that natural gas could soar from the current level of about US$4.6 per million British thermal units to as much as US$7 or even US$8 per mmBtu if the weather forecasts turn out to be true and the winter is colder than previously expected.
Important Fundamentals:
- Inflation & hyper-inflation are monetary phenomenons: if one increases the money supply disproportionally, inflation and hyper-inflation we will have...whatever the state of the economy is. Because most of the time authorities increase the money supply during recessions and depressions, many get the false idea that inflation and deflation are a sympton of the state of the economy. Not so! Ex: when Spain discovered the America's and brought back shiploads of gold and silver to Spain & Europe, the European economy was booming....The dispoportional increase in money supply however resulted in heavy inflation . Few people actually understand this extremely simple rule...more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- Bitcoin has just crashed below the support level that has held since April of this year on a weekly close basis at $5,922…This will be an almost perfect replication of what happened in December 2014 if sustained on a weekly basis. Following that close in 2014 it took just 4 weeks for Bitcoin to more than halve in value in a move that took it below the 200 week moving average for a high to low move of 86% over 12 1/2 months.
- Uranium shares are finally coming alive. Interesting is that even in The Netherlands they are planning to built 3 nuclear power stations.
- Our PF charts of Bank & Financials look bad as we have several STOPS.
- Facebook is down 36% from its peak. Apple is down 18% (and down more today on news of production cuts for iPhones). Semiconductor giant NVIDIA is down 45%.
- Deutsche Bank says 89% of all asset classes it tracks are negative this year – the worst year since 1901...more in the Subscriber's sections
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Monday November 19, 2018 - In bad times "assets" shrink..."liabilities" however NEVER shrink!
Updated Sections: Oil Shares ,Crude Oil, Uranium, Bio-Pharma, Banks(BAD!), Coal Solar & Rare Minerals, Agriculturals
The trouble with the Italian budget deficit, and between the Italian government and its adversaries in the EU, has caused Italian bond yields to soar and could set up a replay of the 2011 euro-zone crisis forcing Mario to kick-start the printing press. Italy owns German banks a total of at least $558 billion as of August. With Deutsche Bank not being in a position to take any more losses, Italy will force Draghi's hand like Rajoy (Spain-4th largest EU-economy) did a couple of years ago. After all, Italy is the 3rd largest economy of the EU and Italian politicians won't accept a remake of the Greek deal.
[see video below - Rajoy was the BIGGEST LIAR ever...promising to lower taxes before the elections and even lowering these in the middle of the election campaign...just to increase tax levels to record levels once he and the PP were back in power...stupid Spanish people got what they voted for]
The Euro and the US-Dollar are worth each other: they are both worth SHIT. The US-Dollar is about to loose it's position as World Currency soon but the Euro won't be able to take over. Neither will the Chinese Yuan as there is NO WAY a paper currency which is controlled by COMMUNISTS can even dream of becoming a reserve currency. (do you know the Yuan is stricktly controlled by the Communist Authorities and that a Chinese business man is only allowed $ 12,500 on his international trips!? - control the money and you control the people) . Conclusion: got Gold & Silver in a safe place?
Important Fundamentals:
- The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces that it is investigating claims on behalf of investors of BWX Technologies, Inc. (BWXT) for violations of §§10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
- GE Surges on $4 Billion Plan to Speed Cut to Baker Hughes Stake. General Electric has been accelerating lower and that also means that the issues assailing the company are becoming progressively better understood. The yield of the 5% junior subordinated perpetual bond have surged higher over the last week to 15%. That is a very accelerated decline so a lot of bad news has already been priced in.
- We haven't seen the end of the John Law MADNESS. Lafarge (head of the IMF) says governments could set up their own cryptocurrencies. Christine Lagarde praises rebel technology as ‘safe, cheap, and potentially semi-anonymous’. When you see people as Christine Lafarge are loosing their marbles, you know the end is near....
- Low and negative interest rates are creating a massive pension crisis. Something really bad is coming, it probably will be a lot worse than many anticipate....more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- Miners are the canary in the mine.... more in the Subscriber's sections
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Friday November 16, 2018 - Al Capone was a nicer guy than your Government is and ever will be.
Updated Sections: Oil Shares , Crude Oil,
Governments are the perpetrators behind the biggest gold heists in history. If you have precious metals and you don't keep these in a safe place out of political reach, you may as well have NONE!. One of our concerns is the REAL possibility of a gold confiscation. Imagine having gold & silver to shield your finances from an economic or monetary crisis—only to have it taken away from you by your government. You’d lose not just the protective buffer you put in place but potentially a large chunk of your net worth.
No need to run and accumulate as much short term profits as one can...important is that at the end of the road you still have these savings . One normally needs several years of trading/investing to end up with some decent profits. Few however realize that these profits can be wiped out overnight. Especially if the profits were accumulated and kept in Fiat Money and it's derivatives.
- Hold physical metals.
- Store gold in your name with direct access to the vault. If possible in your own box.
- There must be no counter party between the investor and the vault.
- The vault must be in a safe jurisdiction where there is rule of law, like at our vault in Panama.
- A vault in a tax free zone is best (like Panama).
- The jurisdiction must have no history of gold confiscation.
- The vault must be private, not a bank, financial institution, and not a state owned Mint.
- The credentials of the vault operator must be of the highest quality.
- The gold must be insured by a first class international Lloyds of London (Panama).
- Easy and doesn't cost more than keeping it at home....send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more.
During WWII farmers in Belgium, France and the Netherlands had become 'Rich' people. However after the war they were taken it away overnight as the Authorities of those countries called in “Money & Securities,...” with the excuse they had to clean out the system of any WAR PROFIT. The real reason however was that these countries were bankrupt and they made the Citizen pay for the losses. In France Andre CITROEN and Louis RENAULT also lost their fortunes. Louis Renault could not live with it and committed Fresnes prison where he was incarcerated. On January 1st, 1945 the company was posthumously expropriated from Louis Renault and nationalized. |
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
- Today we have plenty of extremely interesting updates...those who are to greedy to subscribe are about to miss the lifetime opportunity of the 21st century...more in the Subscriber's sections
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Thursday November 15, 2018 - Natural Gas (energy) lights up - do we have a breakout?
Updated Sections: Juniors , Natural Gas & Shares,
Still believing in Banks, Central Banks, Fiat Money, Bonds, Derivatives, Financial Products created by Banks, ....!? in that case better watch this excellent video twice. Has your wife become emotional about Gold? Make her watch the video!
Don't miss it: In tomorrow's update we will show you how OFTEN Authorities have seized Gold & Silver and HOW & WHERE to safekeep your physical.... |
Important Fundamentals:
Some Reasons to buy-hold PHYSICAL Gold & Silver are:
- Because all FIAT currencies ALWAYS fail after 40-50 years.
- The Current State of the indebted world.
- The market psychology of Greed and Fear.
- The ACCIDENT will happen when few expect it and it will be global.
- Gold & Silver has a proven track record: it survived over 6,000 years!
- You want to sleep at night...more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- Natural Gas: Just as the stock market ran into trouble in October,....more in the Subscriber's sections
more in the Subscriber's sections |
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Wednesday November 14, 2018 - Gold does not circulate as money – yet. It might never do so. (Gresham's Law)
Updated Sections: Majors,
If you still trust the Authorities (especially Socialists & Democrats), better think twice before they SEIZE your savings... |
Today it’s Venezuela; tomorrow it could be any other holder on the list of more than 30 nations keeping gold reserves in BOE vaults.” Venezuela want its gold back, currently stored in the Bank of England vaults, and Great Britain says “NO”. If this doesn’t send red flags throughout the international central banking community, I don’t know what will!
“The very fact that Great Britain asked Venezuela “what do you need your gold for?” is preposterous. With the penalties in place, it’s impossible to sell the gold straight from the Bank of England.
Note: Venezuela already sold out 50% of its total Gold reserves.
Germany, the second biggest holders of gold in the world after the US with 3,378 tons, finished repatriating 300 tons from the US last year. It had taken the United States several years to do it! It was reported that the gold bars received by Bundesbank had different labels to make one think that US might have replaced the German bullion with different gold bars bought from the market. It means the gold was not in place when the Germany’s request for return was made. Perhaps, the UK is not able to comply with Venezuela’s request for the same reason – the gold is not in vaults and London needs time to purchase it.
Important Fundamentals:
- Sweden Officially Backs a CryptoCurrency and Establishes it as their Official Coin. This is The madness of John Law, the herd and politicians...
- STOCK MARKETS ALWAYS SOAR during Hyper-Inflationary depressions. This is 100% sure. Therefore the plunge of the Stock Markets will only be temporary and over the coming years MUCH HIGHER we shall see. Only, expressed in REAL MONEY or Gold we have seen an intermediary top.
Important Technicals:
- Dow Jones plunges 400 points....more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals - Medium term outlook - The Charts below are EXTREMELY interesting and a lot more important than the Daily Updates!
- Many investors make terrible mistakes because they pin themselves on the SHORT TERM (Gambling CASINO) while the MEDIUM and LONG TERM are most important.
- We have a medium term correction on the Stock Markets...more in the Subscriber's sections
These EXTREMELY relevant and interesting charts are for our Subscribers only! | more in the Subscriber's sections |
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Tuesday November 13, 2018 - Prior to 1988, floor brokers used to have fun with the myth by declaring Friday the 13th “Hat Day”.
Updated Sections: US-Dollar,
Prior to 1988, floor brokers used to have fun with the myth by declaring Friday the 13th “Hat Day”. Brokers would wear silly and bizarre headgear, pretending to ward off the evil spirits. The last official “Hat Day” occurred in 1987. It was on Friday, November 13th, to be exact. A few weeks earlier on Monday, October 19th, U.S. stock markets had suffered their worst selloff in history. The Dow fell 22% in one day. That would be the equivalent of a 5,500 point selloff today. The ’87 crash was far, far worse than the ’29 crash on a percentage basis. As that day wore on and prices continued to fall and fall, the floor took on a kind of surreal atmosphere, almost like a dream sequence in a movie. You bargained and fought for good prices but there was a sense that this was unreal – that this couldn’t really be happening.
In the days and weeks that followed the crash, traders and others sorted through the financial carnage, sometimes with disastrous results. A lost ticket might be a career ender. A misread price could produce a loss that could cost you the price of a small house or certainly a very expensive auto. Several friends would hug and cry and say goodbye – the only valuable they still owned were their memories.
By the end of the first week in November, after some contested rulings were appealed, the floor pretty well knew who had survived. That’s when it was suggested that Hat Day should be a kind of “Survivors Ball”. The visitor’s gallery had been closed after the crash to avoid distractions while we sorted through the financial debris. We prevailed upon the PR department to cancel press passes for the day. On Hat Day, it would be just us – the survivors – in the place where we had been challenged and survived.
Important Fundamentals:
- China’s oil imports surge to record high. China’s crude oil imports averaged 9.61 million barrels a day last month, customs data cited by Reuters has revealed, with the agency noting the amount is the highest on record. Last month, Beijing announced it will raise by 42 percent the oil import quota for its non-state refiners—most of which are the independent refiners—for 2019 as new refinery capacity is planned to enter into operation next year. This served to dampen worries about a possible decline in demand, but only temporarily: now OPEC and Russia are once again talking about cutting production because of expectations of excessive supply. China is changing its sources of crude. The country sharply reduced its intake of US crude.
- At the same time OPEC it cutting its Oil Supply....
- Investors pulled nearly $20 billion from bond mutual funds, the 3rd most in at least 15 years, far surpassing anything from before the last decade..more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- The Dollar/Euro is running into resistance of the MAL (Maximum Activity Line) - See US-Dollar section. We may see a TOP over the next weeks but we continue to expect LOWER for 2019. This would coincide with a short term bottom for $-Gold and Silver. Technically speaking we should see a HIGH for the Dollar between today and mid-December and have a LOW in August 2019. At the same time Gold & Silver should show a LOW between today and mid-December and a HIGH in August 2019. more in the Subscriber's sections
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Monday November 12, 2018 - This is the end of the super-cycle!
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, Stock Market Indexes in Gold, Long Term charts,
In a world based on fake paper and fake electronic money as well as fake asset values, the real significance of gold has got lost. With endless credit expansion and money printing, all asset prices have exploded and investors have made fake profits. But the imminent secular downturn of debt and asset markets as well as the world economy will reveal how unreal these profits were as 90% or more of all the paper wealth in the world will go up in smoke. So investors should now prepare for the biggest wealth destruction in history and also the biggest wealth transfer. (E. von Greyerz)
As the Baby Boomers are aging, demand for homes will fall. Real Estate prices will fall as people relocate to smaller homes. Bonds will crash as Pensionados will need to sell these to cover for the rising cost of living. Stock markets will enter a secular bear market as Pensionados have to sell these to cover for the rising cost of living. |
Myths about Government debt - expect most (90%) of the debt to implode! |
The coming Retirement Crisis or this is gonna be a rough sea to navigate. |
"Anyone who buys gold will know that he can’t lose as long as he has patience and holds it for the right reasons."
Today ONE active citizen has to cover the expenses for TWO PENSIONADOS. Life expectancy goes up, Baby Boomers retire...However the ACTIVE POPULATION which has to cover the rising cost of retiring Baby Boomers is dramatically lower: One active member has to cover for TWO Retirees. Because Socialist Governments have already milked the existing plans, and manipulated INTEREST RATES to zero and negative levels, the situation has become explosive and BILLIONS of TREASURIES and BONDS will have to be sold to cover for the extra outlays. [note: Pension funds are a creation of Capitalist a certain time in the past the Pension funds were SEIZED by Governments and money was spend for other means].
The day BONDS & TREASURIES CRASH, the Western World will loose BIG...because the whole system is based on it (incl. Fiat Money). The only way to try to avoid a crash of the Bonds is to MONETIZE DEBT = Print Money. |
Important Fundamentals:
- Natural gas...more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- THE S&P 500...more in the Subscriber's sections
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Updated Sections: ZAR-Gold & ZAR/$/€, Kr-Gold & Kr/$/€, Yuan-Gold & Yuan/$/€, Rupee-Gold
Real Estate is a DANGEROUS ONE SIDED BULLISH LEVERAGED (if bought with a mortgage) INSTRUMENT.
- it's the perfect instrument to chain any tax payer to a homestead as it cannot be deflated and moved to another location.
- its' a perfect item for Governments to milk (tax) their citizens.
- contrary to what many think, Real Estate, Houses wear out and get old...after 20 years.
- Real Estate prices ALWAYS come down when REAL income comes down.
- Owning Real Estate in a Bankrupt country is extremely dangerous to your financial healthn as it becomes impossible to sell Homes once things get bad.
- When things get really bad, Governments always regulate RENT-levels in favor of the lower classes.
- In a Real Estate Bear Market it becomes impossible to SELL property at decent price levels because the number of transactions are strongly reduced.
- Demography has a severe impact on the general price level of real estate: prices always come down in countries with a negative pyramid = aging population. (see yesterday's update)
We live in a world dominated by Keynesian economic delusions and Central Bank's monetary manipulations... |
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
- BORING - Dull markets are moving sideward.
- more in the Subscriber's sections
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Thursday November 8, 2018 - Do you think the Debt is no problem and real estate will continue to go up!?
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€, Can$-Gold & Can$/$/€, ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ , £-Gold & £/€ /$ ,
Olivier Delamarche is not ashamed to confirm the actual political leaders are nothing more than a bunch of "ego-centrist IDIOTS" (YEs, they are). That the World has become an Asylum run by the Fools. This is a very interesting french. Maybe one has to emigrate to Panama after all?! And do it before it's too late.
Important Fundamentals:
BALERNA, Switzerland, October 29, 2018 - Valcambi SA, one of the world's largest gold refiners, today announced that it has reached an understanding to acquire Republic Metals Corporation (RMC), a precious metals refiner based in Miami US, subject to completion of the final steps of due diligence. The two companies are working through the logistics of the planned integration.
- With this kind of population pyramids, it simply is IMPOSSIBLE to pay back the existing Debt and it is ABSOLUTELY SURE the price of Real Estate will crash. It is also mathematically sure that even the present influx of immigrants will not and cannot solve the situation because it is too small and comes too late. Note that countries like CHINA, THAILAND and CANADA ain't any better. PANAMA is one of the few good exceptions.
Don't miss tomorrow's video presentation on Real Estate!
Important Technicals:
- Central Banks, the IMF, BIS now also buys and owns COMMON STOCKS, BONDS, other words, if the Stock Markets crash, Central banks also CRASH.
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Wednesday November 7, 2018 - All Eyes On US Elections -
Updated Sections: $-Gold ,
All Eyes On US Elections: first results are expected around 06:30 pm Eastern Time....UPDATE MAY COME LATER TONIGHT OR TOMORROW MORNING.
If you really still are convinced Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, better than REAL MONEY or GOLD, you should printout the following charts/tables and keep these for future reference. Long Term ONLY GOLD does well.
Gold does A LOT BETTER than Real Estate... | |
Important Fundamentals:
- It all revolves around....more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- If there is a bear market...more in the Subscriber's sections
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Tuesday November 6, 2018 - Today is an important day for the Financial Markets all over the world....
Updated Sections: $-Gold, Silver, US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$ ,
This is the UNIQUE service we offer: try this with your local Bank, Broker or Gold/Silver dealer:
- You decide to buy PHYSICAL GOLD and/or SILVER and have the required funds wired to our Gold/Silver dealer in the morning.
- The price is locked in within 24 hours (the same day).
- ZERO TAX/VAT on your Gold and Silver.
- The metals can be shipped to your VAULT within 24 hours. GOODS ARE INSURED DOOR TO DOOR.
- A coupe of days later (in less than a week) the metals are stored in YOUR private box.
- Your metals can be fully insured (London) Lloyd's.
Important Fundamentals:
- Premiums on more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
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Monday November 5, 2018 - The US haven’t had a physical full audit since Eisenhower’s time in the 1950s
Updated Sections: Recession Proof shares ,
Hopefully Financial Markets will resume their "Trend" after the Mid-Term Elections of November 6, 2018. These midterm elections will take place in the middle of Republican President Donald Trump's first term. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested. |
Each week we become more and more subjects to the 1987 Orwell scenario.
- UK Begins Confiscating Wealth Without Criminal Charges. Since January British law enforcement has a new tool: “Unexplained Wealth Orders” allow the United Kingdom to confiscate money and property, without charging the target with a crime. UWOs are similar to civil asset forfeiture in the United States. If you cannot prove to the British Authorities the money was acquired legally, your properties will be confiscated.
- The justice is now working the other way around: you are no longer assumed innocent until proven guilty – no you now are guilty when said so and it has become your responsibility to prove you are innocent. It’s guilty until proven innocent when the government accuses you.
- In Belgium and the Netherlands cameras screen automobile tags and police officers and custom agents seize the automobiles owned by people who didn't pay for their traffic tickets and have other outstanding government debt.
The US haven’t had a physical full audit since Eisenhower’s time in the 1950s. Therefore it is impossible to ascertain what the true holding is. But it would be surprising if the US actually has half of the 8,100 in an unencumbered physical form.
As regards the IMF 2,800 tonnes, a major part of that is probably double counted with the US and other central bank gold. Germany has repatriated some of their 3,400 oz of gold but 50% it is still held abroad with 1,250 tonnes in New York and 440 tonnes in London. Most of the German gold officially held in London and New York has most likely found its way to China and India too.
So not only does the COMEX not even hold 1/100th of physical to back its paper gold but the bullion banks are in the same boat. And this is a boat full of worthless paper gold that will soon sink as the market discovers that there is a massive shortage of physical gold. At that point, it will be impossible to get a market price for gold as it will go “No Offer” which means that there is no gold offered at any price due to no availability of physical gold.
Central Banks, Banks, the BIS, the IMF, Authorities will of course lie trough their teeth for as long as possible. Just like they did in the 1060's-70's (Gold Pool). Lies travel around the world twice as fast as the truth...but eventually the truth and reality arrives at it's destination. That day will be a SURPRISE for all and be marked by a BANK HOLIDAY/WEEK/MONTH...more in the Subscriber's sections
Important Fundamentals:
- These video's are a WAKE UP call for those who still don't understand what is happening NOW! Rome is burning and Government and bureaucracy (bureaucrats should be ashamed of themselves) is killing the Goose with the Golden Eggs. A MUST SEE!..
Politicians and the debasement of money | Welfare & Mass Distraction + The Exponential drop |
Important Technicals:
- The Euro found
- Gold..more in the Subscriber's sections
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Thursday November 1st, 2018 : Happy Halloween...
Updated Sections:
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