OCT 2018 (public)
Thursday November 1st, 2018 : Happy Halloween...next update comes Monday November 5, 2018
Updated Sections:
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Wednesday October 30, 2018 - We are in a secular bull market that will not peak for at least another decade.
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes (PF-charts) ,
We are in a secular bull market that will not peak for at least another decade and potentially twice that. However, it also worth considering that secular bull markets are occasionally punctuated by recessions and medium-term corrections which generally represent buying opportunities. 2018 has represented a loss of uptrend consistency for the S&P500 following a particularly impressive and persistent advance in 2016 and 2017. Many people are therefore asking whether this is a medium-term correction or a top. There is perhaps no more important question so let’s just focus on that for the moment...more under Important Technicals.
How the economic machine works in 30 minutes.
Important Technicals: This is for many subscribers perhaps one of the most important updates of this year.
..more in the Subscriber's section
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Tuesday Oct 30, 2018 - Look out below!
Updated Sections: US-Dollar,
Best is to check out the section for World Stock Market Indexes where you can clearly see what the potential bear markets targets are for each individual stock market and sell the Markets which have broken their STOP ! |
Next financial crisis will usher in socialism.
Important Fundamentals:
- A critical juncture is now at-hand....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- These are our calculated bearish Targets for the Composite Index. See charts below.
- Also check the PF-Charts of the BEDOW (Belgian Dow) and World Index (DJW) in the section for World Stock Market Indexes. ..more in the Subscriber's section
..more in the Subscriber's section |
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Monday Oct 29, 2018 - November 6 Mid-Term-Elections are close now...
Updated Sections:Recession Proof shares, Bonds in the EU, Corporate Bonds,
Communicating financial vessels at play: Dow dives triple digits, S&P 500 dips into correction levels in another wild day on Wall Street. When "Reality" seeps into the minds of the Authorities (Central Banks, Governments) they will give birth to another round of Fiat Money creation and Stock Markets will resume their climb. Inflation however also will!
Over the next years we will all become BILLIONAIRES. Medium and Long Term, the biggest danger is NOT a stock market crash...it's massive BAIL-INS, it's legal theft by Governments. Over the next years we will all become BILLIONAIRES...only, with those billions one will hardly be able to buy some food. Examples are plenty: Zimbabwe, Argentina, Venezuela,..Those who think such misery can only happen to countries like Venezuela should read a good book about Financial History. After World War II Venezuela and Argentina were among the RICHEST countries on planet Earth. Their citizens enjoyed the highest living standard of those days. In only half a century time, their Democrat leaders (which in fact were plain socialists) ruined their countries.
This pattern can more or less be compared to what happened in Belgium over the years. Under the reign of Leopold I and Leopold II the country became one of the richest on planet Earth. After the Industrial Revolution, Charleroi benefited from the increased use of coke in the metallurgical industry. People from across Europe were attracted by the economic opportunities, and the population grew rapidly. In those days the city of Charleroi was "the shopping" town of the upper classes. Today the city is one of the poorest of the country (and a RED nest). A succession of world fairs were organized in Europe at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. 1913 in Belgium, world fairs had been staged in Brussels, Antwerp and Liège, and Ghent was determined not to be left out. Today the country is suffering under an extremely high tax rate and is invaded by North Africans, Arabs and Muslims...more in the Subscriber's section
Don't miss tomorrow's update with our BEARISH calculated Targets! |
Important Fundamentals:
Footsie end lower ..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- despite a stronger US-Dollar ..more in the Subscriber's sectio
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Friday October 26, 2018 - The stock market sell-off continues. Gold & Silver higher.
Updated Sections: US-Dollar, World Stock Market Indexes ,
The Dow Jones Industrial Average erased all of its 2018 gains. Similarly, the S&P 500 fell more than 3 percent, turning negative for the year. In October, the index declined almost 9 percent, the worst monthly drop since February 2009. However, Nasdaq suffered the most on Wednesday, as it plunged 4.4 percent, marking the worst day since 2011. What is really disturbing is the persistence of losses. The current sell-off is slower but steadier. Has the bear market started? Are we headed for another financial crisis and recession? Well, it is possible. The Fed has raised federal funds rate eight times in the current tightening cycle, after all. And historically, when monetary policy tightened, it never ended well. The correction is, thus, perfectly understandable. The interest rates were too low for too long, so the asset prices have grown too much. [see our charts in the section for World Stock Market Indexes for Stop Levels]
The liquidation of stocks caused investors to turn to safe-havens. So far, both the US dollar and gold & silver benefited from this flight to safety. As one can see in the next chart, the price of the yellow metal jumped about 4 percent in October, returning above the $1,200 level.
The Bull market is not over as long as no important & absolute STOP levels have been broken! |
Important Fundamentals:
- NEVER forget that Stock markets tend to soar during periods of Hyper-Inflation and normally go up by 100,000% to 300,000% and more...only the rise of Stocks never covers the PURCHASING POWER. Only Gold & Silver manage to.
- Belgian banks allow Real Estate buyers to borrow 125% of the purchase amount! Only IDIOTS purchase real estate with a 125% mortgage and only CROOKS lend 125% of the actual market value of a home. Bandits (banks) know damn well that in case of a crisis, deposits may disappear (bail-in) but DEBT stands!..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Assuming our Absolute STOP levels hold, we will need more time to complete the correction. Expect it to take at least until the end of October. Stock markets need more testing and base building before resuming upleg #5.
- We are closing in to a time where our charts of Stock Market Indexes expressed in Real Money or Gold become important. These will tell us whether it makes sense or not to keep common stocks or whether to concentrate on Gold & Silver , Energy and Miners.
- Subscribers were WARNED about the BEDOW (Belgium) well in time. Our PF-chart looks rather nasty. The Subscribers who followed our SELL advise (see PF-charts in World Stock Market Indexes) did well!..more in the Subscriber's section
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Thursday October 25, 2018 - New Canadian Bank Bailout Regulations Put Your Deposits At Risk!
Updated Sections: ,
New Canadian Bank Bailout Regulations Put Your Deposits At Risk (by now we all know how sneaky Canadians are, don't we?). As of global financial system was engulfed in crises, only one set of banks in Europe and North American stayed untouched: Canada’s big five lenders were largely untouched by the madness and kept turning profits.
We believe none of that is true. Not only were Canadian banks bailed out during the last meltdown (Canada’s big banks were bailed out of the last financial crisis to the tune of more than $100 billion.), but all indications are that the Canadian government is preparing to do so again. Worse, this time investor’s savings will be under considerable threat.
Officially, the new regulations are being marketed as “bail-in,” provisions. These, experts say, will gradually lead to the creation of a whole new category of bonds that liquidators can seize, should the banks become insolvent. A quick read through the lines suggests that the new Canadian regulations, which are being mirrored in other G-20 countries, are actually being implemented, in part, to give politicians cover the next time they bail-out the banks....
Signs of real worry. Yet there is real cause for worry. For one, Canada’s housing market, despite some recent corrections, remains at worryingly high levels, as measured by price to rents and price to income ratios. Worse, Canadians are in terrible financial shape; household debt rose to 169% of total income during the second quarter of 2018. That’s worse than it was in the United States prior to the subprime mortgage crisis. That weakness appears to extend throughout the system. According to Statistics Canada, total consumer, business and government debt in Canada totalled $6.1 trillion at the end of the second quarter. That’s $169,000 per Canadian or $$677,000 per family of four.
Anyone who bought a gold coin in 2008 and put it in his wallet, will still find it there. It will also still be there ten years from now, long after the coming financial crisis is over. But money you keep with Canadian banks, Belgian banks, Dutch banks, Swiss banks, German banks? |
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
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Wednesday October 24, 2018 - "The Stock Market's Coyote Moment?"
Updated Sections: ,
Headwinds have been forming for the stock market. Point and Figure counts (PnF) have been signaling where these opposing forces to higher stock prices were likely to emerge. Stocks have reacted downward with authority after hitting these PnF targets. Some of our prior chart studies provide a glimpse of what is ahead for the stock market indexes.
Thirty-one years ago on October 19, 1987 when I was celebrating my 38th birthday, I watched a $300,000 stock portfolio begin to vaporize with a Monday loss of 35% morphing into a 93% amputation by the end of the week, the remaining cash balance totaling slightly over $16,000. The $125,000 margin debt had to be cleared when the highly-diversified portfolio of gold and silver stocks ignored the $80/ounce advance in gold prices that week and decided instead to behave as "stocks" rather than "gold" and proceeded to plunge in a wave of pure panic the likes of which had not been experienced since fifty-eight years prior.
In 1980 portfolio's invested in Gold & Silver miners tripled in a couple of weeks only.
"The Stock Market's Coyote Moment?" Just like the most optimistic and determined character ever created, Wile E. Coyote, virtually every stock market in the world is somewhere between being suspended in mid-air for a brief "Oh No!" or has pushed the down button of its elevator and is just beginning its acceleration downward. What makes the current situation so horrific is that the trajectory looks nearly identical to every asset and financial bubble that has preceded it.
Should one Shift assets from financial assets out of bonds, bank deposits,...into real assets like Gold, Silver, Energy...?
Subscribers know the answer!
Important Fundamentals:
- This is why at this time the Dollar doesn't crash:..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Two days ago US-Bank shares showed a stop loss (see update),..more in the Subscriber's section
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Tuesday October 23, 2018 - This ship is gonna hit the iceberg and there is nothing you can do about it.
Updated Sections: Banks & Financials, Commodities, Coal, Solar & Rare metals, Copper-Platinum & non-ferro's, Agriculturals,
This ship is gonna hit the iceberg and there is nothing you can do about it. The only thing you can do, is do something to protect yourself and profit from the coming crisis. You want to go down with the ship, or do you want to survive? Are you going to loose purchasing power or add to your purchasing power? This becomes very important if you are retired...If you are retired, will you be able to stay retired or end like a good Greek friend of mine who saw his pension divided by 3 and now has to work again to survive?! ..more in the Subscriber's section
Expressed in Fiat Money we all will become billionaires with a lot of money that will buy nothing... |
Important Fundamentals:
- The day comes the HERD realizes it, it will be too late to act. Expressed in Fiat Money we all will become billionaires with a lot of money that will buy nothing...this is the catch, the tricky and dangerous part of what is already happening and coming. People, Retired people, investors, all think they are becoming richer while in fact they become poorer each day. ..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Worrisome is that several Bank shares.....more in the Subscriber's section
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Monday October 22, 2018 - Gold Moves Up As DOW Is Pounded
Updated Sections: Recession Proof Shares (Hold) , Bio-Tech & Pharma, Oil Shares, Natural Gas Shares, Uranium shares,
- We are so close to US-November-Mid-Term-Elections and markets will probably continue to move sideways until 'the uncertainty' is gone. Financial Markets hate uncertainty. If the Democrats regain the Congress and possibly the Senate, we may well see some political and market turmoil as there will be no end of indictments that the Congress may issue.
- The Leverage of the coming crisis is enormous and this will result in a huge financial crisis and probably in an even greater political crisis. Basically Nixon it the biggest culprit because he was the one who took the Dollar off the Gold standard and so allowed politicians to pust the USA and the world in so much debt.....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
I have been clicking through a lot of charts over the last couple of days and there are some very clear conclusions that jump out. ..more in the Subscriber's section
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Friday October 19, 2018 - It's either or: hyperinflation or hyper-deflation. Only Gold protects you during either of these events.
Updated Sections: Juniors, Recession Proof Shares,
It's either or: hyperinflation or hyper-deflation. Only Gold protects you during either of these events. Gold & Silver have in fact an excellent track record of preserving the "Purchasing Power". It's only a question of WHEN it gonna happen...timing however is very difficult as what is coming largely depends upon the actions of Politicians and Central banks who don't know what they are doing. One thing is sure: the more the Authorities TALK, the closer the Catharsis is.
Politics feeds back into Finance while Finance feeds back into Politics. The transition into a NEW different system will probably happen with a CRISIS: Stock Market Crash, Bond Market Crash,..or some crash. For Governments to give away their power will need a SEVERE CRISIS and maybe a (Civil) WAR. Napoleon took over France after a Hyperinflation problem, Hitler took over Germany after the Weimar Revolution,....
Fiat money is a limitless Credit card given to and used by Governments (Politicians), Petty Government Officials, Central Banks and Banks. You do that and you know the outcome will be dramatic. Because of the creation of Fiat Money out of thin air and fractional reserve banking, most countries are following an incorrect (and often foolish Green) Energy policy.
If you have a circumstance where you know uranium is part of the energy future, and you know the industry loses money on every pound of uranium it produces, the question you have to ask yourself is: Will the price of uranium go up — or will the lights go out?... Answer for Belgium: Belgians are that STUPID that the lights will already go out this coming yearend. |
Important Fundamentals:
- The Price of Uranium Goes Up — Or The Lights Go Out......more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Can be bought at present price levels (bouncing up their 200 day MA and broken out on PF-charts) : .....more in the Subscriber's section
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Thursday October 18, 2018 - Fiscal loopholes will "ALWAYS" exits as politicians need these for themselves.
Updated Sections: ,
The only way to stop people acquiring passports in tax friendly countries, is to invade those countries "Mani Military" and to submit these and their citizens to The Global Communist Rules. Bankrupt countries and countries which are facing bankruptcy of course don't like to see the wealthiest of their citizens move to countries where there still RESPECT people who have worked hard all their live and accumulated some savings. Today is no different to Rome where once the decay had began, Wealthy citizens left the City of Rome and moved to Villa's which were build out of town and were NOT SUBJECT to any taxes whatsoever. Few people know that Villa's were in fact the 1st tax paradises.
The OECD believes the ease with which the wealthiest individuals can obtain another nationality is undermining information sharing. If a UK national declares themselves as Cypriot, for example, information about their offshore bank accounts could be shared with Cyprus instead of Britain’s HM Revenue and Customs. |
Philip the Good tortured the Crusaders to find out where they had hidden their Gold. It is "A moral duty" of each citizen to ensure the fruit of his hard labor cannot be WASTED by irresponsible, greedy and stupid Authorities (Politicians). Leave your savings withing Political Reach and you can be 100% sure Government will tax it away is some way.
We have a lot of experience in how to obtain a passport of a Tax-Normal country. It is all easier than you think and the cost of such a procedure is very reasonable. The REWARDS are of course very interesting. Especially the MORAL REWARD. |
A list of 21 countries whose so-called “golden passport” schemes threaten international efforts to combat tax evasion has been published by the west’s leading communist economic thinktank. Three European countries – Malta, Monaco and Cyprus – are among those nations that sell either residency or citizenship.
In exchange for donations to a sovereign trust fund, or investments in property or government bonds, foreign nationals can become citizens of countries in which they have never lived. Other schemes, such as that operated by the United Kingdom, offer residency in exchange for sizable investments...click here for more
Important Fundamentals:
- The likelihood that global markets have now topped is very high. In a multi-decade bull market there is always a chance of another final hurrah but this seems much less likely now. It now looks like the secular bull market in stocks is turning into a secular bear market that could last for several years if not decades. The stock market acts as a sentiment indicator for what happens in the real economy. No indicator is perfect and stock market moves will be exaggerated in both directions. It is now likely that the world is starting an economic downturn of epic proportions. ..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
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Wednesday October 17, 2018 - Negative interest rates have been with us for a decade now.
Updated Sections: Royalties, Gold & Silver Majors (partly) ,
We are living today in a world that was previously unimaginable. Negative interest rates have been with us for a decade and about $7 trillion has negative yields. Investors would literally rather pay to own bonds. Meanwhile some of the largest privately held companies continue to attract tens of billions in capital with little prospect of near-term or even medium-term profits. Therefore, I find it hard to fathom why people are so reticent about embracing the possibility that even more drastic action will not be embraced if the current suite of policy tools is exhausted.
Yet this is where the bad news comes in.The rich world in particular is ill-prepared to deal with even a mild recession. That is partly because the policy arsenal is still depleted from fighting the last downturn. In the past half-century, the Fed has typically cut interest rates by five or so percentage points in a downturn. Today it has less than half that room before it reaches zero; the euro zone and Japan have no room at all.
Policymakers have other options, of course. Central banks could use the now-familiar policy of quantitative easing (QE), the purchase of securities with newly created central-bank reserves. More QE would attract even closer scrutiny than last time. The constraints are particularly tight in the euro zone, where the ECB is limited to buying 33% of any country’s public debt.....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- On electric car batteries: Electric cars run on lithium-ion batteries that are drained and recharged repeatedly, which causes natural degradation of the battery, leading to range loss over time. Most estimates have projected that a typical lithium-ion electric battery car can be driven about 100,000 and maintain a good driving range. But if you realize you are needing to recharge your battery too often, you may want to take it in and see whether it needs to be replaced. Replacement is as a rule a rather EXPENSIVE to VERY EXPENSIVE exercise! ..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- We have probably not seen the end of upleg #5. Those who paid attention to yesterday's update understand why the Dow Jones was up by 500 points. The Index is bouncing up the support zone and hereby indicates it is ready for a fresh upleg...more in the Subscriber's section
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Tuesday October 16, 2018 - Do Miners spell a fresh upleg for Gold?
Updated Sections: Stock Market Indexes expressed in Gold (Real Money), Long Term World Stock Market Indexes,
Banks are no longer run by bankers. They’re run by oblivious bureaucrats who scrutinize every transaction looking for any excuse to say NO, forcing legitimate businesses to walk around on egg shells just to conduct simple transactions.
Yet over the past decade, banks have really started to abuse their status as critical financial intermediaries. A big part of this is because banks are under intense pressure from the federal governments to stamp out money laundering, terrorist financing, tax evasion, and any criminal activity they can find.
It’s one thing to be vigilant against terrorism. It’s entirely another to constantly work against your own customers without exercising any common sense or basic professionalism. It didn’t used to be this way. There once was a time when bankers were sophisticated business people and shrewd investors who understood the needs of commerce… and the customer.
A big cause for this is that banks don’t need to do any real business anymore to make money. They get to borrow practically unlimited funds nearly interest-free from the central bank, and then loan that same money right back to the federal government at a higher rate of interest.
Important Fundamentals:
- This time "No Country" Will Escape: But this time it is very different. The bubbles in asset markets and debt are ..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
A correction was necessary because markets were overbought. However we have still not....more in the Subscriber's section
Double Support! | Last Leg #5 can end any time now. |
DAX expressed in Gold - mind the overhead resistance | ..more in the Subscriber's section |
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Monday October 15, 2018 - Nobody is holding Gold & Silver because nobody is worried.
Updated Sections: Kr-Gold & Kr/$/€ , Yuan-Gold & Yuan/$/€, World Stock Market Indexes, ,
Is a a “Great Depression” on the horizon? It would be easier to dismiss these words from Nouriel Roubini, Marc Faber or other doom-and-gloom prognosticators. Coming from Christine Lagarde’s team, though, they take on a new dimension of scary. Unfortunately, the findings of other referees of global risks – including the (BIS) Bank for International Settlements – hint at similar dislocations.
Italy is the current flashpoint – and the latest target of “domino effect” chatter in frothy world markets. China’s shadow-banking bubble, and the extreme opacity and regulations that enable it, also came in for criticism. And, of course, the 800-pound beast in any room where global investors gather these days: Donald Trump’s assault on world trade.
As the BIS warned on Sept. 23, the global economy faces a potential “relapse” of the “Lehman shock” of 2008. “Things look rather fragile,” says BIS chief economist Claudio Borio. Equally worrying, he adds: “There’s little left in the medicine chest to nurse the patient back to health or care for him in case of a relapse.”
There are many countries that are operating below pre-crisis trends, and what’s interesting is not just countries that suffered banking crises in 2007-2008 but also other countries outside of that epicenter that were affected through trade links or through financial links....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- China has plenty of room to bring down the Yuan: Trump imposes 10% Tariffs....Chinese bring Yuan down by 10%! The end result is that the US-Government receives 10% more taxes and the Americans pay 10% more for their goods. Few people realize that EVERYTHING you touch (almost) is made in China. The only way to solve the problem, is to REDUCE the tax level for Domestic American Co's and reducing taxes means LESS GOVERNMENT or fire 50% of the PETTY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS (=DEEP STATE).....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- There exist different types of TOP and BOTTOM formations.....more in the Subscriber's section
..more in the Subscriber's section |
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Friday October 12, 2018 - The trade of the decade is to buy Gold and sell the Dow & Bonds…on condition you keep physical out of the banking system and out of political reach!
Updated Sections:
As the end is now approaching, denial is at its peak. In the USA for the last 27 years debt has doubled every eight years and the trend continues. This is a country that for decades has been living above its means by borrowing seemingly unlimited amounts of money. Well, it is not a Banana Republic, nor Argentina or Venezuela, but the biggest economy in the world – the USA.
The 2007-9 crisis was never solved but only deferred to a later date. All of the problems that caused that crisis are still there, but the cost of deferral has been massive since global debt has doubled from $125 trillion in 2006 to $250 trillion today. Adding unfunded liabilities and derivatives, the world is sitting on the cusp of a crisis that is exponentially greater than in 2007. Thus the likelihood is that the Fed will need to print not just $10s of trillions but $100s of trillions to save the financial system.
At that point bonds will crash and interest rates reach at least 25%, like we are seeing today in Turkey, or more likely 60% as in Argentina. The US will then have reached the hyperinflationary stage with a collapsing dollar. The social implications will be horrendous and there is likely to be civil unrest as poverty and famine grip the country.
The US will, of course, not be the only economy that will fail (Europe also will), but as the biggest it will have the hardest fall. Around the world, many markets are now giving clear signs that the coming global downturn has started.
Important Fundamentals:
- British Pound Ready......more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- expect further weakness.....more in the Subscriber's section
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Thursday October 11, 2018 - Mind the Stop Loss levels: the bear market has began!
Updated Sections:
How to stop hyperinflation? In July 1946, inflation in Hungary peaked at a staggering 41,900,000,000,000,000% - that's 41.9 quadrillion percent a month - the worst episode of hyperinflation ever recorded. With prices doubling every 15 hours, whatever people had in their pockets in the morning would be worth half as much by the evening. The country's highest denomination was the 100 quintillion pengo note.
World War Two had erased 40% of Hungary's wealth, 80% of its capital Budapest was destroyed, railroads and roads had been bombed and the government was forced to pay millions in compensation after the war. The country made several attempts to bolster the currency, during which citizens stopped referring to the notes by their value and instead differentiated them by their colour.
On 1 August 1946, the government adopted a radical stabilisation programme that included drastic tax reform, the recovery of gold assets taken abroad, and the introduction of a new currency, the forint, backed by gold reserves and world currencies. When it came into force, one forint was worth 400 octillion (a thousand trillion trillion or a billion billion billion) of the old currency.
Yugoslavia 1994: As a way to curb social discontent and negotiate an end to UN sanctions the Serbian leader, Slobodan Milosevic, eventually agreed to adopt a new currency - the "new dinar" - backed by gold and hard currency reserves.
Germany 1923: In October 1923, inflation had spiralled to 29,500% a month - with prices doubling every three-four days. A loaf of bread, which cost 250 marks in January that year, had risen to 200,000,000,000 marks in November. People collected their wages in suitcases. Later that year, the government introduced a new currency, the rentenmark, backed by agricultural land. Prices stabilised and later Germany's creditors agreed to restructure war payments....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
- Markets come alive.....more in the Subscriber's section
- A weakining Dollar..more in the Subscriber's section
..more in the Subscriber's section | |
interest rate | Composite Index |
Transportation Index | SP500 |
$-Gold | €-Gold |
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Wednesday October 10, 2018 - Cheap money is sending incorrect signals to entrepreneurs and politicians and is resulting into mis-investments.
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€, Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€, Can$-Gold & Can$/$/€, ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€, £-Gold & £/$/€, Rupee-Gold & Rupee,
Cheap money is sending incorrect signals to entrepreneurs and politicians and is resulting into mis-investments.
Ripley's believe it or not: before year end the Belgians will have to light their homes with candles and warm themselves with dirty coal and wood stoves. Belgian Politicians (mainly Greens and Socialists) talked the Herd into Green Energy to stay in power and completely fucked up the Belgian energy sector. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for a country living in LALA-LAND.
Belgium on candles before Xmas because of fiat money created out of thin air, fractional reserve banking, a Green Dream, stupid politicians and a retarded HERD keeping these into power. Where else have we seen this? Zimbabwe, Venezuela? Argentina?
Over the past decennial the Belgian Energy sector has been controlled by elected politicians who probably don't even know how nuclear energy is generated. They also have no clue about Solar and Wind and don't realize that the DIRTY ENERGY required to manufacture one windmill can NEVER be recovered. To be clear, the energy balance of Wind is NEGATIVE. Even electrical automobiles don't make sense as the energy required to charge the batteries is generated by dirty coal and the electrical grid cannot possible feed an electrical car park.
Belgian Socialists and Greens (= socialists) have been trying to close down Belgian nuclear power plants for years now and ensured no NEW power plants were build. To add insult to injury, as they planned to close these down, the existing nuclear power plants were not properly maintained.
Last year there was a 1st warning. But as expected nobody really paid attention and everything remained as is. Last month however came a 2nd more serious warning. And it is now almost sure that soon Belgium households will have to light their homes with candles and warm their feet with old fashioned dirty coal stoves and open wood fires. [note: Greens even want to prohibit the use of coals stoves and wood fires]..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
- Looks like the Pound Sterling is bottoming out versus the Euro & US-Dollar.
- Financial Markets are BORING...The Eye of The Storm?!
- Gold and Silver keep bouncing up IMPORTANT SUPPORT zones.
- The US-Dollar keeps bouncing down IMPORTANT RESISTANCE zones...more in the Subscriber's section
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Monday & Tuesday October 8/9, 2018 - Bonds have been topping out since 2011.
Updated Sections: Bonds USA,
Real Wages have fallen more that official statistics and numbers. Remember the figures are cooked in a same way the inflation figures are cooked. We all know that today we buy a lot less with our money than we could buy 10 years ago. This is a recipe for more recession & depression, and lower Real Estate prices.
Today Gold and Silver are the best possible investments one can possibly own. Whether or not the market has bottomed out or whether these will bottom out next year, our long term prospects are unchanged. ..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- Just like happened during the 1960's with the Gold Pool, today's Gold Cartel is due to fail. Investors will at a certain point get completely out of Treasuries and Fiat Currencies (bank accounts). Today we are already noticing a steady flow out of Bank Deposits but also out of Equities in general into PHYSICAL Gold & Silver. We expect to flow to continue to grow as investors are getting sick and tired of irrational and SICK requests by the Compliance Departments. As a matter of fact Physical Gold & Silver not only allows one to get rid of the sicko requests of the bank/broker's compliance departments but also has HUGE FISCAL advantages: it is impossible to trace Gold & Silver in any way and there is ZERO reporting by NON-BANK-VAULTS. Those who keep their physical holdings out of political reach bought themselves a 100% non-traceable flexibility.....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- The Utility Index....more in the Subscriber's section
- We finally have a breakdown of Bonds and a breakup of interest rates....more in the Subscriber's section
The calculated target for the 30 year T-Bond is 10.70% ..more in the Subscriber's section |
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Friday October 5, 2018 - Bonds are sharply down!
Updated Sections:
Physical precious metals held outside the financial system is the best form of wealth preservation as long as they are held in the right jurisdiction out of political reach with direct control and access...and we have exactly everything you need!
The King of wealth preservation is Gold. Gold must form the bottom of the wealth pyramid and be your biggest holding. Even if silver and platinum are likely to appreciate more than gold, they are much more volatile. They are wonderful when they go up but corrections can be vicious and testing for a nervous investor.
Although the precious metal stocks look extremely attractive, remember that even with direct registration, they are paper assets and therefore not a proper wealth preservation investment.
Yesterday we Witnessed The Biggest U.S. Bond Crash In Nearly 2 Years. What does this mean for the Stock Market, what does it mean for the Gold & Silver market?"
U.S. bonds have not fallen like this since Donald Trump's stunning election victory in November 2016. Could this be a sign that big trouble is on the horizon? It seems like bonds have been in a bull market forever, but now suddenly bond yields are spiking to alarmingly high levels. Is this the end of low and negative interest rates?
Important Fundamentals:
GLOBAL.....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Natural Gas.....more in the Subscriber's section
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Thursday October 4, 2018 - During the 1960's the Gold pool failed and it is 100% sure the rigging will fail again!
Updated Sections: Gold Pool, US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$€/$,
Soon we’re going to revisit the 1970’s again with inflation soaring and the dollar getting sold like funnel cakes at a state fair and the FED rising interest rates in an effort to damper the sale of Dollars. This time it could get really ugly, because in the 70’s when Paul Volcker hiked rates the U.S. had little debt....and the economy was not so fragile as it is now. Think about that for moment... Got Gold?
If Interest rates return at a normal level of let's say 5% the marginal interest rate level will be broken and we will probably start to see some fireworks like we saw in 2008-09.
During the 1960's the Gold pool failed and it is 100% sure the rigging will fail again!
This is how the financial markets performed in the 1970's - expect to see at least the same performance:
..more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
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Wednesday October 3rd, 2018 - Dow jumps to record, rallies for a second day to start fourth quarter!
Updated Sections: Silver ,
Final Leg #5 is alive and kicking: Dow jumps to record, rallies for a second day to start fourth quarter.
Important Fundamentals:
Impotant Technicals:
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Tuesday October 2nd, 2018 - Sell High and Buy Low and be patient!
Updated Sections: $-Gold ,
These markets extremely fragile to a SEVERE CORRECTION and/or Crash. The Dow and S&P indices have gone up and are still at all time highs due to the massive liquidity created by central banks since the 2007-9 crisis.
Most stock markets are greatly overvalued while there are markets that are severely undervalued and ignored by most investors. Commodities are at historical lows against stocks and due for a substantial revaluation. Stocks are today in a historical bubble and at a 50 year high against commodities. The moves down in stocks and up in commodities will be massive. It is a virtual certainty that the ratio will go back to the 1990 level which would mean a 90% fall of stocks against commodities.
Although we are going to see commodities outperforming all asset markets, it will be critical to pick the right ones. Gold, Silver, Platinum and Precious Metal Stocks are of course a good choice. Not only is the precious metal sector extremely oversold against all the bubble assets but it is also the ultimate wealth preservation asset.
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
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Monday October 1st, 2018 - Non-believers will be good until they have lost it all!
Updated Sections:
It will be business as always until something breaks and the banking system fails and has to be closed down. At that time Central Banks but also the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) and IMF (Int. Monetary Fund) will come under severe pressure....And I don't think that they will be able to save "The System": the accumulated problem is way too big.
What most people won’t understand and/or won't accept is that the Central Bank credit expansion is now coming to an end. The exponential moves up in stocks, bonds and property prices, will turn to catastrophic falls that will destroy most of the wealth in the world.
In the next 3-7 years, it is not going to be a question of making a fortune but to lose as little as possible. |
Very few will move into the safe direction and that is why the majority of people will end in miseries. The wealthy will lose the majority of their fortunes and many of the poor will be exposed to poverty and famine. We don’t need to go further than Venezuela, with inflation reaching 1 million percent and the currency collapsing by 99.9% this year to understand what can happen. A cup of coffee costs 2 million Bolivars and most Venezuelans can neither get hold of nor afford sufficient food for their family. Those who earn $40 per month are the lucky ones and a major part of the adult population has lost 25 pounds (11kg) in weight....more in the Subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals:
- Trading of Bank shares were momentarily halted last week on the Milan Stock Exchange (Italy) to avoid PANIC......more in the Subscriber's section
- The Solar Panel Industry will never ......more in the Subscriber's section
- Same remark about Wind. ......more in the Subscriber's section
Important Technicals:
- Gold bounced back rather..more in the Subscriber's section
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