The END Scenario!
The “War of Terror” may be about to hit Europe.
The “War of Terror” may be about to hit Europe.
October 25, 2022 - Souce: Copyright Frontnieuws.
Americans don't like the idea that they are about to be taken away from their "free lunch."
Never underestimate a wounded and decaying Empire collapsing in real-time. Even in a “diplomatic” capacity, Imperialist officials continue to declare that their exceptional world control is blatantly mandatory.
If not, competitors can pop up and steal the spotlight — monopolized by American oligarchies. That is, of course, an absolute anathema, Pepe Escobar writes.
The imperial modus operandi against geopolitical and geoeconomic competitors remains the same: an avalanche of sanctions, embargoes, economic blockades, protectionist measures, cancel culture, military advances in neighboring countries, and all kinds of threats. But above all, bellicose rhetoric – currently elevated to a fever pitch.
The hegemon may be “transparent,” at least in this area, as it still controls a vast international network of institutions, financial bodies, politicians, CEOs, propaganda agencies, and the pop culture industry. Hence this supposed invulnerability breeds insolence.
Panic in the “garden.”
With the blasting up of Nord Stream (NS) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) – everyone knows who did it, but the suspect cannot be named – the two-pronged imperial project to cut off cheap Russian energy from Europe and Destroy the German economy is taken to the next level.
From an imperial perspective, the ideal subplot is the emergence of a US-controlled Intermarium – from the Baltic and Adriatic to the Black Sea – led by Poland, exercising a kind of new hegemony in Europe, hot on the heels of the Three Seas Initiative.
But as it stands, that remains a wet dream. In the dodgy "investigation" into what really happened to the NS and NS2, Sweden has been cast as The Cleaner, as if it were a sequel to Quentin Tarantino's crime thriller Pulp Fiction.
Hungary buys more Russian gas & Times announces that Russia's great successes in Ukraine are being concealed in Western media.
Therefore, the “investigation” results should not be shared with Russia. The Cleaner was there to obliterate any incriminating evidence.
The Germans have voluntarily taken on the role of wimps. Berlin claimed it was sabotage but dared not say by whom.
This is actually the most sinister thing because Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and the entire EU know that if you really confront the Empire in public, the Empire will strike back and start a war on European soil. It is about fear – not fear of Russia.
The Empire simply cannot afford to lose the “garden.” And the "garden" elites with an IQ above room temperature know they are dealing with a psychopathic serial killer who cannot be appeased.
Meanwhile, General Winter's arrival in Europe portends a socio-economic descent into a maelstrom of darkness – unimaginable only a few months ago in the so-called "garden" of humanity, so far from the rumble in the "jungle."
Well, from now on, barbarism begins at home. And Europeans should thank the US “ally” for that, who skillfully manipulates the fearful, vassal EU elites.
Far more dangerous, however, is a specter that few can recognize: the imminent Syriaization of Europe. That will be a direct result of the NATO debacle in Ukraine.
From an imperial perspective, the prospects for the Ukrainian battlefield are bleak. Russia's Special Military Operation (SMO) has transitioned seamlessly into a Counter Terrorism Operation (CTO): Moscow is now openly labeling Kiev as a terrorist regime.
If the US wanted peace in Ukraine.
The pain button continues to climb, with surgical attacks on Ukraine's electricity infrastructure that will completely paralyze Kiev's economy and military. And in December, there will be a well-trained and highly motivated contingent of partial mobilizations at the front and rear.
The only question concerns the timetable. Moscow is now slowly but surely beheading the Kiev proxy, eventually breaking the “unity” of NATO.
The torture process of the EU economy is brutal. And the real world beyond the collective West – the Global South – is with Russia, from Africa and Latin America to Western Asia and even parts of the EU.
It is Moscow – and clearly not Beijing – that is tearing apart the hegemony-backed “rules-based international order”, backed by its natural resources, food supply, and reliable security.
And in conjunction with China, Iran, and key Eurasian players, Russia is working to eventually dismantle all those US-controlled international organizations — as the world's South becomes virtually immune to the spread of NATO psyops.
The Syrianization of Europe
On the Ukrainian battlefield, NATO's crusade against Russia is doomed to fail — even with as many as 80 percent of the armed forces at various hubs made up of NATO personnel. Wunderwaffen such as HIMARS are scarce. And depending on the outcome of the US midterm elections, armaments will dry up in 2023.
Ukraine could be reduced to nothing more than a depleted black hole by the spring of 2023. Imperial Plan A remains Afghanization: deploying an army of mercenaries for targeted destabilization and/or terrorist incursions into the Russian Federation.
Prepare to suffer the cold... The EU's elite rulers give a stark new meaning to the Cold War.
At the same time, Europe is dotted with US military bases.
All those bases can play the role of essential terror bases – just like in Syria, in al-Tanf, and the east of the Euphrates. The US has lost the long proxy war in Syria, instrumentalizing the jihadis but has still not been driven out.
In this process of Syrianization of Europe, US military bases could become ideal centers to recruit and/or "train" groups of Eastern European emigrants, whose only job prospects, other than drug and organ trafficking, would consist of - what else - imperial mercenaries, who will fight against any form of civil disobedience in an impoverished EU.
It goes without saying that this New Model Army will be fully sanctioned by the Brussels Eurocracy – which is just NATO's public relations arm.
A deindustrialized EU, entangled in several layers of toxic intra-war, where NATO plays its tried-and-true role of Robocop, is the perfect Mad Max scenario against what, at least in the musings of American Straussians/neo-cons, would be an island of prosperity are: the US economy, the ideal destination for Global Capital, including European Capital.
The Empire will “lose” its Ukraine pet project. But it will never accept losing the European “garden.” The outlook is GRIM...
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