NEWS APR'16 (public)
Friday April 29, 2016 - Nasa loses leading edge in space exploring as politics get involved...what did you expect?
Updated Sections: Treasuries in Europe, Corporate Bonds ,
Nasa loses leading edge in space exploring as politics get involved...what did you expect? If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand. The decline of NASA is matched with the advance of Space programs in Russia and China and proofs the decline of the USA as a world power.
Russia launched its first rocket from a new cosmodrome on Thursday, a day after a technical glitch forced a postponement of the event in a sign of continuing crisis in the nation's space industry. An unmanned Soyuz-2.1A rocket, carrying three satellites, roared into a clear blue sky from the launchpad at Vostochny cosmodrome in the remote Amur Region near China's border at 0501 Moscow time (0201 GMT), state television showed.
America enforced sanctions upon Russia and forced it's European Vassals into it. The irony of the story is that as a consequence mainly Europe suffers (and not the USA). France is now in such a bad economic shape that French Authorities try to lift the sanctions.
"We are demanding to lift the sanctions because they are totally ineffective and they are dangerous for our economy," the member of the center-right party said during the French National Assembly meeting on Thursday. Fifty-five members in the lower house of the French Parliament apparently agreed and supported the resolution calling on the government to protest the EU extending sanctions imposed on Russia.
Important Fundamentals:
- When Halliburton (HAL) announced in November of 2014 that it had agreed to acquire Baker Hughes (BHI) for $35 billion, the oil and gas sector gasped. The merger involved the second- and third-largest companies in the oilfield services industry and would likely face strong push-back from U.S. regulators concerned it would create a monopoly. Nearly 18 months later, the deal appears to be doomed. Earlier this month the Department of Justice filed a civil antitrust lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Delaware seeking to the block the purchase, claiming that it threatens to eliminate competition, raise prices and reduce innovation in the oilfield services sector.
Important Technicals:
- International Tower Hill Mine is breaking out of a bullish flag...the Gold & Silver sector still doesn't show signs of weakness.
- Dow Jones and SP500 don't manage to break their overhead resistance levels while the month of May and stay away is almost there....
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- Bonds and Treasuries show little signs of weakness and these markets will survive as long as Authorities manipulate and control these markets. They can however implode in a fraction of a second if we have an accident and they will implode for sure as soon as the financial system enters HYPERINFLATION.
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Thursday April 28, 2016 - Either Donald Trump or Killary Clinton will become the next president of the USA
Updated Sections: Coal Solar and Rare Elements (table and one new share) , Bonds USA ,
Gold & Silver miners jumped on average 110% since January 2016....have you missed the opportunity of a lifetime? If so , do you really think it's wise to step on this runaway train NOW?
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday April 27, 2016 - If Politicians don't change politics, people change politicians...and if this becomes impossible, they revolt!
Updated Sections: Banks & Financials, Coal – Solar-Rare elements , Inflation Index ,
The far-right triumph in the first round of the Austrian presidential election. Norbert Hofer of Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) came first with 36 percent of the vote in the first round of presidential elections. We have similar patterns in FRANCE (Le Pen) , HOLLAND (Wilders), Germany,...We the people have enough of the exisiting Political Class which has made a profession out of controlling people.
It's not illegal like the Mainstream Media and Authorities like to appeal to the emotion of the lower classes which bring the most votes. There are plenty of reasons to open an offshore bank account or a corporate structure, like a limited liability company (LLC), in an offshore jurisdiction, especially if you are in a lawsuit-prone profession like medicine. One of the valid reasons for operating offshore is IF YOU JUST FEEL LIKE IT. It's your right as a human being...
US-corporation hide $ 1.4 trillion in Tax Heavens...of course they do! Every normal human being tries to minimize taxation as soon as the tax level becomes immorally high...and tax money is CONSUMED by the Authorities.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday April 26, 2016 - We can only be kept in a cage you don't see!
Updated Sections:
We can only be kept in the cages we do not see.
Without price suppression Gold would be $5,000 - $10,000.
Important Fundamentals:
- The Shanghai Gold Exchange created the NEW SHANGHAI GOLD FIX and the FIX went LIVE Tuesday, April 19, 2016! The NEXT 3-trading days Wednesday April 20 thru Friday April 22 Silver’s Price jumped up in the ASIA session and was then immediately SMASHED on the NEW YORK COMEX OPEN! As arbitrage will dry up the LBME and COMEX it is only a matter of time before the manipulation stops being effective. Once the LBME and COMEX Gold and Silver markets stop working, authorities will settle in CASH (worthless fiat money) and Gold & Silver price will geyser.
Important Technicals:
- We told you Juniors are OVERBOUGHT and yesterday it became obvious that we need either a small correction either a small consolidation of the advances.
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Monday April 25, 2016 - The physical market dog is starting to wag the paper market gold market.
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Majors, Juniors ,
The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and Russia’s central bank announced a joint gold trading platform. This is an act of war against Western central planners...China is taking control of the global gold market. The China-physical-gold market will become the gold market maker in the world because of arbitrage and the fact that Chinese runs a PHYSICAL market instead of a paper market like in the West. As a result liquidity is evaporating in London as it is moving to the Chinese physical gold markets AND Western Central planners are loosing their Impact on the gold market (of which there was proof this past Thursday). I expect China and Russia will use this as a LEVERAGE & pressure tool against the USA and the UK.
Solar could become the source of Energy of the Future...on condition science comes up with a proper way (i.s Batteries, Condensers,...) to store the Energy.
Hardly a month goes by without reports of new developments within the solar industry which increase the variety, flexibility and overall efficiency of these installations. Our ability to capture and generate power from the sun’s rays is limited only by our imagination.
3D solar towers offer up to 20 times more power output than traditional flat solar panels, and Solar Panels made three times cheaper and four times more efficient. BATTERIES (or a way to store this energy for when it is the most needed) remains the biggest problem of the sector.
Following shares have broken out and are a buy at present level of during the BACKTEST correction. During a Backtest Correction, the price ...[see Important Technicals for details about these shares]
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Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday April 22, 2016 - Things are now deteriorating in the global economy so quickly, that it cannot be hidden from the public any longer.
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes (Dow & SP500, Transportation Dow) ,
Oil and cheap credit are the engines that make the world go round. The problem is…that many large governments and corporations made forward purchases and contractual, budget agreements based on $80+ oil!....and DEBT is too BIG to kill. Trump's massive depression has began...
It appears Draghi did not like the impression of his impotence that precious metals were suggesting: Over 16,000 gold contracts (and 7,500 silver) were dumped in a 5/10 minutes segment...This is 9 days global gold production and 18 days of global silver production. “Who” has this much metal to sell and “who” in their right mind would ever sell it in this fashion? Silver didn't mind and only Gold corrected somewhat...Game over for Mario?
Chinese, Japanese or Saudi's can single-handed crush the US-Dollar overnight. They only have to flood the financial markets with a small part of the US-Treasuries they hold.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday April 21, 2016 - Panama vows to adopt international tax reporting standards by 2018
Updated Sections: Agriculturals, Copper & Platinum ,
Panama will adopt international tax reporting standards and participate in the automatic exchange of tax information by 2018, President Juan Carlos Varela told Japanese media on Tuesday, as his country came under a harsh spotlight in the wake of revelations arising from the "Panama Papers" controversy."To prevent the illegal use of Panama's financial systems, we would like to co-operate with other countries to improve transparency," Varela told broadcaster NHK on Tuesday, during a visit to Tokyo. This of course doesn't change the territorial taxation system and ALL advantages and rights Permanent Panamanian Residents have. If will however take away the pressure of foreign countries on the flourishing country. [ attrape-nigeaud -sucker trap is a good appropriate french expression ]. The power of the Panamanian Residents is the power of all the joint efforts of all the lawyers of the 150 Multi-Nationals who have their Head Quarters in Panama.
Obama and the Americans will not compromise national security with 9/11 report which will remain CLASSIFIED! They absolutely don't want the world to find out what really happened and the involvement of the CIA was ......
Where are the Towers gone? (watch it all the way to the end)
When prices rise but demand doesn't...we know hyperinflation is coming. There is more at hand that price reversals, bottoming and trend reversals....the technical breakouts happen to occur EVERY WHERE...and these are pointing to the reality that Hyperinflation is CLOSE. Rising prices and lower spendable incomes will lead to at least Civil War...see sections of Agriculturals, Copper & Platinum,...
Hi Francis, Since I became a subscriber my portfolio has become more profitable. I changed my temperament and learned to be patient...Many thanks, |
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday April 20, 2016 - Gold & Silver mines in the medium run to DOUBLE again!?
Updated Sections: Silver , Uranium shares ,
Who remembers GOLDMAN SACHS being extremely NEGATIVE about Gold and Silver!? Are YOU also still listening to the financial advice of your banker or have you started to make your own Home Work and are you finally MAKING MONEY instead of loosing!? We at Goldonomic told our SUBSCRIBERS that they had to buy Gold & Silver Shares when blood was running through the streets. i.e. starting in August 2015 until December 2015.
Sunny days are back again for those who have bought Gold & Silver shares years ago and had the nerves to sit through the dip. Especially if they used the dip to add to their positions and lower the average cost.
The strong Gold and Silver shares are a Good Omen for the short and medium term Gold and Silver price...Some miners have doubled since December 2015 and technically speaking several Miners will over de coming months DOUBLE again. See our sections for Majors and Juniors for our selection.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday April 19, 2016 - If you can't touch it, you don't own it (GOLD & SILVER)
Updated Sections: Crude Oil ,
Hacking Democracy...not a joke and maybe the reason why the Primaries are changing trend...from Killary to Berny and from Trump to Cruz. Who knows!?
Important Fundamentals:
- The last pillar of America’s coal industry has fallen…Peabody Energy (BTU), the largest U.S. coal miner, filed for bankruptcy. Its stock has stopped trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Peabody was the last major U.S. coal miner still standing. Arch Coal, Alpha Natural Resources, Patriot Coal, and Walter Energy all filed bankruptcy within the past year. The price of coal has plunged 75% since 2011…The U.S. simply has too much coal. Coal production hit a record high in 2008. That year, America entered its worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Coal demand fell and never recovered. On top of that, the U.S. government is trying to regulate the coal industry to death. Strict laws have made it almost impossible for coal to compete with natural gas, a cleaner fuel source. Natural gas is set to overtake coal as America’s main source of power this year, according to the Energy Information Association (EIA).
- Chesapeake Energy (CHK) is America's largest independent gas producer. Less than two years ago, the company was worth $20 billion. Today, it's only worth $3.5 billion. The price of natural gas has plunged 55% over the past two years. Last month, it hit its lowest level since 1999. Earlier this week, Chesapeake received a $4 billion line of credit. The company had to put up all of its assets as collateral for it. In other words, Chesapeake went on "financial life support." Chesapeake's share price jumped 34% on the news. But it's still down 62% over the past year. Technically speaking the stock is bottoming out.
Important Technicals:
- We plan to add RARE EARTH and RARE METALS to the section of Coal & solar Energy.
- The Election Year Scenario is certainly plausible...and what happens next months (MAY) will be decisive. [click to enlarge]
- Whatever the Mainstream try to sell regarding the Crude Oil price, technically speaking we had a Bullish Head and Shoulder Bottom (reversal pattern) , a breakout and a BULLISH trend. Having said this, NEVER forget that the Marginal Production Cost for crude oil is $ 7 to $ 85 !!!! As long as the price remains below this level, the SUPPLY will continue to decrease until it meets DEMAND and hence PRICE will continue to go up.
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Monday April 18, 2016 - How long can the criminal Central Banks McGyver the financial system!?
Updated Sections: Recession Proof Shares ,
CHINA SAYS "NO DOLLARS" FOR NEW YUAN. China is refusing to make its new gold-backed Yuan, convertible to or from US Dollars. The new Yuan, which will be gold-backed, will be introduced next Tuesday, April 19. China agreed to make the Yuan a more reliable currency when the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed to add it to the list of world currencies used for Global Reserves and International Trade.
China has been collecting huge amounts of gold bullion for years. Now, with a new gold-backed Yuan to be issued next Tuesday, the entire world will have a choice of a new currency to use for international trade: The old US Dollar which is backed by nothing, or the new Chinese Yuan, which is backed by gold. Which currency would YOU use?
Now the time comes for countries around the world to decide whether or not they wish to continue trading with the USA at all. This could cause the US Dollar to crash basically overnight. What have YOU done to prepare for this financial apocalypse?
The precious metals markets have been manipulated for 20 years...this is criminal activity! Shame on all the nay-Sayers who kept this alive so long! Shame on the FED & ECB ...who was behind this. A lot of honest people were financially harmed by this ! .
JPMorgan’s sprawling derivatives portfolio that encompasses $51 trillion notional amount as of December 31, 2015 is causing angst at the Fed and FDIC. JPMorgan bankrupt. "JPMC does not have an appropriate model and process for estimating and maintaining sufficient liquidity at, or readily available to, material entities in resolution...JPMC's liquidity profile is vulnerable to adverse actions by third parties."
According to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) derivatives report as of December 31, 2015, JPMorgan Chase is only centrally clearing 37 percent of its derivatives while a whopping 63 percent of its derivatives remain in over-the-counter contracts between itself and unnamed counter parties. The Dodd-Frank reform legislation had promised the public that derivatives would all become exchange traded or centrally cleared. ..but this still did not happen.
Equally disturbing, the most dangerous area of derivatives, the credit derivatives that blew up AIG and necessitated a $185 billion taxpayer bailout, remain predominately over the counter. According to the latest OCC report, only 16.8 percent of credit derivatives are being centrally cleared. At JPMorgan Chase, more than 80 percent of its credit derivatives are still over-the-counter. click here for the letter
Important is to know that the situation of the European banks is much WORSE. American banks have somewhat recapitalized, European banks not. The situation of Deutsche Banks is worst...but there also is UBS, HSBC, Soc. Generale, etc...
See sections of : Credit Default Swaps, Derivatives, Education Hall
And we have a thriving, buoyant Panama. The new Switzerland of the America' wonder the World and the Americans (Panama Papers) are jealous!? ....Bad loosers they are!
It is by definition impossible to built WEALTH upon a stinking nest of TAXATION and REGULATION.Over105 Multinationals have their HQ in Panama: Nestle (Switzerland), ...Maersk (Denmark-shipping), Proctor & Gamble (consumer goods), LG (Holland-electronics), Caterpillar (construction equipment), CEMEX (construction materials) , Nike (sports equipment and apparel) , Heineken (Holland-breweries), here for the complete list
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Friday April 15, 2016 - Many people are communists until they become rich...
Updated Sections:
Internet is the Protestantism of the 21st century...because of a printed and translated Bible (Internet) people realize how they are fooled by Intelligent Psychopaths (Politicians) and Mainstream Media. We are living the end of the traditional Political structures and the Traditional Media NOW!
An excellent in depth analysis explaining the situation of the USA is dramatic and they, over the coming months, will revert to dramatic action to try to kick start World War III so they can save the US-Dollar and the US-financial system (FED).
The Panama Papers are probably an inherent part of this. We still don't know how. The idea Americans (FED) have, is that if there is a WAR, more dollars will be required (to buy weapons, ammunition) and that WAR will allow them to control the Middle-East and so enforce the PETRODOLLAR upon countries. Fact is that Americans are loosing terrain as Russia and China (BRIC-countries) now are better equipped than the USA. Even the American Propaganda machine is quickly loosing terrain....A MUST see for those who are considering a second permanent residence!
Are you running a bank account with a MAFFIA bank (Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Bank of Nova Scotia, UBS) !?
Deutsche Bank Confirms in Court Silver Market Manipulation In Legal Settlement, Agrees To Expose Other Banks. The lead defendant, troubled German bank Deutsche Bank agreed to settle the litigation over allegations it illegally conspired with Bank of Nova Scotia and HSBC Holdings Plc to fix silver prices at the expense of investors, Reuters reported citing a court filing by law firm Lowey.
Deutsche Bank Admits It Also Rigged Gold Prices, Agrees To Expose Other Manipulators. .
IMF Discusses A Super Tax Of 10% On All Savings In Eurozone. One of the latest reports from the IMF discusses a super taxation of 10% on savings in the Eurozone. That would temporarily solve the debt problem in most sovereign countries. It would be an alternative of higher taxes or spending cuts.
High time to move your savings OUT of POLITICAL reach...those who don't will loose AT LEAST 10% of their savings. |
The IMF working paper said debt burdens in developed nations have become extreme by any historical measure and will require a wave of haircuts, either negotiated 1930s-style write-offs or the standard mix of measures used by the IMF in its “toolkit” for emerging market blow-ups. [also see Operation GUTT] .
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday April 14, 2016 - the EU-zone is no longer a democracy but FASCISM -
Updated Sections: Natural Gas shares ,
The People's Democracy will with the power of INTERNET take the power back!
The use of cash is restricted in many European countries...only people in many member states don't follow the rules...are you?
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This is the Legal situation in the European Union: Liquid funds of EUR 10,000 or more must be declared in writing to the respective customs authorities when entering, passing through and leaving the European Union and its member states.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday April 13, 2016 - What you keep in a Safe Deposit Box with a bank is NOT insured and access to the box can be blocked!
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes , Oil shares ,
The secured storage of legally-obtained and owned assets in private and non-bank safe deposit boxes located outside the United States/Europe is perfectly within the law. And as regular readers know, Americans/Europeans do it for a variety of reasons, including:
• Securing and having convenient access to valuables while residing, studying, traveling, and working overseas
• Geographically-diversifying wealth per the advice of financial/investment advisers.
• "Prepping" for potential nationwide emergencies/disasters, where domestic access to privately-owned assets becomes impossible.
• Protecting assets should "Government" ever go rogue and join the growing wealth confiscation movement across the globe. (this is exactly what is happening today with the Panama Papers)
No Banker will tell you that your valuables, physical Gold, keep into a safe deposit box with a Bank are NOT INSURED!! On top, when the slightest thing goes wrong ( argument, tax matter, dead,....), you will no longer have access to your box ! Private vaults however most of the time come with insurance and some even offer insurance for POLITICAL RISKS...
In a move which could trigger a collapse of European banks, Austria "Bailed-in" a failed bank; seizing depositor money to pay bank debts, leaving citizens broke. This could be the actual start of a complete systemic banking collapse in Europe as panicked citizens, seeing their fellow depositors wiped out in one fell swoop, start pulling their money out of the banking system. This has "DISASTER" written all over it.
The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) in its function as the resolution authority pursuant to the Bank Recovery and Resolution Act (BaSAG - Bundesgesetz über die Sanierung und Abwicklung von Banken) has issued the key features for the further steps for the resolution of HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG. The most significant measures are:
- a 100% bail-in for all subordinated liabilities,
- a 53.98% bail-in, resulting in a 46.02% quota, for all eligible preferential liabilities,
- the cancellation of all interest payments from 01.03.2015, when HETA was placed into resolution pursuant to BaSAG,
- as well as a harmonisation of the maturities of all eligible liabilities to 31.12.2023.
Five hours after this story broke, the Finance Minister of Italy called an EMERGENCY MEETING of Bankers for Monday in Rome. He made clear that Italian banks have 360 Billion in BAD LOANS against Bank Capital of only 50 Billion. He also bluntly stated that Monday's meeting was a "last resort" to save Italy's Banks! FULL STORY HERE
Do you really think Chinese and Russians are IDIOTS!?...they keep buying TONNES of GOLD ! Those who understand something is deadly wrong, don't buy & hold Real Estate, don't invest in Bonds & Treasuries,...keep their savings OUT of the banking system and most important OUT of POLITICAL REACH. Those who don't and do nothing because they are convinced "it only happens to others" will sink together with the Financial Titanic...together with the band (propaganda) which is playing the last tune.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Tuesday April 12, 2016 -The Ruble is up by 23% versus the US-Dollar since the beginning of the year.
Updated Sections:
Erdogan and Turkey probably are the BIGGEST POLITICAL DANGER Europe and the West is facing today...and the Authorities don't seem to realize it. Turks are acting as a middleman for IS in the trade of Crude Oil and Historic Artifacts. They are probably also delivering ammunition and arms to Daesh. At the same time Erdogan is trying to eliminate his biggest enemy: The Kurd's.
Turkey houses a complete nuclear arsenal (NATO and USA) and has the largest Army in the West. He's using the Fugitives for his own political and Financial goals. At this time Turkey even has troops fighting in Syria. According to Assad Successful strikes against terrorists in the country will lead to the failure of policies pursued by Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The RUBLE - Russian currency has rebounded 23 percent after collapsing to all-time low against US dollar. This is making Western hedge funds think more about investing in ruble assets. We think Russia will offer attractive return potential for the rest of the year. You have tremendous carry in the ruble, we think oil found a bottom earlier this year and will positively influence the Russian economy. The improvement of the Ruble and Oil Price is already noticeable in the price of Russian Oil shares (Gazprom).
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Monday April 11, 2016 - FED to hold Closed, Unexpected Meeting Under "Expedited Procedures" On Monday about interest rates.
Updated Sections: Rupee-Gold & Rupee , Yuan-Gold & Yuan , Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€ , Rand-Gold & Rand/$/€ ,
Gold-Majors , Gold-Juniors ,
Capital will NEVER leave a country where it is Honored and taken care off...
Capital smells danger before People start to feel uncomfortable. In the years BEFORE World War II capital and valuables (i.e. Gold, Silverware, Manuscripts,...) left Germany and Europe. Those who were caught at the border lost their properties and were send to jail, a concentration camp or shot. Having said this, it always is better to have savings abroad. At least when the day comes you have to go, you will have something to feed your family on.
Chavez and Maduro posted the Army at the Venezuelan borders to stop the export of Commodities to neighboring countries. Authorities (Intelligent Psycho's) and Media and those who don't have the guts to do what a man has to do always acclaim this kind of sick action. Maduro still is proclaimed as the # 1 hero of Venezuela by the local Mainstream and television...while it has become impossible to buy TOILET PAPER in the country.!?
The DDR and USSR built the Berlin Wall to stop people leaving Communist Germany where most of the people had to live in poverty. Cubans left Cuba after being stripped of their properties, Real Estate, house, land and bank deposits... empty handed! Clever Cubans had transferred their savings/assets out of Cuba BEFORE the coup. Clever Germans had transferred their savings/assets out of East Germany BEFORE the wall was built. Clever Venezuelans did transfer their savings/assets out of Venezuela while it was still possible (as a matter of fact, Goldonomic knows several people who actually did...)
The West is BANKRUPT and apart form printing money they will do whatever in their power to legally steal the money (and every cent!) from those who have it. Even if they have to torture you for it. Negative Interest rates are nothing more than an undercover OperationGUTT. The Mainstream Media and Politicians will do all that lies within their power to sweeten the theft and make the Herd (voters) happy...but will have their personal assets are out of political reach before something dramatic unfolds.
In time of crises it is up to you and you alone. Everyone for himself and the devil for all ! |
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday April 8, 2016 - Gold is ready for a fresh Bull leg !
Updated Sections: £-Gold & £/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/€/$ , Can-Gold & Can$/$/€ ,
The Panama Papers leak is being managed by the grandly but laughably named “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists”, which is funded and organized entirely by the USA’s Center for Public Integrity. Their funders include:
- Ford Foundation
- Carnegie Endowment
- Rockefeller Family Fund
- W K Kellogg Foundation
- Open Society Foundation (Soros)
The Suddeutsche Zeitung, which received the leak, gives a detailed explanation of the methodology the corporate media used to search the files. The main search they have done is for names associated with breaking UN sanctions regimes. The Guardian reports this too and helpfully lists those countries as Zimbabwe, North Korea, Russia and Syria. The filtering of this Mossack Fonseca information by the corporate media follows a direct western governmental agenda. There is no mention at all of use of Mossack Fonseca by massive western corporations or western billionaires – the main customers. And the Guardian is quick to reassure that “much of the leaked material will remain private.”
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday April 7, 2016 - A Brexit will accelerate the end of the Euro and EU-zone.
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ ,
Caracas, Venezuela, the ORGASM of SOCIALISM in a country which used to be one of the richest in the World! Coming soon to your country.... voting won't make a difference..because it's MATHEMATICALLY TOO LATE!!!...and believe it or not, there are still IDIOTS (the voting majority) who like the Regime and who like Maduro! Caracas is presumed to be GUN FREE and SMOKE free...but you better have a Smith & Wesson ready. Inspectors wander in the city to check the appropriate signs are displayed...and there are heavy fines. (note that you ALSO cannot be RACIST). This is the Orgasm of LALA-LAND Venezuela. This is the PERFECT example of a Bernie Sander's country!
Important Fundamentals:
- Eurozone countries have had plenty to worry about since the single currency was launched in 1999 – perpetually weak GDP, high unemployment, a clumsy ratification process when they can vote among what is now an unwieldly 28 countries - the surrender of other sovereign rights to an unelected bureaucracy - an ongoing migrant crisis - terrorist attacks - and now the approaching UK Brexit vote on 23rd June. Commentators on both sides of the English Channel think a successful vote which takes the UK out of the EU would effectively end efforts to create a ‘United States of Europe’.
More Fundamentals and Technicals in the Subscriber's sections
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Wednesday April 6, 2016 - Few people know the Panama Hat is made in Ecuador.
Updated Sections:
The Higher the Taxation level, the more the Legal Theft becomes Immoral and the more taxes will be avoided and the more people will emigrate to tax-friendly-countries. The witch hunting action will slowly suffocate each society where the taxation level has become immorally high. No country can function without Capital...and Capital HATES taxation. When Capital leaves a country it always tales EMPLOYMENT and PROSPERITY along!
France want to reinstate Panama back on the list of Tax heavens...maybe Hollande should also confess France is living off Legal Theft and the number of Capital Rich people which are leaving the French Hell is growing exponentially. Maybe journalists should instead focus on buoyant Panama where GNP growth is a 7% to 10% annually, where there is almost zero unemployment and a low crime rate....and all this in a country with a very low taxation level!
During the 1930's-40's people emigrated out of Europe because there was no food (Ireland) and there was WAR (European continent). This time people are emigrating because of IMMORAL high taxes, a misallocation of the taxes and an influx of millions of Muslims (Wir Schaffen Es!) which are in the process of taking over CONTROL in Europe.
Hollywood is the USA and the USA is Hollywood. They want you to believe The Panama Papers like they want you to believe there was actually a plane which flew in the Pentagon...and like they want you to believe the Building #7 was destroyed by an airplane which NEVER hit it...I often WONDER WHY people are so damn STUPID!?
This the the REAL PROBLEM...DRAMATIC... Do YOU have the GUTS to watch this video!?...Emigrate to Panama while you still can! The denial of what Islam is, will be the end of Europe. Money and Taxes come and go...MUSLIMS however only come to impose their rules.
Important Fundamentals:
- Credit Suisse after $1B loss: It's all under control - At issue for the bank were about $1BILLION in losses on Q4 and Q1 from traders taking positions without the knowledge of higher-ups. Thiam - who took over the bank last summer - became aware of the positions in January and responded by pulling Credit Suisse (NYSE:CS) out of trading securitized products in Europe, distressed debt, and long-term illiquid financing. BANKS ARE ALL BANKRUPT !!!! Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank,...ALL
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Tuesday April 5, 2016 - The bonds won't come down...its' possible as we are in a completely fraudulent system!
Updated Sections: US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ ,
If you are still in DENIAL about the near future and BEARISH state of the Real Estate Markets, you must watch THE BIG SHORT. Remember that NOTHING has been changed and that the next accident will be worse than the one we already experienced.
Real Estate will crash AGAIN as the Population Pyramids become square and inverted and newcomers can not longer afford to buy their 1st house. Even Negative Interest Rates won't be able to change this.
First we had fiscal amnesty which was meant to force as many people as possible to repatriate their savings from abroad. Next the Central Banks slashed Real and nominal Interest rates so that a maximum of capital was squeezed into the Real Estate Market. that capital has been locked up in a market which is becoming illiquid, they will TAX the HELL out of Real Estate owners en investors. Remember Authorities never take prisoners....
If you see that Politicians move their assets out of political reach, WHY are YOU repatriating yours within Political reach!?.... |
The Big Short is a movie but also available as a book and has been translated in different languages (dutch, french,...) It is an EXCELLENT picture of what happened during the years and months and weeks BEFORE the Lehman Bros' debacle happened.
In 2005, eccentric hedge fund manager discovers that the U.S. housing market is extremely unstable, being based on subprime loans that are high risk and providing fewer and fewer returns. Predicting that the market will collapse sometime in the second quarter of 2007, he realizes that he can profit from this situation by creating a credit default swap market, allowing him to bet against the housing market. He visits several major banks and investment dealers with this idea; these firms, believing that the housing market is secure, accept his proposal. This earns the ire of Burry's clients who believe that he is wasting their money and demand that he stop his activities, but he refuses. As the predicted time of the collapse approaches, his investors lose their confidence and consider pulling out their money, but Burry places limitations on withdrawals, much to his investors' anger. However, the market collapses just as he predicted and he produces 489% profits from the plan.
The book or movie is a WARNING and will help you to understand how the financial system functions and what the dangers are for the near future. Remember that NOTHING has been changed after Lehman Bros's (Glass Seagall) and that the next accident will be worse than the one we already experienced. Be advised Deutsche Bank is actually are JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, HSBC,...
Too early to comment on the Panama Papers. We knew something was brewing and about to be published...this however has the power to blow Wikileaks out of the Atlantic. No doubt that this is in the 1st place a POLITICAL EVENT directed directly against Putin and other East-European Politicians. Having said this, every WISE business man will move part of his assets out of political reach and the more taxation we have the more people will resort to tax minimization and sometimes tax evasion. Not ONE journalist nor politician will be able to change this EVER. Rome was built on a march by giving away land for free and was destroyed by politicians and taxation. This time won't be different. Whatever happens, moving your permanent residency to Panama will remain an excellent alternate....and not only for financial and economic reasons. Don't we all are aware the world is spooked by more dangerous problems than tax evasion.
When I first heard the news I thought “here it is, THE TRUTH BOMB”! After about 30 minutes or so and reading “who” was being exposed, I began to scratch my head. Noticeably absent from being named were any prominent Americans or Europeans with exception of David Cameron’s father and several Members of British Parliament. Then it dawned on me, this was sort of a “reverse truth bomb” where Putin, Xi and others were being discredited. It has been my contention we would see a massive truth bomb dropped by Putin and the East ON the various Western “dirties”. Bribes and hidden accounts of business leaders, Senators, Representatives, Governors, Ambassadors (past presidents?)…I believed we would see information regarding false flags including 911, election fraud and even empty vaults being exposed … Instead, the “truth bomb” though very probably true was only detrimental to non Western interests. Did I have it backwards?[Bill Holter] |
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Monday April 4, 2016 -France is bankrupt but french are not happy because they want to keep their privileges: like a 35 hour work week.
Updated Sections: $-Gold , Silver ,
Rising tensions in France, especially in Paris following a series of Islamist terrorist attacks in 2015, have spurred an exodus of its super-wealthy citizens, a new report on migration trends of millionaires and high-net worth individuals across the world reveals. The report warns that other European countries, including the UK, Belgium, Germany and Sweden "where religious tensions are starting to emerge", will also see similar trends.
With Goldonomic, in just a few short weeks, you can have the core components of a very strong Plan B, including:
This month we're planning a 2nd PANAMA information evening in Belgium: "How to obtain your second permanent residency & Passport without any hassle?!"
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Friday April 1st, 2016 - Erdogan is a REAL danger for the West and the World but not one politician seems to realize it.
Updated Sections: Oil Shares ,
Real Estate owners and investors will be slaughtered once the REAL CRISIS stands up. Real Estate is a High Order Capital Good and its price always CRASHES during Inflationary Depressions. Even when Interest Rates are Negative....The additional DANGER with Real Estate is that at a certain point the market DRIES UP and it becomes impossible to SELL during the CRASH.
A Real Estate top comes with a CLIMAX in buying we had in the USA in 2005-06-07. The Real Estate bust lasts for AT LEAST 26 then the property does no longer comply with the living standards. Deflation we shall have AFTER Hyperinflation. Normally the price of Real Estate already starts to slide during the Inflation and Hyper-inflationary phase because the REAL SPENDABLE income is destroyed by the inflation. Note: in 2007 Promoters recurred to a LOTTERY in order to allocate a House to a potential buyer. Convinced prices would double and triple, the lucky one bought at the very top of the market and lost at least HALF of his investment during the following years.
Important Fundamentals:
- International Banking has become a nightmare....where nobody trusts nobody. I NEVER EVER thought I would live so much DRAMA ever!
- Hedge funds are the reason BEHIND the extreme volatility of the financial markets and of Oil (and other) prices. Evidence suggests that as oil has bounced back, many of these trend-following hedge funds (known as commodity trading advisors) have been forced to cover their short positions and perhaps even get long crude.
Important Technicals:
- Expect a rising Oil price and strong Oil shares until at least the end of the spring 2016 (May). One must however only pick up the best ones for investment (i.e. xxxxxx, xxxxxxx,...)
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