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Coaching service: $3,157

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There are different reasons why one should subscribe to Goldonomic. The main one is that we try to stay advertising-free, and our primary goal is to remain absolutely free and independent so we can write what we see and what we think. It's not always a pleasant task, but somebody has to do it. For those who have time to burn and need more, click here.

We know all about Brokers (who will see your trade as much as possible), Charlatans who want you to buy worthless Penny Stocks (a lot of Gold and silver mines amongst them), and Banks, who mainly want you to buy them, so said ZERO risk hazardous self-made products.

We are a team of experienced financiers with experience in all major financial sectors. We know the ropes, the dangers, and the traps, and our primary and only interest is to ensure our Goldonomic friends are as safe as possible. Click here to read more about our service, and be advised that you can talk to us!

For those who don't want to spend this money, we publish a free list of financial advisers. Click here. Alternatively, you can keep your Bonds, structured products, derivatives, and other fixed-interest investment instruments and trust your bank.

Still have questions? here for more answers.

Disclaimer: We, nor any of our officers, editors, and research staff, hold any positions in companies discussed in the Goldonomic newsletter, nor do we or our staff receive any compensation whatsoever for such recommendations. Unless stated otherwise, graphs, forecasts, and information published in our newsletters are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The information in our newsletter is for education and entertainment only, and neither of our officers can be held liable for any losses incurred by the readers. All sales are final. There is no refund policy.

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