NEWS AUG'15 (public)
QE will be stepped up to such a pace that you will hear the roar of the printing presses from Mars.
Monday August 31, 2015 - First Hurricane in 10 years - Tropical storm Erika may hit Florida this weekend.
About Referenda, Bureaucrats, and EU-intelligent Psychopaths.
If you were sitting in a rowboat in stormy seas, would you say that the lighthouse is moving from side to side and up and down? Or would you employ a rubber band as a tape measure? Certainly not, and for good reasons, as the lighthouse and steel are stable, and waves and rubber bands are not. The relationship between gold and paper currencies is roughly analogous.
No crash with QE! The ECB has not stopped its QE program...and the FED will resume its QE program soon. In fact the volatility on stock markets only increases potential it will increase its stimulus. The ECB's Balance sheet remains on an upward trajectory and still has more than €500 billion to go before it gets back to the stated objective of reaching 2012 peak.
No Stock Market Crash but Strong Rising Stock markets and rising Commodity an Gold prices we shall see over the coming months.... |
Most of the Financial Analysts (incl. Martin Amstrong, G. Celente,...) make a terrible mistake: they all compare the Great Depression of the 21st century with the Great Depression of the 1920 -30's. NOT SO ! As a rule ANY analyst pretending the Stock Markets are in a bubble and are heading for an imminent crash, is WRONG. During the Great Depression of the 1930's the Dollar was convertible in GOLD. Today NO currency is convertible. Therefore it is a lot easier for Authorities to print additional money to keep the financial system floating...and this is exactly what they do. As a result, there will be NO STOCK MARKET CRASH as long as we haven't lived hyperinflation and the Herd looses all faith in the Banks, Financial System and Authorities.
The Weimar and the Zimbabwe Hyperinflation must be studied and taken as examples...not the 1929 Wall Street Crash like many analyst do.! |
Not convinced? Read what we publish in the EDUCATION HALL (public section) about the Weimar Revolution, Zimbabwe, the Mississippi Scheme, ....and stop believing people who need to make their home work and study the system properly instead of acting like Financial Movie stars.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday August 28, 2015 - Europe is burning...and this is just the beginning !
Updated sections: Gold & Silver majors (HUI) , Gold & Silver Juniors (GDXJ) , Long Term Stock market indexes ,
The Syrian fugitive-problem (also the Middle-East) comes on top of the existing EU-problems. Noteworthy is that it took about 4 years BEFORE the HERD started to move out of the Middle-East. Intelligent families took their precautions and left Syria and the Middle-East years ago. They were properly prepared and did it in a LEGAL way. When we advise Europeans and Americans to go for a SECOND PASSPORT and RESIDENCY NOW , we know what we're talking about! The process is a lot easier than most people think. Those who keep trusting the EU-politicians will end like the Syrian fugitives....What do you think would happen to you and your family if and when you have to escape a hostile enviromnent and have no assets (money) abroad and no second passport!?...and are you still so sure that you are safe?
It’s Official: China Confirms It Has Begun Liquidating Treasuries, Warns Washington
On Tuesday evening, we asked what would happen if emerging markets joined China in dumping US Treasurys. For months we’ve documented the PBoC’s liquidation of its vast stack of US paper. Back in July for instance, we noted that China had dumped a record $143 billion in US Treasurys in three months via Belgium, leaving Goldman speechless for once.
We followed all of this up this week by noting that thanks to the new FX regime (which, in theory anyway, should have required less intervention), China has likely soldsomewhere on the order of $100 billion in US Treasurys in the past two weeks alone in open FX ops to steady the yuan. Put simply, as part of China’s devaluation and subsequent attempts to contain said devaluation, China has been purging an epic amount of Treasurys.
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday August 27, 2015 - The Plunge Protection Team and Central Banks can print unlimited quantities of Papier Money-
Updated sections:
Today's banking system and monetary system is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme, a fraud...thin air, a mirage. The Emperor has no clothes and the day is close the system will implode and all holders of Worthless Fiat Money will be left empty handed.
Following video also explains WHY it is so hard for most to understand what is going on and why most people keep chasing %%%% profits instead of seeking SAFETY and move their purchasing power into REAL MONEY.
Bank notes, Bank deposits, Treasuries, Future contracts, Currencies, ETF's, Pension Funds, Life Insurances are all examples of non-real money... |
Understanding GOLD is a video you MUST see...90% of the people don't understand Gold and therefore make the wrong decisions.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday August 26, 2015 - Stocks are Real Assets & Champagne in the Situation Room as markets bounce back!
Updated Sections: Natural Gas Shares , US-Dollar , Euro/US-Dollar ,
What goes around, comes around. The current chaos in North and Central Africa, is mainly the consequence of Western military strategies which have resulted in a real catastrophe: the American Iraq intervention in 1990 and 2003 (the so-called 'Bush' wars.), the NATO bombings on Libya in 2011 to eliminate al-Gaddafi, the efforts of French President Nicolas Sarkozy in a country like Mali, the efforts (Belgium) to keep the corrupt Congolese potentate Joseph Kabila in the saddle, and recently the NATO support for Turkey against the Kurds...thank you mister president!
Caution is required but the Summer Sales may end soon...or have already ended...between you and me, if you could print all the money in the world, would you risk a Stock Market Crash which could take away all your priviledges? And are you really so naive not to believe that someone who can manipulate the Gold & Silver sector will not intervene in the Stock Market?
In a bull market buying the dips is a winning strategy and is a policy that gains ever more credence as evidence compounds that it generates outsized returns. Investors and traders with orders in the market well below Friday’s close had favourable short-term buying opportunities today, which lent further evidence to the view that buying the dips works. However we also know that at some point buying the dips will not work so the big question is whether this is one of those occasions?
A top formation is by definition a massive reaction against the prevailing uptrend. It often occurs following a loss of momentum or a wedging characteristic. The speed of the decline is unnerving because participants have so little time to react. So far we had not such a distribution pattern. Hence the Bull market is still alive! |
Important Technicals:
- Mainstream Media seems to miss of the slide of the US-Dollar and strenghtening of the Euro. Expect the Dollar to weaken until yearend.
- 30 minute candle chart for the Dow Jones is bullish. Stop loss level is 15,800
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
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Tuesday August 25, 2015 - This correction comes extremely early...I've lived too many of these crashes to panic. Stock markets always bounce back!
Updated sections: World Stock Market Indexes , Banks & Financials ,
Only 6 months after the 1929 crash, stocks had recovered 50% of their losses. Everyone selling his stock positions in panic should be advised that he/she is exchanging REAL ASSETS for Worthless Fiat Money...for Fool's Gold! For those invested according to the Investment Pyramid who decided not to sell their positions, losses will be minimum and recovery probably swift.
I lived the October 1987 crash. As a matter of fact, my Birthday is October 19th. I lived the 2008/09 crash....and I know one must be patient and buy as soon as we have a climax sell-off and a bottom (like we had for Gold weeks ago). Those having positions should sit tight and ride the whipsaw out....
I cautioned for this correction months ago. My Point and Figures charts were straight forward...Today they tell us how deep the markets can and will slide...depending on how much the Plunge Protection Team can do and how fast QE4 will be initiated.
The Plunge Protection Team in the Situation Room is aware of the risk. What happens is, as stocks go down, investors will get margin calls and they will be forced to sell their positions immediately ... which will accelerate the markets' sell-off. In my opinion Authorities (the PPT) will do whatever they can to avoid it. (That is also what the Chinese Authorities are doing at this time)
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday August 24, 2015 - Do you really Believe Yellen will risk a hike in interest rates? if so you are living in LALA-land. I see QE4 and QE5 in my crystal...
Updated Sections: Copper and Platinum , World Stock market Indexes , Pound Sterling/$/€ , Stock Market Indexes in Gold , World Stock markets in Gold,
I have been warning you for several months about this correction of the American Stock we are living it. Not a reason for panic but a time to prepare to BUY and grasp the opportunity...and to take advantage of the present SALES period. Remember that with every Stock yo buy, you are stepping out of Worthless Fiat Money...and those who bought during the October 1987 crash, REALLY made big money. Bear in mind that we still have to see the most spectacular upleg #5 of this bull market...especially for the Gold sector. See section of World Stock Market Indexes for BEARISH targets.
What if all markets are closed today to stop the markets going down? soon or later Mother nature will have her revenge...
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday August 21, 2015 - Break away gaps on the charts of Gold & Silver miners confirm the turn around of the sector.!
Updated sections: Oil shares , Crude Oil , $-Gold ,
The Argentinean Cancer: The problem today is that whether you vote or not, whether you come in the streets to protest or not, NOTHING changes. Authorities have become the cancer of society. They have done this by implanting an Administrative instrument which is not and cannot be elected. As a matter of fact, petty government officials are as a rule appointed for life.
It is for this reason that the pillage can continue in countries like Argentina and Venezuela, but also in the EU (Europe) and the USA. If you're not happy, the only thing you can do, is emigrate physically or digitally. The advantage of a digital emigration is that you can continue to profit from the socialist system the country of physical residence offers.
Venezuelans have learned to live with the devil and have over the years developed a second economic and financial circuit. They learned to live with the devil...
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday August 20, 2015 - Everything has been said what needs to be said. Today we have those who know and act and those who are stubborn and will financially die!
Updated Sections:
The next rising trend we shall have for Gold, will be the LAST rising trend WE shall see in our lifetime because it will lead to a New Monetary Order ! |
The gentleman's agreement between China and the USA has come to an END! International trade will break down and the depression will get worse. What's worse, and most analyst oversee this (incl. Mike Maloney and Amstrong) , the USA cannot possibly DEVALUE the Dollar (except versus Gold) because it is a RESERVE currency. They only can PRINT more money until there is HYPERINFLATION. This is gonna come apart in a very, very UGLY way...I guess 75% to 85% of the Savers/Investors will drawn and loose all of their belongings and savings. : DEBT = MONEY, when Debt defaults, Money will default....pension funds will default, real estate will default,...etc...
Mr. Trump is ok but he doesn't THINK....and Putin is very prudent and a fox...if the USA pushes the NATO into a War with Russia, I have no doubt that Putin will see through the wicked game and will, instead of destroying Europe, directly attack the USA. [by the way, this is also my opinion]
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday August 19, 2015 - There is no real correlation between the price of real estate and interest rates
Updated sections: Uranium (scroll down) , Gold Fundamentals , Silver Fundamentals ,
Charts below don't need any comment...
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday August 18, 2015 - The US-Dollar is a Dead man Walking. You're going to see very high levels of inflation. It's going to be quite catastrophic.
Updated sections: Uranium ,
The Banana-republics are The Netherlands, Belgium, the USA and NOT the Republic of Panama. Panama grows annually by an average of 8%. The country has no unemployment, is booming. Real Estate is expensive (but of bad quality). There is excellent and affordable health care. Infra-structure (electricity grid, roads, postal service,...) cannot cope with this extra-ordinary growth rate...while more and more multi-nationals are moving in to profit from the advantageous tax system.
Even ex-communist Russia (with sanctions) does it better than the Western World. Fresh recount data from The World Bank (July 1, 2015) shows that Russia overtook Germany last year, and despite sanctions, falling oil prices and the Ukrainian conflict, Russia's economy keeps growing by 4% and it has been ranked fifth in the world in terms of GDP PPP.
The US-Dollar is a dead man walking . The U.S. dollar is not even worth toilet paper – toilet paper has value until you use it to wipe, then it’s worth what the dollar is worth.”
The crash of the Dollar and the Bond market (Treasuries) will also presage a collapse in the American banking system which is carrying trillions of dollars of toxic debt derivatives, at levels much greater than when the system crashed in 2007-08. Now, when interest rates inevitably go up from these artificially suppressed levels where they are now, the bond market is going to collapse, the stock market is going to collapse, and with it, the real estate market is going to collapse. Pension funds are going to be wiped out… This is a very bad situation.
Something happened around the middle of 2013… back then one could notice significant changes in the relationship between the U.S. Government and the Saudi royal regime…As a result, we see that “the quantity of petro-dollars” is falling. The Petro-Dollar was a mainstay for the exchange rate of the US-Dollar. Economists know that the 'external value of a currency is of life importance for the internal value.
The smoldering stages of what was a financial/technological/trade war have now become hot and the first shot was fired. "The Rumblings of War" regarding the IMF rebuffing China's entry into the SDR was followed up by "The shot heard 'round the world" on Tuesday commenting on China's surprise devaluation.China devalued their currency in a surprise move...Remember, the U.S. has been prodding China to strengthen their currency and has gone so far as to call them a "currency manipulator"! Now we see China doing the exact opposite of U.S. requests (demands?). This is where it gets weird or some might say "coincidental". Did anyone see the explosion at the Chinese port city of Tianjin?
Next time there is a push/accident, the Chinese won't be buying the US-Dollar and therefore it will slide a lot harder and a lot deeper. And when the US-bond market crashes, there will be nobody to pick up the bonds...The fed will have no option but the launch a QE4 and QE5....Hyperinflation we shall see.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday August 17, 2015 - We are living what will called by History the Great Depression of the 21st Century!
Updated sections: Can-Gold & Can$/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/€/$ , ¥-Gold & ¥/€/$ , £-Gold & £/$/€ , R-Gold
& R/$/€ , Krona-Gold & Kr/$/€ , Yuan-Gold , Rupee-Gold ,
A 1930 style depression we have. If it wasn't for FOOD STAMPS and Social Security (and printing Money), the Bread & Soup lines would be double as long as during the Great Depression of the 1930's. Government income (TAX) is lagging behind Government Expenditures. Worse is that this is a VICIOUS CIRCLE. In other words, mathematically, there is NO SOLUTION...see Jim's here . The IMBALANCE between Government Income (taxation) and Expenditures will become even worse than generally expected because of the AGING BABY BOOMERS. Apart from PRINTING FIAT MONEY until we have Hyperinflation, the Government will have no alternate but to impose DRAMATICALLY HIGH TAXES. Every living soul WITH savings will be slaughtered....especially those chasing these last %%%% and those refusing to move their savings out of political reach.
The Huge Lie of Recovery started with a 2nd dip and Green shoots...
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Even the average family income has dropped. | |
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Hyperinflation is a MONETARY event but a Depression is an ECONOMIC one ! Youth unemployment in Southern Europe averages 50% |
This is one more WARNING for Common stocks !!
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday August 14, 2015 - Freedom or the absence of government brings prosperity and there is where your money should be!
Updated sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ ,
Most people see things too late. I always see things too early...and am sometimes ridiculed by the %%%-hunters. But I know I shall be the one laughing last...and I will be financially alive when all those %%% savers are bankrupt...holding their worthless %%% profits in what they were incorrectly believing was Money.
Some will say: No one saw this coming!..Will you really continue to live in LALA-land and do like nothing is happening and will happen!? If you do, you will be the only one to blame. Once the confidence is gone, it is GAME OVER...
Nobody knows exactly WHEN the Global Reset will happen....but one better be prepared: better 4 years early than one second late. Sure is that the liquidity is drying on fast!
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday August 13, 2015 - Following the Mainstream Media is harmful to your financial health and will make you don't!
Updated sections: Silver , $-Gold ,
Over the last 12 month several currencies are devalued by more than 10% versus the US-Dollar....and the act goes unnoticed by the Mainstream Media, the Chinese Yuan however is devalued by a tiny 4% and hell breaks loose...who are the IDIOTS ? Just look at the performance of some of the most important currencies over the last year and think for yourself. Those financial journalist are not worth a second of your and my time:
- The Japanese yen is down 18% against the US dollar
- The Euro has dropped 18%
- The Australian dollar has dropped 21%
- The Canadian dollar has dropped 17%
- The New Zealand dollar has dropped 22%
This is an interesting video clip full of contradictions. This analyst thinks the dollar will continue to soar...because it offers liquidity....for the time being, I think one must stick to the Point an Figures charts...and stick to Gold and Silver.
The video is for subscribers only !
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday August 12, 2015 - Has the next bull run of the Gold & Silver sector began?
Updated sections:
World is Defenseless in Next Financial Crash.Today it has become safer to listen to people NOT wearing suit and tie!
There’s too much debt. Too many sovereign governments have bumped up against debt saturation. In the U.S., we are over 100% debt to GDP. We are way over 100% debt to GDP if you include all debt. If you include all the off-book guarantees, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all the other promises, we have blown up as far as debt to GDP ratios. So, the ability to prevent a crash no longer exists.”
If this is Europe I will go back to the war in Syria (Syrian fugitive in Kos, Greece) - European Intelligent Psychopaths don't expected!...I can call them words, but they won't mind....just like the SDM (Stupid Democratic Majority) living on Bread (social security) and Games (Tomorrowland). |
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday August 11, 2015 - Bear markets always turn into bull markets and you need to be positioned for when they turn...
Updated sections: €-Gold & €/$, Gold & Silver Juniors, Corporate Bonds ,
Are you afraid of higher interest rates? Interest rates went higher and higher throughout the late seventies’, so did gold. Higher interest rates from here will mean only one thing, the central bank is losing control of the corralled credit markets. Higher rates will destroy the synthetic markets of derivatives and result in cascading failures, insolvencies and bankruptcies.
Ask yourself a question, if the Fed (and other central banks) were to lose control and the credit markets were to enter into a panic, what exactly would you want to have? The answer of course is “money,” that is not nor has any liability to anyone or anything. China and Russia now have the ability to “force” this loss of control of credit markets onto the Western central banks. Do you think they are aware of this situation? Do you believe they are accumulating gold because it is “pretty” too look at?
The feds dis-hoarded 10,000 tonnes of gold from Ft Knox in the 1960s in a vain effort to keep gold capped at $35, and that was in a period when the general knowledge about gold was still relatively high. So they have already proven that, yes, they are that stupid. Today we have a DEJA VU with derivatives...there is ONLY so much physical Gold left....and when the Paper market will collide with the Physical market there will be more than blood flowing through the streets...
And the situation today cannot even be compared to back then in terms of knowledge because they have all smoked pot and believe the nonsense spewing from Krugman. Few analyst know the correct definition of Inflation and Deflation and are able to understand what a hyperinflationary depression is. This is one of the reasons why many incorrectly keep talking about DEFLATION...
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday August 10, 2015 - The IMF announced the Chinese yuan will not be admitted into the SDR until at least Sept. 2016...
Updated Sections: Bonds general & the USA , Bonds in the EU & Germany , Gold & Silver Majors ,
This is the kind of propaganda that makes one puke: Assad is ‘root of all evil’ after first drone strikes launch from Turkey!? While everyone was freaking out over a lion, the Obama White House just declared war on Syria and hardly anyone even noticed. North Africa and the Middle-East was a relative STABLE part of the world BEFORE the Americans started to interfere with Divide and Reign. Libya was doing relatively well under Khadaffi and was stable, Iraq was doing well under Saddam Hussein, Syria was doing well under Assad....Today, after the intervention of the Americans and the NATO (which is controlled by the Americans), those countries are destabilized, sometimes have several governments fighting each other or are at war with IS.
There are also problems in Tunisia, Yemen, Mali, Saudi Arabia and Ukraine. Countries like Morocco and Algeria are becoming no-go's for Westerners and war is spreading into Kurdish area's and Turkey. |
The European Refugee problem is a DIRECT consequence of the destabilization of Northern Africa and the Middle-East. Because of Foreign American politics (Clinton, Kerry) , Europe (the EU) is now invaded by thousands of immigrants which have nothing to loose or have lost everything they have at home and have already risked their life to reach the safe beaches of Europe. The destabilization of Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa is engineered by the USA and used as a weapon to maintain the sovereignty of the US-Dollar.
The destabilization of Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa is engineered by the USA and used as a weapon to maintain the sovereignty of the US-Dollar.
This makes it increasingly dangerous to keep assets in Europe and the EU but also in the USA or in the Middle-East. Even China and the Far East should be avoided. One should move his assets to safer alternates: Canada, Australia, Central-America, Panama,...and even to South-Africa, Botswana, Tanzania,...
The IMF announced the Chinese yuan will not be admitted into the SDR until at least Sept. 2016...not sure yet how China will retaliate. There is however no doubt they will. China has the power to crunch the dollar. Today such becomes increasingly easy as the Euro-Dollar is disappearing (low Oil prices and less Oil is invoiced in $$$) and - because of the depression - the USA is importing less goods out of China. There is less "made in China". The fewer Goods and Services are invoiced in a currency, the harder it becomes to manipulate the currency (DOLLAR).
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday August 7, 2015 - Demand for COMEX physical deliveries doubles in August
Updated sections: Recession Proof section ,
- Those who keep their physical Gold/Silver in a safe deposit box with a bank/financial institution are crazy and can as well not hold any
- Those who keep their physical Gold/Silver with Gold/Silver brokers , Gold/Silver warehouses or similar in the EU and/or USA are crazy and can as well not hold any
- Those who keep all of their Gold/Silver within Political reach are crazy...but also, when you live in Central America you DON't keep all of your phyisical Gold in i.e. Switzerland. Switzerland has ceased to be the Switzerland of the 1900's...and is highly controlled by the US and A.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday August 6, 2015 - Europe has become a non-democratic colony controlled by banksters and the USA an Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery
Updated sections: Recession Proof shares ,
Today we are 200% sure that Greece will come back with a less than 12 month from today...a time when the rest of the Western World also starts to fall apart...therefore one must be prepared NOW! (click for english subtitles). This is mathematically as certain as 1 + 1 = 2 . Therefore those who continue to keep their savings with banks and continue to trust the EU and Governments are plain and simple RETARDED IDIOTS !
It's all about physical gold and paper gold...which kind do you hold!? Paper Gold "Dilution" Hits A Record 124 For Every Ounce Of Physical
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday August 5, 2015 - The Canadian Real Estate market bubble starts to deflate...
Updated Sections:
Blackstone has purchased nearly 50,000 homes since 2012. US private equity firm The Blackstone Group (BX) is now the single largest homeowner in America.
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Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday August 4, 2015 - it is absolutely impossible to make it illegal to trade and/or possess Gold worldwide!
Updated sections:
Even since Martin Amstrong was released out of jail, the man seems to be working on an Agenda...forecasting Gold will continue to crash to $ 780 (and maybe lower) and also that Authorities will ban Gold all together really doesn't make any sense. I also cannot understand how certain analysts can pretend we have Deflation and we may have more over the next months...Again, those analysts are deadly wrong and don't even know the correct definition of Inflation en Deflation.
Three things:
- Gold has bottomed out and the odds that price slides down the present level are extremely small. See Gold section for our updated stop loss level.
- If, like during the 1920's - 30's Authorities make it illegal to hold gold, the logic is that money will shift into Gold & Silver mines making it more interesting to invest/hold these. A logic consequence would be that Gold & Silver miners would outperform. Gold & Silver miners are Physical Gold and Silver to be mined....
- Worst case scenario it is possible that Gold could be banned in designated countries. It is however totally impossible to issue a worldwide ban on Gold, like it is impossible to ban Weed and/or Coke worldwide.
Debt is Money and Money is debt and the slightest rise in Interest rates will crunch the financial system, the banks, the authorities and the money. Both charts below had to be amended. (click to enlarge). Looking at these charts, it really is impossible to have Deflation....even in your wildest dreams! Deflation only comes AFTER Hyperinflation and Hyperinflation we still did not have.
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Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday August 3, 2015 - In Russia it ain't a shame to make a West-Europe it is...
Updated sections:
I am absolutely NOT superstitious but many are and this month starts with a Full Moon and has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This only happens once each 823 years...according to Chinese it brings luck.
Both the British and the Americans pretend their actions bring Peace and Democracy to the World. Obvious their definition of Democracy is a weird one.
Feb 2, 1835 there was not ONE BEGGAR in India..and a lot of wealth...after the British leaders broke the ancient education system, the country has become something where no Westerner would enjoy to live. The process took 100 years or 3 to 4 generations. British can be proud about this achievement. Likewise, American leaders can be proud about their achievements in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Syria and Ukraine....
Having said this, the problem Europe is now confronted with (Middle-East and Africa refugees) , would not exist had the equilibrium in North Africa and the Middle-East not been disturbed by the "Arab Spring". Weird and scary at the same time is that NOBODY is asking the question where (- out of the blue -) the rebels in for example Libya got their weapons, ammunition and military training from...
The government controls any money you have in the bank. It can decide you’re not allowed to touch your own money at any time. Or it can put severe restrictions on how much money you can take out. |
Complacency on the U.S. Economy and the U.S. Dollar Could Be Shaken in the Weeks and Months Ahead. Summer (mid-year) and Winter (year-end) are important pivot months for the US-Dollar. Goldonomic readers know they have to be careful about the US-Dollar. Some Black Swan happening could make the US-Dollar Crash...Actually, this would not be very difficult as the fundamentals for the US-Dollar plainly suck.
If the US-Dollar starts to tank and/or the price/cost of commodities start to rise (our charts tell us this could be imminent), Inflation would come back with vengeance and it could become impossible to control the interest rates!? Hell will brake loose...Americans would be forced to print so much money or QE will be stepped up to such a pace that you will hear the roar of the printing presses from Planet Mars.
It appears the mainstream media's total indoctrination of a narrative handed down by the central banks and Authorities once again shows the desperation of the status quo to keep the dream alive (and suppress any signs of fragility)...If the price of Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Food Commodities, Stocks, Gold, Silver,... starts to go up regardless the depression, if Real Estate starts to slide down again hereby pushing more banks into trouble, this Mirage will disappear and Financial Markets confronted to the Harsh Reality.
We don't expect a crash of the Stock Markets in the near future.!. As soon as the present correction is over and the money printing resumes, markets will geyser, the Dow Jones will go up to 30,000 and levels beyond your imagination....
Only Currencies will collapse... |
Venezuela offers a Visual Road Map and scenario for the near future in the West: the country is the WET DREAM of all Socialists...where today there is not even Hygienic paper to wipe the tears of misery. Absolutely amazing is that although the country is in ruins, there are still people applauding Nicolas Maduro!? It proof how stupid the Democratic Majority is....and how each time the Majority is selling again its soul to the Devil.
Click to enlarge - note how little impact the manipulation of a currency has. Scenario is similar to scenario for Weimar, Zimbabwe, Iran, Argentina,...
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