NEWS August'16 (Public)
Wednesday August 31, 2016 - Exchange Controls Are Coming And The Time To Act Is Short
Updated Sections: Treasuries in the EU, Corp & Junk Bonds,
Exchange Controls Are Coming And The Time To Act Is Short. Gold and silver will be major beneficiaries of the decline of paper money. US and EU based investors still have a window to get out of Paper Money and out of the US/Europe. But soon there will be exchange restrictions that will prevent this.
It is very important not to own illusory or paper gold. It must be physical gold and silver which is stored outside the fragile banking system. ETFs are not recommended. Most ETFs don’t hold the metals free and clear, regardless of what they say. Also, they store the gold and silver, if they have it, in banks which is not where investors want to hold it. In addition, the ownership is subject to counterparty risk since it is signified by a piece of paper held within the financial system. Physical precious metals, held correctly, are the best insurance investors can own against a totally rotten financial system.
The creation of fiat money and fractional reserve banking also results in MAL-ALLOCATIONS of funds...out of the Positive yielding Nuclear sector into a negative yielding Solar and Wind (what they call renewable energy) sector. Solar and Wind are in fact not green because they request dirty power stations able to generate an equal amount of energy.
This will go on until the physical market calls the paper market and the music stops...
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday August 30, 2016 - Canada facing massive mortgage crisis.
Updated Sections:
Canada facing massive mortgage crisis. Hit by the sharp decline in oil prices the Canadian economy is struggling with a property market approaching the peak of a massive bubble. As Canada’s mortgage market is not securitized, the property crisis is expected to last much longer than in the US, where the loans are backed. The former trader says when the bubble bursts; it will be quite different from the sharp and sudden crisis in the US in 2008, due to the structure of the Canadian mortgage market. According to him, almost all mortgages in Canada are “recourse mortgages”, with homeowners behind on payments not able to able to walk away. Note that we have a similar situation in Europe: Belgium is an excellent example.
Important Fundamentals:
- All bonds, including government bonds (treasuries) are priced at delusional levels. Assets related to these should be avoided by all means: saving accounts, bank deposits, life insurances, pension funds,...
- The acquisition of a foreign based new citizenship and the abandonment of one's domestic nationality can also open the door to the ultimate form of legal wealth protection/preservation/ease of asset transmission for the benefit of the next generation in your family.
- Physical gold must from now on be stored in the highest possible quality/safety storage facilities outside of political reach and outside of the banking system.
Important Technicals:
- I expect Financial Markets to wake up after Labor day (September 5)
- Head ad Shoulder Target for Silver is $34
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Monday August 29, 2016 - The point for money is easy: if it is accepted, it is in demand. must create demand!
Updated Sections:
Amazing is that few people KNOW and UNDERSTAND what Inflation and Deflation (see Academics) is...the situation is so bad that they think different economic schools have a different understanding. It makes me think of all the religions in the world: for some reason they each have their own GOD!? To understand what Inflation, Hyper-Inflation and Deflation is, you just need COMMON SENSE !! Nothing more, nothing less.
We have a Gold Trigger I Haven’t Seen in Years. Last time was 2002/04. I’m a chart and big-picture guy. When I’m analyzing trends, I mainly use Point & Figure (PNF) charts. The P & F charts have helped me well ever since I started in the early 1970's. It’s an underused and under estimated form of technical analysis that not many people are aware of and a too few people can use. I have been using PF for 45 years now and I’ve found it’s excellent in measuring the “battle” between buyers (demand) and sellers (supply).
What I like about P&F charts is they screen out most of the “noise” that you get on a candlestick or bar chart. Take a look at the P&F chart of gold below. The downtrend line is in red. You can see that gold has clearly broken the downtrend line that had been in place since 2011. (The X's represent demand and upticks… and the O's represent supply or downticks.) This breakout tells me Gold has started a new bull market. Subscribers can browse through sections of Gold expressed in Major currencies and see for themselves that we do have a breakout, that the breakout happened out of a HALFWAY STOP...and therefore also can calculate the next MAJOR Medium term TOP.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday August 26,2016 - When Janet Yellen Talks Why Do People Still Listen?...Goldonomic stopped listening as it is a waste of time and energy!
Updated Sections: Indexes expressed in Gold (real money) ,
When Janet Yellen Talks Why Do People Still Listen?...or we have a buying opportunity for Miners.
Portugal to bail out its biggest bank to the tune of €5bn. The European Commission and Portugal have agreed to inject up to €5 billion into the country’s biggest and ailing bank Caixa Geral de Depositos (CGD). The sum will include a €2.7 billion recapitalization provision, selling €1 billion in subordinated debt to private investors and converting €960 million of contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds into equity. This is an innovative deal in Europe!
After Portugal had two bank rescues in 2014 and 2015, which has undermined investor confidence, its largest bank by assets CGD needs capital because of a number of bad loans. Lisbon has been negotiating the deal with Brussels so the injection doesn’t count as state aid and therefore not subject to the budget deficit. Portugal has vowed to slash the budget deficit to 2.5 percent of GDP in 2016 from last year's 4.5 percent.
Why would somebody pay Killary and/or Bill Clinton $300,000 for a one hour presentation when you can hear the Bull Shit for free all over the Media? Banks, Wall Street, Media and Pharma-Medicare are pro Clinton because it's payback time for what Bill did for them. Who's is financing the Clinton's campaign?...follow the money!
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday August 25, 2016 - There is only one way for Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Uranium to go and it's up!
Updated Sections: Long Term charts , Crude Oil Price evolution ,
One of the best insurance policies you could ever get your hands on is a second passport. But if the day ever came where political turmoil in your home country ever became extreme, or you felt your family’s safety was in danger, having another citizenship ensures a way out. It means that, no matter what happens, you’ll always have a place to go.
Having a second passport also provides a lot of benefits even if nothing bad ever happens. Entire governments are sliding into insolvency. Capital controls have been introduced. Interest rates are negative. Cash money is disappearing. Governments are getting more and more voracious and are after every cent you have earned.
Terrorism, race violence, and mass shootings abound. Dangerous political candidates dominate. And folks are starting to realize that a second passport is an excellent insurance policy against these threats.
The common misperception, however, is that a second passport is only for the ultra-wealthy. And that’s simply not true. ANYONE can obtain a second passport.
Investment-based citizenship programs are definitely for the wealthy. An option is to “buy” a second passport. I’m talking about legal “citizenship by investment” programs that have been established in a number of countries like Malta in Europe, to Antigua, Dominica, Panama and St. Kitts in the Caribbean. You make an investment or donation, plus pay a bunch of hefty fees, in exchange for citizenship and a passport. The price tags on these programs can be anywhere from low six figures up to a few million dollars.
There are however dozens of options for people who are of more modest means to obtain this ultimate form of insurance. Establishing a legal permanent residency in a country is often the most straightforward way to eventually become a citizen. Depending on each individual country’s specific rules, you first obtain residency. After a certain number of years of residency, you become eligible to apply for naturalization and citizenship. This varies from country to country; it can be as little as two years (Argentina) to five years (Panama) to ten years or more.
But here’s a secret: in many countries, you don’t actually have to maintain a physical presence in the country in order to qualify for naturalization. In some countries, you can maintain your residency “on paper” without actually having to move there full time. In the meantime, you and your family still have full legal status to live, work, invest, and do business both in your home country and in your 2nd home country.
Residency-based citizenship takes a bit more patience, but it’s a very cost effective way to get a second passport. This is a strategy that makes sense no matter what.
Again, even if nothing catastrophic ever happens with your bankrupt government or financial system, and it’s all rainbows and unicorns from here on out, there’s no downside in having the additional option to live, work, invest, and do business somewhere that you want to be anyhow. But if something bad does ever happen, you’ll already have your Plan B in place. After all, you don’t want to start thinking about where you’ll go and what you’ll do AFTER things have already gone bad. Maybe that day never comes. And so what? In a few years you’ll have another passport, and all the freedom and benefits that go along with that. And future generations will be able to enjoy those benefits based on the tiny effort that you made today.
The New Case for Gold - James Rickards.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday August 24, 2016 - It is a CRIMINAL act to pretend QE (Quantitative Easing) is not Inflation
Updated Sections: Yuan-Gold & Yuan , Rupee-Gold , World Stock Market Indexes ,
It is a CRIMINAL act to pretend QE (Quantitative Easing) is not Inflation....and that is exactly what Central Bankers and Authorities do.
Fortunately, there are some practical steps you can take to protect yourself from this form of politically motivated expropriation. As cash money has almost been banned and more and more countries automatically exchange financial information, gold owners are NOT safe. Government will in due time tax windfall profits on gold. This will make it much easier for the government to accomplish something similar to its 1933 heist. There’s precedence for it, too. In 1980, Congress passed the Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act, which taxed up to 70% of “windfall profits” of domestic oil producers.
A windfall profit is whatever politicians decide it is. It's completely arbitrary. The whole concept is a scam—a word trick to camouflage legalized theft. |
If the price of gold explodes, I wouldn’t be surprised if Governments passes a Fair Share Gold Windfall Profit Tax Act levying a tax of 80%, 90%, or more on gold profits. As you are already forced to sell and buy Gold & Silver through official metal merchants and through the banking system, every ounce Gold you sell will automatically be subject to the tax. The tax will be paid directly to the Authorities and the seller will only receive the balance.
Fortunately, there are some practical steps you can take to protect yourself from this form of politically motivated expropriation....Coaching relations know! See update Tomorrow for more
Philippines have now their own Trump:
"Kerry came here, we had a meal, and he left me and Delfin $33 million. I said, OK, maybe we should offend them more, so this crazy will just give more money, just to make peace. So, it's all about the money." Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte
[this is how the USA bribes foreign leaders and governments. Either they accept the money, follow the orders of the Americans and shut up, either they are replaced through under-cover action of the CIA - If you don't believe me, read The Dulles Brothers]
Important Fundamentals:
I told you Real Estate was to go DOWN...and Gold would go UP! We never won a Nobel Price but we were right all the way since 2003
Important Technicals:
- Most Stock Market Indexes are still bullish. See updated section. Only Japan seems to have fallen in a downtrend. A higher Yen = Lower Nikkei and vice versa.
- GOLD is in the process of breaking a very important trendline: the 2011 downtrend line.
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday August 23, 2016 - Merkel leak - Are YOU ready for it? YOU have a "plan B" ?
Updated Sections: £-Gold & £/$/€ , R-Gold & R/$/€ , Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€ ,
Germans to store 10-day emergency stock of food, water in case of attacks – leaked defense plan. Though an attack in Germany is not seen possible, people should "prepare appropriately for a development that could threaten our existence and cannot be categorically ruled out in the future," the report suggested. German authorities are set to introduce a new state defense plan that would make citizens stockpile food and water, enough to last for at least ten days, in the event of a major disaster or an armed attack, local media revealed.
The nation is to be encouraged to put away food reserves to take care of themselves in case of emergency, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) daily reported on Sunday citing a 69-page draft drawn up by the Interior Ministry. The population will have to hold an individual food stock that is to last ten days," the document titled "Concept for Civil Defense" reportedly said.Alarm systems, better building protection, wider health care coverage have also been named among the necessary things needed to boost security level in the country.
A closer cooperation between police and military is also expected to take place in Germany since the country lays in the "crosshairs of terrorism" and should be ready to Paris- and Brussels-style attacks,
‘I don't give a sh*t about them’: Philippines president threatens to leave ‘stupid’ UN. The Drama is that the man is right!...and that the world has other, very expensive and worthless institutions. Another one is the Belgian Government costing the tax payer € 10 Billion each year! . Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened that the country could leave the UN after the organization urged the Asian nation to stop executing and killing people linked to the drug business and threatened that "state actors" could be punished.
"I do not want to insult you, but maybe we'll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations," Rodrigo Duterte told journalists on Sunday. "Why do you have to listen to this stupid?" "I don't give a sh*t about them," he added. "They are the ones interfering. You do not just go out and give a sh*tting statement against a country." Calling the UN "inutile", Duterte said the Philippines could invite China, African nations and other countries to create a rival international body.
The USA has million 30-40 immigrants, not 11 millions like US Government figures pretends. American people and European People are being lied to and Official Statistics are a setup, a lie. The future is NOT about diversity, it's about a predominance of Muslims, Mexicans, Turks,... and about changing the Western Culture into something we don't want. American and European Governments should be helping out Europeans and Americans instead of supporting African and Middle-East Immigrants. As I write this, thousands of Middle-East and North-African refugees continue to invade Greece and Southern Italy. ISIS keeps slaughtering innocent people...and even decapitates children! But Mainstream Media focus on the Olympic Games instead of paying attention to the REAL DANGERS.
Ann Coulter is correct about Adios America and if Killary Clinton is elected this coming November, she will - together with Merkel - seal the destruction of the Western World.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday August 22, 2016 - Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and the UN are using a wave of Islamic migrants to destroy the sovereignty of Western Nations.
Updated Sections: £-Gold & £/$/€ , R-Gold & R/$/€ ,
Merkel to offer Tax rebates to German co's employing Muslim Refugees....Hollande wants the public to take in immigrants and Germany already has enforced this. This is what happened in 1918 in Russia when the Russian Revolution changed the system into communism (who remembers Dr. Zhivago?). The reality is A LOT WORSE than the majority think it is: Mainstream Media are controlled by the Governments and minimize the situation.
The FED goes all in on Stimulus. Pretending we have a growing economy won't solve a single problem...and this is exactly what authorities do!
As cash money has almost been banned and more and more countries automatically exchange financial information, Gold & Silver owners are NOT safe. Government will in due time tax windfall profits on gold. This will make it much easier for the government to accomplish something similar to its 1933 Gold Confiscation heist.
There’s precedence for it, too. In 1980, Congress passed the Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act, which taxed up to 70% of “windfall profits” of domestic oil producers. A windfall profit is whatever politicians decide it is. It’s completely arbitrary. The whole concept is a scam—a word trick to camouflage legalized theft. If the price of Gold explodes, I wouldn’t be surprised if Governments passes a Fair Share Gold Windfall Profit Tax Act levying a tax of 80%, 90%, or more on gold profits.
As you are forced to sell and buy Gold & Silver through official metal merchants and through the banking system, every ounce Gold you sell will automatically be subject to the tax. The tax will be paid directly to the Authorities and the seller will only receive the balance.
Fortunately, there are some practical steps you can take to protect yourself from this form of politically motivated expropriation...our coaching relations KNOW !
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday August 19, 2016 - Negative interest rates are only possible in a manipulated market.
Updated Sections:
Negative interest rates are only possible in a manipulated market. The Fed , ECB, BoE, BoJ, causes distortions in the way capital is used in production when they push interest rates below what the market interest rate would have been. Artificially low rates create bubbles by making investments look more profitable than they will turn out to be. Negative interest rates are not only artificially low, but entirely impossible in unhampered loan markets--although many would love to borrow, nobody would pay for somebody to borrow from them. As such, the distortions, malinvestments, overconsumption, bubbles, and economic havoc would be all the more intense with artificially negative rates.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday August 18, 2016 - "Food, shelter, clothing, fuels, minerals, forests .........information...are real wealth. Money by itself is not." Howard T. Odum
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ , Can$-Gold & Can$/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ ,
A clear implication is that to control real wealth, you need real wealth . No one who possesses real wealth – which encompasses all commodities – will give a hoot for your paper money if someone else can offer them real wealth for those commodities.
China Is Establishing Control Over Every Critical Natural Resource. Step by step they are establishing control over every critical natural resource, from oil to copper to rare earths. And, of course, over gold and silver. 1990 this policy was already common practice in Africa: “donated by the People's republic of China!” was all over the continent. The Chinese efforts to control oil have gone completely unnoticed. Without energy you can’t grow food, you run out of water, and transportation/trade comes to a halt.
Civilizations that can't obtain enough energy are doomed to collapse. |
The Saudis’ actions led to a situation where every major oil-producing country was producing at below all-in costs. The action killed the shale oil producers which were anyhow go out of business in 2020. More important however is that this has to be seen as a marketing effort to open up the Oil (Energy) trade with the East and in particular China. At this time Russia is exporting more oil to China than the Saudi's and there is not one oil Sheik who likes this.
Once Chinese have established the Oil benchmark (a specific type of crude oil best suited for refinement) , the price competition between Russia and Saudi Arabia will likely cease. They will bring down the levels of pumping and the mispricing of oil will end. Oil prices will start to climb and eventually reach all-time records.
As soon as the Benchmark Oil game is over, the new currency in town will be the yuan. |
The U.S. (and Dollar) will suffer most as the domestically oil produced from diminishing shale output won’t be enough to meet its needs. Whereas oil produced in the East will be denominated in yuan backed by gold. Once the music stops and the Paper Money game is over countries holding no Gold will be kicking themselves hard for a long time to come.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday August 17, 2017 - Will you also refuse to take precautionary measures to safeguard your savings and the future of you loved ones?!
Updated Sections: $-Gold, Silver, US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$ ,
This is a foretaste of what is to come in EUROPE !....and this goes a lot deeper than Wealth Taxation.
The Greek finance ministry confirmed some more details of the long-planned registration of all kinds of private wealth that will go into effect in February 2017. More than 8,500,000 tax payers registered in Greece will have to declare all assets (moveable and immovable ), their total “wealth”, and even cash they possess even if it is below 100 euro. The taxpayers will have to register changes when they occur and not annually. Within a month, the taxpayer will have to submit a modification statement, if there are any changes in his possessions status.
Greek Authorities are a deja vue of the pre-World-War-II- GESTAPO methods. They are a prelude of what is to happen all over Europe (and this includes Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andora,..) |
Greeks are mandated to have registered EVERYTHING they own, with taxpayers having to add moveable and immovable possessions such as GOLD, SILVER, paintings, antiques, jewelry, even historical weapon, etc but also the cash they have in their wallets or under the mattress. This was also imposed by Hitler in the late 1930's...we all know what happened in 1940...fortunes were simply destroyed (information I received first hand from German bankers).
So much for all the wise-noses who are keeping their physical gold & silver and portfolio's within political reach: everything is ok until it is no longer and savers are trapped! Next Authorities will seize it like happened in Argentina.
Note: those who are keeping their physical Gold & Silver in Safe Deposit Boxes with banks are especially vulnerable. Because of FATCA the IRS already has access to all details/savings of American citizens. Even so for those born abroad and who never set foot the USA.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday August 16, 2016 - Correction or NO correction for the Gold & Silver sector, that's the question!
Updated Sections:
Charts below clearly show the different scenario's...see Subscriber's sections
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday August 15, 2016 - Today’s chains consist not of iron and shackles, but of intimidation, fear, currencies and debts.
Updated Sections: GS Share fundamentals , $-Gold , Silver ,
Turkey (Erdogan) is a dangerous and potential explosive wildcard. Especially because Turkey houses (and controls) 50 – 70 NATO-Nuclear Warheads and Turks have emigrated all over Western-Europe. The emigrated Turks and their offspring still feel and live like Turks and most support Erdogan. As we have seen in Western-Europe, this can result in dangerous clashes with the local population and Authorities.
Turkey is acknowledged to have the fourth most powerful military in the world and is the second biggest in NATO behind the US. Turkish armed forces ranked #10 globally. They include over half a million people - more than the militaries of France and the UK combined (425K). Their equipment and training are respectable and fully compatible with NATO. Turkey has a huge Air Force and operates over 250 F-16s, produced locally under a US license. It has access to large amounts of NATO-standard payloads for F-16... |
East-European countries have been forced by NATO (USA & UK) to store nuclear warheads missiles in a similar way the USSR was planning to at the time of the Caribbean Crisis when Kennedy was president of the USA and will therefore be the first retaliation victims in case of a nuclear war: the NATO (UK & USA) will push the button and East-European citizens will suffer the retaliation...
Western-Europe has lost its cultural sovereignty like the USSR lost his in the years preceding 1989. We all know what happened in 1989 (the USSR went bankrupt and disappeared) but don't realize it is only a matter of time before this is to happen again with the EU and Western-Europe. Even worse is that we don't realize that such will happen within the time spam of a few years...just like Rome was overtaken by the Barbarians in less than one generation.
They have purposely diluted the price of gold in order to portray a strong dollar. . . . The reason they need to portray a strong dollar is to continue confidence in the system. It allows dollars (fiat paper money) to continue to be accepted. It also allows the U.S. Treasury & ECB, BoE, BoJ, to turn around and continue to borrow. That’s not working so well because the Federal Reserve, ECB, BoE, BoJ,... have had to step up and buy major portions of auctions.” (see chart on update for last Friday).
This is 100% monetization of debt AND tell us hyperinflation will be here soon: because of negative interest rates, authorities will be forced to buy their own debt....will be forced to print money to keep Pension Funds , Banks, Insurance co's e.o. alive.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday August 12, 2016 - Macy to close 100 department stores or We're heading for a Hyper-inflationary depression
Updated Sections: ZAR-Gold & ZAR/$/€ ,
When "the can" hits the wall it will be a Hyper-inflationary Depression or a DEPRESSION + HYPERINFLATION . We already live a SEVERE depression which is masked by the lies published by the Authorities and Mainstream Media. Unemployment has reached levels which equal or are worse than the 1930 Great Depression levels.
The deepening Depression will follow Jim's Formula scenario - click here - and to make up for the deficits Authorities will print even more money and push interest rates as deep as practical possible. This is SUICIDAL...but Mainstream Media and Authorities tell it is not and so far the Stupid Democratic Herd is buying it. The music stops the day the HERD realizes the money they have ain't worth nothing and they massively start exchanging it for goods. Whatever these are.
That day those who bought PAPER GOLD/SILVER will realize they in fact hold nothing but air. Their profits will be settled with worthless fiat money....Today the official ratio Physical Gold to Paper Gold is 500:1 . The ratio Physical Gold to Paper Money is even worse.
The price of gold relative to the monetary base has never been lower than it is right now other than at the end of last year. In relation to the monetary base, you can now purchase gold below $20.67, below $35 and below $256 when adjusted for the monetary base outstanding! The monetary base has grown and grown for 100 years, it has exploded in the last 8 years.
Add to this that they have been suppressing the price of gold to hide the fact they have sliced and diced the "paper money pie" until now the slices are minuscule (paper money has very little value left). They have done this at the same time "risk" has exploded. Never before has the world taken on as much leverage in relation to GDP nor versus collateral. Banks, brokers, insurance companies and even sovereign governments are now more leveraged and financially in higher risk situations than ever before in history!
Going one step further, "gold" has been rehypothecated many times over. We have seen instances on COMEX where there were more than 500 ounces represented by paper contracts for every one real ounce they claimed to have. We have no way to know what the real global number of hypothecated gold is to actual gold ...but we will find out sooner or later and the mass of paper owners will be left holding just that ...paper. The cover up has gone on for years and was done to support confidence in the dollar, U.S. Treasuries and the fiat currency system in general.
The currency/debt system we live in will mathematically implode at some time in the near future. The system cannot possibly grow enough to pay back nor service the debt already in use. Even not with negative interest rates. Except if we get -25% rates...but such would have other devastating consequences.
This will end with a massive call on gold by EVERYTHING credit ...which is everything, everywhere financial! The "call" for real gold will come on like a light switch flipped overnight. You either have it, or you don't ...and never will!
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday August 11, 2016 - The only way out is to STOP Lawlessness at the TOP
Updated Sections: Natural Gas shares ,
We were wrong when we called there would be NO Brexit (well...not really as it may take for ever before we really see a REAL Brexit. Therefore we won't try to forecast the outcome of the next presidential elections. Sure is that the Mainstream media will do whatever they can to get Hillary elected. Not sure however they will succeed.
The Clinton's, Obama and Democrats must be terrified to see that Trump may be elected as the next president of the USA. If so, they will loose A LOT! To ensure Trump doesn't get elected, they won't let one stone untouched, and even smear Trump as a Communist and buddy of Vlad Putin. Clinton and the Democrats ARE BIG GOVERNMENT...the big Government that Trump plants to slaughter.
The presidential election campaign is all about being noticed and elected by the Stupid Democratic Voter. The campaign is a HUGE MARKETING MACHINE costing fortunes and run by thousands of marketeers and other specialists. If the Clinton's are elected again we already know WHAT will happen in the USA and to the World. If Trump gets elected there is HOPE we shall have PEACE.
Only Way Out is Stop Lawlessness Top to Bottom.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday August 10, 2016 - - Tax simplification and dramatically lowering taxes is Trump's plan.
Updated Sections: £-Gold & £/€/$ (a déja vue of the 2011 top for £-Gold!?) , World Stock Market Indexes (FOOTSIE) ,
Tax simplification will be a major feature of Trump's plan. The current US tax code is so burdensome and complex that 9 billion hours are wasted each year in tax code compliance. Trump plans to reduce the current number of brackets from 7 to 3, and dramatically streamline the process. The tax brackets will be lowered to: 12%, 25% and 33%. For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero. Corporate tax will be lowered from 35% to 15%. Goverment will be slimmed down. Exactly the opposite of what Democrats are planning.
To Tax or NOT to Tax, that's the most important question... |
Hillary Clinton (a democrat-socialist)– who has spent her career voting for tax increases – plans another massive job-killing $1.3 trillion-dollar tax increase. Her plan would tax many small businesses by almost fifty percent. As a consequence of this policy another 508 people renounced their US citizenship last quarter according to documents published this morning by the Internal Revenue Service. This brings the total number of US ‘renunciants’ under the Obama administration to 17,359.
Bonds are in a worse state – the greatest bubble they have ever been in. This bubble is just awaiting a pin. We can't know when it will arrive, but we can be confident that it's coming. |
Bonds are in a worse state – the greatest bubble they have ever been in. This bubble is just awaiting a pin. We can’t know when it will arrive, but we can be confident that it’s coming.
Pension plans tend to be heavily invested in stocks and bonds (mainly bonds), making them increasingly at risk in a downturn. To make matters worse, some governments (Europe) have begun to grab pension money. Others, such as the US, have announced plans to force pensions to invest in US Government Treasuries – which, in a major economic downturn, could go to zero. European pensions already must - by law - invest in Bonds and Treasuries.
Real Estate
The Mutual funds in the UK that are presently in trouble are heavily invested in real estate. But real estate that you invest in directly does not face the same risk. However, any real estate that’s located in a country that’s presently preparing for an economic crisis, such as those mentioned above, will be at risk. Real estate in offshore jurisdictions (Panama) that are not inclined to be at risk is a far better bet. (An additional advantage is that real estate in offshore locations is not even reportable for tax purposes in most countries because it cannot be expatriated to another country.)
Precious Metals
Precious metals are a highly liquid form of investment. They can be bought and sold quickly and can be shipped anywhere in the world, or traded for metals in another location. Of course, storage facilities in at-risk countries may find themselves at the mercy of their governments. However, private storage facilities exist in Hong Kong, Singapore, the Cayman Islands, Panama, Canada, Switzerland, and other locations that do not come under the control of the EU or US. Precious metals ownership provides greater protection against rapacious governments, but storage must be outside such countries.
Standard insurance against theft with Banks and Safe Deposit Boxes in Europe & USA = $ ZERO Insurance for theft for a Safe Deposit Box with a Vault as advised by Goldonomic = $20k up to $ 1 Mio and more !
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Friday August 5, 2016 - Stock markets climb a Wall of Worry and fall off a cliff of enthusiasm!
Updated Sections: Portfolio (up by almost 6 % since May ) ,
Stock Markets ALWAYS climb a wall of worry...and the driving force behind are the Communicating Financial Vessels. Note how so said Market Guru's use sell their Snake Oil. They are so intelligent to use terms like: could, should,....and use the most recent (and often irrelevant) happenings to try to convince their audience.
My experience is that the markets are the markets and Charts road maps which show a direction to follow. Financial Media most of the time just try to find a explanation for a market action but are unable to forecast financial markets. Most of the time, it even yields to invest in exactly the opposite way they advertise one must.
Important Fundamentals:
- The Bank of England cut the base rate from 0.50% to 0.25% ...nothing what we did not expect as we are driving down the road towards NEGATIVE interest rates. Excellent however for Gold & Silver and Equities in general and bad for the shares of Financials & Banks, Pension Funds, Insurance co's...
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday August 4, 2016 - It is impossible for any government to control Bitcoin.
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Juniors ,
Bitcoin is a way for people to escape potential capital controls... and is a nightmare for bankrupt governments. In the wake of multiple terror attacks, the European Commission is moving towards creating a mandatory, centralized database of Bitcoin ownership.
Governments have hated Bitcoin since the beginning. They don’t like the idea of a decentralized currency that they can’t control. In the conventional financial system, governments have the power to regulate the banks and seize any account they want. But they can’t do any of that with Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a decentralized, distributed system. It’s impossible for anyone, or any government, to control it. The more people use Bitcoin, the more governments lose control.
Expect NEW Money to be something Governments cannot control! |
History shows us, for example, that bankrupt governments almost invariably resort to capital controls-- heinous obstacles that trap people’s savings inside a decaying financial system. Bitcoin may still be an excellent tool to escape capital controls. However it is a dangerous instrument to store Buying Power. Is is NOT backed by GOLD or anything else and it's value fluctuates wildly...Bitcoin Plunges, Rebounds After Hackers Steal $65 here for more
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday August 3, 2016 - Gold Miners have to double again to equal the 2011 level !
Updated Sections: Majors ,
Gaddafi Was Killed To Stop Pan-African Currency . At that time Hillary Clinton was part of the US-Government. It shows that she has no scrupels...and Democrats are prepared to do whatever must be done to keep the US-Dollar ALIVE. The coming NOVEMBER elections where also an important of Congress will be renewed may bring an important change. Especially if Trump is elected. If so, we'll probalby see a Lower Dollar. Stay Tuned!
Gold and Silver and the Miners will climb a Wall of Worry and fall off a TOP of enthousiasm. That's how it worked and always will work. Get OUT the day everybody wants to get in and bankers advise you to Buy.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday August 2, 2016 - Turkey Seize Control Of US Airbase where Nuclear warheads are stored!
Updated Sections:
Turkey Seize Control Of US Airbase where Nuclear warheads are stored! Turkey Seize Control Of US Airbase. Thousands of Turkish protestors have taken control of a U.S. airbase in Turkey, under the orders of President Erdogan. The Incirlik Air Base contains an arsenal of nuclear weapons, which has been effectively seized by Turkish authorities.
This information may not be correct...but it is very plausible that such may/will occur in the near future. Click here for more
Do you have a PLAN B !? The PSYCHOPATH who can and may start a Nuclear War has now gathered all the requested tools to start his 3rd World War.
Did you move part of your assets out of political reach so you have an insurance in case you have to leave your Homestead!? Or are you planning to follow in the footsteps of the Syrian refugees...Are you prepared to risk your life and the life's of your loved ones?
Stocks are REAL ASSETS. Participation in companies: real estate, machinery, commodities, production processes, logistics,..and are often an excellent instrument to store savings.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday August 1st, 2016 - Whatever Authorities tell you about the outcome of the Stress Test, know that European banks are in a VERY, VERY BAD SHAPE!
Updated Sections: Oil shares , Uranium Shares , Copper & Platina ,
The Mainstream media itself is part of some Deep State. This is WHY you cannot trust what they tell you. All top officials/bureaucrats/politicans (Lafarge, Hollande, Junker, Van Rompuy, Barosso,..but also Clinton, Obama, Bush,...) are educated in the same universities by professors with horrible values, and taught the same things. They go to the same clubs. They socialize with each other. They have the same basic psychological, political, economic and philosophical underpinnings. So, of course, they look at the world through the same lens. And avoid mention of things that might be inconvenient, or conflict with their worldview. (most people don't even know WHO George Orwell is!)
note: The "Deep State" answers to no one and operates with impunity...and is far more powerful than any elected official. Yet, most folks don't even know it exists. (Casey)
The International Monetary Fund leaders lashed by it's own members (somebody will be loosing his job!).
Lacerating criticisms about the way the IMF operates were made by the IMF's own oversight committee: here are some extracts: "The International Monetary Fund’s top staff misled their own board, made a series of calamitous misjudgments in Greece, became euphoric cheerleaders for the euro project, ignored warning signs of impending crisis, and collectively failed to grasp an elemental concept of currency theory."
This is the lacerating verdict of the IMF’s top watchdog on the fund’s tangled political role in the euro-zone debt crisis.. and "the whole approach to the Euro-zone was characterized by ‘group think’ and intellectual capture. They had no fall-back plans on how to tackle a systemic crisis in the Euro-zone” or how to deal with the politics of a multinational currency union because they had ruled out any possibility that it could happen.
You try to do this and they will arrest and put you in jail:
The three main bailouts for Greece, Portugal and Ireland were unprecedented in scale and character. The trio were each allowed to borrow over 2,000 % of their allocated quota – more than three times the normal limit – and accounted for 80% of all lending by the fund between 2011 and 2014. |
I/we do not expect any better from the IMF when the next Euro-zone crisis strikes the continent. So what do you do to protect ourselves? Keep your savings in Bank & Savings Accounts? Buy Treasuries, Bonds? Buy Bank manufactured financial instruments? TAK21, TAK23, Investment Funds? Worst of all, invest your money into Real Estate...
Here are my thoughts for those living within the euro-zone some form of currency hedge would appear wise (gold, other currencies, other stock markets). I live and invest outside the euro-zone (thankfully) so I am wary of euro-zone stocks for currency loss reasons and I am rather expecting money to flow to the dollar and American/Canadian stocks in coming years (and maybe UK to some extent). But that is speculation so I watch the charts carefully. Add to this that the odds that an accident happens with any financial institution in Europe is A LOT HIGHER than in the America's and that the RED European TAX MAN is becoming life threatening to your savings. The more money the RED DEMOCRATS need, the faster and the deeper they will get into your pockets.
Having said this, those amongst you who are stubbornly keeping all of their savings within ARM reach will at some time in the future become the biggest loosers. We know there are MANY which for some illogical - emotive reason don't trust ABROAD: if HOME is so much better than ABROAD...WHY then does Home has so many problems!?
If HOME is so much better & Safer than ABROAD...How come Home has more problems than ABROAD!? |
The Bank of Japan thinks it has found the Holy Grail. When you print money, the supply of money raises and hence its value/price comes down. Practically speaking such results in a falling currency and rising stocks. The solution...Central Banks now also actively BUY/SELL financial products and ETF's. By doing so, they rig the stock, bond and currency markets. After all, why would they they are the privileged ones!? We just don't know HOW MUCH LONGER they will be able to cheat on the REALITY...
Crowds become more emotional and less rational as they grow. |
Gold & Silver miners are poised to run higher...but AS ALWAYS the BAG HOLDERS (and this includes both small and large private and institutional investors) will be the last to BUY the sector and be those which will panic during the next correction and therefore loose most! What most people don't realize, is that the HERD is only chasing FAST PROFITS (immediate satisfaction) and most of the time have no clue as to WHY they buy a certain investment vehicle. What counts is that it makes money...nothing more nothing less. This is about the biggest mistake an investor can make...and the reason WHY Ponzi scheme's work.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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