NEWS DEC'15 (public)
The Biggest Mistake you can make is to repatriate and hold all your assets within the national boundaries
Tuesday December 29, 2015 - Happy Holidays !
Updated sections: Candle charts only - $-Gold, Silver, US-Dollar, Can-Dollar, Euro, Majors, Juniors, Oil shares, Crude Oil, Natural Gas,
Wednesday December 23, 2015 - next year will be one of HOUSTON , YELLEN has a PROBLEM!
Updated Sections:
Quietly and without fanfare or mainstream media attention, liquidity is migrating to the physical Gold & Silver exchanges away from London and the USA. The fiat paper gold market fix painting is unsustainable without increasing the amount of manufactured market supply ( alias physical gold) to offset the outflows to the East (Shanghai Gold Exchange)...and we're about to reach the limit of what is technically possible.
Talk-down is an act of desperation revealing a weak hand. When there are no arrows left, they try to talk down...and such usually works for some time until the unavoidable happened in the 1960's - 70's
The global gold market structure has so radically altered that the physical markets have migrated and continue to migrate away from the LBMA conduit into Asia, leaving massive embedded naked-short mismatched lease obligations on the books of the central banks, which are largely shuffled onto the books of the agent bullion banks, the same insider bullion bank’s that are privileged to have gold accounts with the Bank of England.
Producers are increasingly able to access non-predatory alternative non-LBMA & COMEX financing and selling conduits in the East. |
Producers are increasingly able to access non-predatory alternative non-LBMA & COMEX financing and selling conduits in the East. The Shanghai Gold Exchange fix will be settled in yuan and involve 15 Chinese banks but also include at least five of the same LBMA banks that rig the London fix. But there is a major difference. These fix prices will represent delivered physical bars without any paper market dilution and most importantly all participating banks will be heavily regulated and unable to spoof or paint the fix as they do now.
Next year will be one of "HOUSTON , YELLEN has a PROBLEM"...and markets will probably go crazy when they hear it!
Important Technicals:
- Experience teaches that what happens between Xmas and the New Year often forecasts what will happen the coming year (2016)...hence yesterday's update is VERY IMPORTANT!
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Tuesday December 22, 2015 - Technical analysis is completing a PUZZLE...
Updated Sections:
WHO the hell do the Americans think they are!? The state-owned Bank of China has been ordered by an American court to hand over customer information to the US. The bank has refused to comply, as to do so would violate China’s privacy law. The US court has subsequently ordered the Bank of China to pay a fine of $50,000 per day. Any guess as to how this is likely to turn out?...This will end in something which will be a lot worse than a Revolution or an Arab Spring. Nobody wakes up the Chinese dragoon unpunished...what goes around, comes around...even if you send it all the way to China!
Not a single Analyst selling 'Deflation' can show one single chart with a larger then proportionate decrease in Money Supply. They all have to recur to tricks (unused money, low velocity,...) to keep their theory alive. Once money has been created, it is alive and well and is creating a bubble somewhere...and it is only a matter of time before we have a what will be called a Hyperinfaltionary price bubble.[that is of Low Order Consumer Goods]
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Relative to Gold, Miners are as cheap as in 1942!
See our Technicals for the Year-end Puzzle which will call markets for 2016 !
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Monday December 21, 2015 - We have a DEPRESSION and you can find it ALL on the Goldonomic site - see Education Hall!
Updated Sections: Bonds in the EU,
Janet Yellen has taken a huge gamble raising rates with manufacturing in recession and the dollar already too strong for comfort. Fed will have to reverse gears fast if anything goes wrong...unless of course the US-Dollar weakens....and offsets the burden of higher rates.
We have a SEVERE Depression and no economic revival, no green sprouts like they tried to sell us some years ago.
- With Recession Deepening, the FED Finally Hiked Rates.
- November Industrial Production Tumbled, Confirming Recession: Down
- Month-to-Month by 0.6% (-0.6%), Year-to-Year by 1.2% (-1.2%), Quarterly and Annual Contractions Are Virtual Certainties in Fourth Quarter
- Fourth-Quarter Housing Starts Also Appear Headed into Quarterly Contraction Third-Quarter GDP Faces Downside Revision Pressures; Fourth-Quarter GDP Increasingly Looks Like a Contraction
- Annual Real Retail Sales Growth Slowed to 0.9%, Indicating Recession
- Early Trend in Fourth-Quarter Real Retail Sales Now Is Flat
- Monthly Real Average Weekly Earnings Flattened Out in November
- November Annual Inflation Turned Positive Across the Board: 0.5% (CPI-U), 0.1% (CPI-W), 0.1% (C-CPI-U), 8.1% (ShadowStats)
The Americans could be playing bluff poker...who knows what somebody does when caught between a rock, a hard place...and a firing squad. When Hyperinflation sets it, it won't make any difference whether Interest rates are Negative or have spiked to 25%.
Sell The Bonds, Sell The Stocks, Sell The Physical Gold & Silver and learn from what is happening in Argentina and Venezuela. Those who invested in Gold & Silver survived best. Next come those who held Equities...providing it are NOT Venezuelan shares.
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Hyperinflation occurs when a country’s bond market breaks. In other words, the sovereign nation is no longer able to fund itself. Its bonds fall (yields rise) to the point where the government has to print money or default. Rising interest rates cause the interest payments to consume too much of the overall budget. The government or central bank then begins to print money to fund its deficit. Then the citizens start to consume, knowing the currency is rapidly losing value. Demand has nothing to do with the cause or the onset of here for more: Education Hall - Hyperinflation Scenario
During the period preceding Hyperinflation, there is no NORMALCY and market signals are often contradictory. |
We once more refer to the evolution of the Gold price during the period PRECEDING the Weimar Hyperinflation....note the short period of that was called 'deflation' where a dip in price-inflation gave the impression that all was well. Less than 12 months later Germans experienced the Weimar Hyperinflation-hell.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday December 18, 2015 - Money, Brains and former immigrants are leaving quest of a better life!
Updated Sections: Bonds in the USA ,
Last year more than 100,000 Spanish residents (Latino's) left Spain and emigrated back to Central and South-America. Each year thousands of young Spanish people with a degree are leaving Spain for Central and South-America. We have a DEPRESSION which is worse than the GREAT DEPRESSION of the 1930's...and what the Authorities and Mainstream Media pretend are LIES, DAMN LIES and PROPAGANDA.
During the 1930's we also had a temporary dip in official Price-Inflation figures. This is what is defined by the "Deflation Period" on picture below. About 18 month later, there was Hyperinflation. The "Deflation Period" happens because the General Public is aware of the Depression and starts to consume less....until people start to understand that the Money they have will buy less tomorrow and the day after tomorrow than it does today. Once the people understand this, they start to exchange the Fiat Paper Money for any good...even for goods they don't need and will never need...this is the beginning of Hyperinflation.
Note: many fail to understand what a hyper-inflationary depression is because it comes as a combination of rising prices and lower economic activity.
The next time the financial crisis returns, there will be no bailouts! Bailouts were the banksters' first quick fix, but they will not be repeated. The banks have signaled this so many times, and this new announcement about revoking Fed powers for singular bailouts should be screaming at you that they know what is coming, and they are now removing themselves from 'responsibility', and blame. The entire banking system was shut down. And they simply confiscated any money in depositors' accounts which happened to be over 100,000 Euros. An average of 50% was seized of any sum over that amount! Just imagine how that scenario would've played out for you...
If you were a retiree, pensioner, or just a young person who gave far too much capital and trust to your bank, you suddenly lost tens, or hundreds of thousands of dollars! Many people lost millions. Their entire life's work and savings were vaporized. |
Cypriots but also non-residents who had an account with the two large banks in Cyprus went from being wealthy, to being bankrupt, in a single weekend. It also took weeks for those trapped inside that banking system to be able to even start withdrawing € 100 a day, which basically wasn't even enough for many to make day to day bill payments with.
The Central Banks are caught between a rock, a hard place...and a firing squad. They've now been stripped of major powers they once had to bail out banks in the last financial crisis, knowing full well that just such a crisis is staring them right in the face. They know that the act of raising rates in our world right now is literally playing Russian roulette with every barrel loaded!
Central Banks know that the act of raising rates in our world right now is literally playing Russian roulette with every barrel loaded! |
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday December 17, 2015 - there was Gutt, Liefmans, Bail-in (Cyprus) but also the Reichsfluchtsteuer and now we have Denmark
Updated Sections:
By the early 1930s, the onset of the Great Depression had taken hold in Germany, driving the government to desperation once again. They needed cash..and they needed it fast. And rather than go back to the printing press and risk hyperinflation again, German President von Hindenburg created a new tax called the Reichsfluchtsteuer. It was an exit tax: any German citizen who left the country was charged a 25% wealth tax. The following year, in 1932, the government generated about 1 million marks in revenue from the tax. By 1938, the German government collected an astounding 346 million marks from this tax. This nearly 350x increase in tax revenue over 6 years is incredible, making the Reichsfluchtsteuer one of the fastest growing taxes in human history.
Those caught with valuables at the border saw these seized and they were send to prison and later on to a concentration camp. Some were even SHOT! |
Denmark has re-invented the Reichsfluchtsteuer. Danish Justice Minister Soren Pind recently announced his intention to have border guards confiscate gold, jewelry, diamonds, and other valuables from refugees as they enter the country. But just about anything else ranging from cash to expensive wristwatches, is fair game for confiscation, as long as the ‘loot’ (as they call it) is valuable. So apparently Danish border guards are expected to discern whether a refugee is wearing a $15,000 IWC Schaffhausen or a $15 knock-off. Fact is that THEY are doing it AGAIN....and that they will soon also do it on people which are leaving the country...or are emigrating to countries where they still value enterpreneurship and welcome Capital (saved labor) instead of taxing it away and use it to finance Bread and Games.
If you don't move your savings/assets out of political reach, you have only made half of your a matter of fact, you forgot to make the most important part of it!!! |
note: after World War II , Belgian prisoners of War and Belgians citizens which came back home after spending years in German camps, also had all their valuables confiscated at the borders...(Shit ALWAYS happens if you trust politicians).
The Freeport in Zurich Airport is as of Jan 1, 2016 going to reveal the names of everybody holding boxes in the Freeport at the Zurich airport. |
Those amongst you which are stubborn and keep holding their valuables within the national borders will soon experience that Government will reward them by taxing away a large chunck and worst case scenario, by seizing it all together like happened in the USA with GOLD during the Great Depression.
Whatever Yellen decides about Interest Rates, our will charts tell us, together with financial information and Geo-politics, how to invest wisely.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday December 16, 2015 - Time is running out for a Cornered Federal Reserve
Updated Sections:
Markets remain in expectation of what Oracle Yellen is to declare and whether she will hike Interest or not. |
Important Technicals:
- Our charts show plenty of WEDGES and these point to what can be a sudden and rather dramatic shift of the Financial Markets. Please consult the sections and the charts to see which sectors show BULLISH wedges and which sectors show BEARISH wedges and prepare to act accordingly.
- Other important Technical indicators are calling for more action in the Gold & Silver sector soon.
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Tuesday December 15, 2015 - All money is DEBT...if the Debtor fails, your money fails and you fail..and this is what will happen to anybody relying on Money and its derivatives.
Updated Sections: Natural Gas shares, Uranium shares,
Natural Gas is a inherent part of the Energy (Crude Oil) war... Price for natural gas on Monday plunged to its lowest since January 2002, following the sliding oil price. Gas futures for January dropped almost six percent to $1.88 per million Btu (British thermal units). “In order to keep the gas market balanced in 2016, you’re going to have to price supply off the market. For the first time in more than eight years, I’m actually forecasting production losses in 2016,” an analyst at BNP Paribas, Teri Viswanath was quoted by The Globe and Mail.
Expect prices to correct to normal and beyond over time. Such can happen in a violent way if the abnormal low level of Oil and Natural Gas prices results in MORE WAR.
Note: Global Warming, Windmills, Solar Panels are nothing but a HUGE MISALLOCATION of funds made possible by worthless Fait Money created out of thin air and Fractional Reserva banking.
This time, those who jumped out of the pan in 2008/09 are offered a 2nd chance. The question however is whether or not they will SEE it and whether they will grasp the OPPORTUNITY!?
- The BIGGEST mistake ever Investors made in 1987 was to panic and sell out their portfolio and stay on the sidelines....and watch the Dow Jones geyser up from 800 to 18,200 ( x factor 23)
- The biggest mistake Investors made in 2008/09 was to panic and sell out their portfolio (especially Gold & Silver miners) and stay on the sidelines watching Gold geyser to $ 1920 while the HUI-index rose up from 160 to 630 ( x factor 4).
- The biggest mistake Investors can make in 2014/15, is to sell out their Physical Gold and Gold & Silver miners and stay on the sidelines watching Gold geyser to ... see Gold price objectives.
- Those amongst you who don't believe me, don't have to...just check our charts in the sections of Hyper-Inflation, Weimar, Zimbabwe,...Equities, shares, stocks are REAL ASSETS and while their price can be depressed because of EMOTION, MANIPULATION and the Games played by the ETF-funds, Mutual Funds,...they ALWAYS tend to return to their PRICE LEVELS and BEYOND! The main problem was and is that the profit of the soaring Stocks were offset by the crashing exchange rate of the respective WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCIES....Luckely there was a method to offset the here
Note: Note how in 1920 (see former chart), there also was a short period labelled as Deflation period (similar to today 2014/15). In less than one year however this so called 'price deflation' quickly reversed into what we define as the WEIMAR HYPERINFLATION.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday December 14, 2015 - There is as much global warming as a result of human action as there is a HELL!
Updated sections: World Stock Market Indexes , Long Term Stock Market Charts ,
Global Warming is meant to be a religion with a selfish God (Planet Earth, ME) to replace the dwindling religious faith of the West. The Paris convention is a SHAME to humanity and proofs the stupidness of the Democratic Herd. If only they had used the money and the manpower to STOP the WARS raging in the Middle-East and several regions in Africa...but that would have been too eazy, would it not!?
U.S. stocks capped their worst week since the August sell-off as optimism over the economy’s strength gave way to anxiety over the Federal Reserve just as commodities and credit markets flashed signs of danger. The situation on European stock markets wasn't any better. Subscribers know we called this correction earlier this year and know the sections of World Stock Market Indexes and Long Term Stock Market Indexes clearly picture what we can expect during the next weeks and months. Having said this, whatever happens, it remains important to follow the Investment Pyramid as on top of Security it also provides some diversification...and this diversification can become very important at some time in the future.
You're better off asking for advice to the Devil than asking a Banker.All Bankers have their own AGENDA and can NEVER be trusted....Most Bank employees are naive and/or ignorant and just tell you what the direction wants them to tell you (and what they want to sell you...) |
Nobody seems to remember that Four months ago, China decided to devalue the Yuan sending a shudder up and down collateral chains globally and forcing carry trade unwinds and derisking everywhere. Friday August 21st saw notable weakness as that weakness washed ashore in US equities.. and then Black Monday struck. The ensuing debacle stalled The Fed and shocked markets. The last week, we have seen China devalue the Yuan very significantly, EM capital markets turmoiling, and today, that was ashore in US equities... what happens next? This action is far more dangerous than Yellen hiking Interest rates by 25 points or Draghi pushing the rates into the Negative. Apparently, bankers are not clever enough to understand it.
Whatever Bankers declare about the US-Dollar versus the Euro is incorrect as long as it is in contradiction with our Point and Figures charts. These are a CLEAR, STRAIGHT FORWARD picture of what is to happen during the next weeks and months.
While you think you have money in your bank account, in reality you have a CLAIM on some DEBT written in the books of the bank.. |
How Stupid can you be!? While you think you have money in your bank account, in reality you have a CLAIM on some DEBT written in the books of the bank. The reality is that by working hard you're not earning more Money but more DEBT !
MONEY is DEBT and DEBT is MONEY. Every cent of money you have in your bank account is not only DEBT but also something the Bank owns you. n addition, many states and cities have reached a crisis situation with respect to their finances and the consumer is now seeing an explosion in subprime auto loans, much of which will never be repaid. This is in addition to the student loans, which are now in comfortably north of $1 trillion, an increasing amount of which are going into default every single day.
- So the U.S. dollar is backed by a catastrophic debt situation, which is probably the worst on the planet. The only antidote from a financial perspective is to own hard assets, particularly gold and silver, which are being aggressively repressed daily to keep the financial truth from the largely unsuspecting public. Time is getting short to acquire physical gold and silver and the equities of the quality companies that mine them efficiently.
Note on negative interest rates in Europe:
- Bearing in mind that Euro's and Dollars are in fact a CLAIM on DEBT you have with a Bank and are NOT money, is it not NORMAL that interest rates are Negative...!? It is the debtor wwhich pays interest....and by holding Euro's you are holding nothing but Debt....
Important Fundamentals:
- Today more than ever, the money is fuel to the Financial Markets. The more money, the higher they climb....but the buble starts to deflate each time the printing press comes to a halt...Therefore Central Bankers have no alternate but to continue to print money until Hyperinflation and Price-hyperinflation makes it useless.
- There still is PEAK OIL, just like we have PEAK GOLD...only now, Oil and the Price of Oil have become part of World WAR III. Keeping the market price BELOW the marginal production price by manipulation will result in more war...see update for friday December 11, 2015
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Note: when looking at the above graphs, it is obvious that countries like IRAN and RUSSIA suffer less of the low prices than countries like England, the USA, Saudi Arabia, Canada...
Important Technicals:
- Extremely important is the fact that the Transportation index is completing a BEARISH Head & Shoulders neckline is broken, 2016 will be extremely bad for General Stock Markets !!
- Treasuries JUMP (no, this still is not the end of the Treasury markets and the end of cheap Money) while Junk Bonds tumble to two-year-low.
- Double check the sections of World Stock market indexes and Long Term Stock Market Charts for RESISTANCE levels and SUPPORT. Keep the term BACKTEST alive at all times. If positive, it will probably be because of more QE. If negative, markets will correct by the PERCENTAGES as indicated on each Point and Figure Chart. . We cover all main stock markets.
- The fact that some Large Gold and Silver miners have stopped paying out dividends is extremely relevant for the sector: see charts in the section of Gold & Silver Majors and Juniors.
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Friday December 11, 2015 - NATO and USA actually trained and funded rebels in Turkey years before there were any troubles in Syria....
Updated Sections:
Politics, the Economy and Finance are increasingly inter-connected. Al Quada has been rebranded ISIS, IS and will it become DAESH !? It's all about Mainstream Propaganda and the Military Industry….versus the SDH (Stupid Democratic Herd). The brand switch to ISIS has made stocks of the Weapon industry soar...some by 700%! [ by principle we don't advise direct-war-related-equities]
It was all planned by the USA and NATO years ago....just like the Global Warming Propaganda was planned. NATO and UN actually trained and funded rebels in Turkey years before there were any troubles in Syria....
It's all about PKK (Kurdish factor) and OIL...and of course the US-Dollar. Little doubt, there will be more WAR over the coming months and years....and we all know that More War = higher Gold prices. For the time being, WAR equals lower Oil prices and lower Gold & Silver prices. The mockery is so big that they pushed the price BELOW the MARGINAL exploitation price.
What nobody will tell you, is that the longer the price of any commodity is rigged, the stronger and the higher price will rise once the manipulation stops working. History has plenty of examples where Central Banks and Authorities eventually loose billions of Dollars once the rigging stops working. This time won't be different. Only, as we don't know WHEN and WHAT will trigger the action, we have no alternate but to be patient and wait...Following charts for Oil leave no doubt about the fact that the Oil price is RIGGED. The situation is so bad that if the price doesn't bounce up in 2016, we can be 95% it will initiate more WAR....
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Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday December 10, 2015 - The Euro/Dollar charts tell us Yellen will NOT hike interest rates and – even if she does, will we still see a lower US-Dollar and stronger Euro?
Updated Sections:
The DANGER is that Turkey could soon become part of this stupid war. Turkish jets strike Kurdish positions in Iraq amid rising tension between Ankara Baghdad and Russia. Ankara carried out airstrikes targeting Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) forces in northern Iraq, the Turkish army said on Wednesday. The action comes in the wake of rising tensions between Ankara and Baghdad over the deployment of Turkish troops in Iraq. Ten F-16 fighter jets launched an attack between 10pm and 10:50pm on Tuesday, targeting PKK positions in the Kandil, Hakurk, Zap and Avasin-Baysan regions in northern Iraq, the Turkish General Staff said in a statement. It added that the targets were "destroyed in an aerial campaign."
Unbelievable to see how Wall Street is on edge ahead of Yellen speech. Oracle Yellen is holding the World Financial Markets on edge ahead of a plausible Interest hike. It is proof that the Central Banks (FED, ECB) have acquired an extremely dangerous leveraged position.
Oil is under $ 40 ...but we still have PEAK OIL. Don't expect cheap oil to last for a long time and don't expect to see much lower end prices (consumer prices). These will only fall marginally. Just like is the case for agricultural products, the intermediary – in this case the oil co's – will profit most of lower crude oil prices. Bear in mind that a spark in the Middle-East can severely impact and push oil prices up dramatically.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday December 9, 2015 - In my opinion, Yellen will NOT be so crazy to hike interest rates!
Updated Sections: Real Estate , Gold & Silver Majors , Recession Proof Shares , Oil Shares ,
FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works....A MUST see! The video clearly explains that Civil Unrest and War always come as a result of Economic recessions and depressions.
The reason behind negative interest rates is to damper somewhat the exponential growth of compounded debt and postpone the mathematical unavoidable burst of the debt bubble. The fact that we have negative interest rates proof the Central Banks KNOW we're going to crash...if Yellen hikes interest rates later this month (I am still convinced she won't) she will do nothing more but accelerate the death of the financial system.
If Yellen hikes interest rates later this month (I am still convinced she will not be that stupid), she will by doing so accelerate the death of the financial system!!! |
If Yellen does NOT hike interest rates, I expect a weaker US-Dollar ans stronger Gold...but having said this, we could see exactly the opposite...depending how the Situation Room and Hedge Funds react on the News.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday December 8, 2015 - Expect a Great depression, currency wars, trade wars and unfortunately also a World War!
Updated Sections: Majors (partly updated)
Uneasy' market calm masks debt timebomb, BIS warns: Bank for International Settlements (BIS) warns of emerging market vulnerabilities as investors remain hooked on "every word and deed" of central banks!!
When 2016 the DEBT BUBBLE will's gonna be Apocalyptic. Central Banks know it and are doing whatever they can to keep the Ponzi scheme alive: by printing more money, by pushing interest rates as low as possible and by maintaining this unnatural situation for as long as possible and by diverting the attention of the HERD! Therefore, I expect we're gonna have even more refugees...I expect France, Germany, England, the USA, Turkey,... to go to war, even when NO WAR is DECLARED. This is unconstitutional....but the IDIOTS (intelligent psychopaths) are taking the world to some style of Vietnam War which cannot possibly bring something good.
Einstein didn't know with which weapons would be used in the 3rd World War, but he confirmed the 4th World War would be fought with stick and stones... |
The Fiat Paper Price of Gold and Silver is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. Important is TO HAVE PHYSICAL GOLD and SILVER and to keep it OUT of POLITICAL reach...You MUST prepare for the worst. If nothing happens, you loose nothing. If something happens and you did not prepare yourself, your risk to loose all of your assets and even your life.
Today it is more than ever important to:
- Prepare for the worst: WAR and more Legal Theft. Operation GUTT took it all...People were left with $ 250 !!!
- Move your assets out of political reach.
- Stop listening to the LIES of the Authorities and Mainstream Media. Either they LIE or live in LALA-land.
- Have a plan B for yourself and your loved ones: Canada, Panama,...[Panama is a lovely, booming, safe country....]
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday December 7, 2015 - Hyperinflation and War are so extreme most people cannot mentally deal with it!
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Juniors ,
Hyperinflation and War are so extreme most people cannot mentally deal with it. War however ALWAYS is an option during economic recessions and depressions...this time won't be different!
Cash "under the mattress" totaling more than 15,000 euro, jewelry and other valuable items such as diamonds and gemstones, should be declared to electronic system of tax authorities, Taxisnet-Greece, as of 1 January 2016. Next to properties and vehicles and shares, now the taxpayers will also have to declare their deposits. And not only that. They will have to fill if they rent bank lockers and if yes, also the name of the bank and the branch, even if abroad.
The problem is that as of 2016 , or with FATCA (US), 51 banks will automatically exchange all bank information and that even if you sell Gold, Silver or other valuables abroad YOUR taxman will be automatically advised of every financial operation. |
- Italy made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal; export of physical Gold is Unlawful.
- Switzerland proposed banning cash payments in excess of 100,000 francs;
- Russia banned cash transactions over $10,000;
- Spain banned cash transactions over €2,500;
- Mexico made cash payments of more than 200,000 pesos illegal;
- Uruguay banned cash transactions over $5,000;
- France made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal, down from the previous limit of €3,000.
- In Greece citizens have to declare jewelry with a value in excess of € 30.000 and banknotes with a value in excess of € 15,000 to the government.
There are still escape routes, however (and we experience it) it becomes increasingly difficult to escape legal theft. |
Mind buzzling is that 80% of the citizens are still hard working trying to make these extra 15% but don't make efforts to bring their savings/assets into safety. Today it is more than ever a moral obligation of each one to do whatever is possible to safeguard CAPITAL and Savings so it cannot be consumed by Governments and will be available to future generations to kickstart a new economy and a new prosperous society. Never forget that CAPITAL is accumulated/saved LABOR and that without is, no healty economic system can exist.
CAPITAL is accumulated LABOR, therefore tax on capital is even worse than tax on labor. |
We know two things about housing bubbles: apologists and pundits always deny housing is in a bubble , but they always pop with devastating consequences.
This chart reveals the tight correlation between real (i.e. adjusted for inflation) new house sales prices and real wages/salaries. Every time house prices get ahead of earnings, house prices decline sharply. Since these are real prices/wages, they go down when prices/wages don't keep up with inflation. So while nominal house prices didn't sag much in the late 1960s as inflation took off, they fell sharply when adjusted for inflation
- Housing is relatively cheap when it is well below earnings. Housing was an attractive buy in 1945, 1970, 1982 and the mid-1990s.
- Housing Bubble #1 is clearly visible as house prices skyrocketed far above earnings in the 2004-2008 period. The gap between house prices and earnings widened to an unprecedented degree, and this extreme resulted in an equally unprecedented crash in housing valuations.
- Now the gap between real house prices and real earnings is even wider than it was in Housing Bubble #1. History (and common sense) suggest that housing prices will once again fall sharply. The situation today is so bad that even in countries like Canada Real Estate prices start to cone down. To expect anything different is unrealistic and highly dangerous to one's financial well-being.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday December 4, 2015 - Farook Syed and Tashfeen Malik or the San Bernardino shooters are American Citizens!
Updated Sections: US-Dollar , Euro/US-Dollar, Aussie/$/€ , Swiss/$/€ , Can$/$/€ , ¥/$/€ , £/$/€ , Zar/$/€ , Krona/$/€ , Yuan/$, Rupee/$
Farook, whose family was originally from Pakistan, was born in America and was employed as an environmental health specialist for San Bernardino County. He did what health specialists do: inspect restaurants and other facilities for health violations. Farook was "a devout Muslim," and according to a profile posted on the dating site iMilap, Farook enjoyed "reading religious books and target practice with younger sister and friends.
This is what WW III will increasingly look like: privates and heavy material clashing in the Middle-East and Terrorism in all countries which are part of the alliance...and have absorbed Muslim immigrants over the past 25 years. Important is to understand the danger lies predominantly with the 2nd and 3rd generation of immigrants and terrorists/shooters mostly have the American, French, Belgian, Dutch, British Nationality. The TROYAN horse was pulled inside the city walls of civilization decades ago.
15 undocumented immigrants picked up in West-Palm Beach, Florida, IS members picked up along the Mexican-US border.... |
Britons can soon also expect similar Cameron decided they must also go and fight Daech in the Middle-East. The Westerners clearly are unable to grasp, to understand how and why the world is changing. Each World-War has resumed where the previous one died and each World-War looks different: the 1st WW was a trench war, the 2nd WW a Blitz Krieg and WW III (now) a combination of the previous World Wars, guerrilla and Terrorism.
Britons, Americans, French and Russia manufactured the Middle-East PANDORA BOX in 1944-45 |
>>> Financial Markets are a like CLOCKWORK....touch one wheel and the whole clockwork moves <<<
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Thursday December 3, 2015 - Yellen Sends US Dollar Surging Above 100 To 12-Year Highs !?
Updated sections: Aussie-Gold , Swiss-Gold , Can-Gold , ¥-Gold , £-Gold , Zar-Gold , Krona-Gold , Yuan-Gold, Rupee-Gold
In order to make illegal immigration possible, they're making it legal....this is the end of the Eu-zone and Euro! ...time to sell your Euro's!?
This is Politics in LALA-LAND! Janet Yellen Explains Why The Fed Will Raise Rates Amid A Revenue, Profit & Manufacturing Recession...while the EU's political leaders and other elites are committed to holding the European Union together and Draghi confirming he will print the required TRILLIONS of Euro's. I wonder how long this masquerade will go on and how it will end...Sure is that once the manipulation stops working, some will loose it all and that this includes the TOO BIG TO FAIL and Authorities. We - and I think NOBODY knows WHEN this is to happen. Therefore it is better to be 4 years early than once second late! UNDERSTANDING what the situation is, helps A LOT!
Germany lived a similar situation right BEFORE the Weimar Revolution. The Reich-mark temporarily became more expensive before it started to crash. Having said this, it seems apparent that Yellen will, as she has been telling over and over again, increase interest rates by a notch later this month.
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Wednesday December 2, 2015 - Draghi and Yellen to decide about the Dollar/Euro and Gold?
Updated Sections:
LONDON (Reuters) - Gold rose for a second day on Tuesday, rebounding from last week's 5-1/2 year low, as a retreat in the dollar prompted investors to cover short positions ahead of a European Central Bank meeting and U.S. payrolls data this week.
The dollar slid from an 8-1/2-month high as the euro bounced back, with traders judging that a significant amount of further monetary easing had already been priced into the single currency ahead of Thursday's ECB meeting.
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Tuesday December 1, 2015 - We have NO recovery - The economy is slowing down: Expect War And Death On An Industrial Scale.
Updated Sections: Gold
The BIG RESET - as many analysts call it - is about to happen. Only it will come in a different way many think. It will come as A GLOBAL WAR. Death and War will come on an industrial scale. Especially in Europe. This is one of the Main Reasons why one MUST hold PHYSICAL Gold. During War, ONLY GOLD TALKS! The Central Banks have been trying to prop up the situation...without success.
War is the goal of the central banks. The debt based economic model is corrupt and not working. Even after printing billions of (fiat paper) money the world economy continues to slide into more and more depression and REAL unemployment keeps rising. Central banks will do whatever is needed to create a major war: create refugee problems, make more war in the Middle-East and try to implicate countries like Russia, Iran, Turkey and Israel...War has become the lessor of the two evils: either you create war, either you are stuck. It is mathematically impossible to create prosperity with Debt and by printing money. Even under a regime of negative interest rates.
#1 Problem is PEACE, not Global Warming! Those gathering at the Global Warming conference in Paris should be ASHAMED of themselves...the 1st problem they should attend is the Growing War in the Middle-East. |
I expect the present War in the Middle-East, Ukraine to spread into Europe NOT LATER than 2018. ..For years now I have been explaining that an economic recession and depression ALWAYS comes with a Global War. This time ain't gonna be different. We are coming into the final phase of what have been created by the central banks.
The Stock Markets will like the fact that we won't get a rise in rates this month. The US-Dollar however may not like it!
Important Fundamentals:
- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is expected to give the yuan a vote of confidence on today and include the Chinese currency in its Special Drawing Rights (SDR) that unites the US dollar, euro, British pound and the Japanese yen.
- Adding the yuan as a reserve currency will allow central banks to buy more of the Chinese currency, and boost investment in the Chinese stock market. According to Standard Chartered bank, within five years market players will invest at least $1 trillion in Chinese assets. more in the subscriber's section...
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