NEWS JUNE'15 (public)
If Authorities really have not the intend to tax your offshore bank accounts...why then do they request you to divulge these?!
Tuesday June 30, 2015 - Don't expect to see any panic until it's too late - the stakes are high: Greece goes bankrupt = Deutsche Bank goes bankrupt !
Updated sections: several charts were updated in several sections - date(s) were not always updated - check for the blue colored charts
Central Banks, large Banks and Authorities control the markets (Bond, Shares, Gold & Silver sector, Commodities, Currencies). So, don't expect to see panic unless its too late. During World War II, Germans send thousands of Jews to the extermination camps...with NO PANIC at all!.
The Titanic is sinking...and NOW is the time to take action !!!! |
Tourists staying in Greece, and anyone who has a credit card issued by a non-EU institution, will not be affected by the restrictions on withdrawing money from ATM's in Greece. Also payments made with foreign credit/debit cards will remain possible in Greece at all times, it reads.
No doubt that as this scenario will soon also be played in other EU countries (including the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain,..), one should (if not taken already been taken care off) move his savings out of Political reach NOW. This instead of repatriating funds and / or keeping these with local/domestic financial institutions. [beyond political reach does not imply fiscal fraud!]. We at Goldonomic know HOW!
Important Fundamentals:
- What happens in Greece will also happen in other countries...time to move your savings into security is NOW!
- Worst case scenario, if Greece goes bankrupt, Deutsche Bank, Soc. Generale, Credit Agricole, and other large banks go bankrupt...Merkel and Hollande are panicking...I also would. The stakes are high (Derivatives). Whatever the Mainstream Propaganda pretends...we are living the beginning of the end of the Financial system.
- HC Wainright started coverage on shares of xxxxxxxxxxx in a research report sent to investors on Monday morning. The firm issued a buy rating and a $12.50 price target on the stock.
- A new Drachme cannot be introduced overnight...the currency must be printed and distributed. The coming referendum will be negatively affected by this week's bank restrictions.
- According to insider reports, xxxxxxxxxxx purchased, in the public market last Thursday, 330,000 common shares of xxxx at an average price of US$11.00 per share (US$3.63 million). xxxxx latest buy follows his March purchases - 360,600 common shares at US$11.37 per share.
Important Technicals: Dangers and buy's with Targets....see subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday June 29, 2015 - Fatal Ramada Friday and Charleston Moaning in South Carolina - ECB to decide about fate of Greece...and EU! - Capital Controls in Greece -
Updated sections: Uranium (scroll down for new charts) , Copper & Platinum ,
Today one doesn't have to go on vacation in a Muslim country to be killed or beheaded...for it is also happening at home...thanks to political correctness, Intelligent Psychopaths and a unarmed Stupid Democratic Herd = YOU !? Which country's gonna be next!? Belgium, The Netherlands, England, Spain, Denmark, Sweden,..!?
While Americans morn the victims of the Charlestonshootout, Europeans are confronted with terrorism (World War III?) in hot Vacation locations and at home. Note: with all respect, today one has to be out of his mind to vacation in North-African and/or Middle-East destinations. Why not travel to Panama where it is safer than at home?! [unless you go hiking alone in the Tropical Forest]
- Tunisia, Sousse: Gunmen arrived at the scene by sea on an inflatable boat. The attackers first opened fire at tourists on the beach and then entered the Imperial Marhaba Hotel and began firing from the AK47 that they carried in an umbrella. They also used grenades. The death toll has risen to over 30 people.
- Kuwait: A lot of people have been killed and +300 have been wounded in an attack on a Shiite mosque.
- France, Grenoble: A man has been decapitated by attackers brandishing Islamist flags at a French factory near Grenoble. The severed head had Arabic writing scrawled across it and was found on a fence next to two jihadi banners. A French security official said the victim was a businessman who headed a local transportation company. [There are +4 mio Muslim in France]
This is NOT only about's also about your life and future! An economic Depression ALWAYS comes with Social Unrest, more Crime...and WAR. This is what all history books teach us. History rhythms , however one should not expect to see a new edition of the 1939 Depression or a new edition of World WarII. It will be similar but different...Got a Panama-plan B !? |
Jobs of EU-politicians and officials safe for another 5 months!? We'll know for sure Monday and/or after July 5 (Referendum). Negotiations over the extension of the Greek bailout will go the wire, after Athens resoundingly rejected the latest conditions for a five-month €15.5bn from its creditors this Saturday afternoon. "The government does not have a popular mandate, nor a moral right to sign up to a new bailout," With prospects of no bailout, Greece is set to face a virtual bankruptcy next Tuesday, as it cannot repay €1.6 billion ($1.79 billion) of loans.....
Greece Is The Model For A Catastrophe That Is About To Engulf The World |
This is precisely the lesson that Germany and the North-EU members want to deliver to the rest of Europe. If no deal is reached Greece will be devastated. If the ECB actually seizes its deposits, which it has the right to do, Greece will be impoverished for at least one or two generations. There will be no way for the country to meet its pension or government budgets. Unemployment will rise even more, and GDP will collapse.
Greek Banks to remain closed from Monday for a week, Athens Stock Exchange will not open on Monday, Greek ETFs liquidity Gold!? |
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
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Friday June 26, 2015 - Authorities are Lawyers with no practical experience and they think they can write a law, make you do it and that this solves the problem!?
Updated sections:
Holiday hotspots such as Mykonos and Santorini are facing 30pc higher VAT bills for goods and services on the islands. Tourists holidaying in Greece will be hit by the Leftist government's new plans to hike taxes on its islands and restaurants as part of its desperate bid to stay in the euro...unless off course Greece declares bankruptcy before your departure...
EFSF has already disbursed the vast majority of the money it had planned to lend to Greece. Little surprise then, the talks on how Greece plans on giving this money back are now breaking down. Greece has less incentive to negotiate when they have already drawn down most of the funds that were available...and after all, why give yourself a hard time if you have a full hand of cards.
One happy family and "Welcome to McDonald's . My name is HAL 9000. May I take your order?". As minimum wages are increased, Mc Donald's has ordered 7,000 touch screen kiosks which will allow to fire 62,000 employees. The hiring picture looks especially bad in Europe where the salary costs are the highest. The touch screens will only accept debit or credit cards, adding to the slow death knell of cash and coins...
The move is designed to boost efficiency and make ordering more convenient for customers... If you don't believe this story, I'll publish another one tomorrow... |
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday June 25, 2015 - The (Greek) Debtor has become the King...and Greece has a full hand and knows it.
Updated sections:
The (Greek) Debtor has become the King...and Greece has a full hand and they know it. What you and I see on the Mainstream media about Greece is nothing but a CHEAP DIRTY JOKE. Clear is that not ONE JOURNALIST is able to see through this smoke curtain: not the IMF, not the EU or Euro is at stake, but the Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale, Credit Agricole, ... the BIG European banks are as well as ALL banks with an exposure to DERIVATIVES.
With some luck and more idiocy coming from the Authorities and Bankers, the fuse may have been lit and the financial system could be severely hit. Shit happens when kids play with matches. |
What we see on television, is nothing but more PROPAGANDA convincing all of us that Auschwitz is after all not that bad...and no harm will be done to you. The reality is different however...and Iceland is a life-modern-proof of it. The ONLY decent solution for Greece is to declare a bankruptcy and drop the EU as soon as possible.
Pension funds are about to go bankrupt because interest rates are that low and they can't no longer cover the risks. At a certain point however the interest rates will take off...and as they take off, the GLOBAL DEBT will rise even faster...When it flips, it will flip and go up so fast...and the increase will be devastating. At that time Authorities and Central Banks will have no choise but to print even more money and the system will enter Hyperinflation.
Important Fundamentals: (more in the subscriber's section)
- The strong Dollar increases the sovereign debt abroad (Greece) and accelerates the souvereign debt default like happened during the 1930's with the pound sterling.
- The Dollar goes up because of the growing instability in Europe and the Middle-East.
- You must only keep US-Dollars and Can-Dollars ONLY with bank accounts in the America's, NEVER in Europe!
- If the US-economy starts to come down again, the situation will become dramatic in the EU.
- If you're not holding Gold but Dollars (and Dollars you MUST hold), you MUST hold these dollar with an American or Canadian bank in the USA or Canada !
- Digital money eliminates the risk for a bank run and allows to collect the last cent of taxes...poor you
With digital money and no cash you won't be able to buy anything without approval of the Government and..they'll be able to bail-in any cent they need to keep the bankrupt banking system and bankrupt country alive. |
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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wednesday June 24, 2015 - Fractional reserve banks are by definition bankrupt at all times! Who is your banker..?
Updated sections:
If Greece would declare bankruptcy, such would have an immediate and dramatic impact on the larger European banks: Deutsche Bank, Credit Agricole, Societe. Generale,...
Following scenario could unfold (example for) : If Deutsche Bank is the next Lehman, we will not know until events are moving at an uncontrollable and accelerating speed. The nature of all fractional-reserve banks — who are by definition bankrupt at all times –is to project an aura of stability until that illusion has already begun to implode.
By the time we are aware of a crisis it will already be a roaring blaze by the time it is known publicly.There will be little in the way of early warnings.
Here’s a re-cap of what’s happened at Deutsche Bank over the past 15 months:
- In April of 2014, Deutsche Bank was forced to raise an additional 1.5 Billion of Tier 1 capital to support it’s capital structure.
- 1 month later in May of 2014, the scramble for liquidity continued as DB announced the selling of 8 billion euros worth of stock – at up to a 30% discount. It was a move which raised eyebrows across the financial media. Something is decidedly rotten behind the curtain.
- March of this year – 2015: Deutsche Bank fails the banking industry’s “stress tests” and is given a stern warning to shore up it’s capital structure.
- Last April, Deutsche Bank confirms it’s agreement to a joint settlement with the US and UK regarding the manipulation of LIBOR (interbank interest rate). The bank is saddled with a massive $2.1 billion payment.
- In May, one of Deutsche Bank’s CEOs, Anshu Jain is given an enormous amount of new authority by the board of directors. We guess that this is a “crisis move”. In times of crisis the power of the executive is often increased.
- June 5: Greece misses it’s payment to the IMF. The risk of default across all of it’s debt is now acute. This has massive implications for Deutsche Bank.
- June 6/7: On a weekend, and immediately following Greece’s missed payment to the IMF Deutsche Bank’s two CEO’s announce their surprise departure from the company. Anshu Jain will step down first at the end of June. Jürgen Fitschen will step down May 2016.
- June 9: Standard & Poors lowers the rating of Deutsche Bank to BBB+ Just three notches above “junk”. (BBB+ is lower than Lehman’s downgrade – which preceded it’s collapse by just 3 months)
How bad is it? We don’t know because we are not permitted to know. But these are not the moves of a healthy company. The exposure of Deutsche Bank to Derivatives is dramatically high. And this includes Credit Default Swaps and Interest rate Swaps (see Derivatives and Banks)
Deutsche Bank is sitting on more than $75 Trillion in derivatives bets — an amount that is twenty times greater than German GDP. |
We expect European Bond Markets will hardly indicate something is derailing as Interest Rates in Germany, the EU and probably also Greece are rigged....hence we may need more black swans before something gives in....before the can hits the wall and as a result, the causalities will probably a lot more dramatic than we expect.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
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Tuesday June 23, 2015 - Oct 2015 Crisis China Preparing for Something Big
Updated sections:
China is aggressively buying Gold...what about you!?
Hyperinflation is going to happen in the USA.
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Monday June 22, 2015 - off course Greece will continue to receive more credit and money: they don't want a Grexit!
Updated sections: Gold & Silver juniors, US-Dollar ,
If Greece goes, Italy goes, Ireland goes, Italy goes, Spain goes, Junker goes...and all EU-politicians loose their jobs. What's worse, DEUTSCHE BANK and Soc. Generale would go (just to name two...). We know that soon or later it will happen...we only don't know WHEN. So be prepared. Better 4 years early than 1 second late.
Someone from Greece called the IMF a ‘criminal organization.’ These are not the words of a weak country that is negotiating with a giant. These are the words of a country that really thinks it has a lot of leverage. Greece has all the cards....a full hand! Russia has offered Greece a spot with the BRICS Bank and said they will build a gas pipeline through Greece, which will go to the rest of Europe.
"If the EU wants Greece to pay its debt than it should be interested in the Greek economy growing," Putin said. "The EU should be applauding us. What's bad about creating new jobs in Greece?" he said, commenting on Russia's preliminary gas deal with Greece. |
As a matter of fact, the Intelligent Psychopaths of the EU and IMF are doing EXACTLY the opposite of what must be done: instead of creating jobs in Greece and measures to grow the Greek economy, they in fact have, over the past months and years done everything in their power and they have succeeded in crunching Greek GNP and employment.
As explained weeks and months ago, INTEREST RATES will NOT go up! And Authorities and Central Bankers will rather sell their Mother an Father then allow an interest hike. Marginal Interest rates keep coming down and Global debt has become so dramatic that any increase in interest rates would bankrupt most Governments...
In order to avoid a Grexit and higher interest rates, Authorities and Central bankers have to do only one thing: PRINT MORE MONEY. And when more money is printed, Stock Markets go up and Bond markets stay high in their bubble. See our principle of communicating financial vessels.
Thanks to internet, it becomes evident the GREEK debt-story is nothiong but a Public Holdup organized by the IMF, the EU, the ECB and the large banks: Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Société Générale, e.o....[these large financial organizations have clearly forbidden the Mainstream Media to publish this information]
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday June 19, 2015 - The emotional vote is selfish and the politicians cater to it. The emotional vote represents about 70% of the population.
Updated sections:
The emotional vote is selfish and the politicians cater to it. The emotional vote represents about 70% of the population. Political news is extensively staged managed with an emphasis on photo/video opportunities. The speed of the communications now brings the interaction of global events to a speed where the complexities cannot be easily assimilated without a wide range of background understanding, and this in turn necessitates reading a wide variety of information from different regional areas.
The global banking system and the United States dollar and the EU & Euro as paper currencies cannot and will not survive. The evidence is clear. One would hope that it would not happen but one cannot revoke the natural laws. If the banking scene were to collapse, the dislocation would be similar to that of 1931 but on a vaster scale. Bear in mind that the majority of politicians do not understand the banking scene and how fiat money and credit is created.
There are those whose aim is to understand and there are those who seek to influence events. To succeed even partially in either of these endeavours demands a lifetime of effort. No man therefore is able to do both. |
Your Government will break your legs.
Greece and German and French Banking Blunders..and what goes around comes around. They screwed themselves in the 2000s. For years, German and French bankers loaded up on Greek debt. They figured that since Greece was an EU country, with EU interest rates, its credit worthiness was no different than Germany's or France's. Turns out, not so the chickens are flying home to roost. No mercy for Deutsche Bank and Societe mercy for all those keeping their savings with these banks!
Important Fundamentals:more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday June 18, 2015 - if you buy Gold but keep it within political reach, you're only doing the Authorities a future favor -
Updated sections:
We have developed a new safe system which allows you to buy your physical Gold and Silver out of political reach and have it shipped to a VAULT out of the banking system :
Transfer your funds out of political reach. Label the transfer as "purchase of Gold". Buy the physical and have it shipped to the Vault where it will be safeguarded in your personal consignee vault. Either you keep it in the consignee vault, either you travel to the Vault and move it into your personal Vault.
All Gold purchases come with an invoice/proof of purchase either in your name, the name of a corporation or the name of a foundation. Physical can be bought in your personal name or in name of a corporation/foundation. For a corporation/foundation the normal documentation has to be presented.
- For purchases less than $ 100,000 you can initiate transfer and buy and buy immediately providing the funds are credited within 3 days..
- For purchases over $ 100,000 you must make a down payment of minimum 3% and transfer the balance within 3 days after your purchase.
- All purchased Gold is delivered by the Canadian Mint.
- All Gold bars are 9999 and a certificate can be delivered (most of the time – request on purchase)
- The balance between the amount transferred and purchase total is settled in physical Silver.
- Net price includes shipment to your Vault.
- Providing you keep the physical in the consignee vault, all Physical can also be shipped out of the Vault to be sold. Funds are wired either in can$ or US-Dollar to selling entity.
Following items are available:
- most gold maple leafs, Cougars, 1oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4oz , 1/10 oz , 1/20 oz
- gold bars 1 oz, 10 oz, 1 kg
- gold American Eagle, Buffalo, Kangaroo, Philharmonic
- 1 oz Panda, Krugerrand,
- British Sovereign
- $110 Gold coin -1976 (14kt, 22 kt)
- 1 gram gold bar
- most silver products, coins and bars, silver scrap
more details over Skype...the system is complementary for all Coaching clients.
Important Fundamentals:more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
PLEASE understand that the situation has become explosive and when price does explode, all GOLD DERIVATIVES will either be settled in worthless money or be lost!..
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Wednesday June 17, 2015 - if you buy Gold but keep it within political reach, you're only doing the Authorities a future favor -
Updated sections:
Off course the system is broke and off course it will default and off course Gold will geyser to $20,000 and higher....and off course will all those who bought Gold-Derivatives like Turbo's, Warrants, Options,...other bank manufactured products end EMPTY HANDED. Best case scenario..that is for the lucky ones, the profit will be settled in worthless fiat money. If you buy DERIVATIVES you are a life proof that you don't understand what is happening...
There is only ONE WAY to invest in Gold and there is only ONE WAY to store it properly... |
More in the subscriber's section...
Important Fundamentals:more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday June 16, 2015 - if you buy Gold but keep it within political reach, you're only doing the Authorities a future favour -
Updated Sections: Recession Proof Shares, Oil shares, Natural Gas shares ,
The problems Europe, the EU and the USA are in won't go away, NO, they will only get worse...up to you to bury your head in the sand and/or deny this reality which is like a running Tsunami. Seeing and understanding what is happening and will happen is only part of the exercise, you also need to have the GUTS to do what a man has to do to protect himself and his family.
Madonna was born in the US out of a family of Italian immigrants....Rising intolerance and anti-Semitism have reached the point when “it feels like Nazi Germany,” pop icon Madonna said, adding that France, in particular, no longer encourages diversity and freedom. "We're living in crazy times. It feels like Nazi Germany," Madonna said in an interview to Europe 1 radio, adding that the situation in Europe is “scary.” The 56-year-old singer also pointed that France has totally lost its tradition of welcoming diversity and honoring freedom, saying that "anti-Semitism is at an all-time high" in the country. "It [France] was a country that embraced everyone and encouraged freedom in every way, shape or form – artistic expression of freedom… Now that's completely gone.”
In case Greece leaves the EU and drops the Euro, better plan your next vacation in Greece! |
Consequence of a bankrupt Greece:
- Greece leaves the EU and issues new Drachma. Currency will probably crash too much but cheap Drachma will spur investment and economy in Greece.
- Re-adjustment of the currency (new Drachma) will be extremely positive for exports and will restrict imports. Balance of Trade and Payments will dramatically improve.
- Interest rates in Greece will momentarily spike. That is until the new Drachma has found an equilibrium.
- Greece will turn to Russia and China for eventual financial and economic help and so become an alley of Putin and China opening the ports of the Mediterranean to these.
- Greek banks will call for a bail-in in a Cyprus style. Not dramatic as large capital has already left Greece months ago. Only the blind have done nothing and those hoping for a miracle that never comes.
- Greece will call for a moratorium on its debt. But we have this before, haven't we!?
- But give or take 6 months and Greek people will have overcome a lot of problems....and be as happy as citizens in Iceland. Don't believe the Mainstream Media and Ignorant Politicians.
The fact that Greece calls for a moratorium may even allow Greece NOT to declare a bankruptcy and by doing so the DERIVATIVES may not be triggered. If Greece declares a bankruptcy, Derivatives linked to Greece may become worthless and affect the large banks (Deutsche bank,. ...) and the financial system.
Consequences of a bail-in :
- Severe crash of the real estate prices (parents won't be able to help their kids and many will be forced to sell ....) in both Greece and the EU.
- More deleveraging: lower bond but also lower stock markets. Lower stock markets must be used to buy more shares.
- People will scramble out of traditional instruments and into Gold (physical) and Silver and more people will stop trusting the banks.
The charts don't lie and the numbers don't lie. Wall Street lies, the FED lies and th politicians lie for them. Ant the presstitutes just keep the lie going. Gerard Celente. |
Important Fundamentals:
- The Euro is a FRANKENSTEIN and what standing Army's - Rome, Prussians, Spanish, Britisch, French (Napoleon), Germans (Hitler), etc could not achieve with weapons won't be achieved by a bunch of Retarded Intelligent Psychopaths!
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
The name of today's game : Keeping up appearances - A Brexit is plausible and possible, a Grexit not !
Updated sections: Crude Oil, Coal & Solar , Gold & Silver Majors , Gold & Silver Juniors ,
Despite the grievous state of the Ukrainian economy, the IMF said it will continue to lend money to Ukraine, so Kiev can complete economic restructuring....if the IMF is prepared to lend more money to bankrupt Ukraine, do you really think they will risk the bankruptcy of Deutsche bank by pushing Greece into Bankruptcy!? After all, as long as they can print money, why not!?
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe said it will begin a process to "demonetize" its all-but-worthless currency on June 15. Within that window, the notes can be exchanged for US dollars. After that they'll be worthless — which isn't so different from their value now: the RBZ said accounts "with balances of Zero to Z$175 quadrillion will be paid a flat US$5." here for more about Zimbabwe
As a matter of fact, it was impossible to acquire large quantities of Zim$ as one could – by law – only travel and mail a maximum of so much Zim-$. If the EU or the USA were to enter hyperinflation it would legally only be possible to travel with Euro – Dollars 10,000....sum of money which would probably not even buy a Tomato.
Are you really ready to gamble your savings in a Cyprus (Gutt) game!? Keep on Dreaming... Keep hoping NOTHING will happen and things will be better tomorrow...The EU knows better as it is Forcing European Nations to Adopt ‘Bail-In’ Legislation by the end of the Summer (August) ! |
The European Union says that any nation within the EU that does not enact "bail-in" legislation within the next two months will face legal action. The countries that are being threatened in this manner include Italy and France. If you fast forward two months from this moment, that puts us in early August. So clearly the European Union wants everything to be squared away by the end of the summer. when the next great financial crisis hits Europe, banks are not going to get "bailed out" this time. Instead, we are going to see "bail-ins". That means that creditors and shareholders could potentially lose everything if a major bank in Europe fails. And if their "contributions" are not enough to save the bank, those holding private bank accounts will have to take "haircuts" just like we saw in Cyprus. In fact, the travesty that we witnessed in Cyprus is being used as a "template" for much of the new legislation that is being enacted all over Europe. Bottom line is that not a single bank account in the European Union will ever be truly safe again.
Financial shares biggest fallers after IMF quits bailout talks. Investment advise given by banks is a is given my inexperienced, uninformed yuppies who – in most of the cases – just follow the bucket list provided to them by the direction of the bank. In many cases, they don't know the difference between a stock and a bond.
Banks have become unhealthy, arrogant and untrustworthy Banksters . Certainly NOT the partner they pretend to be. There is little doubt that you are far better off doing things yourself, even if you are going to make mistakes than to offer your neck to the Wolf. |
Banks and financial institutions prefer to sell their own investment products. They so can trade without the knowledge of the investor and cash extra hidden management fees and other costs. Things have get so bad that today the banks/financial institutions even have what they call "financial analysts" who are trying to find out which common fund of bank managed fund has the best performance and should be acquired. Since the 1960's the number of available COMMON INVESTMENT funds, HEDGE funds, etc...has exploded. We now even have Funds of Funds. Who is the crazy one here, the Bank who is selling the manufactured products or the Investor who's buying these?
No doubt that one has to be a Ding-Dong and live in LALA land to allow a 3rd party to manage it's savings by 25 to 32 year old youngsters. It seems that the banking and financial problems of 2008-09 (Lehman Bros) and Cyprus have failed to teach the average citizen their lesson.
Real Estate in the World: Nothing comes down or goes up in a straight line and some countries experienced a correction in Real Estate prices over the past year or so. Other just started their 26 year long downward slide. To diversify into Real Estate is not really a good idea. As a matter of fact, it is a BAD and DANGEROUS move. During the Weimar hyperinflation, one month's rent barely bought a loaf of bread and one could buy a whole street with a handful of Gold coins. [click to enlarge!]
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
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Friday June 12, 2015 - With a Grexit, a lot of politicians and bankers would loose their this must be avoided by all means.
Updated sections: Gold objectives , investment pyramid , Corporate bonds ,
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” Merkel told reporters as she arrived in Brussels. “The goal is to keep Greece in the euro area.” the prospect of a moderately successful ‘Grexit’ would invite endless speculation within the EU concerning who’s next?
If I am wrong and we do have a GREXIT after all, make sure you brace for dramatic events in the Banking world! |
Gold has always been a long-term store of value whose price has the potential to experience a high degree of volatility over the short term. As such it has some of the characteristics of a currency while also representing a diversifying quality within a portfolio. However gold does best when people lose confidence in the ability of other currencies to hold their value either through deflation and low interest rates or through runaway inflation and high rates.
As the Bond market and bubble is deflating all DERIVATIVES and derivated products will suffer a lot! The time to get rid of these is NOW and this includes Fiat Money and Treasuries.
Amongst the most serious cracks in the Dollar wall, is the market for US municipal bonds and the US pension system. Pensions, because an environment of interest rates on the floor doesn’t allow pension funds to meet the performance which they had planned; Munis (municipal bonds) because this huge market will collapse if a city of significant size is unable to repay its bonds. Yet the two are linked: for many public pensions are paid locally, increasing the pressure on municipal budgets and precipitating bankruptcy…
Important Fundamentals:
Authorities will do ALL WITHIN THEIR POWER to avoid any accidental flash-crash of the Bonds/Treasuries....but there is only so much they can do. Once Bonds fall and interest rates rise, DERIVATIVES start to make its kills: life insurances, insurances, re-insurances, pension funds, bank deposits, fiat money, common shares....I have no idea how long the process will take and whether we shall see some accidents (black swans)...but don't let your HOPE FEELINGS and EMOTIONS refrain you from doing what you must do...and do it NOW!
Have NO HOPE for RECOVERY is NOT AROUND the corner and whatever the propaganda pretends, things will get a lot worse and it will take a lot more time and pain before we have any recovery. |
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Thursday June 11, 2015 - For years now we warned you about this dramatic bond top in formation
Updated sections: Treasuries-Bonds in the EU , Treasuries-Bonds in the USA,
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité,...the biggest communist slogan ever! The fastest way to ruin a country is to legally tax the hard working people and donate the funds to those who have less. Over time such a policy chases away all the hard working entrepreneurs and wealth generators, attracts the needy and rewards the lazy. In the end, entrepreneurs and the money are gone...the lower classes, the uneducated remain...and all are equally POOR.
The fastest way to get poor is to save but the leave all of your savings within political reach...and hope the government will take care of it for you. |
Japan now officially holds more US debt than China, which has been America’s major creditor since 2008. In February Japan held $1.224 trillion in US government bonds compared to China’s $1.223 trillion. Both countries reduced their US debt investment, with China reducing its by $15.4 billion, and Japan by $14.2 billion, data from the Treasury Departments monthly report on bond holdings, published on Wednesday, shows.In the last year, Japan has boosted its US Treasury debt by $13.6 billion, while China has decreased holdings by $49.2 billion.
The 10yr Bund, rates have exploded higher in a very short time span. Huge losses have been incurred as ALL derivatives have interest rates assumptions within. And yet, I don't think they will let the interest rates go up A LOT. They have no alternate but to print more money: QE4, QE 5, ...and try to contain the rise.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
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Wednesday June 10, 2015 - Physical Gold will be seen as the "anti liability of last resort". !
Updated sections: World Stock Market Indexes (BAD) ,
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." —Albert Einstein |
Marginal interest rates are ZERO - The world CANNOT in any way have higher interest rates but this is exactly what is happening. Interest rates were forced to zero because that was the only rate where debt could be serviced and asset prices "supported". Once Interest Rates are reversing, many debts will not be paid nor able to be rolled over (at higher rather than lower rates), asset values of all sorts will plummet, financial structures and promises will break apart …and even the currencies themselves will be questioned.
Once the belief that "debt is an asset …or even money" is broken, the herd of cattle (investors) will run wild. They will seek the safety of "no one’s liability" because no one will be trusted. This includes the central banks and sovereign treasuries themselves. Gold, (no one’s liability) will not pay you interest and will not make promises that cannot be kept, it will simply "remain". Gold will remain as the world’s purest asset and purest money. In a world where most all "assets" are finally understood to really be someone else’s liability, there is no telling what value might be placed on the purest form of asset/money? Gold will be seen as the "anti liability of last resort". I guess better said, gold is the ultimate central bank for the asset side of the balance sheet!
Is Gold overvalued?
Important Technicals: CAUTION....BAD...
more in the subscriber's section
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Tuesday June 9, 2015 - Why does the Mainstream Media NEVER mention the biggest financial risk manufactured ever = Derivatives !?
Updated sections: should know how dangerous they are by now and also what the exposure is of the major banks (HSBC, Deutsche, Soc. Gen,...). They have the power to destroy the financial system in a flash, a nano-second. If you are not prepared NOW, there is no doubt you will blow up when one of these major Banks fail because for example a bankruptcy of Greece ! [why does nobody NEVER mention the impact Greece will have on the derivatives!?..WHY?] here for Derivatives and Credit Default Swaps (Greece)
Easy to make a joke of Goldonomic because so far you have - unlike people in Cyprus - personally not been the subject of an exploding mine....But have no fear, your time will come... |
The joint CEOs of Germany's largest bank, Deutsche Bank, the twelfth largest bank globally in terms of assets, unexpectedly announced their resignation over the weekend. Anshu Jain will resign at the end of this month, almost two years ahead of schedule while Juergan Fitschen will stay on until May of next year. It is believed they resigned but some media reported that the CEOs heads had “rolled”, they were “shown the door” and Reuters reporting that Deutsche had “purged its leadership.”
The announcement followed what Deutsche Bank described as "an extraordinary meeting" over the weekend. It is particularly surprising given that Jain had been granted extra powers at the bank only two weeks ago to reorganize the scandal plagued lender. In the past year Deutsche, like many international banks, have been found to have been engaged in a slew of corrupt practices from manipulation of interest rates, for which the firm was fined $2.5 billion in April, to tax evasion and money laundering to "mis-selling" of derivatives.
Deutsche Bank’s derivatives position is truly enormous. It was recently estimated to be around $54 trillion. Germany's GDP, the fourth largest in the world, was a mere $3.64 trillion in 2015. Were Deutsche Bank caught off-side in its derivatives positions there is not a government or institution on earth that could bail it out and it could lead to contagion in the German financial system and indeed in the global financial system.
Derivatives never die..they only grow larger!.. |
If Greece does BOEM...Credit Default Swaps and Derivatives also do BOEM.. |
This is a problem of the Major banks...not a problem about Greece.
Europa has it's problems with immigrants. The USA however has even bigger problems with racism between White, Black and Latino. (these are 13 year old kids...and Cops. A fight between a mom and a girl broke out and when the cops showed up everyone ran, including the people who didn't do anything. So the cops just started putting everyone on the ground and in handcuffs for no reason. This kind of force is uncalled for especially on children and innocent bystanders.)
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday June 8, 2015 - the next great bull market: gold $ 25,000
Updated sections: $-Gold , Silver , US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ , Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & swiss/$/€ , Can-Gold & Can$/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/€/$ , £-Gold & £/€/$ , Yuan-Gold , Rupee-Gold , ZAR-Gold & ZAR/$/€ , Krona-Gold ,
For the average Gold-investor and even for those who bought in 2011 there is nothing to worry about. Gold will make another run over the next decade plus. The math shows it can and will, with the price of gold futures surpassing $25,000, and the price on the Gold Bug Index HUI, -1.87% eclipsing 15,000. (see gold objectives)
Paying for the past... rising interest rates will kill the economy and destroy the financial system. We had a Top-formation for Bonds for may be mature and we may see a breakdown...
After Greece comes, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium,....where do you live!? When governments find themselves in financial trouble because of the stupid decisions that they’ve made, their first response is to award themselves even more power to make even stupider decisions. Like legalize capital controls: you see a rapid decline in your standard of living as the government traps your savings in a bankrupt system. Capital Controls are a coffin to your savings like quota's are a coffin to your business.
Either you optimize your tax situation, either you bag it and take it personally to King Louis who's gonna spend it...or may even just burn it! |
European Mainstream Media, but also the ECB, EU and IMF are releasing an avalanche of stupid information... while the answer to all questions is extremely simple: Greece is bankrupt, the EU is bankrupt and the Euro is a Frankenstein and is doomed. So WHY continue to repeat the same mistake over and over again. If you belong to those who refuse to admit to the reality and don't move your assets into safety, you will go under together with the Titanic...Greece, the EU and the Euro.
Coming soon in your city: recessions and depressions ALWAYS end in Social Unrest, Revolutions, Crime, War,...[Johannesburg like situations have come to Europe]
No recession, no depression...all is well Mmr La Marquise. Hunger in the USA, a job..but not enough income to survive!? The U.S. economy added 280,000 jobs in May...mainly low paid jobs, part time jobs,...
And yes, this ain't Africa but Europe, the EU, Italy!
It's incorrect to label Peter Schiff and Mike Maloney as Gold-marketeers. Both have read and understand (just like we at Goldonomic do) Ludwig von Mises , Hayek, etc ...and know that Keynes was nothing but a petty Government Employee who got well paid to sell the Money Printing business of the 1920'a. To an ordinary citizen, Economics look extremely complex and hard to understand. To any trained and informed individual it all becomes pure basic logic.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday June 5, 2015 - it's not going away before it all gets a lot worse, so stop chasing these 10% profits !
Updated sections:
The problems are not going away before it all gets a lot worse. Soon the can will hit the wall and explode: another financial crisis, bail-ins, more bankruptcies, more depression, more social unrest and more war...either you stop chasing those 10% profits and start to organize yourself and your assets properly or you will loose those 10% profits and the bulk of your assets. Those amongst you who refuse to act because of their parents, children and grand-children will see their family and life crumble around them....
I have NO time!? If you don't take time to bring your savings into safety, you will loose a lifetime of savings.... |
Time to trust yourself and make sure your eggs are kept in a safe place where only you have access to. This ain't te time to play Turbo's, Options, any bank manufactured financial assets,....this ain't the time to trust a Bank! Those you have stopped believing into Gold because they think it's a bad decision (and there are many) will soon live the surprise of a life time.
WAKE UP !!! Do you have physical Gold and do you keep it in your VAULT?...or are you so dumb to hold on to paper Gold and/or keep your physical in a safety deposit box with some bank? or even worse, let somebody else safeguard your gold? |
You cannot stop reality. The reality is we are in a debt based economic system in a scenario that has never happened before. . . . When this thing busts, it will make the 1930’s look like a warm-up parade because it will not be centered in Europe and the United States. It will be China. It will be India. It will be Australia, Europe, the United States, Canada, Mexico and South America.
video is for subscriber's only
This is the age of Aquarius. Americans live in LALA-land. YES, the Americans trained ISIS forces, YES the CIA and the USA were behind the Taliban, the revolutions in Libya, Tunisia,..., Yes, the American Government knew about 9/11,....Yes, the Americans need more War in an effort to keep the US-Dollar alive so they can go on printing paper to pay for all imported goods and services....
When people are beheaded by IS, they in fact are by Americans....for the USA is funding and training ISIS and will do so as long as it serves their cause. |
The US mainstream media show a honey, sugar seasoned version of the War in Ukraine, the Middle-East, Afghanistan. Unlike during the 1960's and the Vietnam War, this time all is done so that the harsh reality is not showed on the American-CNN, Fox-news, CNBC, NBC, ABC,...American privates are told they are the World-peace-keepers. Not a word about the reality that the USA is in fact occupying Afghanistan, Iraq,..Not a word about the fact that the US is maintaining and is even acquiring new military bases in Europe (ex. Seville, Spain).
Our investment pyramid may not be the best way to preserve your assets and savings, but it's a GOOD, HONEST and SAFE structure. Especially the second permanence residency will at some time in the future play an important role.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday June 4, 2015 - Nobody seems to understand that negative interest rates are indicating something is derailing !?
Updated sections:
Financial markets sometimes stay irrational for a long time before they actually crash. Such doesn't mean there is no danger and that all is well. It does mean however that the coming crash will be a lot steeper...
Negative/zero interest rates have NEVER been seen, ever! Negative interest rates are against all fundamental economics and there is no doubt in my mind that soon reality will kick in an get most investors by surprise.
- The stock markets are not everything must be ok
- The US-Dollar is not everything must be ok!?
- The Euro is not everything must be ok!?
- The bond market is not everything must be ok?!
Better be WARNED! It is not because financial markets and commodities have been and still are rigged by Bankers and Authorities that one has to be resilient and act as of this evil game can and will go on for ever. Playing with matches (the natural economic forces) soon or later always ends with a fire and in this case with an explosion. Playing the game of the riggers (bankers and authorities) may well be lethal to you financial health.
To add injury to insult, those who keep believing in Santa will probably wake up soon with some bad for example a BAIL-IN.Following news was not covered in other media despite the important risks and ramifications for depositors and savers throughout the EU and indeed internationally.
The European Commission has ordered 11 EU countries to enact the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) within two months or be hauled before the EU Court of Justice, according to a report from Reuters on Friday.
The Silver rigging is only one of the many examples.
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday June 3, 2015 - Greenspan and Bernanke Killed the American Economy!
Updated sections:
Anyone who knows the real history of Weimar collapse know that the banks were not hurt as mortgages & debts owed were readjusted to value to gold before the collapse to the value of gold after the collapse so you owed the bank the exactly the buying power in terms of the Rentenmark (new currency) after the currency collapsed. There will be no “debt jubilee”. I would also add this, with gold (and especially silver) priced as they are right now, selling metal to pay down debt is not smart because the relationship is skewed. I believe you will have a better gold/dollar relationship at a later date and prior to the issue of a new currency.
As a matter of fact Bernanke doesn't even understand that he actually created the crisis and how he created it. As a result the crisis in the future will actually be a lot worse than the past ones. I warned the investors about the real estate bubble and yet Bernanke actually pretends there was none!? How can any investor actually listen to these IDIOTS and invest accordingly to what they preach!?
Today's video with Peter Schiff and Mike Malloney comes for subscriber's only! |
Final point is that we have NO RECOVERY and that the economy is rapidly rolling back into a recession. Hence we shall NOT see an interest rate hike but rather QE-4 and this will come to the market as a shock....Marginal interest rates have fallen so low that the smallest increase would ruin the economy.
Professionals know that once the Automobile market is coming down, the economy also does....and today the air is already coming out of the Automobile market pointing to the next down wave of the economy.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday June 2, 2015 - Greek people keep withdrawing money from Greek banks -
Updated sections: Silver ,
Greek people keep withdrawing money from Greek banks...and Greek banks keep paying out the withdrawels like nothing is happening. No doubt the money has to come from somewhere...and it has to keep coming.
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday June 1, 2015 - Innocent until proven guilty ... or is guilty until proven innocent the new fashion !?
Updated sections: $-Gold ,
Blatter 'shocked' by US action against FIFA. Fourteen FIFA officials and businessmen have been accused by the US of bribery, fraud and money laundering. Several were arrested in a Zurich hotel where they had gathered ahead of Friday's summit. Swiss prosecutors are also investigating the awarding of the World Cups 2018 and 2022 to Russia and Qatar, respectively, to ascertain whether the vote was clean and legal. The newly re-elected leader of FIFA Sepp Blatter has said he's shocked at the way the US targeted football's world governing body, adding the arrest of its officials and calls for his resignation is "no coincidence."
If the USA plays dirty games because they don't get what they want regarding soccer, what kind of games do you think are being played in the D.C. Situation room with Currencies, Gold, Silver, Bonds, Shares, Libor, Commodities...!? |
On Friday, 79-year-old Blatter won his fifth presidential term at FIFA after his opponent, Jordan's Prince Ali bin al-Hussein, withdrew before the voting went into the second round. In an interview on Saturday with Swiss television RTS, Blatter also condemned what he called a "hate" campaign waged against him by Europe's football leaders. The FIFA chief slammed comments made by the US judiciary on the world football body. "Of course I am shocked. I would never as FIFA president make comments about another organization without being certain of what has happened."
Blatter believes the arrest of seven FIFA officials and calls for resignation from UEFA chief Michel Platini just two days before the election is "no coincidence."
"There are signs that do not lie: Americans were candidates for the World Cup 2022 and they lost [it]. If Americans have to deal with money or criminal offences which involve northern or South American citizens, they stop them there, but not in Zurich while there's a congress," lamented the freshly re-elected president. He stressed there are US interests behind the candidacy of his Jordanian rival. "Let us not forget that they are the number one sponsor of the Hashemite Kingdom - so of my opponent. This doesn't feel good."
Important Fundamentals:
- Patience is bitter but the fruit is sweet. Gold will go higher when all central banks confront the next global liquidity crisis, which will be worse than the 2008 one, and the herd stampede into gold to preserve wealth in a world that has lost confidence in all central banks. When that happens, physical gold may not be available at all. The time to build your personal gold reserve is now!
- Sometimes markets can stay illogical during weeks, months or years .... it can take a long time before the Top and or Bottom formation comes to maturity and the price breaks up or down....The rule is that it is extremely hard to forecast WHEN such is to happen. Therefore it is safer to be 4 years early than once second late.
- Manipulations, kicking the can down the road buys time, but cannot and will not reverse the course of history. Clever savers know this and use the additional time which is given to them to restructure their savings and ensure they are and will in the future remain OUT OF POLITICAL REACH...What are you doing?
- With time the Authorities will make it extremely hard to buy and sell GOLD & SILVER. This doesn't however mean that they will be able to control it completely, the reason is simple: as long as there is ONE ENTITY, COUNTRY on planet earth which allows you to buy and sell Gold & Silver freely, it is impossible to control the trade and those involved. At this time, Gold is traded off the counter in A LOT of countries, A LOT! Even Diamonds are extremely hard to label (as hard as any commodity)...Gold which can be converted from bars into coins, jewelry and teeth, will be even harder...if possible at all.
Controlling Gold and all parties which buy and sell it, is just impossible and all mainstream media news around is mainly meant to scare off the uninformed citizen and investor.... |
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section
There is not THE SLIGHTEST DOUBT Gold still sits in a secular uptrend trend!....we had NO top formation, we had NO distribution...on the contrary, we still have an ACCUMULATION (see charts below)
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Euro-Gold (click to enlarge) | Dollar-Gold (click to enlarge) |
note: at this time the price of Gold is not rising because Authorities are rigging the market and participating parties (China, Russia, IMF,...) agree.
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