NEWS MAR'16(public)
GET THE HELL OUT OF THE BANKING SYSTEM...and make sure Government can't catch you when you return !!
Thursday March 31, 2016 - Buying gold will NOT be enough – there is a next step to take
Updated Sections: Treasuries in the EU, Corporate Bonds ,
This is an outright Depression! Americans Not in Labor Force Exceed 93 Million for First Time; 62.7% Labor Force Participation Matches 37-Year Low
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday March 30, 2016 - Is this the end of the correction in the Gold & Silver sector!?
Updated Sections: Bonds General & USA ,
Governments are bankrupt. Banking has becoming a TORTURE. FATCA made banking a HELL...Bank and Saving accounts yield ZERO, Treasuries & Bonds pay a a ZERO and/or NEGATIVE yield. People are in debt and/or have no Job, no hope. We have a DEPRESSION which is getting worse each day. Terrorist acts are mushrooming all over the world.
Rich countries have a $78 trillion pension problem: 20 of the world’s biggest countries facing a pension shortfall worth $78 trillion. Social security systems, national pension plans, private sector pensions, and individual retirement accounts are unfunded or underfunded across the globe. Government services, corporate profits, or retirement benefits themselves will have to be reduced to make any part of the system work. This poses an enormous challenge to employers, employees, and policymakers all over the world.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday March 29, 2016 - What is the meaning of the Crossovers of the Moving Averages on the Charts for the Gold & Silver sector?
Updated Sections:
Moving average crossovers are a common way traders can use Moving Averages. A crossover occurs when a faster Moving Average (i.e. a shorter period Moving Average - example 50 day MA) crosses either above a slower Moving Average (i.e. a longer period Moving Average - example 200 day MA) which is considered a bullish crossover or below which is considered a bearish crossover.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday March 28, 2016 - Mainstream Media and Propaganda are a mighty weapon.
Updated Sections: Inflation Index ,
Russia at war with Anglo-Saxon media’ - this is Hollywood versus RT. Mainstream Media and Propaganda are a mighty weapon. Erdogan knows it, Putin knows it, the USA has been using it for years.
The power of the Mainstream Media is however, INTERNET is rapidly taking over. |
They say that Russia has a bad public image. Do you know who else now has a bad image – the United States. We are currently in a state of information warfare with the trend-setters in the information space, most notably with the Anglo-Saxons, and their media. Regardless of whether one considers this war “declared or undeclared,” it reduces some important political matters to “propaganda and counter-propaganda.”
Important Fundamentals:
The REAL INFLATION figures are completely different to what is pictured by the CCI-Index and CRB-Index. The CRB-Index is a worse indicator than the CCI-index because the elements are not equally weighted. Having said this, both indexes are bottoming out and reversing trend. Expect to see Inflation to pick up before the end of the Summer of 2016.
- The 17 components of the CCI-index are continuously rebalanced to maintain the equal weight of 5.88%. Since CCI components are equally weighted, they therefore distribute evenly into the major sectors: Energy 17.65%, Metals 23.53%, Softs 29.41% and Agriculture 29.41%. While other commodity indices may overweight in certain sectors (e.g. Energy), the CCI-index provides exposure to all four commodity subgroups.
- The CRB-index comprises 19 commodities: Aluminum, Cocoa, Coffee, Copper, Corn, Cotton, Crude Oil, Gold, Heating Oil, Lean Hogs, Live Cattle, Natural Gas, Nickel, Orange Juice, Silver, Soybeans, Sugar, Unleaded Gas and Wheat. It is an older and less representative index. Note the CRB-index overweights ENERGY.
Important Technicals:
- A good investor listens to the tunes of the market. Short term Gold moves in waves...and we're just about to see the end of the 1st downwave of this year. Next correction comes at the end of Spring. [see chart in section of Gold Objectives]. Note we are against TRADING the waves but to use the corrections to initiate/add to your positions.
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Friday March 24, 2016 - Happy Eastern naked Europe
There was a time when Belgium was at Europe's vanguard. It was the second country in the world to industrialize, the founder of art deco and surrealism, and a producer of Nobel scientists who discovered -- among other things -- the God particle. Thanks to Leopold I (railroads) and Leopold II (Congo) Belgium became one of the richest countries in the world.
Although Islamic State has claimed responsibility for Tuesday's terrorist attacks in Brussels, they were also symptoms of a profoundly Belgian failure. The institutions of a well-policed and efficiently governed state have been evaporating for decades. Belgian institutions were left hollowed out, impotent to address the strains of immigration and incompetent to penetrate a rising extremist threat.
For election cycle after election cycle, politicians squandered the wealth of the state to buy their way back to power. Investment became superfluous, vote-buying and social spending the priority. Belgian voters, who allowed this state of affairs to persist, also share some of the blame.
Belgium's political parties divided public sector employment between them. To be a journalist in the public television station, one needs to have a political party affiliation. The same goes for even minor jobs at the municipal level. Political connections, rather than merit or hard work determined advancement.
As a result the best elements, the highly educated Belgians and best Belgian entrepreneurs left, while poor uneducated migrants from North Africa arrived. Attracted by the heavily subsidized Belgium's over-generous welfare system...The leftovers: politicians, poorly educated people, lower classes, old people, people depending upon the welfare system, the weak people,…stayed and the country increasingly smells like a dump smells.
This did become chronic after the single currency’s launch in 1999 and the unelected Brussels bureaucrats became a bigger influence thereafter. The trend of deterioration described in the article above has been repeated in too many other EU countries.
We are living THE END of Belgium and Western Europe and the invasion and proliferation by the Muslim society is the very proof of it. Belgium and West Europe is sliding into a 100 year (3 generation) dark economic and social depression. Even our grand children won't see it improve. Over the coming years Government will legally continue to take away your assets and the Barbarians your wife and daughters.
Those who decide to stay in Belgium because they think they are too old and/or have not the guts to make the step will see how their loved ones, children and grand children will slide into poverty and how getting from point A to point B gets increasingly DANGEROUS....What they still tend to call "Quality of life" will be replaced by what Donald Trump calls HELL!
There is a cycle in the life of all nations, and Jean-Michael Paul’s assessment which is part of this statement is shocking and real.
A second Permanent Residency is like a LIFE INSURANCE for yourself and your loved ones....and will open an important EXIT DOOR once life in Belgium, The Netherlands and the EU becomes dangerous and the economy goes down the drain. Don't for a split second think other countries will welcome you like the EU welcomes the Fugitives. Only EU-authorities are so STUPID!...Sie haben Es geschafft!
Note: a second residency also allows you to store part of your assets out of political reach.
THIS VIDEO YOU MUST SEE: watch all the way to the end...also the 2nd part.
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Thursday March 23, 2016 - What happened in Belgium, is just the beginning!
Updated Sections: Banks & Financials , Crude Oil , Coal & Solar , Agriculturals , Copper & Platinum ,
The head of a German police trade union says the Brussels bombings are an “alarm” and Europe now faces a “long period of terror.” EU police and security forces, he urged, must be better prepared, properly equipped and guided from a unified “defense center.”
World going into decline:
Important Fundamentals:
- CORPORATION LINE UP TO CASH IN ON ECB FUNDING...this is simply more QE (money printing). The European Central Bank’s plan to buy corporate bonds to help the eurozone economy is boosting the private-sector debt market which promptly responded with a new record-sized company bond. With interest rates near or below zero and few other monetary policy tools left in its arsenal, the ECB announced earlier this month that it would begin buying non-bank corporate bonds in addition to the government bonds it has been purchasing to stimulate the economy.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section for more about correction of Gold & Silver sector and targets.
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Wednesday March 22, 2016 - While government is Taxing people into poverty, Terrorism is making life a HELL! - Still convinced you don't need "a second permanent residency" !?
Updated Sections: $-Gold , US-Dollar , €-Gold , Majors (HUI - candles) ,
For the first time in the country’s history, Belgium raises the terror threat to the highest "fourth" level, the country's prime minister said. Borders with France and Netherlands have reportedly also been closed. The whole country is now on the highest alert, at Level 4. This means that borders may be closed, transport systems could be shut down, and schools and other public facilities could also be closed. Some reports are out that the border has already been sealed off.
What goes around, comes around and the Arab Spring has come to Belgium. Terrorism can destroy a society and economic activity in an extremely sophisticated way...Whatever the Mainstream Media is selling and whatever the Crooked Politicians are pretending....this will get worse before it gets better.
This is why owning a home is financial suicide....and remember that in the end Government always catches Home owners!
Wake Up to Reality. Real estate is the modern dream but....Here are three reasons why real estate is a very dangerous trap:
- Real estate can be simultaneously a consumption and an investment. This is one of the only investment vehicles where you get to consume while also investing in hopes of a future gain.
- Real estate gives you excuses for bad financial decisions. Sure, you can only afford the $300K house, but if you look at it as an investment, then the $400K house is an even better deal. In the long run, real-estate values must always go up, right? That is until 1990 when the music stopped for the 1st time in Japan and until 2007 when the music stopped in the USA.
- Real estate lets us invest without saving. The whole principle behind saving and investing is to consume less today with the promise of consuming more in the future. Real estate allows us to completely avoid the first half of this equation...on condition off course the property is bought LEVERAGED (with a mortgage).
Important Technicals:
- see PF-charts for $-Gold and €-Gold for our new calculated Targets.
- see candle charts for HUI (majors) index ....sector is consolidating advance since absolute bottom end of 2015.
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Tuesday March 22, 2016 - The only way out of the Depression is to kill Government and its vazals.
Updated Sections:
The EU is an undemocratic, unwieldy, expensive, Socialist experiment which seldom succeeded in generating real wealth and rising living standards for anyone other than its bureaucratic officials. During the experiment nobody became richer, it is that everybody around me became poor.
This video is for all Trump lovers/haters. Trump is a JOKER, a WILDCARD. Nobody really knows what will happen when he's in charge. Certain is that he (nor God) will be able to save the USA by imposing TARIFFS (Tariffs and Quota's NEVER work) and by building a WALL on the Mexican border.
The only way to make America big again is to slam Taxation and slim GOVERNMENT down, is to get rid of the stupid Kindergarden legislation and set the Entrepreneurs free. Only free market competition can make a nation GREAT. |
World stock markets listen to the tunes of Fiat Money creation (printing). It's liquidity which moves the markets.
There is NO WAY we shall see lower stock markets (except for relatively short corrections) as long as the Bank of Japan, ECB, FED, Bank of England, etc...keep printing money and manipulate interest rates around ZERO levels.
There is NO WAY we shall see or have prolonged Deflation and price-deflation as long as the same institutions keep printing money.
Authorities and Bankers (Bankers have become Government employees) have no choice: either kick the can down the street and survive as long as possible OR let the financial system go bankrupt and commit suicide.
This incestuous game ALWAYS ends with HYPER-INFLATION and Stock markets ALWAYS go up during Hyper-inflations.
Your # 1 enemy during Hyper-Inflationary Depressions is the TAX MAN (Authorities). Today so more than ever.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday March 21, 2016 - European are brainwashed by the RED-tinted EU-Mainstream Media's and INCORRECTLY look at the American Primaries
Updated Sections: Silver ,
Europe is BURNING...and it will get WORSE!
This is for all the Killary Lovers...but also for the Haters...that woman is a LOT of Trouble! The ESTABLISHMENT HATES Trump because he's attacking the sacred Political Correct Establishment...and because the HERD is scared as Hell for REAL CHANGE. One cannot EXPECT change will come if one continues to support the old existing, ruling political class...such is by definition impossible... If you want change, you will have to change the politicians...even if their name is Trump,...
The Western World is Bankrupt ! The total value of unfunded or underfunded government pension liabilities for 20 countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is $78 trillion. (The countries studied include the U.K., France and Germany, plus several others in western and central Europe, the U.S., Japan, Canada, and Australia.)
Corporates also failed to consistently meet their pension obligations, with most U.S. and U.K. corporate pensions plans underfunded. Countries with large public pension systems in Europe appear to have the greatest problem. Germany, France, Italy, the U.K., Portugal and Spain had estimated public sector pension liabilities that topped 300 percent of gross domestic product(GDP).
Improvements in health care mean retirees need to string out their income for longer. Meanwhile, the increase in the retirement-age population versus the working population is straining government pension schemes.
The big fall of Western real estate. The crisis has demonstrated the fragility of Western real estate markets, raising many questions amongst the large audience that is interested in the residential real estate market, either as a buyer, seller, owner, tenant, business or private individual. It has also allowed everyone to become aware of the complex links between the different national real estate markets and international developments in the economy, finance, foreign exchange and interest rates. Finally, it makes sense to many that real estate markets have reached an historic turning point. With this book the two authors, Sylvain Perifel and Philippe Schneider, fill this gap in the Western world real estate market, for which they have indisputably discovered common trends. They successfully mix, with an easy style which is always easy to follow, accurate analysis, critical data, closely reasoned argument, forecasts with not only dates but numbers... 2015 – The big fall of Western real estate” by Sylvain Perifel and Philippe Schneider -
A Real Estate Cycle lasts for 76 years....50 years up and 26 years down. The Real Estate market dries up somewhere between Boom and Bust and the TOP is always caracterised by a HUGE Volume.
Important Fundamentals:
- We have communicating financial vessels and the financial markets start to understand that interest rates will remain low and be pushed further into the a result, Stock markets are bouncing up. Bear in mind that the Gold & Silver sector will profit most from the present situation.
- GOLD Fields is to issue shares worth R2.5bn which it will use to reduce debt after buying a portion of some $1bn (R15bn) in convertible notes that are due to mature in 2020. [we don't really like the stock]
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday March 18, 2016 - Are you riding the WAVE?
Updated Sections: Recession Proof Shares , $-Gold (short candle), Majors (HUI-short candle & PF), Juniors (GDXJ-short candle),
To those amongst you who got bored and stopped reading Goldonomic each day, following: the site comes as a teaching process and although some days bring less interesting news, it remains important to read the daily updates. Bottoms can take weeks, months and sometimes years to mature (as is the case for the Gold & Silver sector), but prices go up as soon as time is up and...the upleg of the first weeks most of the time offers the best is the case for the Gold and Silver sector. Those who don't read the daily updates, will as a rule MISS the best opportunities! they missed our early call on Gold & Silver sector.
Nothing comes for free....even as investor you have to make your daily home work in order to be successful...and most of all, you have to be PATIENT ! |
If you stop consulting the site, the odds are that you will MISS the most important pivot points...if you start changing your investing strategy, the odds are that you will be invested in the wrong instruments at the wrong time and even worse, you will hold worthless paper or fiat money when some accident occurs...with the wrong financial institutions (banks) within political reach. Note: Bankers in the EU increasingly act as the STASI and it is so bad that it has become disrespectful]
The oil crash has disguised the build-up in price pressures. This distortion will disappear by July or August 2016...revealing we have more Inflation than expected. |
The correction of the Energy prices (Oil and natural gas) was engineered and too much, too deep and too fast. It does however fit in the global picture of QE (lots of money) Zero and Negative Interest rates (free money) where central bankers try to magically kickstart the economy....only Yellen and Draghi fail to understand that if entrepreneurs fail to invest because THEY judge market conditions are adverse, NOTHING will happen. Having said this, there is little doubt that as soon as the world shows some signs of economic revival, energy prices will soar back to their pre-crash levels.
The moment of maximum danger will come when oil recovers. We have a dollarised global system with an average debt ratio that is 36 percentage points of GDP higher than it was at the peak of the last cycle, and that has never been so leveraged to the actions of the Fed. It is not cheap oil you have to worry about.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday March 17, 2016 - Will Donald Trump be the modern Ronald Reagan?!
Updated Sections: Oil shares, Natural Gas Shares ,
Little doubt that Donald Trump will be the next Republican nominee. Donald Trump is A-POLITICAL....he finances the Primaries like he will finance the Presidential Elections. He even uses his own Plane. He actually used the Republicans to get where he stands today... The Democrats (Killary) live off donations like blood suckers and have to return the favors once Goldman Sachs, the US War industry,....
Whatever the outcome is of the upcoming presidential elections, the times of Political correctness are over. Even the Stupid Democratic Herd starts to get fedup with what the Political scene has been like since the 1970's. The World and by this I mean the World's POLITICAL LEADERS HATE Donald Trump because he's attacking the very base of the Political Correct political system and people feel and fear he's the one which (hopefully) gonna bring REAL CHANGE.
November 2016 will be a political race between Killary and Donald. I suspect the left Mainstream Media will continue to glorify Killary and Doom paint Donald but the odds that he will become the next president of the USA are much higher than generally accepted. By voting for Donald, the Americans tell the world that they are SICK and TIRED of the established political class (whether right or left doesn't make any difference) and Mainstream Media and that it has now become time for a REAL CHANGE instead of the Snake Oil lies Obama & Co have been selling over the past decennial. Note: Killary was one of the snake oil marketeers of the last 30 years
Important Fundamentals:
- China has voted the largest renewable energy bill in the world ever...and it includes nuclear power stations. As with so many of the world's minerals, Chinese demand is a key driver. After a collapse in generation following the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan, nuclear power has been making a quiet comeback. We have now seen more than two years of consistent year-on-year growth. Total output this year is set to be the strongest since 2011. China, India, Korea and Russia were the engines of growth in the industry, expected to contribute 70 per cent of new reactors by 2030. Furthermore, Japanese reactors were returning to the fleet, with 20 Japanese reactors back online by 2020.
Important Technicals:
- Many Oil shares are Bouncing into their 200 day Moving would be GREAT for the sector to actually see these break it!!! Such would confirm we have a trend reversal and the slaughter of the Energy (oil, natural gas) sector was engineered....
- The Oil index ($XOI) is bouncing up its long term uptrend line and breaking out of a bullish wedge.
- We may have seen the end of the correction for the Gold & Silver sector..
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Wednesday March 16, 2016 - Uranium, the next Star commodity !?
Updated Sections: Uranium ,
Merkel pays the price for open borders and "Wir Schaffen es!"...she got hammered by German voters. Having said this, don't for a split second hope this will help and they will change German politics. Everyone still believing in and having any hope in Politicians is extremely naive. Politics most of the time is all blablablabla... in the meantime they continue what they have been doing for years: fill their pockets and do whatever they want to do. Dramatic is the fact that Modern Time politicians are probable nothing more but the silent voice of the Stupid Democratic Herd which loves the SNAKE OIL
Uranium, the next Star commodity !?
When today’s dramatic central banking experiment blows up, gold will hold its value…unlike paper currencies such as the Dollar, the Euro, the Sterling, the Swiss,... And Gold is exactly why the government will try to take it from you. The last time the government confiscated gold was during the Great Depression. In 1933, President Roosevelt outlawed owning most forms of gold. He claimed that people “hoarding” gold were making the Great Depression worse. The penalty for not turning your gold in to the government was a $10,000 fine and 10 years in jail. Of course, Roosevelt gave his closest supporters notice before issuing the ban. They had time to move their gold to another country. Most folks weren’t that lucky.
This time around, the confiscation will without any doubt be digital. Most people own gold through a fund like Sprott Physical Gold Trust (PHYS) or Central Fund of Canada (CEF). The former will give you physical gold in exchange for your shares, once a month, if you own enough shares. The latter won’t give you the physical gold. And if government decides so none will get any and shareholders will be paid out in (worthless) BANK DEPOSITS and CASH....Because this gold is owned through a brokerage account, it will be easy for the government to confiscate. Note that this also applies to FUTURES, ETF's,...
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday March 15, 2016 - something important happened around February 9, 2016 !
Updated Sections: Long Term Stock Market Indexes ,
Important Technicals:
- The Candle chart PATTERN for Deutsche Bank is similar for a large number of other candle charts....WHAT HAPPENED!? Why did we have this REVERSAL? (also see update for February 9, 2016)
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Monday March 14, 2016 - Gold has a yield "for the 1st time in recorded history," thanks to negative rates.
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes , Investment Pyramid , Stock Market Indexes in Real Money ,
Gold has a nominal yield “for the 1st time in recorded history,” thanks to negative rates. the world is losing faith in central bankers to stimulate the economy through the tools at their disposal. Some heavyweight players in world economics are warning of trouble ahead. What’s happening today, in a world where safe assets have negative yields, gold by simply having zero yield has a competitive advantage to the other assets. [click to enlarge]
Negative rates a "sign of distress": Although experts are uncertain just what the effects of prolonged negative rates might have on the economy, gold's reaction to such conditions is little in doubt. |
The world's central banks should take a deep breath and step back from the calamitous misadventure of negative interest rates. Whatever theoretical profit can be mined from this thin seam, it is entirely overwhelmed by the slow ruin of the banking system. Negative rates are a "dangerous experiment" that undermines the mechanism of quantitative easing rather than reinforcing it, and ultimately induces banks to shrink their loan books - the exact opposite of what is intended.
Negative interest rates can only exist in a crazy world where idiot politicians are in control. Negative interest rates and the War on Cash, will cause a HUGE boom in gold. Negative interest rates are illogic and immoral... |
Japan will have HYPERINFLATION. Having called for sub-zero rates more than two decades ago, Takeshi Fujimaki, the Japanese banker turned opposition lawmaker, warns “The BOJ is trapped,” now that QQE efforts have flattened the yield curve, since “if the curve is steep, banks can make profits even at negative rates. It was a mistake to adopt negative rates after QQE.” But it is Fujimaki’s parting comment that should have most concerned, “Japan has ballooning debt and the BOJ is financing debt, that’s the problem… it will bust and there will be hyperinflation.”
Important Fundamentals:
- Negative Interest rates at this point act as a BRAKE on the Bearish action of the Stock Markets....Remember financial markets are communicating financial vessels!!!
- U.S. solar industry skyrockets. The U.S. solar market is set to explode in 2016. According to a report from GTM Research, the solar market will expand by a staggering 119 percent this year, with installations jumping from a record 7.2 GW in 2015 to a projected 16 GW of new installations over the course of 2016. Utility-scale solar will make up the bulk of the new capacity, as large projects were already in the works to be completed before the expiration of federal tax credits. Those tax credits were recently extended until the end of the decade, however. Solar could capture the largest share of new electricity generation capacity in the United States this year. See Section for Coal & Solar
Important Technicals:
- This is a plausible scenario for the Dow Jones. See the section of World Stock Market Indexes for scenario and Targets. [several other world stock markets will follow in sequence]
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Friday March 11, 2016 - WHAHAHAHA...and they are still convinced they can kickstart the economy by pushing interest rates in the negative and by printing money...NOT SO !!
Updated Sections:
It is impossible to kick-start the economy by lowering the Interest Rates to ZERO and/or by pushing these BELOW ZERO. Interest rates and Money are monetary events....a BOOM and BUST Economic events. Is it not dramatic to see that people with important positions in the ECB and the FED don't know nothing about economic and monetary history? Is it not dramatic to see that IDIOTS high on Cocaine/Weed are driving the world into an Abyss!?
As a matter of fact, Mainstream Media are still talking about BAIL-IN but not a single Journalist understands that we have actually a BAIL-IN which is happening right under our nose...a holdup in plain daylight....
The Refugees are all about foreign politics of the USA to crush, destroy the Euro, the EU-zone and Germany! |
Put the kids in bed, dim the lights and watch the following video's it twice and more until you understand the DRAMATIC situation Europe is in...and you understand it all happens thanks to the US and A. Mainly because EU-politicians are scumbags dancing to the tunes of the Americans (weaken, divide and reign): follow the Natural GAS (money)...Americans on their side are selling the way they conduct their foreign affairs with the help of Hollywood, Bush Jr. (9/11 and Iraq), Bill Clinton, Obama and former secretary of foreign affairs Killary Clinton. There is NO DOUBT Killary - as she has been a engineering part of it - will resume the way Americans are conducting foreign affairs. The question however is whether or not Donald Trump - if elected - won't decide to stop this aberration.
Have we come to a point where the value of the US-Dollar has become function of the War only!? If the Euro, the Ruble, the Aussie and the Loonie, the non-US currencies are weakened...the US-Dollar automatically scores better. The former implies that the future of the Euro but also of the US-Dollar is function of the Military and the present WAR. But will and can the Americans win this one?! [note today the Americans start to buy RUSSIAN rocket engines because the American rockets are worth shit....]
Those among you who don't believe what the Russian writer explains, can get a confirmation out of the mouth of an American, Robert Kennedy Jr.
Following video is 4 years old but still actual.
Important Technicals:
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Thursday March 10, 2016 - Donald Trump is feared because he's a danger for the establishment....and people FEAR change!
Updated Sections:
June 23, the Brits will tell the world they don't need and want the un-elected EU-bureaucrats to dictate what happens in Britain. Having said this, don't expect that in the end a lot will change with the reality of today....Brit's always have been walking a Luke-warm line between the USA and the Continent. I think most voters will conclude that Britain’s international role will be more influential if it remains within the EU. A BREXIT will without doubt accelerate the end of the EU-union.
More and more people and POLITICIANS/Political fractions are revolting and disagree with the Turkey-EU agreement. Only IDIOTS will give the keys to the gate of the EU to a Turkey (non-EU country) and to the Despotic Erdogan...and on top pay him bn € 3 + bn € 3 = bn € 6 just for a starter.
Important Fundamentals & Technicals: see out latest newsletter about Gold.
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Wednesday March 9, 2016 - Lights May Be About to Go Out in the Housing Market...even in Canada where the market was bullish until last year.
Updated Sections:
Home Sales in the USA Plunge Most In 2 Years. Following strength in existing home sales and weakness in new home sales, pending home sales greatly disappointed. Against expectations of a 0.5% jump, pending home sales tumbled 9.2% in January – the biggest drop since Dec 2013. This is the 9th monthly miss in a row. January New Home Sales Collapse Most Since 2009 As Prices Plunge To 2-Year Lows.
The most convincing evidence that solar is here and it's competitive is that oil companies are now using it to make oil extraction cheaper and cleaner. Late last year news began coming out that the oil industry was turning to solar to help it pump crude. Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS), Total (NYSE: TOT), the Kuwait State Oil Company, and Oman's sovereign wealth fund have teamed up to create a solar company called GlassPoint. It is building a massive solar installation in the Oman desert to create steam to help pump oil. That one project will save more carbon than all electric cars sold so far by Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) and Toyota (NYSE: TM) combined...see the Solar co's we follow in the section COAL & SOLAR
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday March 8, 2016 -This is the confirmation of a BULL MARKET for all sectors and equities we advice to hold & Buy!
Updated Sections: ZAR-Gold & ZAR/$/€ , Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€ , Yuan-Gold & Yuan/$ , Rupee-Gold
Donald Trump is an absolute threat to the status quo. The “status quo” being a country that is being milked and a treasury being bilked as hard as possible. Donald Trump was looked at as a “joke candidate” by both Republican and Democrat establishments, now he is viewed as a threat. He has and is saying many things “the people” are thinking. About the only thing he hasn’t said is “I am mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”. Generally speaking, the mood in the country is that of ANGER! Voters took their anger out on Congress in the last election …but nothing changed and the slide towards the infernal regions has continued unabated. Desperate people do desperate things and the “establishment” has now shown their hand of pure desperation! (Bill Holter)
Either you BUY the right equities NOW, either they will take your savings away with NEGATIVE INTEREST rates... |
If you did not follow our advice and bought the selection of Gold & Silver miners in December-January you will be Sick if you see how well they did....
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Monday March 7, 2016 - Some of our miners went up by +66% and more over the past weeks: Are Gold & Silver ready for a correction or not?
Updated Sections: $-Gold, Gold & Silver Juniors , Majors , Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Can-Gold & Can$/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ , £-Gold & £/€/$ ,
See Jim's formula if you want to understand what the IDIOTS running a country fail and/or refuse to understand....and be sure that things will get a LOT worse before it gets better. Those who are so stupid to leave their savings witin political reach will end like a naked here
- First interest rates rise affecting the drivers of the economy, housing, but before that auto production goes from bull to a bear markets.
- This impacts many other industries and the jobs report. An economy is either rising at a rising rate or business activity is falling at an increasing rate. That is economic law 101. There is no such thing in any market as a Plateau of Prosperity or Cinderella - Goldilocks situations.
- We have witnessed the Stock Markets rise on economic news indicating deceleration of activity. This continues until major corporations announced poor earnings, making the markets fall faster than it rose, moving it deeply into the red. (November 2008)
- The formula economically is inherent in #2, which is lower economic activity equals lower profits.
- Lower profits leads to lower National/Federal Tax here for more
I may be square but in the end it becomes impossible not to revolt when you see so many elected and not-elected IDIOTS slaughter a society because they don't know or refuse to know! |
The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act by CLINTON was also IMPORTANT for Europe!. Although Europe unfortunately never saw this kind of legislation, after 1990 (when the act was abolished in the USA) the European banks started to engage in conflicting interests and banks became a mixture of: commercial banks, credit banks, ETF-manufacturers, manufacturers of other financial instruments, inflation safe bonds, Tak21, Tak32, Travel Agencies, Insurance co's .....not wondering that today these banks are in a worst shape worldwide. (Deutsche Bank, RBS, HSBC, Soc Generale,...) As a rule one can say that 95% of European Banks (incl. Swiss) banks are DANGEROUS to your savings.In the USA, the BIG5 American Banks are an accident waiting to happen. Having said this, it is easier to find DEBT-LESS INVESTMENT BANKS which have no commercial activity in the America's (North & South America)....and those are the banks which you should use to park your money.
Negative interest rates are a total aberration: a fee is charged for WORTHLESS Fiat Money by a bankrupt bank as a TAX for those who are so stupid not to see the catch. |
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Friday March 4, 2016 - A mattress or safe won't help...if you let government catch you at the exit!
Updated Sections: Silver ,
Having a Plan B doesn't make you Chicken Little. It doesn't make you a traitor. It doesn't mean that you think the end of the world is nigh. It's what responsible adults SHOULD be doing. |
Mixed banks (Commercial/Investment) are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. They can and will use YOUR securities as collateral for the Bank's activities. Most mixed banks are located in Europe and the USA and their existence has been made possible by the abolishion of the Glass-Steagall Act. Banks have become extremely dangerous better be safe than sorrow and move your savings to the correct one before there is a Bail-In ! case of doubt, ask us, we know where....The Glass-Steagall act which was enforced after the GREAT DEPRESSION of the 1930's actually died by the hand of Bill Clinton, the husband of Hillary...
Americans are sick and tired of the slimy, political correct politicians and clearly show it by voting for Donald Trump. The majority is marching with Trump, who bested his rivals in South Carolina by campaigning against nearly everything the Bush family, the Republican Party and neoconservatives who supported military interventions advocated for. Among his many breaks with the elite consensus, Trump declared that former President George W. Bush had lied about weapons of mass destruction to march the country to war; blamed Bush for the 9/11 attacks, arguing that he ignored intelligence community warnings; defended Planned Parenthood; boasted that he was the only Republican who would not cut Social Security or Medicare; said he approved of the individual mandate in Obamacare; and promised to slap onerous tariffs on companies who outsource jobs.
And where Washington and New York-based GOP leaders pledge outreach to immigrants, moderate Muslims and other minorities, the reality TV star plays more overt racial politics than any national candidate since George Wallace. Trump's brand of nativist, nationalist isolationism marked the path to victory. Rival candidate Jeb Bush is a dead man. We now only have to see in how far the Herd will see Hillary as a failed condidate..
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Thursday March 3, 206 - All money is DEBT...if the Debtor fails, your money fails and you fail..
Updated Sections: US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ ,
All money is DEBT...if the Debtor fails, your money fails and you fail..and this is what will happen to anybody relying on Money and its derivatives.
There are few ways out...and only a few ways because Authorities will BAN CASH and increase its CONTROL over your Bank accounts locally and internationally. Note we also expect that soon you will have to ASK PREMISSION to your local Tax authorities to open an bank account abroad (like is the case in Sweden for years now).
- One is to keep your assets in physical gold and silver
- Two is to go for a second passport (permanent residence) in an political and economic stable country.
- Three is to open a bank account in that country while it still is possible.
- Four is to move yourself and your loved ones to that country.
Gold has re-established its credentials in the first months of 2016 as the commodity that can outperform when aversion to risk increases. Gold surged to the highest level in more than two months as demand for haven assets strengthened due to a global retreat in stocks and a renewed slump in oil, with investors scaling back bets about the pace and timing of US interest rate increases...which will probably become rate decreases...Gold has broken out and herewith confirms its 2015/16 Major Cycle Low.
Gold and Silver shortages later this year?
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Wednesday March 2, 2016 - 60% Gains in Two Months…Gold Stocks Are Just Getting Started...but maybe time for a March/April correction!?
Updated Sections: Agriculturals, Copper & Platinum , Bonds General & USA ,
Japan and Panama will sign a memorandum of understanding Thursday to use Japanese technology for an estimated $2 billion monorail that would span the Central American nation’s trans-oceanic canal and ease traffic congestion.
The 27-kilometer (17-mile) project, Central America’s first monorail will transport commuters from the suburbs of Panama City to the city center in 45 minutes, a trip that now can take three hours by car because of traffic jams.
The monorail is important because the passage of large ships needs to be assumed in the future and most of the traffic originates from the Panamanian suburbs: La Chorrerra , Chorilla,..Cost/Quality the BEST solution.
Panama has almost no unemployment, no/little crime, a shortage of housing and a GDP growing by 7% per is a young, buoyant society...
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Tuesday March 1st, 2016 - Let me be clear: CIA-Backed Rebels Are Fighting Pentagon-Backed Rebels
Updated Sections:
CIA-Backed Rebels Are Fighting Pentagon-Backed Rebels: The American Foreign Policy has become insane. Officials with Syrian rebel battalions that receive covert backing from one arm of the U.S. government told that they recently began fighting rival rebels supported by another arm of the U.S. government. The infighting between American proxies is the latest setback for the Obama administration’s Syria policy and lays bare its contradictions as violence in the country gets worse. The confusion is playing out on the battlefield — with the U.S. effectively engaged in a proxy war with itself.
American Politicians are - with the help of the mainstream media - becoming the laughing stock of the world. Hillary Clinton wins the democratic pre-elections in South Carolina, but Mainstream Media omit to inform that almost NOBODY actually participated to the SC primary. And while Hillary is being investigated by the FBI, Republicans (Rubio and Cruz) are throwing mud to Donald Trump...They will however need more to dethrone the Real Estate Business man. Rubio and Cruz don't seem to realize that under the belt attacks NEVER give the expected results...and that Donald owns nothing to nobody. As a matter of fact the Republicans did NEVER expect him to win the Republican Primaries. Today will confirm that the November presidential elections will be a battle between Donald Trump and Hillary be continued.
Bix Weir-Mass Awakening Followed By Chaos.
Goldonomic warned its readers on several occasions that the EU-zone was a FRANKENSTEIN and that both the EU-zone and the Euro will die... Political instability arising from European states’ crippling debt burdens may lead to the Eurozone’s implosion, ex-Bank of England (BoE) governor Mervyn King has said. The former central banker and staunch Euroskeptic made the prediction in his latest book, The End of Alchemy: Banking, the Global Economy and the Future of Money. The newly published work, which is being serialized in the Telegraph, calls for tighter Eurozone integration and significant debt write-offs for Europe’s most austerity-stricken states. However, it also acknowledges such a policy path is dependent on stronger EU states’ willingness to bail out their debt-shackled neighbors. It looks that the EU-zone is coming apart the way it was born: with the help of SCHENGEN !
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