NEWS NOV'15 (public)
Do you have your plan you have a permanent residence in Panama?
Monday November 30, 2015 - It's all about Oil, natural Gas, Uranium,...ENERGY !
Updated sections: Crude Oil , Coal & Solar , Uranium
This is the Age of Aquarius...and the Truth is being revealed. The Middle-East and North-Africa Wars are all about the US-Dollar, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Pipelines,....Crude Oil is BLACK GOLD, certainly at an under valued price of $ 45. Oil Shares are a safe alternate to Gold & Silver miners. See the subscriber's section for more and for our selection.
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Financial Markets are in expectation of what Yellen is gonna do about Interest Rate next month. While interest has moved into the negative territory in several EU countries, the expectations are that Yellen will effectively hike the US rate this coming month. I am not sure the markets are ready...
Once interest rates go up from these artificial suppressed levels, the bond markets are going to collapse, the stock market is going to collapse, and with them, the real estate is going to collapse. Pension funds are going to be wiped out. [believe it or not, but I know of Pro's who are convinced Interest rates will continue to go negative and it will take at least a DECADE before they will go up again!]
The US-Dollar is going to collapse, but so will the Euro, the Pound Sterling and many other currencies...The coming collapse of the US-Dollar and Euro is actually already visible on our Charts. If the bond markets are going to collapse, if the stock markets and real estate markets are going to collapse, WHERE should one keep his savings and HOW should one keep these?
To be invested properly, you have to be invested in the right assets but also out of political reach and you have to ensure it's legally correctly structured ! |
Governments are broke and will during the coming crisis LEGALLY STEAL a major chunk of your savings. Hence it is as important to make part of your savings legally invisible to your Government and/or seek a fiscal status where no government can severely harm you. At a certain time Government will FORCE you to buy Government Bonds to save your country...[don't say such is not possible for this is what I personally experienced in the 1980's]
We are going to have a major currency crisis in the USA. We are going to have a major currency crisis in Europe. |
We know exactly how to bring savings out of political reach. Something you have to do NOW while you still can. What's more, we also will advise you HOW to get a second permanent residence in a political/financial safe country and we'll assist you in obtaining your residence rights. Such is extremely important as it will be very unpleasant to live in a country which is disintegrating, where there is terrorism and civil war. Don't let the Authorities scare you away of doing so ! Going for a 2nd permanent residence is only one available option. Foundations and/or Corporations in political and fiscal stable countries additional possibilities. [click to enlarge]
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday November 26, 2015 - Happy Thanksgiving !
We especially wish a Happy Thanksgiving to our European readers and pray they will not suffer the same fate the Indians suffered after America was invaded by the Europeans.
America (with the help of the CIA) DESTROYED Democracies instead of cherishing these but today it's reign is coming to an end. After watching the video, you will NEVER forget that the Mainstream Media are nothing more than PROPAGANDA and that you are being brainwashed by the Politicians 24 hours a day! Only INTERNET can and will you find the truth. Do yourself a favor and watch the video all the way to the end.
Don't forget to see our Black Friday deals !
Wednesday November 25, 2015 - Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and next update comes Monday November 30th!
Updated Sections: Don't forget to check on our BLACK FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION rates..!
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American Citizens are told NOT to travel to Europe! (click to enlarge) and French Authorities fear Chemical and Biological Terrorism (war) and are "by decreet" ordering Pharmacies to stock "atropine sulphate" used as an antidote in case of poisoning by specific nerve-bombs and/or carbamates (click to enlarge).
Turks down Russian Airplane....Need more war!?'re gonna get it !!!
Negative Interest is spreading like World War III : The Alternative Bank Schweiz (ABS) caused shockwaves with a letter sent to all clients in mid-October informing them that it would begin imposing interest charges on deposits in 2016.
For current accounts, the bank said it would impose a -0.125-percent rate, while slapping a -0.75-percent rate on client deposits higher than 100,000 Swiss francs ($98,650, 92,420 euros).
Switzerland applies its negative deposit rate to only a fraction of reserves, currently about 1/3rd of sight deposits by our calculation. In contrast, negative deposit rates apply to all reserves held at the ECB, Riksbank and Denmark’s Nationalbank. Consequently, a cut to the ECB’s deposit rate likely has a larger impact both on the economy and on the exchange rate than a proportionate cut by the SNB.
In November, Russia is set to launch test trading of its new domestic-produced benchmark oil. It is expected to drive up the price for Russian oil and end its dependence on Brent pricing. That may result in trading Russian oil in rubles. The plan to create a Russian oil benchmark has been in the making for several years. Currently, Russian-produced Urals and ESPO (crude transported through the ESPO pipeline) is traded cheaper against Brent due to the lack of a transparent pricing mechanism and guarantees of delivery.
China's Yuan to be included in IMF's SDR basket of currencies. The inclusion of the Chinese currency in the International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights (SDR) basket is long awaited, long overdue and, finally, all but a foregone conclusion.
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Tuesday November 24, 2015 - Bashar al-Assad's presidency looks likely to outlast Barack Obama's
Updated Sections:
One may not agree with parts of the scenario/story. The picture however makes a lot of sense and Israel is unfortunately part if it. Add to this that it remains tricky to express an opinion about Israel even as well as expressing an opinion about Muslims. The journalist clearly explaines that the USA and the West are at the origin of today's Terrorism. He does not however go that far to explain that it is meant to cover up the dramatic financial situation the USA, the EU , their BANKERS and many other countries (the UK, Japan,...) are in.
Gold, Silver, US-Dollar, Euro, Gold & Silver Majors and Gold & Silver Juniors....but ALSO stock market Indexes are hovering around extremely critical levels.... |
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Monday November 23, 2015 - China is heading to a 1930 style crash
Updated Sections:
A real estate crisis is unfolding in Canada and Calgary...Calgary is home to 1.2 million people. It’s the largest city in Alberta and the third largest in Canada. On Tuesday, Bloomberg Business reported that Calgary’s property market is starting to crack: Vacancy is already at a five-year high in Calgary and rents are the lowest since 2006 after thousands of office jobs were cut.
In downtown Calgary, the vacancy rate jumped to 14 percent in the third quarter, the highest since 2010 and compared with 5 percent for downtown Toronto, according to CBRE Group Inc. .... That doesn’t include as much as 2 million square feet of so-called "shadow vacancy" or space leased but sitting empty, which would push vacancy to 16 percent, the most since the mid-1980s.
Demand for office space is falling because of massive layoffs in the oil industry. That’s because oil companies didn’t just lay off roughnecks. They also laid off oil traders and middle managers, which means they need a lot less office space. According to Bloomberg Business, a principal at one Calgary real estate office called the situation “a bloodbath” and said “we’re at the highest point of fear and uncertainty now.”
Asian and Russian luxury homebuyers are deserting London’s property market amid economic uncertainty in emerging economies. Property buyers from Asia made up 26 percent of those buying homes in wealthy areas of London such as Kensington, Chelsea, and Belgravia in the first three quarters of last year. That figure has dropped to 6 percent over the first 9 months of 2015. Estate agents put the shift down to economic turmoil in emerging markets such as China and Russia and also a change in stamp duty that requires buyers of very expensive homes to pay more tax.I
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Important Technicals: IMPORTANT SHIFTS !? more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday November 20, 2015 - Price of Real Estate is NOT depending upon the level of interest rates as many believe.
Updated Sections: Bonds general & USA , Inflation Index , Crude Oil, Yuan-Gold , Indian Rupee-Gold ,
About the Gold and Silver sector: As painful as this has been for long-term investors, the upside euphoria and mania is still in front of us. For people who can’t handle this cyclical bear phase, they will be shaken out of their positions. The reality is that bear markets are designed to shake out all of the weak hands. We are in the final stages of that process right now. For those who can endure the final stages of this bear market, the upside gains will be one for the history books.
Gold is currently retesting the August low of 1,085 US per ounce. Further downside would almost be anticipated with a hike in interest rates, but the shallow liquidity of the gold market and its quick readjustments encourage that this news has already been priced in. In less than two weeks the price of gold has given back 90 dollars. Whether support at the 1080 level holds will be the ultimate question, but with the next phase of conversation around the US Fed will not be when they raise rates, but when can they do it again and to what level.
The Hike in interest rates planned for December will NOT happen as the World economy is sliding further in a DEPRESSION. The Baltic dry index is an excellent indicator. If you look at nearly any freight index, you will see weakness and contraction. Whether it be total trade, shipping rates or even the amount of “empty containers” moving around the world, you will see weakness. The picture of trade is that of a global contraction!
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Important Technicals: IMPORTANT SHIFTS !? more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday November 19, 2015 - WW III is now becoming a lifestyle !
Updated Sections: US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ , £-Gold & £/$/€ , Corporate & Junk Bonds , Treasuries in the EU ,
Better WATCH this video clip and listen carefully what is being said....a resume of what we have been publishing over the past weeks and months. Good luck to those who decide to stay in Europe...Europe is going to a period of deep Intellectual Terrorism and the Refugees are going to create a REAL WAR in Europe!
Corporate and Junk Bonds show a matured W-top formation. Bonds and especially Junk Bonds are a canary in the mine shaft for Stock Markets....The bond market spots trouble long before the stock market wakes up to find it’s already here. What most people don’t realize is that the bond market is far more important and far larger than the stock market. The bond market is where companies, countries, and individuals go to borrow money. For every $1 worth of stock outstanding, there’s $2 worth of bonds. If junk bonds are the canary in the coalmine, that bird died in late June of 2007. Investors who noticed and took action saved 50% by sitting out the market crash. Most people, even professional investors, completely ignored the signal. They continued chasing profits right off a cliff...more in the subscriber's section.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: IMPORTANT SHIFTS !? more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday November 18, 2015 - The more manipulation, the better you must understand WHY you BUY & HOLD Gold and Silver!
Updated Sections: $-Gold ,
Very hard to work in an analyse a MANIPULATED market: Libor was/is manipulated, Interest was/is manipulated, Currencies were/are manipulated, Crude Oil was/is manipulated, the Gold & Silver sector was/is manipulated. Price of Gold is capped and contrary to the fundamentals and expectations, price slides down instead of spiking can stay irrational for much longer than many of us can stay solvent. This is especially so in MANIPULATED MARKETS. Hence it is an extremely bad idea to invest through financial instruments which have a TIME factor: options, warrants,...or to borrow fiat money to invest in Gold.
The events which unfold in the future will not allow us time to act. The manipulation of the markets cannot continue indefinitely. Those of you who have wisely secured yourself now will reaps the benefits of your choices in the not too distant future. Those who have secured their assets in real money will live without regret when the merry-go-round music stops. In holding real money, you are to be applauded, for you have made yourself and your loved ones secure. What feels like a tight rope walk today will provide the safety net of tomorrow. JS
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: IMPORTANT SHIFTS !? more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday November 17, 2015 - After WW I , because of a 80% haircut, French lost almost all of their fortunes
Updated Sections: Crude Oil , Coal & Solar , Agriculturals , Copper & Platinum ,
In 1959 General de Gaulle had seen it well. "It is good to have yellow, black and brown French citizens. They show that France is open to all races and that this country has an universal vocation. But this is only so on condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France will not remain France. We are after all White Europeans, with Greek and Latin cultural background, and we belong to the Christian religion. We don't need to pin each other no stories on the sleeve. Looking at Muslims with their turbans and djellabas, you immediately see that they are not French.
Those who preach the integration, have the brain of a hummingbird, even if they are very learned. Try to add oil and vinegar together by shaking the bottle. After a few moments they separate again. Arabs are Arabs and Frenchmen are French. If you believe that the French community can absorb 10 million Muslims, you will find 20 million out there tomorrow and the day after tomorrow you'll have 40 million? If we were allowed to pursue the integration and would consider all the Arabs and Berbers of Algeria as French, how then could we prevent them descend to our cities, where higher standards of living exist? My village would no longer be called Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, but Colombey-les-Deux-Mosquées.
People join IS forces because they are young, have no job, no income, and no hope... |
One of the best ways to gain some perspective on stock markets and gold is to look at the Dow Jones Industrials (DJI)/Gold ratio. The Dow/Gold ratio has a long history as the 200-year chart above attests to. The ratio has had considerable movement over the years, which is an accomplishment in itself since gold was until August 1971 fixed first roughly at $20.67 and then at $35 in April 1933 when the Roosevelt administration revalued gold up in order to devalue the US$. The devaluation of the US$ was a part of the currency wars of the 1930’s. The Roosevelt administration also forbid the hoarding of gold, gold bullion and gold certificates and gold was purchased by the US administration at the then fixed rate of $20.67. The resulting profit was used to fund the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) a fund that was established by the Gold Reserve Act of here for the charts of Stock Market Indexes expressed in Gold.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: IMPORTANT SHIFTS !? more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday November 16, 2015 - Do you really think this is NORMAL!?...and that there will no consequences...?
Updated sections: Gold & Silver Juniors , World Stock Market Indexes
France or Europe's powder keg: Paris Under Assault: Dozens Dead In Multiple Attacks, 100 Held Hostage France has closed its borders in response to the attacks. At least 60 people were killed in a series of attacks in Paris Friday night. Around 100 hostages were still being held at the city's Bataclan concert hall as of midnight Paris time. French President Francois Hollande said the country would close its borders and declared a state of emergency. At least two explosions were also heard near Paris’ Stade de France during a soccer match. All Airports have been closed and flights suspended. At least 10% of the French residents are Muslim...too late to close the BORDERS, too late, they've let the Troyan horse in!
The forced collective suicide of Europe...he, she, they will refuse to believe something is wrong until he receives a kick under his fat bottom (ex. KGB officer).
With our assistance it is possible to obtain a Permanent Residence in for example the Rep. of Panama in 3 only weeks time...and the big advantage is that you don't have to live there permanently. |
Usually, this is called war. First you overthrow dictators. Then you destabilize countries, make the economy scream, steal resources (oil, public companies, etc), displace populations and militarize your own region. And then you sell it as a “natural disaster”.
During the so-called Arab spring; dictators such as Qaddafi and Mubarak, who had been allies of the west, were violently removed; millions of people found themselves in war zones and many of them started to migrate, of course – what else? As the most recent Wiki-leaks cables show, the US planned as far back as 2006 to overthrow Assad and destabilize the region.
Don't expect the very ones (politicians) who started the problem to solve it.... In two years from now Europe will be a walled continent...full of misery. |
Whatever assets you keep in Europe (in the EU) will be seized and consumed...and it probably will take less than 2 years BEFORE it actually happens: taxation, inflation, hyperinflation, haircut, capital controls,...
The Comex is a theater of FRAUD. We've come to the point where the ONLY thing they can do, is TALK. I remember when they did this in the 1960's (when the Gold pool went belly up) , I remember this EACH time there was an expected devaluation of a currency: French Franc, Belgian Franc, Pound Sterling,.....The Scary part is that each time you see that IT WORKS and that people are misled. [following video clip = a MUST WATCH!]
Video is for SUBSCRIBERS only! |
The FED and Yellen will do what suits the "Too Big To Fail banks". Nothing more nothing less. The FED and Yellen don't give a FUCK about the people, about you and me...
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: IMPORTANT SHIFTS !? more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday November 13, 2015 - Manipulism is the Weapon of Guilt
Updated Sections: Literature with pdf file of Manipulism
Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed is the utmost controversial exposé and carefully detailed description of the awful emotional mind game that facilitates communism, socialism, fascism, and social-liberalism, known as collectivism. The book exposes Denmark, the supposed happiest nation on earth, for what it truly is: collectivism’s biggest propaganda hoax. Danish author Mikkel Clair Nissen tells the hidden facts and realities of life in Denmark’s democratic socialism that they never want you to know.
The advent of Internet will bring more changes than the invention of the Printing press and printing Books brought around 1440.
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday November 12, 2015 - are the charts for the Gold & Silver sector bullish or bearish!?
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Majors , Gold Share fundamentals ,
Hard to tell as to WHEN to rigging of the Gold & Silver sector will stop working, however :
- It will stop the second the COMEX or LMBE fails to deliver physical gold/silver.
- It will stop the second the Chinese pull the plug.
- It will stop working the moment we have a Black Swan.
We still have those Bullish Wedges and as time passes by more bullish wedges are formed. This points to the fact that the BOTTOM is intact. However as always, price will go up once time is up (Gann). Because of manipulation/rigging it becomes plausible to see a FLASH REVERSAL: Gold quotes $ 1,200 when you go to bed but has soared to $ 12,000 the next morning.
Better be 4 years early and suffer temporary losses than be one second late and loose it all in a Cyprus/reek style. |
- IF you had not bought those Gold & Silver mines between August 2011 and today.
- If you had sold all you Gold & Silver mines in August 2011.
- If you had kept your funds away from Cyprus and Greece.
- If you had kept your funds in US Dollars.
- You now could have bought MORE miners and More Physical Gold & Silver.
Intelligent and prudent investors have been punished for their action...until now. That is on condition they didn't keep their Fiat Currency Money inside the Cyprian/Greek banking system. This illustrates that the REWARD/RISK balance is enormous. Final point is that it is mathematically 100% sure that - just like during the 1960's - the Manipulation will fail at some time and the Fiat Paper price will come back with a revenge: the longer the manipulation, the bigger the revenge. By the time Gold sells at $ 120,000 or more per troy ounce nobody will really care whether the initial cost was $ 250 or $ 1900. Assume we have a Financial Catastrophy and a Deflation, Gold could come down to $ 10 and lower per troy ounce. If the latter happens, even those who bought Gold at $ 1,900 per troy ounce will be happy and rich when compared to those who remained in Fiat Money and have lost it all. In case of a Deflation it will be holders of physical Gold versus holders of nothing, Fiat Money which became THIN AIR.
By the time Gold sells at $ 120,000 or more, NOBODY will care whether the initial cost was $ 250 or $ 1,900 per troy oz. and that in November 2015 the paper price was hovering around $ 1,200 ! |
Gold and Silver miners will be the second best investment ever. Gold & silver miners have physical Gold and Silver in the's there but only must be mined. Market Price will soar together with the price of Physical Gold and Silver. Today you can buy several Gold & Silver mines FOR LESS MONEY than they have in the BANK ! By buying Gold & Silver equities, you can buy physical Gold at a price of $ 10 to $ 150 per troy ounce. Today you can buy Gold & silver miners for less than the liquidation value....that is how crazy the financial markets have become!
Stop looking at the rigged NYSE, NASDAQ, TSE,...prices and start looking at the REAL VALUE the Miners represent... |
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday November 10, 2015 - a war comes always to someone else, so it is also true that someone else always gets killed.
Updated sections: Next update comes Thursday November 12, 2015
U.S. Military Officials Aim to Bolster Troop Presence in Europe. Senior U.S. military leaders have proposed sending more forces into Europe on a rotating basis to build up the American presence and are stepping up training exercises to counter potential Russian interference with troop transfers in the event of a crisis with Moscow. NO MORE WAR = BIG JOKE !!!
The issuing and controlling Financial Institution of these financial instruments is nothing but a Common Thief. Below a chart for a Bearish Gold miners and a chart for Bullish Gold miners ETF (geared x 3) . Note that BOTH charts are bearish...This is Criminal action!.
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That is exactly what the Chinese did.. If you were to buy 300 tonnes of Gold, would you not also try to negatiate the price als low as possible? China's central bank likely added another 14 tonnes of gold to its reserves in October as the People's Bank of China (PBOC) continues to allocate to gold bullion as part of a plan to diversify its massive $3.53 trillion in foreign-exchange.
Gold has declined 13 out of 15 days, a rare level of selling persistence. It dropped again on Thursday, making it 14 out of 16 days. The last time that happened was...never. There has never been this kind of concentrated selling pressure over a multi-week period. |
As painful as this has been for long-term investors, the upside euphoria and mania for Gold & Silver is still in front of us. For people who can't handle this cyclical bear phase, they will be shaken out of their positions. The reality is that bear markets are designed to shake out all of the weak hands. We are in the final stages of that process right now. For those who can endure the final stages of this bear market, the upside gains will be one for the history books.
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday November 9, 2015 - Markets is still dangerously fooled by the lies of Yellen and the FED
Wednesday November 11, 2015 is a bank holiday...
This is 100% the point of view of Goldonomic...
Extremely dangerous is that today's financial markets are fueled by LIES, INCORRECT STATEMENTS and PAINTED figures...I just wonder how much longer the markets will continue to believe the false stories of the FED and the ECB. The dream may not stay alive until December 25 and this year Santa could exceptionally bring some very bad news.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday November 6, 2015 - Those who have no physical gold will soon wake up as millionaires but as poor as Lazarus.
Updated Sections: US-Dollar , Euro/Dollar , Can$/$/€ ,
The U.S. is easily the largest debtor nation in the world...the total debt of all countries in the world is slightly over $61.2 trillion. The United States has 4.4% of the world’s population, generates 23.2% of global GDP, and owes nearly 30% of the total global debt.
With a debt of $18.3 trillion, the U.S. is the most indebted nation in the history of the world. This massive and unprecedented debt load is extremely dangerous. We believe it’s only a matter of time until it sparks the next financial crisis. |
HSBC and JP Morgan with large vaulting operations are also primary GOLD traders for the central banks. Central bank gold market trading however is collapsing as the separation between the paper Gold market and physical Gold market is falling apart. We'll know the endgame is over the day we see the Gold Traders are forced to accept a cash settlement....A Cash settlement will result in a reset and much higher gold prices...At that time the SGE fix may become the most important fix in the world. (the SGE–shanghai-fix and 23 hours trading a day – and a physical market instead of a paper market). This market change is now under way and Goldman Sachs & co are re-positioning for the end game.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday November 5, 2015 - To have Gold or not to have, that is the question...price is irrelevant.
Updated Sections: €/$ & €-Gold , Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Can-Gold & Can$/$/€ , Swiss-Gold
& Swiss/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ , £-Gold & £/$/€ , R-Gold & R/$/€ , Kr-Gold & Kr/$/€ , Yuan-Gold , Rupee-Gold
This confirms our vision that RISING interest rates would simply destroy the Financial system because the DERIVATIVES would implode overnight. Hence, it's not about the Fiat Paper Price of Gold, it's about TO HAVE GOLD or NOT TO HAVE GOLD. Those who don't understand it, will be slaughtered when the DRAMA happens.
We already see that the Central Banks, FED, ECB BoJ, BoE,...are buying Government Debt = MONETIZING DEBT. Hence there is NO doubt the house will be set on fire. The only thing we don't know is WHEN this is to happen. Therefore it is better to be 4 years early than 1 Second late.
When China orders the last 1,000 kg of Gold and it gets not delivered, it will pull the plug. Francis Schutte - interview with James Turk in 2010 |
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Wednesday November 4, 2015 - about corrupt Pigs and Sharia Law -
Updated Sections: $-Gold , Silver, Oil Shares , Gold objectives, Gold fundamentals ,
Hillary Clinton for President and what do Americans know about the Sharia law?
George Orwell's Animal Farm.
The books ending, in which animals realize that both ruling groups (Democrats and Republicans) in the barnyard are equally corrupt, is a trenchant rejection of the binary worldview . Hunt (CIA) arranged for the film version to end quite differently: only the pigs are corrupt!
Financial Markets, forex markets, Gold & Silver sector have arrived at important cross-points. Therefore it is very important to follow these closely until the NEW directions have become clear. The updates of the past week for Stock Markets, Currencies and Gold & Silver better define the situation. We also refer to our last MARKET ALERT in the Subscriber's section |
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Monday November 2nd, 2015 - The USA will sacrifice Europe, the EU, the Euro and the Middle-East rather than let the Dollar die!
Updated Sections: Long Term Chart Indexes , Stock Markets expressed in Gold ,
It's only a matter of weeks and maybe months before the EU (Western Europe) will run into serious trouble. The head of MI5 has said the terror threat level facing Britain is the highest he has seen in his 32-year career.
Andrew Parker, director general of the Security Service, said six terror plots had been thwarted in the last year. And during a speech in London on Wednesday, he also warned that so-called Islamic State (IS) is planning "mass casualty" attacks on Britain.
He described a "three dimensional threat" at home, overseas and online - with an increasing amount of MI5's casework linked to Syria and IS. "It (IS) uses the full range of modern communications tools to spread its message of hate, and to inspire extremists, sometimes as young as their teens, to conduct attacks in whatever way they can." click here for more
Apparently the numbers they've been selling to the unsuspecting populations are wrong by at least four million (and possibly by TEN million or more). The latest invasion reflects a truer number of five million not one million – five million invaders (and/or ten million). If that's not war, what is?? |
Each month, an asylum-seeker costs 3500 euros, that is 3,5 billion euros for one month with an expected number of one million asylum-seekers, 42 billion euros annually. This is roughly the same sum that is paid to all unemployed (German) people. The Germany social and migration industry is now making business many big companies can only dream of.
What is happening today in Europe is a logic result of the Arab spring and the fight for survival of the US-Dollar. The goal is to destabilize the EU and destroy the Euro so the Dollar and the USA can survive. The more pressure on the US-Dollar, the more unrest we shall see in Europe. On several occasions and years ago we have explained the reasoning of the USA and have we warned for Social unrest, Revolutions and even WAR. Today there is little doubt things will get A LOT WORSE. |
The fact that the USA plans to send BOOTS to Syria will only add to the WAR in Syria and the Middle-East. This becomes an extremely DANGEROUS situation. Especially for Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Europe...and points to more WAR! The USA's goal is to use special forces to assist MODERATE REBELS in Syria....this is confusing, illegal and not possible without the OK of Congress.
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