
August 2024


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Monday, September 2, is LABOR DAY, and financial markets are closed.

Thursday, August 29 to Tuesday, September 3, 2024: They need a war to save their skin: Kyiv launches attack on Russian nuclear site!

Updated Sections: Bonds USA, Treasuries in the EU, 

Western civilization is on a collision course with its extinction.  We will unlikely survive in anything resembling what we currently know. Ukraine will likely be the first to fall, followed by Israel. Then, the UK will collapse economically, socially, and politically, followed by a currency debt collapse in the United States. Even if Trump wins, this outcome is almost inevitable. The debt is unpayable, and the new debt is practically un-sellable. Nobody wants it, and the world is ready to embrace BRICS instead of the dollar.

Lessons from WWII's Inflation:  The economic aftermath of World War II brought severe inflation to many countries, driven by enormous government spending, shortages of goods, and diminished confidence in currencies. Nations like Austria, France, Belgium, and Japan experienced inflation rates that devastated savings and destabilized their economies.

Potential for Hyperinflation in WWIII: A global conflict today could trigger hyperinflation on an even larger scale. The destruction of infrastructure, massive population displacement, and the potential collapse of financial systems could erode confidence in major currencies. The modern reliance on fiat currencies, unsupported by tangible assets, could make the global economy particularly susceptible to runaway inflation. In such a scenario, only physical Gold and Silver survive...just like during and after WWII.

  • They need a war to save their skin: Kyiv launches attack on Russian nuclear site!  The scenario is a replay of the pre-World War II years. Hitler was pushed into a war he did not want. Because he did not move, the Brits and the Americans started to bomb cities like Berlin.  The economy and the financial system are broken, and they need a world war to blame for it. They need a world war to enforce unfriendly measures: Reischsfluchtsteuer, Emigration tax, Capital Controls, freeze savings, close stock markets, and operation Gutt procedures. Wealth taxation,...you name it. Ultimately, we shall see a replay of "Bretton Woods"....and a new gold-based currency.
  • They need a war to save their skin: Israel extends war to Lebanon.

Brussels and Belgium, where the NATO headquarters are located, will undoubtedly be the first cities and countries to enjoy the pleasures of World War 3.

Your money will be seized as the economy and the financial systems collapse!  Few people realize that even the CENTRAL BANKS are bankrupt...

Over the coming years, politicians and authorities will use PRICE CONTROLS to constrain inflation.  They always do. What they never understood and never will is that such results in empty shelves. History has plenty of examples: the D.D.R. and the USSR, to name two. Kamala Harris already promised to institute price controls once elected president of the US, and A.

Over the coming years, politicians and authorities will use taxation, inflation (hidden taxation), and capital controls to save their skin. They always do. Operation Gutt's, Bail-ins, you name it. The public ALWAYS pays for the excess debt, money creation, and credit issued by Politicians.  The bait is already in place: Real Estate (preferably with a mortgage), equities, bonds, and cryptos. Nominal confusion (rising fiat prices) will make that most savings remain in the trap, and more will be sucked in.

Milton Friedman: the folly of price controls.

Powell doesn't surrender. He is just trying to postpone the inevitable. Also, a short-term cut in interest rates may help the Democrats to stay in the White House but won't survive...Remember that INTEREST RATES are the price of credit, and today, medium and long term, the trend remains UP, UP, and UP.

Official price inflation figures are ONE HUGE LIE.

Refilling your car will soon cost four times as much as today. The chart below predicts oil prices will break up in the coming months. Our target is $100 to $150 per barrel, resulting in much higher energy prices. Your refill will cost three to four times what you pay today.

What is happening right now in Canada is an excellent model for what will happen in Belgium, the Netherlands, and elsewhere. Remember, Food is a low-order consumer good, and Real Estate is a high-order capital good. Food will become extremely expensive, and Real Estate will crash.

Keep your savings safe even during the worst of times with physical gold stored in the best place for wealth preservation. We've eliminated the guesswork and found an ideal solution that will help keep your gold safe and within your control. Best of all, it meets all the criteria for self-directed IRAs.

Our Real Estate Corner:

The coming Real Estate crash will be dramatic and unseen in history. 

When CREDIT/DEBT/CURRENCY collapses, EVERYTHING DEPENDING EXPRESSED IN CREDIT/DEBT/CURRENCY WILL COLLAPSE.  Because 90% of the people are financially and monetary illiterate, and because of the propaganda, the HERD doesn't realize what is happening right under our noses. The Herd also has little idea of the terrible impact the Real Estate crash will have on the Banking sector.

  1. RETIRING BABY BOOMER will eventually sell their house.
  2. AirBnB entrepreneurs will be forced to sell because the bad market experiences would
  3. Private equity companies bought an entire neighborhood because the interest rates were so low for so long.
  4. Private investors who have bought real estate with a mortgage can no longer repay the loan.

The real estate market is drying up and will soon slide into a massive crash.  The crash is already happening in some parts of the Western World.

Screenshot 2024 08 28 at 10.20.07

Necessary Fundamentals:

  • Powell may well lower interest rates again to help the Democrats get re-elected. People in power are ready for anything to stay in control. Politicians would sell their mom, pop, and kids to remain in power.  In the short run, interest rates can be rigged lower. However, always remember that LONG-TERM RIGGING is impossible as the financial system and the economy decide. Increasing the money supply dramatically means more inflation, which always results in higher interest rates. , however, as the flow of fresh money is stronger, this does not mean the stock markets will crash. In the worst-case scenario, we shall make some violent short-term corrections.
  • So, as the xxxxxxx sector goes, so does the economy.
  • The demand for gold is going to get out of control!!!  xxxxxxx

   For premium members only.

  • BANKS ARE BANKRUPT!  want to see it seized at some point shortly. Just like it happened in 1933 in the USA.

   For premium members only.

Important Technicals:

  • Major breakouts are coming in Gold Stocks!? 

   For premium members only.

  © - The report's contents may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Thursday to Wednesday, August  22-28, 2024: The US Dollar is on the dead row. It's now or never; this will be the last big Gold and Silver Bull market!

Updated Sections: Copper, Platinum, Non-Ferrous & shares, LT Commodity Charts, Commodities 
in Gold
, Inflation Index,

Argentina's Faded Dream Is a Warning to America and Europe (the E, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden).

In the late 19th century, Argentina was the wealthiest country in the world,  with the United States in second place and Belgium in third. The South American nation had all the ingredients to become the 20th century’s ultimate success story. But it didn’t. Instead, it has become one of the world’s poster children for hyperinflation, out-of-control government, and economic mismanagement.

How did Argentina go from being the wealthiest country in the world to 142nd in GDP per capita a century later?  The pivotal moment came in 1946 when Argentines elected Juan Perón, a military strongman who put the state at the center of everything. He believed heavy public spending, government intervention, and money printing were the answers to any problem.

Perón imposed strict government control and handed out freebies and welfare to the poor. That made him a lasting icon, but it also changed the country’s moral fabric, from self-reliant people to those who thought they could get a free lunch by voting for a Peronist.

This doomed Argentina to a cycle of constant decline and economic crises. Perón’s followers, known as Peronists, get elected with promises of freebies, spend until they can’t borrow anymore, and then print money to fund even more spending. This drives up prices as the currency loses value.

Today, Argentina’s GDP per capita is under 18% of the U.S. level, and around 57% of the population lives in poverty.

America and Europe are barreling down the same path at breakneck speed. The rise of socialism, the call for more freebies from the masses—free medical care, free college, free housing, free food, and so forth—and power-hungry politicians looking to cash in are driving this train wreck. By looking at Argentina’s experience, we can understand where all these things may lead us and act accordingly.

Keep your savings safe even during the worst of times with physical gold stored in the best place for wealth preservation. We've eliminated the guesswork and found an ideal solution that will help keep your gold safe and within your control. Best of all, it meets all the criteria for self-directed IRAs.

This moves the gold price: prudence, fear, and greed. At the moment, only prudence is dominant, and indeed not greed. Or even fear, even though there’s plenty to be afraid about. The public seems quite unaware that gold is pushing all-time nominal highs. The gold bull market will likely remain intact until the public is clamoring to get in. We’re nowhere near that stage.

Public ownership of gold is trivial. They’re just not interested in it.  I suspect they’re concentrating on the stock market (and cryptos), where greed kicked in years ago. Stocks have treated them well for over 40 years; they figure the bull market is perpetual, with just minor retrenchments. Everybody has a Robinhood account, trading options, and meme stocks.  They see gold as an asset for fuddy-duddies and gloom-and-doomers. I think their sentiments will soon reverse, and fear will take over. Fear will draw their attention to gold.

Currencies, including the US dollar, are just the unbacked liabilities of bankrupt governments. The US, in particular, is overindebted. The country has borrowed capital accumulated in the past and is mortgaging future earnings to finance an artificially high current standard of living. We’ve gone from a time when, as late as the ’60s—before the devaluation in 1971—you generally saved up and bought a car for cash. Believe it or not, people saved up buying a house for cash.

After 1971, we had, at first, two-year financing for cars. Then it went to three, five, then seven years. Now, many people lease their vehicles.  A car has gone from a minor asset on your balance sheet to a significant liability. People rarely have equity in a car, even though it can easily cost twice what the average house did pre-1971.

Before the 1971 devaluation, there was almost no credit card debt; now, it’s over $1.1 trillion.  There was virtually no student loan debt; now, it’s a trillion and a half dollars.

The whole world, especially the US (but also the EU), floats on a sea of credit.  It’s a daisy chain; if one part of it breaks, and one person can’t pay, the next person can’t. The system has become highly over-financialized. The average guy no longer thinks about producing more than he consumes and saving the difference. He can’t do that with a rapidly inflating paper currency. He tries to keep his head above water with debt. He tries to get lucky in the stock market if he has a few extra bucks.

 So, what's pushing the gold price higher? Mainly, foreign central banks are buying gold. They don't want to hold the paper of the unreliable US and European governments. They’re buying gold out of prudence and fear.

Most people in your environment have little or no physical gold and silver; even fewer have it stored out of "political reach." Therefore, don't expect them to react positively when you tell them you did so. By doing so, they would be declaring that they are stupid.  Buying paper gold and silver and storing it within political reach won't save you because the Authorities know you did so and, if necessary, will burn you at the stake to get it from you.

The world is on the brink of a major financial shift, and we’re entering the LAST great gold bull market. What comes will be so dramatic that even Gold and Silver mines won't be able to protect you.  Our subscribers know exactly what we mean by this and how to position your savings to survive financially.

Friday, August 16, 2024: Remember the PATTERN "X" ? Gold: Massive Parabolic Slingshot Move Starting!? 

  • The real price of Physical Silver is $34,21 - $36.21 - add 15% for the East (China) or $39.34 - $41.64
  • The real price of Physical Gold is $2,500 + $300 (add this for China) = $2,600 - $2,800

Screenshot 2024 08 19 at 19.19.19“At some point, and it’s not too far away, US citizens will not be able to transfer dollars out of the US.  You will not be able to transfer Euros out of Europe.  There will be exchange controls. It’s going to happen soon. It’s going to happen in the US. It’s going to happen in the EU and other countries, too. Now is the time to diversify.

Shipping gold and silver in and out of Europe is already very difficult.  The "Herd" is unaware of this because they have no physical gold or silver, and when they do, they don't realize that keeping these at home is no solution. Keeping your gold in a bank vault is an idiocy, even if you keep it in a Swiss vault.  Burying it in your garden is even as stupid as taking all your money in cash from your bank. People have no clue of what is to come.  Most don't know what happened in the USA in 1933. Even fewer people know that something similar happened in Europe.

Our Real Estate Corner:

Reasoning people know that the day will come when your house could be worth 2 million, but you won't even be able to buy 3 eggs with the 2 million.  The brains of most individuals can't cope with this kind of FACT.  They have never heard of high-order capital goods and low-order consumer goods and how the price mechanism of these functions during a hyperinflationary depression.

You can buy a lovely single-family home in Venezuela for 36,619,900,000 VEF or less than $10,000. When you tell most people that someday, this will be a reality in the USA and the EU, they look at you in disbelief. They think you have a mental problem, while such is already a reality in several countries. Libanon is only one modern example. Venezuela is another example.  [Today's average salary in Venezuela is $143 monthly (not per hour)]

Of course, for the USA and the EU, as there is no other standard to compare these fiat currencies with,  so we have no choice but to express the average salary and, the value of Real Estate in GOLD.

Note that during the Weimar hyperinflation, you could buy a whole street for a couple of gold coins.  To prevent non-Germans from doing so, a law was established that only German nationals could purchase real estate.  Today, you must be a Venezuelan to be able to buy property in Venezuela.

Important Fundamentals:

  • We have updated our portfolio.  Once more, we have a confirmation that the advice we gave some years ago to SELL all miners and convert the funds into Physical Gold and Silver was 100% correct.  Note that, due to this, although we now have fewer gold and silver coins in the portfolio, the portfolio's overall value continues to advance to new record levels.
  • The US Dollar sits on the

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Important Technicals:

  • While the Dollar sits on death row, the stock market is on track for a 45-year breakout—when expressed in fiat money. As we are sliding into a depression, the freshly created fiat money doesn't flow into the economy but rather into the Stock Market, just like it does in Venezuela and Argentina.

  For premium members only.

  © - The report's contents may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Thursday to Wednesday, August 15 to 21, 2024: The EU is preparing for the biggest Holdup in full daylight behind your back

Updated Sections: Bank & Fin. Shares, Crude Oil price, Solar & Rare Elements,
Gold-$, Silver, US Dollar,

PHOTO 2024 08 12 09 01 44A kid gets killed in the UK, and we almost have a civil war.  Thousands of kids are killed in Gaza, and no one moves....even worse, the USA is donating even more money to the butchers so they can kill even more people.

There are more and more problems with (Muslim) Immigrants in Europe.  The Herd doesn't realize they are the majority in many European cities today, and tomorrow, they will be in even more places.

Ukraine is attacking Russia with NATO weapons.  Ukraine & co. really starts pushing it...how long before Russia retaliates?

Israel continues to massacre the Palestinians and has also started to bomb Lebanon.  Iran and Arab countries will, at a certain time in the future (Arabs are very patient) retaliate.

The Western World has become a powder keg where politicians are playing with matches. A specialty of the libertarians (democrats). While barbarians are invading their countries, the local population keeps watching the games (2024 Olympics) and enjoying life.

closing doorsIt's ONE MINUTE TO TWELVE!

I don't know what is wrong with the average (read: most) EU residents.  Are they complacent? Are they convinced the authorities will leave them at peace and never dare to execute their plans? Are they just blind to what is happening day after day? Why have they been so convinced that nothing bad will happen to them ever, while there are multiple examples in history in which the authorities have absolutely no scruples and always go to the end (i.e., seize all assets of their citizens)   to save the country (save their skin)?

EU residents will be plumed and slaughtered after the last feather is gone. The EU (and local authorities) have been preparing for the ultimate hold-up for years. The guillotine is greased, and the knife sharpened. One after another, exit doors are closed, cemented. It is all done in a way that the average citizen, Joe Sixpack, is unaware of.  The average citizen has already lost a lot of feathers. If not because of taxation, because of inflation.  

Alert people started to leave the EU and Belgium more than ten years ago.  Those who did not emigrate physically did so virtually. For years, those people have profited from their decision to acquire a second passport/permanent residency. Years ago, compared to today, it was really easy and did not require a lot of funds. 

EU asset registerStill, at that time, some people were hesitant and convinced it was all a loss of money.  The government would never do what I forecasted it would do.  One can compare it with the Palestinians who refused to leave Palestine because Israel would never do what it does today. One can compare it to the pre-World War 2 situation where the Dutch and Belgians were convinced that Germany would NEVER invade their country because of their neutral status.  One can compare it to those fleeing to Switzerland because they are convinced the country will never be invaded and never suffer during the coming World War 3.  It can be compared to those who, over the past years, emigrated to Switzerland and/or Portugal because "it was said" that they would be safe!  NOT SO!!! - Switzerland communicates all gold/silver holdings stored in the country to your Tax Authorities. Under pressure from the EU, Portugal has scrapped all the advantages the country used to grant (European) immigrants.

As an EU citizen,  it is now compulsory to report all of your real estate belongings abroad (in most cases, your home country taxes you on it).  With CRS, it is also compulsory to declare all your international bank accounts and balances.  Under the CRS (common reporting standard) rules, banks automatically report your international bank account balances to your home taxman....of course, as always, we know what the exceptions are.

Albert Einstein and many other thinking people left Germany before WW2 started.

Luckily, the situation is better for the thinking people who already left. If not physically, they did so virtually.  Now, all who think of leaving, who consider emigrating,  are in big danger.  (I have no mercy with those crying that they will never, ever leave their home country - God have mercy the day their Government seizes all of their belongings and/or their homestead is bombed -that day, they will get what they asked for)...

  • In the Netherlands, starting next year, emigrants will have to pay taxes equal to the tax they paid on their income over the last five years. As a guarantee, their Real estate and bank accounts will be blocked until the full amount has been paid!
  • We already have the WEGZUGSTEUER in Germany, and that law is already there. Emigrating Germans have to pay a tax equal to the tax they paid on their income over the past five years. Remember the Reichsfluchtsteuer they had before the Big War?
  • Belgium, of course,  will follow once the new government is in place!!!  The country will also be blessed by the "CAPITAL GAIN tax" we already have in many other countries.
  • France will tax French citizens for the money they earn abroad...just like Americans do.
  • Even South Africa has an emigration tax!

chickens In a couple of years, those who refuse to act, the stubborn people, will look like a naked chicken ready to be slaughtered.

What is wrong with the citizens that they don't smell the SHIT behind this kind of legislation?  Are people really so ignorant, complacent, and stupid that they don't realize what the coming scenario is like?  Do they really think these legislations are put in place to punish those who leave and will never affect those who stay?!  Q. Are people really so stupid?! A. YES...

Instead of focusing on the REAL IMPORTANT FUNDAMENTALS, financial advisers focus on markets and stocks going up and down, stocks that will go up more and faster than other stocks, and on investment vehicles that are supposed to make you rich.  Not one mentions that one day in the near future,  the Authorities can and will seize whatever you have. They burned the Crusaders at the stake to find out where their gold was hidden....It is a joke to read all the BS sold by most so-called financial experts, MSM, and Politicians and watch the Podcasts...

Cryptos, AI (artificial intelligence), Global warming, CO2,...are there more of these IDIOCIES and nonsense to BELIEVE in?

Cryptos will not and never protect you. They are less than thin air, and the day there is no electricity, there will be no more cryptos.  This is BASIC LOGIC, and the financial analysts who promote cryptos should be ashamed of themselves.

This is not the time to start gambling with high-risk investment instruments. Instead, focus on basic, old-fashioned, proven investment instruments and move and keep them " out of political reach."  Everything else is BS!

Pretending nothing bad will happen is like pretending that no explosion will happen if one plays with matches in a powder keg. And that is exactly what today's generation is doing.

455060966 901823648422623 2140783202110420878 nToday is not a replay of 1929, and most analysts and big names are making a huge mistake by comparing today with the "1929s in the USA" and crying "WOLF." The American 1929 problems originated in a real-money environment. The German problems (Weimar) originated in a FIAT MONEY ENVIRONMENT; these are two totally different environments.

We have multiple modern examples of what happens when problems occur in Fiat-Money systems: Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Libanon, and Japan,...and yet, not one analyst seems to understand that exactly the same will occur in the West. Instead, they incorrectly forecast a huge crash, as in 1929 in the USA.  What is wrong with these analysts who play the FEAR card to get more market penetration?

Today, it is extremely dangerous to orientate your savings incorrectly. If you do so, you risk losing all your assets, like the Germans did during Weimar (1922-1923). 

Japan is a modern example of the scenario I expect. While the Nikkei remained relatively strong and rose, the Yen lost 65% versus the UD Dollar and the Euro.

South Africa is another modern example. Although the price of real estate kept rising over the years, the Rand lost 85%. The end result is a huge loss.

The same is true in Turkey: higher real estate prices and a higher stock market but a much lower Turkish lira.  The TR20 (Turkish stock market) rose dramatically, while over the same period, the lira lost 98%. This is what we call "Nominal Confusion".

Lira vs Dollar  98 TR20 candle4

There are so many one-eye prophets and snake oil merchants selling their opinions to generate as much money as possible that, in the end, blind investors really have a problem selecting the correct strategy.  The rule is that those who follow their emotions are wrong, those who follow fiat money are wrong, whoever stays with real estate is wrong, and those who keep their savings with banks and the government (Treasuries) are wrong. Just GOOGLE: DETTE UNIFEE...

Apple's days are over. The PF chart, where the price of Apple is expressed in Real Money (Gold), shows a clear "Top Formation." No wonder Buffett sold his stake in the company. Probably because Goldonomic advised him so.

AAPLGold pf1

This story is not only about the "Darien Gap"! This video is very interesting because it shows how the USA and the EU manipulate global politics and generate migration patterns.

Our Real Estate Corner:
  •  Hopefully, you understand that the Government will use your Real Estate assets to control and tax you even more.

Important Fundamentals:

 For premium members only.

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Monday to Wednesday, August 12 to 14, 2024:  The West is sleepwalking into WW3

Updated Sections: Miners & Gold & SPX, Recession Proof - hold, Bio Tech-Pharma,
Oil Shares, Natural Gas & shares, Uranium Shares,

The West is sleepwalking into WW3. What nobody seems to know and doesn't care about is that once we have a war, ALL the RULES CHANGE. 

  1. The local currencies become worthless as a war currency replaces these.
  2. Banks are temporarily closed and reopened only after the rules have been changed for the worse.
  3. International money transfers become very hard, if possible at all.
  4. Stock Markets are closed indefinitely. 
  5. International shipments become strictly regulated.
  6. We have Reischfluchtsteuer.
  7. Immigration is only possible after paying a hefty tax on your assets.
  8. People are allowed to travel but only to GO HOME. (got your 2nd passport?) . Ever heard of repatriation flights?
  9. The army calls up the male population, and deserters are shot. The army also calls up the female population if more troops are needed. After all, we have gender equality, haven't we?

Stop looking at the PAPER price for Silver and Gold. Keep checking on the REAL price of PHYSICAL SILVER.
Those who do will see that physical silver only lost around $1 - $1.50 per oz.

People are sleepwalking into the DDR restrictions and hyperinflation.  Only reasoning people convert Equities and Real Estate into REAL MONEY. That is if they have not already done so. The HERD keeps finding excuses for not doing what a "grown reasoning man" has to do. They are convinced nothing can and will happen, and one must enjoy life. The government will take care of everything, and we all will be happy (and have nothing).

The present generation has never experienced hardships, and most don't respect seniors. Even my kids say I am an old fool who doesn't know what he is saying and doing. Reasoning with them is impossible. The brainwashing has been done thoroughly. They totally live in LALA-LAND and are absolutely not aware of what their next years of life will be like.  This is a never-ending cycle.


Only a fool can predict when this will happen in the coming days and weeks.  The main thing is to be prepared NOW. Everything else doesn't make sense. And please, STOP making excuses for not doing what an adult is supposed to do in the actual situation and circumstances.

Our Real Estate Corner:
  •  In Canada, you get fined for parking your car on your lawn. You do not truly own any property in Canada—you merely borrow it at the pleasure of the State.

Important Fundamentals:

  • Stock markets will continue to go up as long as they print money!
  • Those who think they are rich because they have a lot of (worthless) fiat money are in for a HUGE surprise!

 For premium members only.

  © - The report's contents may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Thursday, August 8 to Friday, August 9, 2024:  Your savings will pay for the Government's debt!

Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, Indexes In Gold, Long Term Charts, 
Royalty Co's, Silver, Investment Pyramid, Bonds USA, Majors, Juniors,
Recession Proof Shs (LOCG) 2 new stocks added,

Investing correctly is only half the game and probably the least important. Ensuring your savings are "out of political reach" is probably today's most important exercise. That is, if you don't want to donate them all to the government: taxation, capital gain tax, heritage taxes, wealth taxes, you name it. And if they can't invent new taxes, they will simply SEIZE your savings.  Local Bank accounts, particularly Real Estate, are the MOST DANGEROUS because you can't put bricks and mortar in your pocket and move these "out of reach of your government."

Banks increasingly refuse to transfer funds from their client accounts to European Gold and Silver dealers. In other cases, when such happens, they simply close the account. Once funds are invested in physical gold and silver, they are out of reach of the bankers, and if bought in the right place, they are also out of reach of the government.  Remember that during the Greek crisis some years ago, all citizens had to list their assets - including what they kept in safe deposit boxes - and send it to the Tax Authorities. [ same scenario as happened in Germany after Weimar]

A bank employed me in the early 1970s. Of course, I advised my clients to buy Physical Gold. It was Napoleons, Kruger Rands, and Gold bars in those years. Gold rose from $38 in 1970 to $850 in 1981. However, my employer (the Bank) disliked this, and I got in trouble. I was told to only sell the bank's products, mainly common funds. This also proves that the bank doesn't care about you.

The EU authorities and the banks have made it increasingly difficult to buy gold and silver. Shipping gold out of the EU (particularly Belgium) has become difficult, if possible. Importing Gold or silver from abroad is not easy, as the shippers do the impossible to collect "import duties" on gold. However, Gold imports are legally not subject to import duties and taxation.

Today, several banks openly refuse to make transfers for Gold purchases. Click below to read the story. The banks are AXA and Argenta. Note that Keytrade also causes problems. Can you believe these banks pretend that buying physical gold can be 'very dangerous'?   These guys must have an IQ of just above the freezing level or no scruples.

The world’s best-kept investment secret is GOLD (not real estate).

  • Gold has gone up 7.5X this century.
  • Gold Compound annual return since 2000 is 9.2%.
  • Dow Jones Compound annual return since 2000 is 7.7%, incl. reinvested dividends.
  • So why are only 0.6% of global financial assets in gold?
  • The simple answer is that most investors and honest bankers don’t understand gold.


Screenshot 2024 08 06 at 09.32.04The Indian Government drastically lowers the import duties on gold.  These measures will likely have broad-ranging implications for the gold industry's stakeholders. The reported surge in gold smuggling into the country through new and established routes will likely be dented. The customs duty reduction will make gold imports via unofficial channels less (or even non) profitable.

Don't try this with Real Estate! Gold smuggling has been of all ages because it allows a lot of purchasing power to be moved quickly around.


Stop looking at the PAPER price for Silver and Gold. Keep checking on the REAL price of PHYSICAL SILVER.
Those who do will see that physical silver only lost around $1 - $1.50 per oz.


It took only one generation of progressive leadership to plunge Venezuela into a civil war. Venezuelan President Maduro is a crook depriving the people of Venezuela of their freedom and prosperity. Today, exactly the same is happening in the West, the EUSSR, and the USASR.  It is important to understand that THE PEOPLE are an important factor as they are promoting this negative evolution.

Our Real Estate Corner:
  • At the end of the Great Depression, all Germans had to pay a 50% tax on the value of their assets.  Those who could not pay the amount immediately had to pay it monthly over the next years.  Their Real Estate was used as a guarantee. Those who failed to pay these mensualities saw their Real Estate seized by the government. It was sold, and the sale result was sent to the TREASURY.
  • We expect a Real Estate crash of 80% to 90% in Real Terms.


Important Fundamentals:

  • Gold has gone up 687% since the "Dot Com" Bubble burst. It will continue to rise even faster as the dollar collapses. You will need a dollar price of gold at “$125,000 per ounce for 100% gold backing of the dollar.
  • France plans to tax its citizens worldwide. If so, other EU countries will follow in sequence.
  • The Hell is breaking loose in Canada. Thank you so much, Libertarians and Justin Trudeau.


Important Technicals: What does a BACKTEST mean after a BREAKOUT?

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Monday, August 5 to Wednesday, August 7, 2024: China and India buy Gold and Silver like there is no tomorrow

Updated Sections: Fireworks?...all charts in the Gold & Silver sections, US Dollar,
Euro and €-Gold,

We are caged in the illusion of freedom while our freedoms are being taken from us at a blinding speed. In 1989, they demolished the Berlin Wall as there was no longer a danger that the East Europeans would escape to the West, where communism had become as bad as in the East.

The worst and most disgusting part is that the present generation is actually promoting and helping the destruction process by accepting, following, and promoting the rules. Some do it out of stupidity, others out of fear. 

I think of simple things that have changed for the worse. I received my driver's license for free. No exam, nothing. Everybody got it for free in 1968. Even those who could not drive and had never seen an automobile. In the years before 1968, it was rather simple: nobody had such a license. Your father taught you to drive, and that was it. There were no speed restrictions. You drove as the traffic allowed you to.

When issued, my Belgian driver's license was for life. So was my South African. Now, it has changed to renewal every five years. Why? To increase employment, show how much power vests in government, and mess me around. To collect additional revenue? If for revenue, just send me a bill.

All changed drastically in 1971 after the authorities openly declared that the World Oil reserves were about to run empty and that something urgent had to be done about it (which makes me think of a Covid-19 scenario). In Belgium, to save gasoline, automobile circulation was prohibited on Sundays and holidays. Because, even with a bunch of retarded citizens, such a regulation cannot be enforced in the long run, the government proclaimed that a 120 km speed limit could make a similar economy. From that day on, driving the Belgian and French speedways from Belgium to the "Cote d'Azur" took 12 instead of 8 hours.

* The story is similar to gun licenses. As a young boy, I went to a gun shop and bought my first long rifle. No questions asked. A couple of years later, I decided to buy a shotgun. Again, no problems and no questions asked. No license was required until the 1990s. Next, a license was issued for life on the condition you were over 18 and could prove you needed one. We have required renewals, which are difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. More unnecessary control. Is this to disarm the public? It certainly looks that way. In Australia, some years ago, the government massively collected firearms from its citizens. Belgium followed in sequence. Firearms were seen as a hazard, and people were told there was no need to keep them.

* I remember that during the first years of my career, I was working for an American Bank. Accounts were opened with a simple A5 signature card. One-page document with an address, a phone number, and a signature. The routine was that, after visiting a client, I collected ex. Four mio francs. One mio was meant to be deposited in his Belgian bank account, and the other three mio in his Swiss account. All was done by sunset. Nothing was wrong, and nothing illegal was done.

14201c68 belgaimage 73517290* After the First Continental Bank went bankrupt in 1987, I became a stockbroker. All was physical. Each day, millions worth of Cash, Stocks and bonds were transported to and from the "Bourse de Bruxelles". No armored transports. Just a simple briefcase. I remember carrying securities bearing the "GUTT CLEARED" stamp. These were securities that had not been seized during the operation Gutt because they belonged to people that were not subject to this extortion law (ex. Religious congregations). Everything worked fine for years until 1990 when the "Bourse de Bruxelles was digitalized," and the authorities gained full control of all Stockmarket activities. Today, the "Bourse de Bruxelles" is converted into a "BEER TEMPLE".

Luckily, during those years, people could still buy as much gold as they wanted and pay for it in cash or with a check. No problems, no questions asked. A free world it still was. My best clients were French farmers who loved the "Napoleon gold coins." These were the same gold coins Napoleon paid his privates with.  During the 2nd World War, french farmers used these to trade food stocks. Today, one needs a unique EU clearance to import Gold into the EU, and those doing so have a lot of trouble, and it costs weeks and months of energy to get these TAX-FREE. Exporting gold is an even bigger problem.  Almost impossible.

There was no need for money laundering at all and the economy was blosseming...
that was until 1990 when they started to issue all kind of silly laws.

Our privacy was once desired and respected. There was no ‘If I am doing nothing wrong, I have nothing to hide.’ Since surveillance has enveloped the world like a swaddling blanket, physical and digital surveillance has been all-encompassing. Every call is monitored: your TV monitors you, your phone tracks you, your digital voice-activated devices listen to every word, and your car checks and records you.

Your insurer insists or gives discounted premiums if you allow them GPS monitoring. Wherever you go, cameras are watching you. In the streets, at businesses, tracking you and building databases. Soft total control.

Your banker knows how much you spend daily and which food stocks and drinks you buy. You have a limit on transfers, and your banker has - at all times - the right to inquire to whom and for what you are transferring funds. This has become a standard procedure for transfers over €10.000. You can make payments with your smartphone...and oh, this is all so easy, isn't it?... as long as there are no internet problems and your banker doesn't give you problems. Note that this is all done "for your security" and to avoid "money laundry."

Those were the days when your bank manager and you knew him. The banker was your friend and alley. All of the current stupidity did not exist. If the government has a beef with an individual or company, then act against them. Small businesses and individuals should not be your policeman.

Our data from emails, computers, etc. are collected and utilized by companies for commercial and investigative purposes.
What about permission to do so? Where has our privacy gone?

Censorship is all pervasive and has become so prevalent and intrusive that most of us self-censor. There is no escaping, it is online as well as offline. How many accounts have been removed from major outlets, even though they tell the truth? 

Only the approved narrative is allowed to air. People like Tommy Robinson, Joe Rogan, Raisa Blommenstein, and many more are continually harassed with trumped-up charges designed to financially and morally cripple them. Where did free speech go?

Screenshot 2024 08 03 at 11.55.49Making a trip by plane? It all changed after 9/11. I remember walking onto the tarmac to say goodbye to my parents when they flew overseas, and then it changed to being allowed into the terminal, then just the entrance to wave goodbye. Then passport control, customs, security checks, x-rays, invasive checks of baggage, half undressing, dual checks, once at security entering the security area, then again pre-entering the flight. The joke is that (and every pilot knows it), if you know how to do it,  one can bring a bomb and/or a gun on board of any airplane. Hence, those TSA agents who think they save the world must have an extremely low IQ level.  But thanks to this legislation, they have a job and help improve the unemployment figures. In France, more than 60% of the labor force is directly or indirectly employed by the French Government.

Today, people are queuing forever to be treated like cattle. This is for the very occasional ‘problem’ passenger. What about random checks only? Where has our freedom disappeared? Have we created this for ourselves?

If you are a TSA agent, you have nothing to be proud of (a pilot)!

* As the government has grown (a rant for another time), taxes have become endemic in every aspect of life. Hardly any activity does not require permission, a license, or taxation. Regulations are enforced as if they are laws. Why are we not considering the other side of the equation and minimizing government? 

As a small business, we now require a dedicated staff member to report to authority. A total waste of time and resources. In what way does all this reporting assist the businesses? Just more and more control.

The labor laws are extremely onerous, and while I agree that labor needs protection, laws to the detriment of business and laws that encourage businesses not to employ staff have the opposite effect than intended.

Sadly, public servants and judges implementing such laws do not know their actions' second- and third-order effects.

* Similar criticism applies to health and safety laws, job protectionism, union interference, etc.  I am all for safe work and play environment and remember excellent safety in the workplace without draconian observation and punishment. 

Over the past decade, the Government has seized all Pension funds (which were very profitable) and spent all their assets. The same applies to Private Health insurance. They were seized, and the assets were spent. This includes most independent hospitals/clinics. There is no longer a need for free and independent Medicare. The Government does it all better and cheaper...or not?!

* Oh, I almost forgot the Education sector. The government no longer saw the need for "Free Schools and Free Universities," and these were all nationalized so they could control how the upcoming generations were brainwashed. To be honest, they did a great job.

Our freedoms are disappearing before our eyes. Soon, we will have restricted movement and 15-minute cities. CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) have no control of how, where, or when we spend our currencies or what interest, if any, we receive. It will be an automatic tax deduction. We will not have access to our accounts if we are non-compliant.

We have to fight for our freedoms before we cannot. We are very close to that situation right now.


We were one of the few who told their readers to SELL all Gold and silver miners and invest the funds into physical Gold and silver. The chart below proves this was the rightful decision. Today, although there could be dramatic bullish potential for the sector, we still have a somewhat different approach to it. Subscribers know! Care to subscribe? Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


With second (digital) residency/passport, if done properly,  you don't have to live in that country physically and it will be the foundation of your second "digital entity"!

Our Real Estate Corner:

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Important Fundamentals:

  •  JPMorgan is desperately trying to keep the price of silver low...the day we have a squeeze, HELL will break loose.

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Important Technicals:

  • See the $-Gold and €-Gold sections for the special formation.
  • See the Yen-Gold, SEK-Gold, Aussie-Gold, and Rand-Gold sections for the exponentials.

 For premium members only.

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Thursday, August 1 to Friday, August 2, 2024:

Updated Sections: all short candles in the gold and silver sections.

Only 32 years ago, Venezuela was the richest country in the Hemisphere...but they voted for a socialist president promising to end the INCOME INEQUALITY.

* They completely socialized healthcare. The taxpayer had to cover it all, and Big Pharma took enormous advantage of it.

 * Higher education became totally "free."

 * Private ownership of guns was banned.

 * Opposition leaders were put in prison.

 * Food and medication became widespread.

* The constitution was suspended, and elections were rigged.

 * Unarmed citizens were massacred by their own government.

* Civit war: people stand up against their own government (French Revolution, today in Venezuela)


Last but not least, there is Hyperinflation, in which everybody becomes a billionaire, but one cannot buy three eggs with his salary. There are happy billionaires who play with their money, even burn it, but have nothing.

Today, in the EUSSR and the USSR, male immigrants (only a very small number of women and children are allowed) are simply flown in. They have to be added to the already dramatic migrant statistics. It is clear and mathematically certain that migrants (mostly coming out of Muslim countries) will become the democratic majority in most Western countries. In other words, they will become the presidents, ministers, etc of the Western countries.

According to a specialist, this is today's situation: Rome is burning while the Barbarians invade them. A Deja vu of the Roman Empire. (click on the picture for the video)

Amsterdam: 56% migrants

Den Haag: 58% migrants

Rotterdam: 60% migrants (Rotterdam has a Muslim Maire)

London: 54% migrants (Manchester has a Muslim Maire)

Brussels: 70% migrants

Antwerp: 60% migrants

Ghent:  the city refused to publish the numbers.

France: Paris, Roubaix, Lille, Tourcoing...we all know how bad the situation is in France, don't we?

 Note: Raisa Blommenstein left the Netherlands and lives abroad in an undisclosed place. She did this because she was no longer safe in Holland.  (celui qui dit la vérité, il doit etre executé)

I have absolutely nothing against Muslims, don't get me wrong.  There is, however, no doubt that this situation will end badly—very badly — in a few years ( 3 to 5 years).

It Started: Canadian Banks are asking for Help.  Justin Trudeau has mismanaged Canada. The guy did a better job than his father, Pierre, who destroyed Quebec. Justin destroyed and ruined Canada. Over the past decennia, this beautiful country, with a plentitude of commodities and beautiful landscapes, has been thrown to the pigs by libertarians.  Insiders know that the Trudeau's were close friends to FIDEL CASTRO.  What I don't understand is why Canadians did vote this kind of scum into power and why they are keeping him there?

It amazes me that even when there is HUNGER, the HERD keeps voting LEFT IDIOTS into power. What is wrong with these people?
Cuba, Venezuela, the USSR, the DDR, etc., are countries where nothing comes for free.


Once the SHIT HITS THE FAN, Americans (and Europeans) will have the same problems as the EU citizens have and as the D.D.R. and the USSR citizens had until 1989.  And...the SHIT can HIT THE FAN any day now. The Titanic has been sinking since 2014; the music kept playing to fool the HERD...but once THE HERD gets wet, it will be too late to realize they will drawn...and lose it all.


With second (digital) residency/passport, if done properly,  you don't have to live in that country physically and it will be the foundation of your second "digital entity"!

Our Real Estate Corner:

One in five mortgages at major banks in Canada is negatively amortizing. That means years are added to the payment term of the original loan because monthly payments no longer cover anything but interest.

Important Fundamentals:

  • Hell will break loose if the Fed doesn't cut interest rates soon. A cut of 1/4% to 1/2% may be possible as election propaganda. However, I think a cut has become IMPOSSIBLE as it could start a run on the Dollar. This is a lose-lose situation: either the Fed kills the economy (already in recession), or the Fed kills the dollar.

Important Technicals:

  • The dollar remained relatively stable while gold experienced volatility, dropping $50 in a day before recovering. Despite this, gold stocks only fell by about 2.5%, indicating a shift in sentiment toward gold as a defensive asset. Historically, gold stocks would see a more significant drop with such a decrease in gold prices, but the current trend suggests some buying interest due to their perceived value and defensive nature.
  • Excellent! The Fibonacci SUPPORT LEVEL for $-Gold is holding perfectly.  This indicates that we shall see a breakout of the actual situation to the upside. See the level on the candle chart in the $-Gold section.

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