Are Central Banks Almost Done Raising Rates and how close are we to QE 4??
Monday, December 31, 2018 - The Dollar is DOOMED or any Fiat currency is doomed!
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes (PF & short candles), Recession proof shares (COMPQ-PF & short candle)
If the Euro is doomed and the Dollar is doomed one can try to find out which currency will suffer most or simply buy and hold Gold & Silver. Over the next years the Dollar will not disappear however less and less transactions will be invoiced and paid in Dollar. Just like happened and still happens with the Pound Sterling after they had to stop the convertibility of the Pound into Gold.
The USA creates Dollars out of thin air while actually all Non-Americans have to BUY these Dollars to pay for their Crude Oil....One has to be retarded to think and hope this treachery will last. Specialists, Chinese and Russians know today's financial system is about to implode and at this time they are preparing for the coming implosion. Little do we know as to when it will occur. However, the day it does happen, the IMF must be ready with a plan B.
Plan B of the IMF are the Special Drawing Rights. SDR (special drawing rights) are nothing more than a mix of Dollars, Yen, Sterling, Euro or fiat money issued by the IMF. The SDR's are meant to replace the Dollar over time and/or when some financial accident requires it. Whether the SDR will be backed by Gold is absolutely not sure....
Even Panama is preparing for this revolution and is getting rid of the One Dollar bill from circulation. $1 notes and small denominations are to be replaced by Balboa's. The day the Balboa is unpegged from the Dollar, the value of this currency will geyser and this will generate a HUGE profit for all Panamanians and permanent residents as these in fact hold Balboa's and not Dollars as is general admitted. Such a profit is of course only granted to Residents... |
He who controls the money, controls the world. SDR's would also make impossible to the USA to use the DOLLAR as a weapon (like increasingly happens today)....However before this happens the EU may well try to impose the Euro and try to print Euro's to pay for Oil. I doubt however that this kind of dramatic changes will come without a WAR. A war we saw when the Pound Sterling lost its role as world currency, A war we had when the Dollar became the next world currency....and a War we shall have before another entity will issue the next World Reserve Currency. During the times of transition and during times of war it is best to hold gold....
- By destroying the EU-zone, Europe and the Euro the USA is making sure that the Euro NEVER can be used as a reserve currency and Europeans are never able to print Euro's to pay for their Energy. Americans know ENERGY is THE BLOOD of any society.
- A WAR we had when the Pound Sterling lost it's status as reserve currency, a WAR we had before the Dollar acquired it's role as reserve currency and a WAR (revolution, civil war, world war) there will be before something else will be granted the right to issue the next reserve currency. Would you give away the right to pay for all your purchases using printed or digital money to somebody else!?
Important Technicals:
- As expected the Oil & Energy shares are the leaders in the backtest we have on the American stock markets. The Backtest and the expected scenario is shown with small red arrows on the PF & short candle charts.
- Don't expect and don't hope Cryptocurrencies to save you. To be honest, I can't understand how and why somebody who stopped believing in Fiat Paper Money, now believes in Fiat Digital Money or Cryptocurrencies. Such makes NO SENSE. For Fiat Paper Money one has to burn it (or use it as wallpaper) to get rid of it. For Cryptocurrencies, pulling the plug does the job.
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Friday December 28, 2018 - The Euro is DOOMED!
Updated Sections:
The REICHSFLUCHTSTEUER: The idea that penalizing "unpatriotic desertion" (relocation overseas to avoid taxation) is not new. In 1918, the German government passed the "Law against tax evasion" (Gesetz gegen die Steuerflucht, Reichsgesetzblatt I, p.951) which was repealed in 1925.
The Great Depression of 1929 however led to massive loan cancellations from the international banking system; this particularly affected Germany, which had an estimated foreign debt of 24 billion RM in 1931, of which 5.25 billion RM alone had to be repaid in the first half of the year.
The German government limited free capital flows and controlled the exchange of foreign currency, while also implementing austerity measures and raising the income tax. These measures precipitated a wave of capital flight, and the Reich Flight Tax was intended to dissuade would-be emigrants from leaving the here for more
Important Fundamentals:
- The Euro may be in even a bigger danger than the Dollar, especially with the Brexit. To be on the safe side, be invested in Gold & Silver (physical) and keep your currency positions to a minumum.
more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- This correction came as a SURPRISE for many. Few investors realized we had a MATURING TOP. Corrections always come as surprises for most investors....and because of the VACUUM there are NO BUYERS....Markets will continue to come down until BUYERS show up. This will be at or below the VACUUM zone.
more in the subscriber's sections |
- Welcome to Goldonomic. This is the scenario for the next months and years...[Homestake Mining = Gold & Silver].
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Thursday, December 27, 2018 - The Plunge Protection Team in Action.
Updated Sections: Commodities expressed in Gold, Long Time commodity charts,
The Plunge Protection Team tries to stop the slide of the Stock Markets....Whatever happens, be aware that VOLATILITY will increase over the next months and years. Technically speaking, safest is to follow what our PF-charts dictate.
- If you want to end bankrupt, buy and hold Bonds...
- If you prefer to have a heart attack keep buying and holding shares...
- If you want to sleep well at night, buy and hold Gold and Silver...
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Wednesday, December 26, 2018 - The Grinch stole the Xmas rally...Gold & Silver up!
Updated Sections: Stock Market Indexes, Recession Proof shares, Recession proof shares-hold, Oil shares, Treasuries in the EU,
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December 25, 2018 - A XMas crash for stocks but Gold & Silver are up...exactly as forecasted!
Updated Sections: World Stock Market indexes (PF-charts & short candles),
Recession Proof shares (COMPQ-PF & short candle), Silver
We defined the levels of the 1st bearish stop for most Stock Markets....see section for World Stock Market Indexes and the end of the RED ARROW
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December 24 , 2018 - Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year -
Updated Sections: World Stock Market indexes (PF-charts), Recession Proof shares (COMPQ-PF),
$-Gold, Agriculturals, Coal-Solar & Rare elements, Copper-Platinum & Non-Ferro's,
Inflation index, Bonds USA, Stock Market Indexes in Real Money (Gold) ,$-Gold ,
Would you still not believe it when it comes out of the mouth of the horse: Putin affirms Socialism, the welfare state doesn't work and kills society. Putin like many Russians know damn well what they are speaking off. Apparently, in other parts of the World, people still need to learn this.
The Yellow Jackets have no political leaders! - This is how revolutions are made...In Welfare state Europe, the standard of living has been going down for the last 30 years - especially in Italy and France - . Both French and Italians have their nose full of the "Welfare State". French and Italian Politicians find themselves in a straight jacket as they are unable to devaluate the local Euro (read Lira, French Franc) to bring some relief. Therefore is mathematically sure that this story will see a BITTER end soon (2 ½ years). The People are fed-up with the lousy politicians...and they are hungry. Politicians tell us to eat Cake because there is no bread and to eat Rabbit because the meat has become too expensive!? Riots we also have in SOUDAN where the tax on bread has again been raised...a deja vue!?
Important Fundamentals:
- This is the only way for Politicians to stay in power. During Revolutions, Civil Wars, War...everybody with money and savings is GAME and during these times the Authorities traditionally take away the savings of those with money & savings to calm down the hungry lower classes. During the Russian Revolution REAL ESTATE and LAND was seized, taken away and redistributed to the lower classes...(exactly what happens today in South Africa)
- Alea Iacta EU-member states slide into depression, their people revolt (i.g. France) and the countries become insolvent because they cannot longer adjust their economy by devaluing their currency (all EU-members are locked into this EURO straight jacket), Germany will ALSO go bankrupt. This because the BILLIONS German have lend to the EU-member states can NEVER be repaid....The Petty Government Officials were so stupid that they in fact locked in the DEAD of the EU-zone in its Birth Certificate. You have to be a (Socialist) CIVIL SERVANT and/or POLITICIAN to be so damn stupid.
- No doubt in our mind that we soon shall see a WINDFALL PROFIT TAX on Gold & Silver. Only those who are keeping their metals out of political reach will be safe...all others will be TAXED!...more in the subscriber's sections
- Interest rates & Bonds are running into strong RESISTANCE levels!
- more in the subscriber's sections
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Friday December 21, 2018 - Stock market crash expressed in Gold is happening NOW
Updated Sections: World Stock Market indexes (PF-charts),
ONLY GOLD IS MONEY. The Stock market crash expressed in Gold is starting NOW. “Money is gold and nothing else”. Again this time, the only real money that will survive is gold. The Greek philosopher Aristotle who was Plato’s student defined what sound money must be:
- Durable
- Portable
- Divisible
- Intrinsically valuable
Only physical gold fulfills all these criteria and this is why gold is the only surviving currency in history. Physical gold is today confused with paper gold. The gold price is today determined by a false paper market which is likely to fail in the next few years. At that point we will know the real price of gold...more in the subscriber's sections
Important Fundamentals:
- The World economy is sliding into more recession before our eyes and at the same time , purchasing power continues to fall. At the same time authorities pretend the recovery sits around the corner....same old lies.
- Each time the Fed & Central Banks raise rates, the value of the government bonds that they had purchased is falling. This seems insane, right? By raising rates, the Fed is creating massive losses for itself. As the Fed & Central Banks continues raising interest rates, they will eventually engineer their insolvency. Only Central Bankers and Politicians are so stupid to do this!!
- The Brussels elite is certainly doing a superb job in destroying Europe both economically and socially. They will clearly cause the fall of the Rome Empire. Not that Italy is much of an empire these days. But just like all empires collapse under its own debt, so will Italy...more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- I told you so...and this top has been maturing for months...Stocks down and Gold & Silver up. Exactly as I told you would happen. There will not be much left for those who in 2018 have been wasting their time on Bitcoin, Crypto-Currencies, Bonds, Shares...instead of buying Gold & Silver. Not having a subscription to the right newsletter can cost you more than a couple of Dollars/Euro's!.more in the subscriber's sections
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Thursday December 20, 2018 - Fiat Currencies have a limited life Span! .
Updated Sections: Silver Targets, World Stock Market Indexes (USA - PF & short candles),
Recession Proof shs (COMPQ-index) ,
Fiat Currencies have a limited life span.
Important Fundamentals:
- Germany owns most of Europe. This time - unlike 1940-45 - the Germans did not have to fire a single bullet!
- Targets for $-Gold and $-Silver. [click to enlarge]
more in the subscriber's sections | |
$-Gold price target | $-Silver price target |
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Wednesday December 19, 2018 - Why does only Gold and Silver SHINE?!
Updated Sections: Corporate Bonds, Oil shares (index only),
Why does only Gold and Silver (and miners) Shine? Because we have a Secular BULL trend of Gold & Silver which is stronger than the performance of Stocks in General...
Important Fundamentals:
- When adjusted for inflation, Gold is as cheap as chips. It is probably the cheapest investment vehicle one can buy today. [click to enlarge]
$-Gold price 1930 - 2018 | $-Gold price adjusted for inflation 1930 - 2018 |
$-Silver 1930 - 2018 | Precious Metal Reserves - note that when interest rates go up, Gold also does!!! |
Important Technicals:
- Ripley's believe it or not...but so far our ABSOLUTE STOP LEVELS (Dow, SP500) are HOLDING!!! Remember that these MUST be broken and successfully tested before we officially have a BEAR market.
- Corporate bonds to loose 40% to 50% over the coming 4 years? (click to enlarge)
more in the subscriber's sections
- xxxxxxx remain a screaming BUY!
more in the subscriber's sections
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Tuesday December 18, 2018 - Europe and the EU are BANKRUPT and lower classes start to revolt.
Updated Sections: Bond Fundamentals I, Bond Fundamentals II, World Stock Market Indexes (PF-charts)
Europe, the EU is BANKRUPT and lower classes start to revolt. Don't expect the Authorities to correct the situation. One, they don't SEE it (according to these psycho's we even have a recovery) and Two they live in their Ivory Towers and are doing nothing more but counting VOTES. Three, they are privileged and whatever happens, they are the RATS which will leave the sinking Titanic before it's too late. This all points towards Civil Unrest, Revolutions and War.
Debt is Treasuries (Bonds) and the outstanding amount of present and future debt can by no means be covered. In other words, the MONEY we have been using since 1971 is completely WORTHLESS. We just don't know what or who will be the little boy opening the eyes of the Herd. Who knows, maybe this little boy is wearing a Yellow Jacket. [a click on the picture below will take you to the figures as the EU-officials like to publish these.]
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
- Dow Jones and SP500 breaking down the Absolute Stop Levels !? = see our charts for BEARISH targets.
- xxxx is a STRONG BUY at present level.
more in the subscriber's sections
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Monday December 17, 2018 - A Dangerous constellation for the US ( & International) Stock-Markets!?
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, Long Term Stock Market Indexes ,
Uranium & shares, Crude Oil price, Miners versus Gold & Silver,
The Seven sisters or how to better understand the energy and Oil sector....and geopolitics.
Important Fundamentals:
- Production discipline from top miners will break the trend of rising global.... more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- we have 2 strong buys in the Uranium section: more in the subscriber's sections
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Friday December 14, 2018 - There is no more real purchasing power!
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, Index in Real Money/Gold ,
There is no more real purchasing power left. Governments can cheat, cook inflation and Growth figures, bribe people by giving away money for free, beat and pepper spray their citizens, make public protests illegal and arrest people who disobey and lock these up....Whatever they do and may do, HISTORY learns that this NEVER works and that in the end it is the members of Government who are decapitated. People are fed up with the professional politicians (actually psychopaths) who live in another world and don't give SHIT about the people.
If the people have no bread to eat, they should be given cake (Marie-Antoinette) . Authorities live on another planet and don't realize how bad things are on planet Earth. Because they are protected by the police forces and Army they think they are safe. That is until Police forces and Privates change camps like happened at the beginning of the Russian and French revolutions.
When people are hungry and have nothing to loose, shit happens. Politicians in England, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy...are running around and not achieving anything it is because the world economy is an a mess that cannot be corrected easily. Before the system can return to normal, Stock markets will crash, Banks will go bankrupt, currencies will be debased and by 2025 we will probably know what HELL on Earth is like.
Europe, the EU is falling apart and the Islam Immigration is a catalyst. Americans will get what they want: they don't want to see the EU-Europe challenge the USA and the Euro to take over the role of reserve currency. Even not partially. The European foundations start to crack under the weight of DEBT and Immigration is adding wood to the fire. One sick Muslim shoots people in Strasbourg, France and the very next moment (AFTER the INCIDENT), police and army forces are patrolling the streets and closing down the borders (waiting time is 5 hours) hereby killing the Xmas income of all locals.
The odds are that by 2025, 95% of today's savers will have lost a SUBSTANTIAL PART of their assets. Governments will warn nobody when they decide to legally seize a big chunk of your assets. Most people still don't see we are heading straight for a Hyper-Inflation and continue to trust their Government and Bank(s). Many others still think they are safe because they put the largest part of their assets into Real Estate. Few realize that DIGITAL SECURITIES can be seized in with just a click on ENTER. Last but not least, MANY (incl. The Herd) doesn't see no URGENCY. There is a dangerous complacency and a conviction that TOMORROW there will still be time to bring their savings into safety. NOT SO!
Important Fundamentals:
- No, The U.S. Is Not A Net Exporter Of Crude Oil ! and is actually still importing oil.
- Don't you think that the EURO will weaken when countries like Greece, Italy, Spain LEAVE the single currency.!!! The Euro may weaken momentarily and so offer an excellent low risk step in level...more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- The BEDOW (Belgian Stock Market) took a SERIOUS HIT (also when expressed in Gold) and charts tell us, it ain't over yet! And don't expect the FAT LADY to sign tomorrow...
- If these bottoms break, expect much lower.
...more in the subscriber's sections |
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Thursday, December 13, 2018 - Is a new Global War Coming?
Updated Sections: Investment Pyramid,
Is a new Global War coming?...and did you know that your smartphone is the result of Military Research and that in fact by using one, you are holding WAR in your very hand? Steve Jobs did nothing more but MARKETEER inventions of the Military.
Gold is of course one of the best instruments to preserve your savings in time of War. Existing money becomes worthless as new money is issued by the invader. Real Estate (houses) are bombed, Stock Markets are closed,....Not one Millennium knows that right before and during WWII many (Jews) bought their FREEDOM and LIVE from Germans by bribing them with Gold coins. They won't even believe it when yo tell them the truth...For this last generations, WAR is nothing but a story told in History books...dangerous that is!
Note: there is an ongoing immigration of Belgian and Dutch people to Hungry. These people don't seem to know that each time there was a conflict, the Hungarians were on the WRONG SIDE of History. Each time there was a conflict, only the Hungarians who emigrated, survived. As a matter of fact I personally know several of them...they landed in Canada and the USA...more in the subscriber's sections
Important Fundamentals:
- Last month, we told you about Justin Trudeau's secret plan to seize the banking information of thousands of Canadians. Today we have been advised that Statistics Canada is also performing a "soft inquiry" into credit card records. We have come to a point where CAN NO LONGER TRUST CANADIANS.
- Withholding Tax is a dangerous animal and often eats away the best part of Dividends!...more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- This is only part of the list. Click here for more...
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Wednesday, December 12, 2018 - Back to the roaring 20s and 30s and Internet to bring as profound changes as the invention of the Printing Press did!?
Updated Sections: Recession Proof shares, Recession Proof shares-Hold , Bank & Financials,
Back to the roaring 20s and 1930s: The actual crisis can be compared to that which happened in the 1930s after the Wall Street crash. During the 1930s interest rates were also cut and new money was also injected into the financial system through quantitative easing in order to stimulate the economy.
During the 1930s, monetary policies also led to a recovery in asset prices and in both eras, the social and political effects of those policies were similar in that they exacerbated inequalities of wealth. QE offered a punch bowl to the stock market, which was great if you owned stocks but not so great if you didn't. In stark contrast, the middle and lower classes suffered from the effects of worsening austerity.
The political consequences have also been markedly similar. Both eras saw the rise of ‘populism’ and other types of so-called extremist politics as a reaction to the social injustices that are perceived to have been caused by crises. This raises the specter of even worse political extremism on the horizon, possibly even war. The current period is actually equivalent to the 1935-45 period which encompassed the second world war.
Also important is that the invention of Internet and the Social Media will bring even bigger changes to society than the invention of Printing Press in the 15th century did. The people start to realize that ELECTIONS are nothing but a joke and that they are taken by the nose and deeply indebted by Psychopaths, by Clowns, by dangerous people who only serve themselves.
This time we will not only see the end of Kings and Queens but also the end of Globalism, and of the Modern Political systems with professional Politicians which were created to replace Absolutism. We just don't know whether the modern Louis XVIs will be decapitated or executed in some other way...
Important Fundamentals:
- France plans to tax tech giants [Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook] in 2019 . Plans for EU-wide digital services tax to prevent tax evasion were struck down this week as the proposal didn’t receive unanimous support from all 28 member states. This happened despite Germany and France‘s attempt to reach a consensus by proposing a bill full of concessions, which would specifically target Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook. Germany and France suggested a 3% levy on advertising sales. The proposal is a compromise on a larger digital tax plan that would have hit some of the world's largest tech companies and would open the door for more taxation in the future. [France wants 3% of “the digital co's turnover]...more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- What is happening in the bank sector and with Bank shares is frightening. Especially because the rising LIBOR is confirming there is again something bad happening in the sector. European banks are in an extremely bad shape. The situation is so bad that even Deutsche bank and Commerzbank have to merge.
- Canadian banks also are in a bad shape. So far the Canadian CARTELS were however able to keep the smoke curtain alive and the Canadian banks shares high. [The Canadian system is one BIG POWERFUL Cartel with 5 members only]
- All shares of U.S. bank shares are falling in Stop loss and are hereby in a process of breaking their uptrend...more in the subscriber's sections
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Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - The US-Dollar and the Euro are set to implode. Which one will go first and how can you protect yourself!
Updated Sections: Royalties, Majors, Juniors, Bio-Tech, Oil shares, Natural Gas & Shares ,
Chinese are notorious gamblers...A Fifth of China's Housing Is Empty. That's 50 Million Homes. “There’s no other single country with such a high vacancy rate. Should any crack emerge in the property market, the homes to be offloaded will hit China like a Tsunami.
China does not have a property tax so the cost of speculating on property is almost zero. The vast majority of residential units are delivered as empty shells because developers know consumers will want to fit out the apartment to their own specifications. However, that also means there are large numbers of apartment buildings that are vacant and are left to rot because investors are holding them for appreciation purposes rather than ever intending for anyone to live in them.
What Chinese investors don't seem to grasp is that Demography is against them and their dwellings will 'never' be rented out. In China it was actually Government who kikked demography by limiting the number of children a Chinese family could have to only ONE. The restriction is no more, but this comes way too late. Governments always comes too late with too little.
Note: in Spain and England, in order to ensure the real estate sector (and banks) doesn't collapse, Banks sell mortgages with a maturity of up to 40 and 60 years. In other countries like Belgium it is possible to lend up to 125% of the estimated value of the property. This only postpones the crash and ensures that it will be deeper the day it comes.
Important Fundamentals:
- This really is an opportunity for investors searching YIELD... Oil shares actually pay out better yields ( up to 21%) than Treasuries. Buy your dividend stocks on the London Stock Exchange to avoid dividend taxation.
- Deutsche bank and Commerzbank MERGE in order to avoid a bankruptcy of both Deutsche and Commerzbank. Politicians think that by merging 2 bankrupt banks, the end result will be a sound bank!?...more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- Most Oil shares...more in the subscriber's sections
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Monday, December 10, 2018 - It's too little, it's too late and the people are hungry...and The Psychopaths (Politicians) don't care. They NEVER care!
Updated Sections: ZAR-Gold & R/$/€, Kr-Gold & Kr/$/€, Yuan-Gold & Yuan/$/€, Rupee-Gold,
Royalties, Majors(partly) ,
Will 90,000 French COPS and "Pantzers" be able to control the march of the Yellow Jackets in Paris and ensure they don't take THE BASTILLE...or will they only make it worse? As expected, the CLOWNS don't understand what is happening and make it worse than it already is. It's too late, too little. The Credit Cards have been maxed out and the people are hungry....The Immigration only adds OIL to the fire.
French people start to see through the Political Games & GREEN FAIRY TALES of the Globalists & Authorities. The "Taxation (direct and indirect legal theft) is too high, immorally high and pushes more and more people into poverty. Authorities have indebted their country (citizens) to a maximum and now desperately seek more income. Very hard to find as the recession deepens, as government income declines and government expenditures rise.
It now is a matter of time before the Central Banks will start to create even more money out of thin air....and we slide into a Hyper-inflationary Depression. |
People keep waiting for things to become better instead of reacting to a situation that, as the evidence and history seems to suggest, can only worsen, regardless of which party comes to power. The sad truth is that Europeans have yet to come to the realization that they are soon going to become a minority on their own soil. Precisely therein lies the danger. Europeans don't realize this is to become their PROBLEM today, rather than tomorrow....
The question thus arises as to what will happen in Europe after the mood has flipped and millions of refugees, who refuse to assimilate into their societies of residence, are being told that they are no longer “welcome”. As we all know, voting would be prohibited if it made any difference, however, in modern Europe of 2018, it may be assumed that the intention is to bring populist movements to power. This will ultimately lead to confrontation and civil wars, as radical Muslims, once they see themselves faced with hostility, will begin to resort to real terrorism, attacking so-called soft targets, such as kindergartens and schools. It will probably be another year before this happens. Meanwhile, the stance of Europeans continues to degenerate on a daily basis, as they are only shrinking as the number of immigrants keeps on growing. This development, which began decades ago, only to be accelerated in 2015, can no longer be reversed – not even the so-called populist parties!
Though refugees have little direct relation with the actual problem of the systemic crisis, their presence is now beginning to make its way to the forefront in Europe, as the frequency and degree of the violent crimes they commit is disproportionately high. For that reason, it is possible that the mood of the population in regard to unrestricted immigration may flip as early as 2018.
Those who decide to start working on a plan B today, run the risk to be late....Intelligent people are all set. Stupid people will end like Venezuelans....without Toilet paper to wipe their A.
- Stop listening to the LIES and false promises of the Authorities NOW (the day you leave, they loose your vote and your savings and there is nothing left they can tax)
- The time to get a Permanent Residence for you and your loved ones in a SAFE country is NOW!
- The time to move your savings into REAL Money is NOW! Soon it won't matter whether the Dow Jones goes up by ONE THOUSAND of comes down by ONE THOUSAND....because your portfolio will be frozen in the hands of the Bankers and Authorities. (like happened in Argentina some years ago)
- The time to move your Real Money out of Political reach is NOW. Authorities can freeze your savings at any time in a nanosecond by pressing ENTER on a computer.
- It does take time to have it all ready. Contact us and start working on it now. Note we have a 100% success rate. Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note: by converting your savings into Real Money or Gold & Silver you make it extremely hard to the Authorities to TAX and/or seize your savings. Especially so when you store these out of POLITICAL REACH.
Important Fundamentals:
- Credit Card debt is as high as in 2008. Auto loans are a lot higher and US-Real Estate is topping out like happened in 2007-2008. We are heading full steam for the Big Depression of the 21st Century.
- The yield curve inversion means the economy is poised to weaken. We have a Yield invesion (short term interest rates are higher than long term rates). The yield on the two-year Treasury surpassed that of the similar five-year instrument on Tuesday, creating a minor panic in investors. As the economy weakens, the DEBT situation will become even worse than it already is... [under normal conditions, 30 year treasuries yield more than 10 year treasuries and more than 2 year treasuries]
- Across Europe, and particularly in the 18-member Eurozone, the economic news is sobering. It’s now clear that the credit crunch in emerging markets which has played out over most of this year, plus the slowdown in China, are having negative consequences in Europe.
- The French government now consumes 46.2% of GDP, making it the most-taxed OECD nation. Even a slight tax increase affects the working class disproportionately. [Belgium taxes away 44.6% of the GDP]
Important Technicals:
- Financial Markets (Stock and Bonds) are being...more in the subscriber's sections
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Friday December 7, 2018 - not much we can add as the markets perform exactly as we forecasted they would!
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€, Swiss-Gold & FS/$/€, Can$-Gold & Can$/$/€, ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€, £-Gold & £/$/€ ,
Canada arrests top HUAWEI executive on suspicion of violating Iran sanctions. The arrest of the HUAWEI top-woman is nothing more than part of the 21st Century BIG WAR. This kind of events is not new and is killing international trade even more and could well be a prelude to the BIG World War of the 21st Century. Extremely worrying is that the arrest happened in a foreign country (Canada) . Huawei is a big competitor of APPLE and SAMSUNG...and produces better smart phones at a lower price. The arrest has to been seen as part of the Trade War between the USA and China and may well end in more War. It hints to the seriousness of the economic problems Chinese and Americans have today.
This is not only about making the best investment also about sitting in the best position at the end of the game. It's not about PERCEPTION (fiat currency) as many think, it's about REAL VALUE or money without a counter party risk.
- Those who bought Stocks at the beginning of 2018, end the year with as much as they started with.
- Those who bought Bitcoin at the beginning of 2018, may have seen big profits but in the end, they lost big.
- Those who bought Gold & Silver at the beginning of 2018, will end the year with a small profit...and may end 2019 with a BIG profit.
- Those who bought Gold & Silver miners will probably end 2019 with an even bigger profit.
In our section of World Stock Market Indexes we CLEARLY indicate which Stock Markets can be bought and which ones have to be sold. Investors who are stubborn and keep positions in RED LABELLED Stock Markets take a huge risk. [Note that some Stock Markets are bullish but still have to be avoided because of the currency risk.]. ..more in the subscriber's sections
Gold is for the "I don’t knows". And right now, there are a LOT of I don’t knows. |
Important Fundamentals:
- The consequences will be unlimited money printing leading to the final destruction of paper money since the creation of the Fed in 1913. Remember that all major currencies are already down 97-99% against gold in the last 100 years. The remaining fall of 1-3% will take place within the next 10 years and probably within the next 5-7 years. But what is important to understand is that 1-3% measured from 1913 is 100% from today which means that currencies will go to ZERO.
- I consider the stock and bond markets to be "fake" because there is no willing buyer and a willing seller determining a fair price for the risk being taken, but instead massive money creation by the world's central banks. This causes massive price distortions which have been propping up asset prices- mainly of bonds, real estate and stocks.
- Taxes on Dutch Real Estate will again become higher.
- France and Germany want the EU to levy a 3% Sales Tax on the EU turnover of companies like Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook. more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- Gold expressed in Swiss is ....
- Gold expressed in Canadian Dollar and expressed in Japanese Yen is .....
- Gold expressed in Sterling is .....more in the subscriber's sections
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Thursday December 6, 2018 - no nation can "TAX" itself "rich" and it is impossible to "borrow" a country into "Prosperity" and the only way to clear DEBT is to do it with Gold
Updated Sections: ,
It is impossible to TAX a nation into WEALTH and/or BORROW a notion into PROSPERITY. Most Politicians (Clowns) don't have no clue about this, live in an Ivory Tower and breath for POWER and VOTES only. |
The latest from John Williams’ warns us for more recession and tells us Propsperity doesn't sit around the corner!
– Federal Reserve Begins to Waffle on Interest Rates and Tightening? Watch the Dollar and Gold!
– Broad Systemic Liquidity and Real Earnings Growth Have Been Impaired by Federal Reserve Tightening
– Constrained Consumer Liquidity Has Taken an Increasing Toll on Economic Activity; GDP Final Sales Revised Lower
– Motor Vehicle Sales Are in a Downward Spiral
– Real Retail Sales, New Orders, Manufacturing, Residential Construction and Home Sales All Have Weakened
– Deteriorating Construction-Activity and Residential-Sales Never Have Recovered Pre-Recession Peak Levels
– With No End in Sight, October 2018 U.S. Manufacturing Remained Shy by 4.3% (-4.3%) of Recovering Its December 2007 Pre-Recession Peak
– The 130 Straight Months of Economic Non-Expansion in Manufacturing Is Unlike Anything Ever Seen in the 100-Year History of the Series
– Slowdown in Consumer-Driven Activity Looks Like the Onset of a New Recession
This is how Gold is purified:
Important Fundamentals:
- Governments and Central Banks have through their irresponsible actions of money printing and credit expansion created the perfect backdrop for an accelerating currency debasement in the next 5-7 years which will continue to make gold more valuable when expressed in fiat money.
- Debt has grown exponentially since Nixon’s fatal decision to end the gold backing of the dollar and the currency system in 1971. The chart below shows how debt is now reaching intolerable levels. Just in this century, debt has trebled from $80 trillion to $250 trillion today. Since 2006 when the financial crisis started, debt has doubled.
- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has deemed Deutsche Bank as the most systemically dangerous bank in the world. It’s actually the largest criminal enterprise in Germany.
- more in the subscriber's sections
This video is for subscribers only, to the point and interesting.: QE4 is near, only Gold is money, all the rest is Credit. The politicians, bureaucrats and bankers who depend on artificially-elevated financial asset prices start to panic.
Important Technicals:
- We told you to get rid of Bank stocks months ago. Bank stocks fall the most since June 2016, enter bear market. Shares of SunTrust, Citizens Financial Group all fell more than 5 % Tuesday as the yield on the benchmark 30-year Treasury bond dropped 11 basis points and the yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell 8 basis points.
- SP500 falls below 200 day Moving Average! See our PF and Bar charts for BEARISH TARGET.
- more in the subscriber's sections
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Wednesday December 5, 2018 - The Cryto-winter has arrived!
Updated Sections: US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$, ,
Governments sit between a rock and a hard plate: it's either print money or risk a CIVIL WAR (or both). Once debt reaches SUICIDE LEVELS, there is no way back! Figures are for 2015. [Recent figures are hard to find but WORSE!]
Government debt figures for 2015-17: Total credit to the government sector, % of GDP in the chart above.
Important Fundamentals:
- The Crypto Winter has arrived. Although Crypto-currencies and blockchains are extremely important, their intrinsic VALUE is ZERO.
- Soon or later the Herd will also realize ELECTRIC cars, bicycles,...are also a HOAX as it takes DIRTY FUEL to generate the electricity. more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- The US-Dollar has been one of the best performing medium term investments during 2018. Things for 2019 however look very different. The dollar is bouncing down a VERY STRONG RESISTANCE ZONE. (see Dollar-section)
- Short term target for €-Gold is €1.120 (see short candle)
- Subscribers were advised this past summer that they had to get out of the Belgian stocks... ..more in the subscriber's sections
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Tuesday December 4, 2018 - Trump makes peace with China and Oil goes up again...and are Interest Rates in Sudden, Full Reverse!? .
Updated Sections: Physical vs Paper Gold, Gold Funda., Buy Gold, Silver, Silver Fundamentals, Silver Targets, Buy Silver, [For the Dutch site: Majors-Fundamentals, Mme la Marquise ],
When this happens with a regime of low and negative interest rates, it is not hard to imagine what will happen with higher interest rates. A MASSIVE DEPRESSION it will be!
- Switzerland and Sweden, two bastions of the negative interest rate experiment saw both economies contract in Q3 . The Swiss economy fell 0.2% vs the estimate of up 0.4%. The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs said “The strong, continuous growth phase enjoyed by the Swiss economy for one and a half years was suddenly interrupted. Switzerland is thus following the significant downturn seen at the same time in other European countries, particularly Germany.”
- The Swedish economy also shrunk by 0.2% vs the forecast of growth of 0.2%. This as the Riksbank is about to hike rates and begin the process to get out from underneath NIRP. If we include the ECB, all of Europe is going into this economic slowdown with negative interest rates.
Expect a total CATASTROPHE of the CURRENCY system. This is what we the world will experience in coming years. Nobody must believe that it is different today and that central banks won’t let it happen. On the contrary, it is central banks that have created this situation and will guarantee that it will happen. This is nothing new in history, all “paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value of ZERO” as Voltaire said in 1729.
As von Mises said in 1949:
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” |
Important Fundamentals:
- Xi and Trump ..more in the subscriber's sections
Important Technicals:
- Mind the potential BEAR TRAP for Silver expressed in Euro & Swiss franc. ..more in the subscriber's sections
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Monday December 3, 2018 - The Western World is on the cusp of a civil war or revolution .
Updated Sections: $-Gold, For the Dutch site: Majors-Fundamentals, Mme la Marquise ,
We are on the cusp of a civil war.
After Paris, France the Yellow Jacket protest hits Brussels, Belgium . Dutch sources say the yellow vests were protesting in several cities in the Netherlands as well. Dutch police weren’t very cooperative and sometimes ordered people to remove their yellow vests. They also made some arrests. Around one thousand people showed up in Berlin as well. A lot of people showed solidarity with the anti-Macron movement and were wearing yellow vests.
Important Fundamentals:
- If one listens to Idiots, believes the lies of Idiots and acts like an Idiot, one ends like an Idiot: with no electric power! South Africa will have to ration "Electricity" because the Politicians didn't plan for new Coal Mines and the country can no longer afford to import Coal. We have seen this in Zimbabwe and Mozambique and will soon experience it in European Countries. Politicians call this progress...These guys really have a weird idea about what progress really looks like.
Important Technicals:
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