December 2022
This Oil & Gas HOLDUP is nothing but another TRICK of the SEVEN SISTERS.
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Physical: add up to $200 per oz. | For physical, add up to $16 per oz. | Are you still Paper Gold? |
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Monday, December 26, 2022 - Senate passes $1.7 Trillion spending bill = more inflation!
Updated Sections:
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Thursday/Friday, December 22 - 23, 2022 - Because of Fiat Money, Derivatives, Options, and ETFs, the Financial Markets have become a "Casino"!
Updated Sections: Corporate Bonds, Investment Pyramid (important update),
Is More really more!?!!
- Do you get more by following the investment pattern of the Venezuelans, the Argentinians, the Turks, of the Germans during the Weimar? The answer is NO. You get less.
- Do you get more by being niggardly, following the investment model of the Herd (your entourage), and the tips of the Bankers and the Government? The answer here is NO! You get less.
- Do you get more by constantly Trading (playing) the Financial Markets and converting your profits into Fiat currency (debt, thin air)? The answer here is also NO! You get less.
- Will you get more by investing in Cryptos? Recent events clearly show that DIGITAL currency is worth NOTHING. You do not have to pull the plug on a computer to understand it. You get less.
- Do you get more by buying real estate? First of all, most do not understand that Real Estate is not an INVESTMENT but rather a CONSUMPTION good and that the shortage of Real Estate has little or no effect on the price. Citizens in the USA (2007-2008) experienced firsthand how quickly they could lose thousands of dollars with Real Estate. Awake Citizens from Venezuela who realize that the price of a lovely little house is now only about $10,000. Already awake Citizens from Europe understand that Real Estate is the Dairy Cow of choice for the Government and the Green boys and girls. They also realize that the buying climax is over, and the real estate market is drying up. A harbinger for sharply lower prices. I estimate prices will fall as low as in Venezuala (€10,000 or 5 x 1 oz. Gold) and the Weimar ($100 or 2 x 1 oz. Gold).
- Will you get more by placing your pennies in a bank? Current accounts yield nothing. Neither do Term and Savings accounts, for that matter. For that matter, mutual funds are not worth a penny more than pension funds. Both are DRAMATICALLY OVERvalued in nominal terms because of their activity in DERIVATES. You get less.
"You don't get more if you don't correctly understand the situation. If you invariably refuse to (re)do your homework and study some monetary history. And refuse to wait patiently for the pitcher that is going to water to break."
You will get nothing more if you stare at digital Money like rabbits at the lightbox. Whoever does it gets a lethal bullet in his body! By the way, the wise guys who keep playing the roulette of the fiat markets until the last minute end up just the same way...because the inevitable always happens "unexpectedly" after extensive government propaganda that nothing is wrong, just like in 1968 with the Gold Pool. Just like in 2013, 2016, and 2018, Venezuela and Argentina, just like in Turkey and Mexico.
So much for "more is more." The night the currency becomes WORTHLESS, all ASSETS traded in that currency also become WORTHLESS: real estate, bonds, stocks, mutual funds, bank deposits, savings accounts, etc... Simply put, EVERYTHING you earned and own in Fiat currency becomes worthless.
Attentive citizens see and understand only too well that the Government, together with the Banks and the Central Banks, are heavily preparing the new hold-up: cash money is banned as much as possible; with the help of SWAPS (worthless derivatives), the exchange rate between major currencies is manipulated; capital exports and imports (international transfers) are limited as much as possible under the guise of "money laundering." Gold exports (mainly from Europe) are made almost impossible;
"Now that there is a requirement to declare the properties you own abroad and there is CRS, an asset register is being worked on. The tax authorities and the government will soon use these to milk the citizens even better."
What is coming is a Black Swan bigger than the one that brought the Weimar. More dramatic than Operation Gutt and Lieftinck and more painful than the devaluation of the Venezuelan Bolivar, the Argentine Peso, and the Turkish Lira.
A no, during and after this event, the world will not collapse. At most, you will see people here and there jumping off a high-rise (or hanging themselves) after realizing they made the wrong decision by following the HERD. Possibly there will be some more war. But even this is not certain. Once the financial side of the drama is cleaned up, there is little reason to slaughter civilians. We live in the 21st century and not in the Middle Ages.
For 6,000 years, Physical Gold and Silver have been the "only real money." And the first politician and Central Banker who manages to change this will not be born for the first 1,000 years. Individuals with the "arrogance" to deny this established fact and think they know better will soon lose their entire wealth. Only those who keep physical gold and silver outside political reach will survive. Monetary History confirms it.
"Please realize that The West is following EXACTLY the same politics which destroyed Argentina,
and know that mathematically speaking, the same end result must be expected."
Important Fundamentals:
- Understanding investing is understanding SUPPLY and DEMAND.
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This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
Less SUPPLY = Higher price. | Less PRODUCTION = Higher price and lower Earnings. |
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This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
Remember, we have PEAK GOLD. | Reserves are falling. |
- Supply and Demand are the two most elemental forces! If you understand "Supply and Demand," you understand 95% of what is happening in the Economy.
Important Technicals:
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Monday/Wednesday, December 19 -21, 2022 - There will be NO CRASH of the Stock Markets. Instead, the currencies will crash!
Updated Sections: Bonds general & USA, Treasuries in the EU, The Gold pool,
"Those who think that by following the same distress policy as Argentina, nothing will happen and that their savings are not at risk and they can continue to do what they are doing are about to lose all of their savings. There is absolutely no doubt about this."
During the 19th Century, Argentina became the wealthiest country in the world because it did precisely the opposite of what authorities and stinking politicians are doing today in the west.
- The country paid out high Salaries. People who emigrated to Argentina earned twice (Italians) and up to 4 times (Spanish) as much as in their home country.
- The country dramatically focussed on and improved its infrastructure and built Ports and Railways.
- There was complete freedom of enterprise, and private property was sacred. This attracted a lot of capital.
- Argentina focused on its education programs: Education, high school, and universities were the world's best.
- But then Democracy (read Socialism-Communism) took over, bank accounts were frozen, forex was stolen from the account holders and used to pay foreign debt, mortgages were no longer possible, the currency became worthless, and the country was propelled back almost 200 years.
The decay that started in Argentina years ago is now also happening in the West. In particular, the EU, Western Europe, Canada, and the United States. As we all know, similar policies give similar results.
"And this is how money dies, just like it has throughout history."
- Salaries are destroyed by taxation and inflation. Employers often pay 60% and more in Social Security taxes on top of the employee's salary cost. The result is that the entrepreneur can no longer hire and pay decent staff because the cost is too high. On top, employees are heavily taxed (up to 60% and more) and are no longer prepared to work for the net salary left to live on. Their real income is killed by taxation and inflation.
- Infrastructure is no longer working correctly (railways, airports,...), and roads are not adequately maintained. Everything possible is done so cars and trucks can no longer economically use the roads. Truck drivers often spend hours driving from point A to point B. Trucks and automobiles can no longer deliver goods downtown, which must be done by bicycle. This results in massive losses to Entrepreneurs.
- From now on, all Multinationals (and, of course, also the local enterprises) must be law pay a minimum of 15% taxes. The result will be that a MASSIVE EXODUS of Multinationals will follow, and this, in turn, will bring massive unemployment.
- Education has become BAD. Year after year, Education levels are lowered and continue to be lowered. Today it has become more important to know what a "transsexual is" than to be able to write and read correctly.
- When energy costs become insane -- even higher than neighboring countries -- industrial companies stop investing and leave. Then they stop maintaining the existing productive apparatus. In the end, they leave the country...CLICK HERE FOR MORE. Energy costs become insane, even higher than in neighboring countries, and industrial companies stop investing. Then they stop maintaining the existing productive apparatus. In the end, they leave the country. (Since the invasion of Ukraine, Belgium has even shut down a fully operational nuclear reactor... The closure of a second nuclear reactor, under precisely the same conditions, is planned for the beginning of 2023 (The Belgians really are retards!). Belgian voters see unemployment and the accelerated disappearance of their savings.
- Farmers are considered parasites and are massively expropriated. Local Green governments blame the production of Nitrogen and CO2. However, the result is that in the near future, FOOD will have to be imported instead of produced locally.
- Property Rights have become inexistent. Not only do Farmers see their land seized (or are forced to sell it), but all assets of Russian Citizens, i.e., bank accounts, real estate, and vessels, have been SEIZED. Authorities seize or block (Cyprus, Lebanon) the Bank Deposits of the citizens. (They used the Forex balances in Argentina to pay its debt.)
- NO Free enterprise. The EU-Parliament has become a political vehicle of the left to impose its monopoly. No matter how often you repeat "diversity," diversity is becoming a dying breed in the European Union, especially in this Parliament. EU-Parliament works for a project that ignores reality and law, shuns responsibility, turns its back on millions of people, and serves the interests of one political orientation. "And this is just the tip of the iceberg."
- Politicians are all extremely "CORRUPT." and no longer serve the citizens.
"The rule is that Interest Rates and Stock Markets ALWAYS lag on Inflation."
Surging inflation is caused by extreme money printing...and can NOT and NEVER be controlled by raising interest rates, more in the Subscriber's section below...
A lot more of those Dollars are about to get dumped: the sanctions are backfiring as predicted.
As winter gets colder and energy gets scarcer, and as the strong and weaponized Dollar unloads more and more inflationary debt and currency pain upon America’s foreign enemies and friends alike, many of those duped/wounded countries holding Dollars today will be... more in the Subscriber's section below...
"What happens today in the Gold market (and to a lesser degree in the Silver market) is EXACTLY the same scenario as what happened in the year 1968, right BEFORE the Bank Holiday (details in our Gold Pool section)"
Gold Coins sell out at the Austrian Mint due to Inflation uncertainty. One of the world's biggest producers of gold bullion coins, is unable to keep up with demand amid surging inflation and economic fears caused by the Ukraine War.
On Real Estate:
- Not even 100 years ago, in 1924 in the USSR, most Russians lost ALL their Real Estate Properties and other assets. Seized by the Comrades...It looks like 100 years later, in the EU, in particular Belgium, The Netherlands,...the same is about to happen again. It will be the same but in a different way. As expected, the HERD is in denial and is convinced such events only happen in other countries and to other people, and they keep buying Real Estate. Most of the time, with leverage (mortgages).
- In the EU and in Belgium, the Authorities take full advantage of Global Warming, etc. As of next year, those who sell and/or own the property can get from €500 up to €200,000 fine if they don't upgrade the property according to the existing GREEN legislation.
Important Fundamentals:
- I hope that the examples of Venezuela and Argentina help in understanding WHAT is coming and that one should STOP WASTING his time in chasing short time FIAT PROFITS, for these won't survive what is coming. I know this is very hard to understand for many.
- When a chicken is being slaughtered, it keeps running around only for several seconds...this applies to today's currencies. The monetary system has been slaughtered, and the chicken will fall...I don't know WHEN...but it can happen EVERY DAY.
- This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
Important Technicals:
- See the charts below.
- This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
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Thursday/Friday, December 15 -16, 2022 - Will Physical Silver be the best-performing asset of 2023?
Updated Sections: Crude Oil price evolution, Solar & Rare Elements, Agriculturals
Copper, Platinum, Non-Ferrous & shares, Long Term Commodity Charts, Commodities
expressed in Gold, Inflation Index, Bonds general & USA, Treasuries in the EU
Egyptians hoard as much gold as possible to protect their savings as their national currency continues to lose value against foreign currencies. The stampede for gold has sharply raised its price in the local market. Gold is now priced in relation to the exchange rate of the US dollar in the parallel, not in the official market.
A US dollar sells for over 28 pounds in the parallel market, while the banks set the price of one dollar at 24.50 pounds. Egyptians, including those with meager savings, keep staring as the Egyptian pound is dwarfed in value by foreign currencies (nobody believed this could ever happen) and massively buy Gold and Silver. Computer engineer Mohamed Fouad used to have around 120,000 Egyptian pounds (roughly $4,897) in his bank account. He withdrew the money a few weeks ago and bought gold coins & jewelry instead. Since Fouad turned his savings into gold, the metal's price increased by almost 20 percent. This demand is coupled with the suspension of gold imports against the background of the foreign currency crisis*, Ehab Wasif, the head of the gold division at the Egyptian Federation of Industries, the union of the nation's manufacturers, said: "The current prices are far higher than the real value of gold...and keep rising". In many cases, the situation is so that if there is NO GOLD, there is NO FOOD.
* All Egyptian wisenoses with no plan B are stuck...they lose a lot on the exchange rate when they want to get rid of the crashing local currency and pay a high premium when they buy Gold & Silver.
"Today in Egypt, if you have No Gold/Silver there is No Food!"
It makes no sense and is a complete waste of time and energy to convince others (The Herd, the Sheeple) how one must invest his assets today to survive what is coming. Those who don't see and understand it now never will and will sink together with the Titanic. This is what ALWAYS happens to the HERD. During World War I, millions of juniors were sent to certain death by the Authorities. The same story happened during World War II when the orders were given by Authorities who fled to England, where they were safe and well. On top, without too much trouble, more than six million Jews agreed to board the wagons to the Extermination camps. Today is exactly the same but different. ONLY A SMALL GROUP of people will SURVIVE the coming financial crisis, and in many cases, it won't be today's rich people but rather those who think and have organized their savings and life properly...This is because the DRAMA often unfolds OVERNIGHT and/or during a weekend, becoming a Bank Holiday.
The role of silver is to divide gold for retail transactions.
There is much talking about Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digital Dollars, and Digital Euros that the Central Banks would issue (FED, ECB, BoE,...).
"Note that DIGITAL money has been around for ages, and we all use it daily. Only most people don't seem to realize it."
The CBDC is something sold by Snake-Oil merchants and Brainless prophets. Digital Dollars and Digital Euros would range out, eliminating all national and commercial banks...Central Banks (or independent, non-government-controlled entities) would get complete control of the monetary system. After the introduction of CBDC (which will NEVER happen), Commercial Banks would become obsolete while entities out of Political Control would get all power.
Also, CBDC would mean that the Central Banks would have to see that each and every citizen receives a Smartphone at birth and a lifetime of free international Roaming. Lastly, the CBDC could be hacked, and/or the internet system could crash, leaving the world with no means to exchange goods and services.
CBDC - we will never get there...Cash will NOT and will NEVER disappear. After all, such a thing is practically unfeasible. No matter what the MSM and so-called Financial movie stars claim again. It is true that digital money already exists now (bank deposits) and that you can pay with the Internet and your very convenient smartphone. But eliminating Cash money (bills, coins) would imply that every newborn receives a smartphone from the government with a lifetime of free airtime and roaming. This would imply that the Indians in the Amazon, the Pygmies in the Kalahari, etc...all receive a smartphone with unlimited calling time/roaming and that those smartphones have global coverage. Such a thing is impossible right now! Tomorrow, for that matter, it will also be impossible.
Psychopaths, Narcists, Politicians, Schwab can try and do a lot..but there are limits! Ultimately, the people who decide what is used as MONEY and NOT the Authorities/Politicians try to lure the people out of it. Gold & Silver have been Money for 6,000 years, and I don't expect some lousy Central Banker (Powell, Lagarde) and/or corrupted politician (Biden, Ursula, Trudeau,...) to be able to change it.
On Real Estate:
In Venezuela, we had two warnings. One in March 2013 and the second one in May 2006. In March 2013, there was a 40% devaluation of the Bolivar, or all assets (except for Gold and Silver) lost 40% of their value. In May 2016, there was a second reset where they lost 85%. For those who still don't understand it...or refuse to admit it: a house worth $10,000,000 in January 2013 dropped to $1,500,000 in May 2016. In April 2018, after the 3rd reset, the property's value dropped to $1,000. Any Venezuelan with no Gold/Silver lost all of his savings and became poor overnight on some dark day in February 2018. This was the 3rd and not the last time the currency was devaluated. Undoubtedly, we shall see the same happening in the West.
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Note: this reminds me of the devaluations of the Belgian Franc, French Franc, and the Revaluation of the German Mark in the 1970-the 90s'. Weeks and days before, it became evident that it would happen, yet only a few people took precautions and did what had to be done. As usual, the HERD followed the MSM and the authorities' lies and footed the bill. Good for them.
Important Fundamentals:
- There will be NO CRASH on the Stock Markets! This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
- Most people also don't seem to know that the MARGINAL PRODUCTION COST of Crude Oil is $60 to $80.
If Russia Accepts Gold for Oil, Silver Quintuples!
- What most people refuse to realize is that SAVINGS are most of the time lost OVERNIGHT because resets happen overnight! Everybody (the Herd) who does not re-organize their savings NOW will be affected.
- Even in Turkey, there are still people denying the reality of hyperinflation. Even today, when the situation has become evident, they find excuses not to do what a reasoning human being should do. They pretend that the situation is not so bad and temporary...and that tomorrow all will resume to normal.
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Nor the Turkish Stock Market nor Turkish Real Estate could make up for the inflation rate. | Gold expressed in the Turkish Lira spiked by 1,000% in only five years' time. |
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<- Gold expressed in Zim-Dollar spikes to 60,000,000,000 Zim-Dollar at the end of 2008 beginning of 2009. |
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This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
The Dollar is TOAST. |
The Dollar is TOAST. |
Most people don't realize that today the USA is short of ammunition (and other military equipment) and that the country is no longer in a position to defend the Dollar with force. | This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
Most politicians and many don't seem to realize that the average production cost of 1 barrel of crude oil is $70-$80...these people also don't seem to realize that by capping the price of crude oil at $60 per barrel, the supply will disappear. | This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
Important Technicals:
- Few people notice the active bullish shares in the Copper, Platinum, and Non-Ferrous & shares section.
- Royalties, Majors, and Juniors CLEARLY indicate This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
A clear indication we shall see HIGHER Gold prices soon. |
Bullish. |
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Monday/Wednesday, December 12 -15, 2022 - Financial Gurus preaching the imminent CRASH should shut up and remake their homework.
Updated Sections: Bank & Fin. Shares , Crude Oil price evolution,
We live in a world where Psychopaths, Narcists, and Idiots (mostly Unelected Politicians) run the Asylum. A few exceptions see and understand what is happening today. The Political Herd (see the smiling clown faces in the video below...this De Croo is one of them) or most politicians do not. This is Sodom and Gomorrah, and Government is back at the level of Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI. Note: this week, the police confiscated 6 TONS of Cash Money in the EU-Parliament building in Brussels...the HQ of the Criminals who control the EU.
"Especially for all who pretend nothing will happen and have no plan B;
who believe the government will never allow certain things to happen and always save the people."
The Financial Gurus (most are) preaching the imminent CRASH of the Stock Markets should shut up and remake their homework. A Depression does not mean that we have lower stock markets! In reality, we had higher stock markets in all countries running into a depression. Much higher stock markets. In some cases, Real Estate prices were also higher. ONLY the currency expressing the value of these assets (stocks, bonds, Real Estate,..) became WORTHLESS. Therefore, Real Estate, Bonds, Stocks, etc.. became WORTHLESS. Most people still don't understand what 'nominal confusion' really means.
We shall see a Dollar/Euro crash or a stock market crash. If we have a currency crash, the stock markets will continue to rise. However, in this case, the situation will be a lot worse. The monetary delusion will make the local population believe they are more prosperous while becoming much poorer. The Currency RESETS that traditionally happen now and then (Overnight) where SIX ZEROS or more are scrapped on the exchange rate do the job...This is how Fortunes are LOST...OVERNIGHT! If you don't pay attention, this will soon happen to YOU!
Investors need to restructure their savings to protect them from a stock market crash, a Real Estate crash, and a currency crash. As usual, don't expect your banker to do this or to assist you. Bankers are part of the system, and with an IQ level just above the freezing level, they don't see the danger. They are unaware that there are plenty of trillionaires in Venezuela, but they can't do anything with their fiat fortune. With some luck, it buys a cup of coffee or three eggs. Those in real estate run an even more considerable risk: if something goes wrong, maintenance cost increase, legal requirements get more stringent, and the electric bill is higher than the mortgage bill, it becomes impossible to continue to honor the monthly payments, and they foreclose on the property.
- Bonds are no longer the anti-fragile portfolio foundation. On the contrary, they have become a real DANGER. The recent happenings with Pension Funds in the UK prove it. Pension fund managers have to use dangerous derivatives to try to survive, and this is now turning against them.
- Stocks will, just like in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and other high-inflation countries like Turkey, continue to rise but will not shine. It will be a "nominal confusion": higher stock market indexes but with NO purchasing power.
- The same applies to Real Estate. Nominal prices may continue to go up for a while. But as government interventions increase (insulation level of homes, real estate tax, rent controls, etc.) and the public's actual purchase power crashes, interest rates continue to spike, demand dries up, and the nominal price level crashes. Real Estate - The largest U.S. homebuilder offered the latest examples of how quickly buyers are fleeing the housing market. The company is responding by walking away from land deals that don’t meet specific metrics as the market has shifted, writing off $34 million of deposits and expenses tied to the transactions, and offering more incentives to sellers to close deals. According to Freddie Mac, the average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage sits near 7%. A year ago, it was more than half that at 3%. Expensive borrowing costs have slumped mortgage demand, which slipped to a 22-year low per the Mortgage Bankers Association and prompted brokerage firms, including Redfin, to eliminate portions of their workforce on Wednesday.
- This year's historic increase in mortgage rates, sparked by the Federal Reserve’s aggressive campaign to tame inflation, has pulled back housing demand and crushed builder confidence.
- Buyers canceled nearly a third of deals in D.R. Horton Inc.'s (DHI) fiscal fourth quarter, up from 19% a year ago, the Texas-based company said Wednesday. New orders declined 15% to 13,582 homes from a year earlier, down by 10% in value.
The socialists (left, democrats, libertarians, Greens,...) already blame the capitalists (extreme right, republicans,...) for all of today's misery, and there is already a shift of society to Marxism, where the government controls all and everything. We all know that each time Government touches something, SHIT FOLLOWS. Logic as politicians are, by definition, NARCIST RETARDS. We have landed in an extremely dangerous situation. Especially for all who pretend nothing will happen and have no plan B, who believe the government will never allow certain things to happen and save the people. They DO NOT. They NEVER have and NEVER will!
On Real Estate:
Real Estate is TOAST. Also, in Panama, Belgium, The Netherlands, France,...
This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
The Dow Jones Real Estate Index turned BEARISH! |
The Mortgage-backed securities ETF gives a SELL signal. |
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Important Fundamentals:
- The Price of Crude Oil contracts is falling. This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
- It is impossible to print Gold and Silver.
- The Dollar is toast, and more is happening than Ghana using Gold to pay for oil. This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
- Coal-fired power stations in Germany are replacing solar panels and windmills. Today, Germany is the most polluting country in Europe.
- Transition to electric cars is projected to cost the EU over half a million jobs. Toyota has openly stated that EVs are an IDIOCY and that we shall NEVER see the transition sold by the IDIOTS in Brussels.
- The Netherlands plans to build two new nuclear power stations in Zeeland.
- This disconnect between physical reality and paper fiction is nothing new… This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
- The days of this open fraud at the COMEX are numbered as derivatives markets march toward a crisis of both credit and credibility. This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
Important Technicals:
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Thursday/Friday, December 8 - 9, 2022 - Ripley's, believe it or not, Ursula & her G-7 Clowns cap the max. price for Russian oil at $60 (white, the international price is $80 per barrel)?
Updated Sections: Recession Proof - hold, Bio Tech-Pharma, Oil Shares, Natural Gas & shares,
Uranium Shares, Crude Oil price evolution
What happens in the Netherlands, Mongolia, China, and Canada also happens in Peru. People are sick and tired of what the lousy politicians are doing! Compared to today's politicians, Al Capone was an Alter Boy. Sickening is that the HERD keeps following and supporting these Sick-Narcists.
How long will THE HERD accept to be led in the Abyss by these blind & sick Politicians?... This Montesquieu thing is a LIE sold by judges and politicians.
Ripley's, believe it or not, Ursula & her G-7 gang of IDIOTS cap the max. price for Russian oil at $60 (the international price is $80 per barrel)!? I never thought I might live so long to see so much idiocy sold by Politicians and Authorities and see that the HERD is swallowing it all...Ursula either has a crystal ball, or she can sniff the difference between Russian oil and non-Russian Oil. She must also be on weed and coke to believe that Russia will sell its oil below $60 per barrel while the World price is at $80.
I'm not a conspiracy thinker, but Covid, the Global warming bullshit, and Ukraine are orchestrated to get 100 percent control of the people and turn them into modern slaves.
WASHINGTON/BRUSSELS, Dec 2 (Reuters) - The Group of Seven (G7) nations and Australia on Friday said they had agreed to a $60 per barrel price cap on Russian seaborne crude oil. This proves that the G7, Ursula, and her Gang have zero common sense and knowledge of economics and science. I wonder how they will be able to distinguish Russian oil from all other produced oil. Maybe they have a crystal ball?! Also, nobody will sell any goods at a loss. If they do, this can, by definition, only be possible for a brief period.
- Russian oil producers are going against all expectations and have ramped up oil production in recent weeks...We expect $10 per gallon by the end of 2023!
- Switzerland will limit the use of electric vehicles (EVs) in electricity supply shortages this winter under a new four-step plan to prevent power cuts and blackouts.
- The Government is the REAL MAFFIA. Actually, it is worse than the Mafia. The more governments spend, the more you will pay for goods and services. The more Government, the more expensive life will become.
On Real Estate:
Why Real Estate does not save you in times of hyperinflationary depression...on the contrary, it will kill you.
note: contrary to what Peter pretends, stocks will also NOT SAVE you. Venezuela, Turkey, Argentina,..are excellent examples. Only REAL MONEY (Gold and Silver) can save you. Don't expect THE HERD to understand this, for they miss the intelligence to do so.
Important Fundamentals:
- Silver is Setting Up This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only.
- The US money supply is growing at 74% annualized. Until 2019 it used to grow at 6.1% per year.
- Forget your pension! The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has warned that pension funds and other ‘non-bank’ financial firms now have more than $80 trillion of hidden, off-balance sheet dollar debt in the form of FX swaps. This is worse than the Swaps of Credit Suisse.
- ‘Total debt-to-GDP in the US is 420%, higher than during the Great Depression and after WWII. With governments unwilling to raise taxes or cut spending, central-bank deficit monetization will again be seen as the path of least resistance.’…
This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
Banks are buying xxx like there is no tomorrow...and you are doing nothing because the fiat price is doing nothing?! |
There is a historical shortage of xxx supply, and you are not buying any because the price is doing nothing?! |
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<- xxxx KNOW we will see a slingshot of xxx & xxx, and they are buying their own shares like there is no tomorrow. As always, the broad public keeps listening to these stupid bankers and does nothing... some are very stupid and continue to buy Real Estate. |
Important Technicals:
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A clear indication we shall see HIGHER Gold prices soon. |
Breakout and positive backtest = bullish. |
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<- The odds are we shall see a FIAT Silver price of $28-$32 soon. This means a Physical price of $40 - $45 per oz. |
Remember that PREMIUMS on Silver coins disappear as the Silver price goes up. |
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Monday/Wednesday, December 5-7, 2022 - Do you realize JPMorgan will go bankrupt when Silver breaks the $40 level?
Updated Sections: Miners & Gold vs SPX, Gold & Silver Juniors, Recession Proof Shs (LOCG),
Gold-$, Silver (breaking out?)
Russia plans to unleash a gold-based digital currency, causing major moves in currency and metals markets.
Welcome to the sick EUSSR, where they make it a sport to block bank transfers:
- A relation made a transfer to his lawyer in London with the mention: travel expenses to Iran. Result = operation canceled and bank account frozen.
- A relation transferred funds to a cancer clinic to pay for his wife's medication. Because the amount was over €3.000, the operation was canceled. Upon calling the bank, they pretended it might have been money laundering.
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion.” Ludwig von Mises
Many people say that the US can never default. That is absolute nonsense. If a country prints worthless debt (Treasuries, Gilts, Government Bonds) that nobody will buy in a currency (Dollar, Pounds) that no one wants to hold, it already has defaulted. In the next few years, not just US but all sovereign debt (EU, England, Japan, Canada,..) will only have one buyer. That is the country that issues the debt. And every time it buys its own debt, the Central Bank has to issue more worthless debt. This is called DEBT MONETIZATION.
Global currencies are already down 97-99% since 1971 (see our Gold sections), and we can now expect the final 1-3% decline for all money to become virtually worthless. With debt going up five times faster than tax revenue, the debt can never be repaid. Even worse, with US/EU interest payments on the debt surging to probably 10% and more over the following years, the interest on the debt will climb to circa 50% and more of the annual budget. With higher interest rates, deficits, and rising inflation, the scene is set for a high or hyperinflationary period in the next few years. The consequences will be dramatic as we are facing a significant cataclysm that will involve:
- Capital Controls to avoid money leaving the country.
- Monetary delusion or higher Stock Markets that become worthless and can't buy anything.
- Crashing Real Estate as people can no longer afford to pay the rent while Real Estate holders are forced to sell to cover the maintenance cost and need currency to buy FOOD.
- War and World Wars. Expect more Ukraine in Europe as other EU countries get involved.
- Expensive food, energy, and even food and energy shortages.
- The end of Social Security and Pensions. In the best-case scenario, you will still get your pension, but you won't be able to buy a loaf of bread with the money.
- Hyperinflation.
The EU’s troubles will escalate with energy shortages, exorbitant food prices, and rocketing production costs this winter. It comes at a time when the euro system faces instability which could take down major banks and expose the euro system itself as insolvent. The systemic risk would almost certainly translate into an existential threat to the European and the US banking system. This will dramatically impact all assets that have been acquired with Fiat Currency. Fortunes will be made, and Fortunes will be lost...just like in the 1920-30s.
On Real Estate:
Real Estate is probably the worst to hold as the Real Estate Market ALWAYS dries up during significant depressions. Renters can no longer afford to pay the rent. Governments block the rent and even allow people to live in a property without paying for it. This happened on a wide scale in Russia anno 1917. Farmland is not a good alternative because of the Green Idiocy and Environmental legislation.
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The more it goes up, the harder it will crash...even if the country is Canada, Australia, Belgium, or The Netherlands. |
Is farmland a good investment?? NO!! |
Important Fundamentals:
- With Covid, Central Banks creating currency like drunken sailors, and the War in Ukraine, one would think that Private and Professional Investors would have restructured their investments & portfolios accordingly. Hence, they are better protected from the looming risks.
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Will the Ukraine war spread all over Europe? |
Beware of the Nominal Confusion! |
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This tells us that it is 100% SURE we shall have Hyperinflation. | Only IDIOTS, Bankers, and Politicians pretend we shall see lower interest rates. |
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Stocks will become worthless when expressed in Real Money or Gold. | This will result in a xxxxx SQUEEZE and probably in the bankruptcy of JPMorgan and other Silver shorters. |
Important Technicals:
- Gold miners are tallying solid gains in Thursday's trading as gold futures pushed past $1,800/oz for the first time since mid-August.
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This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
A clear indication we shall see HIGHER Gold prices soon. |
Targets for Gold. |
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This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
Remember that PREMIUMS on Silver coins disappear as the Silver price goes up. | Mind the Bullish Wedge and expect a LOWER Dollar. |
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Thursday/Friday, December 1-2, 2022 - Another trick of the Seven Sisters!
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes , Index In Real Money/Gold,
with a new chart for all the Einsteins out there who keep pretending Real Estate
is a good and safe investment, Long Term Charts (take your time & study the charts),
Gold & Silver Majors (breakout confirmed?),
CONGRATULATIONS: Today's Politicians and authorities have reached the level of Louis XIV, Louis XV, and even Louis XVI.
Seven Sisters, Governments, Military Industrial Complex, and Big Pharma. are leading the people by the nose. In 1971, NO oil was said to be left, and the price surged from $3 per barrel to $12 per barrel. An increase of 300%. The BIG LIE was pushed through the throat of the Herd with the help of FEAR, car-free Sundays, Speed limits, and more Speed tickets. This resulted in more income for governments as Sales Tax and import duties. It was a BIG SCAM supported by the Authorities and the Big Oil companies. Similar story to COVID and Big Pharma.
Although there is a production shortage, there is still no shortage of Crude Oil like there is no shortage of Coal. Venezuela holds the most extensive Crude Oil field in the will be sitting there until the SEVEN SISTERS decide when to put it into production.
People should stop losing their time and energy by focusing on the details. They should look at the big picture instead and try to understand how today's Global Warming, CO joke, and Ukraine War fits the military-industrial complex and all Crude Oil producers. Just follow the money.
Stop listening to the narrative and invest by looking at what is coming next...not by looking and listening to the lies the MSM and Authorities are selling. We are all being lied to: better follow the money; today, all oil producers (Seven Sisters) are making big bucks, and the forecasted bankruptcy of many is avoided by the present price hike.
Over the past years, Fracking put most oil companies in a delicate financial situation, and today's higher prices (Ukraine War) save them from potential bankruptcy.
Governments, Central Banks, of course, embrace the Ukraine War because it means the end of budget deficits, more money printing, and more control of the citizens,...It allows them to massively buy votes by printing money like there is no tomorrow, donating money to Ukraine like there is no tomorrow, to spend the money of the people like drunken sailors...
It also means more short-term SUPPORT for a Dollar about to crash. More expensive oil means more dollars must be bought to pay the invoices. The trend, however, has been set; the USA has signed the dead verdict of the Dollar by using it as a weapon. More and more countries are starting to use alternates to pay for Energy. Ghana switched to Gold. In the end, even higher interest rates won't be able to save the Dollar...what we have now is just another dead cat bounce. As always, the people are paying the bill!
Important Fundamentals:
- Don't forget that
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- We are VERY BULLISH on most Stock Markets. However, we only expect higher FIAT stock markets with LESS purchasing power or less value when expressed in Real Money. We call it the NOMINAL DELUSION.
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Since 2000, Real Estate has been a bad investment! |
Important Technicals:
- The US-Dollar is ...
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This is how precisely we can forecast a Target. |
Still sure about Tesla and EVs?...better be careful with our bearish Target of $58. |
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This article/video is so good that it is for premium members only. ![]() |
Breakout! |
Breakout! |
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