NEWS FEB'16 (Public)
Time to batten down the hatches and brace for a LOT of inflation...and higher Gold.
People always think other people are as intelligent as they are....if you are intelligent, you have a problem!
Monday February 29, 2016 - Even the Authorities are unknowlingly advising you to get out of the Banking system!
Updated Sections: $-Gold , Juniors (GDXJ short candle) , Natural Gas Shares , Uranium ,
First we had quantitative easing, then the zero interest rates. Now you have negative interest rates...unfortunately, the central banks are finding it difficult to implement negative rates because people hoard cash. Now that people are buying SAFES to store the banknotes, Banks and Authorities will ban BANKNOTES or CASH. No doubt they will use the argument of money laundering and crime to ram these austerity measures through the throat of the civilians. The government will over time eliminate high-denomination bills and even make it illegal to hold cash, (the Swiss are hoarding CHF1,000 notes to avoid -0.75% interest rates), but people always find a solution and GOLD/SILVER is a good one ON CONDITION you hold it in a CORRECT way...out of political reach.
The goal of the measures they take is to ensure Banks survive, Governments can spend more money and last but not least to kick start the economy. No doubt these autocrats still have not understood that today it is totally impossible to restart the economy by using monetary instruments. Also they don't seem to realize that these measures all lead to HYPERINFLATION....and MISALLOCATION of funds. In other words, because the price of Capital is rigged it doesn't has to seek its optimal marginal allocation, and it is therefore used for incorrect means. For example, instead of building new nuclear power stations, funds are wasted in building what they call "renewable energy" (wind & solar).
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Friday February 26, 2016 - Governments are unknowingly taking over the task of the Public
Updated Sections:
The authorities are not only forcing Banknotes out of the system with the excuse that it is used by drug dealers and money laundering (and believe me, they don't need and they don't use banknotes for money laundering)..but they are also artificially lowering interest rates and even pushing these into the negative.
As a matter of fact, Authorities do what under normal circumstances, the speculators would massively withdrawing funds out of the banking system. The combination of an artificial forced cashless society, low interest rates and the fear of a potential bail-in will at a certain point force the herd out of the banking system and money into real assets and the Bourse (equities).
The process of driving money/notes out of service as money can take place either relatively slowly or abruptly in a panic, perhaps even in days or even hours. Governments and central banks are taking an enormous risk by eliminating banknotes out of the system while pushing interest rates into the negative. ...
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Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday & Thursday February 24-25, 2016 - Nominal and Real Negative interest rates are a guaranteed LOSS!
Updated Sections:
You have to be RETARDED to keep part of your savings/purchasing power in BANK NOTES. The ultimate cashless system will resort of an accident/war. In the mean time, anybody keeping purchasing power in BANK NOTES and Bank DEPOSITS is each day, week and month LOOSING purchasing power.
Be happy the authorities are going for a cashless society but USE it to convert Bank deposits and ALL banknotes you hold into PHYSICAL GOLD/SILVER. If you end up in a cashless society before have taken your precautions as to where and HOW you keep your assets, you will end up like a featherless Chicken. This is where a permanent Residence in a Politically/Fiscal safe country becomes extremely important.
Turkey and the Saudi's will be NUKED as part of a larger DEAL....when this happens the world financial system will be closed for some time. |
The USA has been trying to start a WAR now for some time. The idea in D.C. is that WAR is GOOD ! War we already have....maybe it needs to become WORSE before they can blame it for other financial problems: a cashless society, a bail-in, ...
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Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday February 23, 2016 - computers are dangerous tools if in the hands of Governments
Updated Sections: Recession Proof Shares ,
No need for Bail-ins. With Negative interest rates, the abolition of bank notes and after 2019, with FATCA and the automatic exchange of all financial (bank) fiscal sensitive matters, most Westerners will be trapped in a shit hole like there is no tomorrow. Politicians and Bankers will have gained full control of all savings and will be able to legally take away any cent they desire to take away. Computers are powerful machines....especially when they become a tool of wicked and bankrupt governments.
Negative rates will without any doubt BOOST the Stock Markets! Negative rates however will not be enough to keep us going through the next economic crisis, whenever it arrives. In total, five central banks have now turned to negative rates – those of Denmark, the eurozone, Switzerland, Sweden and most recently Japan.
'Negative interest rates' mark the end of central bank dominance.... |
In effect, negative interest rates act as an additional tax on banks. ABS boss Martin Rohner said the SNB’s introduction of negative rates had cost the lender “pretty much the equivalent of our entire annual profit” for 2014. They also mark the end of the central bank dominance as money will seek alternate routes....
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Monday February 22, 2016 - Chinese investment group set to purchase Chicago Stock Exchange
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes , World Stock Market Indexes in Gold ,
Panama has been taken off an international "gray list" of countries whose lax financial laws are seen as making money-laundering easier. Panama, a thriving banking hub with simplified laws that actively encourage investment, has already enacted laws to counter perceptions that it was a tax haven. However its was still listed by the FATF as having deficiencies in fighting money-laundering. But a FATF meeting in Paris this week agreed to remove the country from its gray list after determining it now met the group's standards on information sharing, tax compliance and reporting suspicious transactions, a statement from the Panamanian finance ministry said.
Panama is a thriving, buoyant, prosperous country with little debt. It is the 21st century heaven for Entrepreneurs where almost any activity is successful on condition you offer QUALITY to the consumer. Present President is consolidating the dramatic expanding economic policy of Martinelli. Although some call him a crook, locals still prefer Martinelli over Vareli.
India Lifts Ban On Bank Gold Imports: Gold Can Again Be Used As Loan Collateral. The Indian financial leaders finally discovered that no Indian is going to trust a bank, bond or any politician that tells them to in preference to bullion. Indians know what Money Money looks like and know ONLY REAL MONEY SURVIVES.
Argentina devalued their currency from 1950 onward and more aggressively in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. The difference between Argentina and the United States (and Japan, the EU, the UK, Australia etc.) is mostly a matter of degree.
The US benefited from the dollar’s “reserve currency” status plus the US military, but the devaluation process has been similar, though less devastating. In 1971 the US dollar bought approximately 0.03 ounces of gold. By 2015 the US dollar bought less than 0.001 ounces of gold – a devaluation of over 30 to one. More devaluation is coming.
This is the face of Europe: if you try to convince yourself that there is NO problem, YOU have a mental problem! If you don't have a plan B, I can assure you that over the next 10 years you will LOOSE the biggest part of your assets and maybe also your life and those of your loved ones.
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Control, tax and confiscate is what Governments will increasingly do. As soon as paper money (bank notes) is no more and Authorities automatically communicate bank information, there will be little places and ways to hide. Governments will have free game in legally taking away any portion of your savings they decide to. Luckily, it is still possible to prepare you properly.....but it is advised to do it NOW! The rules of the game have changed but the clever entrepreneur will always find a way to do whatever needs to be done.
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Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday February 19, 2016 - When ISIS comes to Rome you'll pray I'm president of the USA...Trump to Pope
Updated Sections: Technical analysis , Oil Shares ,
Trump to Pope Francis: When ISIS comes to Rome you'll pray I'm president...History teaches us what happens if you show your other cheek. Centuries ago only a Count Dracula (Vlad the Impaler) was able to stop the Muslim invasion. Today "The World leaders" have lost all sense of reality and don't seem to be able to remember the lesson of the Troyan Horse. The statements made by a Pope living in a WALLED PALACE are unreal. The Vatican also seems to be part of LALA-land. A lot of prayers but the Vatican does little to help those who are in material need.
"If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened," Trump said
Steady as she goes....this is what Gold & Silver miners are like.
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Thursday February 18, 2016 - Trump has opened a CAN of Presidential WORMS !
Updated Sections:
Donald Trump tells the truth, and by doing so he has opened a can of worms by telling the world that Bush Sr. is actually the reason why the world is in this turmoil. Without Bush Senior. invading Iraq we would never have seen The Arab Spring nor the Invasion of Europe by Muslim fugitives.
Europe should do the opposite of what it's been doing. Instead of more stimulus, Europe ought to tighten monetary policy and ease fiscal policy. Mario Draghi and Wolfgang Schäuble need to seal a monetary and fiscal compact to guide Europe out of this crisis. Beset by immigration upheavals and enhanced support for unorthodox populist parties, euro members are relying on loose monetary and tight fiscal policy to generate recovery, cut unemployment and restore faith in European integration...But there is nothing else to expect from a bunch of Intelligent Psycho's!
Paper assets will evaporate and leave Physical Gold & Silver standing...things will rapidly get worse after 2018 and once CASH has been banned.
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Wednesday February 17, 2016 - Nothing goes up or comes down in a straight line....
Updated Sections: $-Gold, US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ ,
Intelligent Psychopaths (Politicians) are single handed preparing the pot where they will be cooked in by the Herd. |
French farmers protest at prices driven down by Russia sanctions... A protest by French farmers has taken place in Paris. Large crowds gathered to decry the low prices of agricultural produce. Prices are being driven down by the sanctions exchange with Russia, which has caused domestic produce to flood the French market.
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Tuesday February 16, 2016 - Monday is President's day and Financial Markets will be closed...
Updated Sections: $-Gold , Crude Oil ,
The Western World is out of control:I wonder what the World will do and what will happen once it finds out it has been mislead by the Anglo-Saksons (USA and UK)...there is little doubt this will end in a terrible world war.
- Turkish military repeatedly shell Assad forces; Kurds confirm being hit by massive attack.
- 'Political correctness gone mad': Man asked not to wear Union Jack jacket because it’s 'offensive'.
- Minister seeks punishment for use of phrase ‘Polish death camp’.
- Dutch politician states your organs are the property of the Goverment!
FATCA has brought in just $13.5 billion in revenue on a cost of $1 trillion and has made the Americans even more unpopular all over the World! There is a world wide growing awareness that American Authorities behave like we can define as 'a........s' (a cat is a cat and a dog a dog). With what RIGHT can they demand non-American citizens and non-American residents to sign a form which is allegedly only meant for American Tax payers. Not only do they DEMAND foreign banks that the W-BEN-8 form is duly signed by their clients but they also threaten to arrest employees of banks which don't comply and/or fine non-American banks which don't comply in a military style. No doubt this will turn against the USA...especially when the Dollar starts to tank and the US economy slides deeper into depression...what goes around, comes around.
Panama is one of those countries in the world with still unlimited opportunities for Real Estate Investors and promoters. There is an important shortage of good housing and rental prices are providing a high yield on invested capital. Rental yield varies from 4% to 8% per annum. For investors we can arrange a complementary permanent residence.
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Friday February 12, 2016 - sovereign debt crises are the reason currencies collapse.
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Oil Shares,
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Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday February 11, 2016 - The dollar wil be hit irrespective of interest rates go up or come down.
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Juniors ,
Negative rates are "a confiscation of people's money." |
Neg. interest rates: The tipping point comes when the government's interest expense burden becomes unmanageable...Negative interest rates in the U.S. may seem like a far-fetched idea, but the Federal Reserve is telling banks to prepare, just in case. For the first time ever, the governing agency and U.S. central bank is requiring banks to include, in a round of stress tests commencing this year, to prepare for the possibility of negatively yielding Treasury rates. In a cashless system, Negative Interest Rates are the IDEAL way to confiscate your money!
Remember at all times the US-Dollar is a RESERVE CURRENCY and Negative Interest rates could well have extremely NEGATIVE consequenses for the $$$$$-Buck. |
The Chinese central bank has been emptying its dollar foreign exchange reserves since June 2014 to a continuous rhythm of 37 billion dollars a month, which is quicker than it initially filled it; the Saudi central bank is in the same situation; the central banks of Brazil, Japan and Russia, the BoE or the ECB see their reserves decrease, even if the rhythm is slower. The most important states holding dollar debts are selling dollars simultaneously.
Even Jim Cramer likes Gold (I don't like Jim Cramer).
Gold is going to skyrocket in 6 to 9 months from now....smells blood. Gold doesn't like negative Real Interest Rates...and certainly doesn't like Nominal Interest Rates.
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Wednesday February 10, 2016 - Direct flights from Dubai to Panama are a writing on the wall !!!
Updated Sections: Gold & silver Majors ,
Another nail in the dollar's coffin: Reuters has reported that Iran is requesting euros for all new and outstanding oil payments. A source at state-owned National Iranian Oil Co (NIOC) told Reuters that Iran will charge in euros for its recently signed oil contracts with firms including French oil and gas major Total (TOTF.PA), Spanish refiner Cepsa CPF.GQ and Litasco, the trading arm of Russia's Lukoil (LKOH.MM)."In our invoices we mention a clause that buyers of our oil will have to pay in euros, considering the exchange rate versus the dollar around the time of delivery," the NIOC source said. Lukoil and Total declined to comment, while Cepsa did not respond to a request for comment.
The recipe for a civil war is unfolding in the state (New Hampshire) of LIVE FREE OR DIE :
- A Democratic Socialist by the name of Sanders Just Won The New Hampshire Primary: New Hampshire's Democratic primary voters confirmed Tuesday that they do, in fact, want a self-described socialist as their party's presidential nominee.
- What the Mainstream Media call A Racist, Sexist Demagogue by the name of Trump Just Won The New Hampshire Primary: New Hampshire Republican primary voters on Tuesday made official their choice for president of the United States: real estate mogul and reality television star Donald J. Trump.
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Tuesday February 9, 2016 - the American pre-elections are nothing but a bunch of fighting Psychopaths...a shame to America!
Updated Sections: Indian Rupee-Gold, Yuan-Gold, Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€ , £-Gold & £/€/$ , Zar-Gold & Zar/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ , Can$-Gold & Can$/$/€ ,
It's almost over for Hillary: This election is a mass insurrection against a rigged system and against the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Given that this entire election is a mass insurrection against a rigged system, one would think the national political press would share the concern, but it moved on to the next race with barely a backward glance...the talking heads don't understand what is happening and that they are cooked, done with. Internet is clearly taking over from CNN and FOX....With LESS media coverage Sanders seem to attract a lot more voters than expected. So is Donald Trump. Time to clean the house and get rid of Bushes and Clintons!?
For the third year in a row the number of people renouncing their citizenship or abandoning green cards has beaten the record set the previous year, US Treasury Department data reveal. The surge is likely the result of stringent US tax policy. A record-breaking 4,279 individuals decided to call it quits with the US in 2015 in comparison to 3,415 people the previous year, according to a US Treasury report released on Friday. The list of individuals deciding to expatriate is published on a quarterly basis by the Internal Revenue Service. The latest one contains the names of 1,058 US citizens and permanent residents that gave up their passports in the period from September to December
You can't trust politicians/authorities. Certainly not when they are Spanish. Owners who rent out their Andalusian homes to tourists will have three months to register with the local authorities or face stiff fines, reports the local press. The regional Government of Andalusia, known as the Junta, has just passed a decree regulating tourist rentals in the region, following in the footsteps of other regions like Catalonia, the Balearics, and the Canaries. Owners who wish to rent out all or part of their property to tourists on a short-term basis will have three months from the date the decree is published in the Junta’s Official Bulletin to register with the Andalusian Tourist Register (Registro de Turismo de Andalucía), run by Javier Fernández (pictured), boss of the Tourism and Sports Department. The alleged purpose of regulating tourist rentals is to reduce tax fraud..of course! The 30% inheritance tax they levy when a resident passes away in Andalusia, ain't enough. [note they decide how much the real estate is worth...]
Important Fundamentals: for subscriber's only
Important Technicals: important changes we have....for subscriber's only. Now is the time to shop for the REAL GOODIES...
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Monday February 8, 2016 - The 1st time I was in Panama, I immediately realized Belgium was the Banana-republic.
Updated Sections: ¥/€/$ , $-Gold , Juniors (short candle) , Majors (short candle & PF) ,
The European Investment Bank (EIB) will open its first Latin American office in Panama. The regional office will open its doors during the first half of this year. EIB's investments in Panama are currently focused on the energy and infrastructure sectors. Panama's finance ministry and the bank signed a USD 50 million loan agreement that will go towards expanding capacity of the Juan Diaz wastewater treatment plant serving Panama City.
Panama is rapidly becoming the Zurich, the Singapore of the America's. The commercial opportunities in Panama are unlimited. Anybody setting up a business and delivering QUALITY is doomed to succeed. Panama is the country of opportunity, the Switzerland of the America's without the stupid Western World legislation.
The EU commission wants control over virtual currencies to fight terrorism!? Haven't we heard this before....Digital Money (i.e. Bitcoin) is slipping out of control of the Traditional Authorities and Banksters...and they don't like it. Especially not at a time where their PONZI SCHEME starts to fall apart. Whether you get into Physical Gold, Digital money or anything else... high time to get out of the banking system NOW.
A civil war in Greece!? Mass rally, clashes shut down Greece. About 50,000 Greeks marched on parliament today, carrying banners, chanting anti-bailout and anti-government slogans. Stones and petrol bombs were hurled at police. Life in Greece came to a standstill. Tsipras (under pressure of the EU-polit bureau) refuses to listen to his people and he will suffer the consequences of what i to become a CIVIL WAR. Soon also in other European countries: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal,...Europeans have also enough of these unreliable, tricky, slimy Psychopaths (politicians).
A remake of the Calais Jungle in Zeebrugge!? YES !!! Belgians better mind their daughters and wife's for Rape has already arrived. THIS AIN'T A GAME...this won't go away BUT IT WILL GET WORSE ! Don't try to find excuses for it's simply not gonna work....I expect to see more problems (Civil unrest, war, revolutions,...) sooner rather then later in 2016...Worse is that I also expect to see soon A LOT more Burkas and Beards in Europe.
Want to find out what PROPAGANDA looks like!?
- CNN in the America's: Putin is bombing and killing many woman and children.
- CNN in Europe: The Americans are bombing Red Cross hospitals and killing Doctors, nurses and patients.
The odds that the FED will increase interest rates again, are extremely small. The odds that we shall see a decrease in interest rates, is extremely high.
The Dollar broke down, the Yen broke up. Gold is up, Oil is up and we have again a REAL CARNAGE in the Bank sector.....and I expect the US-Dollar to tank until at least the Summer of 2016. The USA is in a worse shape than the world thinks it is.
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Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday February 5, 2016 - Dollar breaks down and Gold reaches Target #1 (see charts)
Updated Sections: $-Gold, US-Dollar, Euro ,
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday February 4, 2016 - ENERGY: coal, uranium but also Oil are coming alive and bottoming out
Updated Sections:
Charts are for subscribers only...
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Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday February 3, 2016 - Believing that generating higher inflation is a needed precursor to economic growth is nonsense.
Updated Sections:
A BIG reset we shall have...only we don't know what it will be like.
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Tuesday February 2nd, 2016 - not a lot to add when the market moves into the direction we forecasted!?
Updated Sections:
Stock is up by almost 100% since we called it a BUY some weeks ago.
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Monday February 1st, 2016 - You have to be a SUPER - IDIOT to think/hope you will generate INFLATION through negative interest rates...!!
Updated Sections: Negative Interest Rates , $-Gold , Silver ,
Hillary Clinton should be in Jail...and yet she may probably be elected as the next president of the US and A. America's Mainstream Media will price her in heaven and the majority of the female American election Herd will have no problem in getting her in the White House. In our opinion Trump is a GREAT GUY and he would bring fresh air (rather a Tornado) to the Land of the Free. The Herd however is NOT ready for this....they traditionally prefer believing the LIES of the Intelligent Psychopaths. Especially if being told NOTHING has to change and they will be looked after from the womb into the grave yard.
YOU ARE FIRED!.. If elected, Donald Trump may well be the 1st President to restructure the corrupt American Administrative system. The real problem IS government. the more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the state. Although it's also true that the more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws…All bureaucracies inevitably become sodden, counterproductive, and centered mainly on their own agendas.
The EU is slowly but surely becoming an deep COMMUNIST continent while the USA quickly slides down into heavy SOCIALISM... |
NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES are a novelty and have a DEFLATING EFFECT. Japan moves to negative rates and stocks soar. ...The Bank of Japan has cut interest rates to minus 0.1 per cent. Japan is one of the few stock market indexes we still have “in the green” (bullish). But the weak Japanese Yen will probably not make up for the rising Japanese stocks...
Believing that generating higher inflation is a needed precursor to faster economic growth is nonsense. Inflation reads are NOT a symptom of the activity of the underlying economy... |
Believing that generating higher inflation is a needed precursor to faster economic growth is nonsense. Inflation reads are NOT a symptom of the activity of the underlying economy. The unexpected action in Japan highlights the fact the Japanese also don't understand what inflation and deflation are and how these mechanisms function.... of inflation and could spark renewed fears of so-called “currency wars” as monetary stimulus in Europe and Japan weighs on the euro and the yen.
Some are calling Reno, Nevada the new Switzerland. After condemning other countries for helping wealthy Americans to hide their money offshore, the US is now becoming the main tax haven for wealthy foreigners. While the US authorities persist on global standards of banking information disclosure (FATCA) , the country is resisting those same disclosure standards. The result has been the creation of a hot new market, specializing in hiding cash for wealthy foreign clients. The trust companies, helping the world’s wealthy move their fortunes; have been opened in Nevada, Wyoming, and South Dakota. [note: for obvious reasons - one cannot trust the American Government - we prefer Panama instead]
You can bring a horse to the river but cannot force it to drink.The Goldonomic site has been structured by reasoning. Each section builds an inherent part of the total skeleton. It is however up to the reader to make the effort to go through the complete site (+300 pages) and to connect the dots...and to see the correlations AND complete the PUZZLE. This is how Goldonomic has been structured. Not one section exists without a reason!!!
Successful investing doesn't come for free. It is an exercise of anticipating events and investing AGAINST the Herd. It is NOT picking a stock, bond, commodity, option, ETF,...and hope to be able to sell it at a profit the next week. It takes on average 3 years to built a decent portfolio and it can take more to have it structured properly. Most important is to structure your portfolio according to what we call "important and fundamental rules". Whereas one can make a huge short and medium term profit by i.e. buying Treasuries, the buyer risks it all is some overnight accident were to happen. If you don't believe me, ask Greeks, Cypriots, Argentinians, Venezuelans, Angolese,...
Authorities - with the help of the Mainstream Media -ALWAYS do whatever lies in their power to WINDOW DRESS the reality with lies...and smart talk!!! |
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