NEWS JAN'16 (Public)
We are living dangerous times where smoke curtains hide the Thruth and Propaganda sells the Lie.
Friday January 29, 2016 - Corporate bonds are the canary in the mine for Treasuries, Interest rates and Equities.
Updated Sections: Corporate Bonds ,
One picture is worth one thousand words and the picture is BULLISH...don't wait until May to initiate and add to your positions.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday January 28, 2016 - China stops publishing its Gold imports and Comex registered gold falls by 73%!
Updated Sections:
After the FED halted the publications of M3 (Money Supply) the Chinese decided to roll out more measures to hide their insatiable gold demand. On top of being dishonest about their true official gold reserves and eclipsing gold import data n regular customs reports, the Chinese ceased publishing the (English) China Gold Market Reports and SGE Annual Reports – and by 2014 all existing reports were taken offline. The following chart will be the last we public re. Chinese Gold imports.
There are now only 2.3 metric tons of Registered Gold remaining at the Comex. This is the lowest level of Registered Gold inventories on the Comex for more than 20 years: 21,200 oz of Gold was transferred from Brinks Registered Inventories, 84,881 transferred from HSBC and 95,269 from Scotia Mocatta. There are only 73,980 oz of Registered Gold remaining in the Comex inventories.
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You have to be CRAZY to put money in the bank...and to have securities with certain Banks!....Like you have to be crazy to keep your gold in a Safety Deposit Box with a Bank. and yes, we are still convinced Hillary will be the next president of the USA. The country has more female voters than male and the Mainstream Media will try to slaughter Donald Trump.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday January 27, 2016 - The bond bubble just burst.
Updated Sections: Bonds & Treasuries in the US ,
The bursting of the bond bubble has begun. Bonds are the single most important issue for Central Banks. When you consider everything in the context of the bond bubble, every Central Bank policy begins to make sense.
- Central Banks cut interest rates to zero to make bond payments smaller.
- Central Banks launched QE and other programs to put a floor beneath bond prices (when bond prices rise, bond yields fall and debt payments become smaller and easier to service).
- Central Banks provided verbal intervention promising to do “more” or “whatever it takes” whenever bonds came close to ending their bull market.
None of these issues address what created the bond bubble in the first place. So global governments, corporations and others took advantage of low interest rates to issue even more debt. In 2008 the bond bubble was $80 trillion in size. Today it’s $100 trillion. Put simply, the financial system is even more leveraged today than it was in 2008. Today corporates are more leveraged than they were in 2007. Thus, the Bond Bubble not only encapsulates sovereign nations, but even individual companies.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday January 26, 2016 - This time over, who's gonna buy the Government debt? Central Banks and Governments are insolvent !
Updated Sections:
Next time when Stock Markets and Commodities rise, it will be because of the advent of Hyperinflation, NOT because an improvement of the economy!
Important Fundamentals:
- The depression is getting worse and worse...2016 the situation is actually worse than in 2008/09!
Important Technicals: more in the subsciber's sections
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Monday January 25, 2016 - IMPOSSIBLE to have a 100% inflation rate and a 90% stock market crash at the same time..IMPOSSIBLE!
Updated Sections: Copper, Platinum , Long Term Commodity Charts , Long Term Commodity Charts in Gold , Inflation Index,
We are at an “end of the road” in term of world financial markets. The Tin can has become a heavy bolder. Quantitative Easing has failed and geopolitical tensions are rising. Europe is although in a different way (Troyan Horse), invaded by Muslims. In the USA, the tension between White, Black and Latino's are rising AND negative sentiment against the Federal Authority is growing.
Although the FED is raising interest rates and the ECB is lowering the European interest rates, technically we have indications that in 2016 contrary to the logic of interest rate spread, the Euro will become more stronger and one Euro will cost $1.22 to $1.24 by the end of 2016. (see PF chart – backtest level). As it really is possible that Yellen (FED) will continue to hike interest rates, US bond markets shall at some time strart to CRASH...and we may well see a Bank Holiday before yearend.
Now that Oil production has been cut back and the American Fracking industry has severely been damaged, Crude Oil prices will tend to bounce back towards a more 'normal level'. This implicates that the price of Crude Oil will rise by at least 20% to 40%. If not, we shall see more war in the Middle East and by the end of 2016 Crude Oil will again hoover around at least $ 100. Remember this when you stock up Oil shares.
For some reason the Mainstream Media are keeping the invasion of Libya off their screens... |
ISIS or DAESH is, contrary what most people think, not a bunch of unorganized terrorists. It is a WELL ORGANIZED ARMY with officers and generals which have been trained by the Americans.
Those who still think this will not end in a GLOBAL World War are terribly NAIVE. British, Russian, French and American troops have landed in Libya this weekend (Jan 23, 2016). The officers and soldiers are currently stationed in Jamal Abdulnasir military base south of Tobruk where the parliament is holding its sessions in the city. Americans have arrived west of Tripoli. On Friday, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford said a decisive military action is needed to halt the spread of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Libya, saying the group wanted to use the north African nation as a platform to coordinate activity across the continent. A spokesman for Libya's recognized government in the east told AFP it was requesting a "limited intervention by the international community to "protect oil fields from ISIS attacks."
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday January 22, 2016 - Don't for a split second think that the Financial Markets are behaving in a NORMAL way !
Updated Sections: Crude Oil, World Stock Market Indexes , Agriculturals ,
EU faces existential crisis as democracy becomes contagious
We live a financial & commodity WAR which will end in a Bloody War. The battle for the European market has intensified with the first US oil tanker arriving in France since Washington abolished the 40-year restriction on oil exports. It's a critical moment for an industry that is facing plummeting prices and oversupply. The tanker left Texas three weeks ago and docked at the French port of Fos on Wednesday. Recently the legislation was changed by the Americans in order to allow The EXPORT of Oil.
For COMMODITIES in general, we have Lower prices for many commodities when expressed in US-Dollar only because the currency is over-valued versus most other World Currencies. The picture will change as soon as the US-Dollar comes down....
Important Fundamentals : Don't under estimate the consequences of cheap Crude Oil and Negative Interest rates: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : Our PF charts tell us HOW DEEP the World Stock Market Indexes ( SP500, Bedow, Footsie,....) can and will come down: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday January 21, 2016 - What we call today's correction/bear market took one year to mature...and we have a bearish Target!
Updated Sections: Zar-Gold , Can$-Gold,
The argument the mainstream media use to explain the lower stock markets (lower OIL prices) doesn't make any sense...The actual correction took a year to mature and subscribers know that markets will probably continue to come down until an important level (breakout level) has been tested. If this level doesn't hold, we surely can see markets up to 60% lower.
The unreasonable low Crude OIL Prices will result into more political and economic problems: depression and war. The marginal production price of Crude Oil is $ 70 to $ 85 per barrel and most oil producing countries need an much higher price level to cover their DEFICITS. Add to this that we still have PEAK OIL.
For Oil prices to rise a catalyst will be required. That may take the form of a major bankruptcy in the highly leveraged unconventional oil and gas sector or a marked deterioration on the geopolitical front. Both are possible and this is particularly poignant considering the fact that oil prices are accelerating lower and have already had a large decline. |
The global financial system has become dangerously unstable and faces an avalanche of bankruptcies that will test social and political stability.
"The situation is worse than it was in 2007. Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up," said William White, the Swiss-based chairman of the OECD's review committee and former chief economist of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
Following on Interest Rates. If the Fed & ECB allow interest rates to raise, the increasing interest expense burden will force the US & EU governments to borrow even more, putting it into a vicious cycle where it is borrowing just to pay interest on its debt. That leads to debased currency and hyperinflation. If the Fed & ECB don't not allow interest rates to rise, the Dollar & Euro will still be sold as its holders looked for alternative ways to protect their purchasing power because near-zero interest rates are destroying capital.
As the demand for the dollar collapses, dollars will flood into commodities and other tangible assets, with their prices soaring as a consequence, again leading to hyperinflation.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday January 20, 2016 - Do we have a Dollar Top or an Euro Top?...the implications of the answer are extremely important!
Updated Sections:
British citizens who are leaving Europe: "I hope 2016 is our year of deliverance" - Last year about 24,000 Belgian citizens and € 93 billion left Belgium!
Note: Today's problem in Germany is tomorrows problem in the U.K. Any fugitives which are to receive a EU-passport will with this passport be able to travel and stay in Britain....
The USA and the US-Dollar are at the center of the black hole because the US-Dollar is a reserve currency!
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday is Martin Luther King day and US Stock Exchanges will be closed.
Monday & Tuesday January 18-19, 2016 - How long before we also see negative interest rates in the USA ? Probably before the end of 2016 !
Updated Sections: Recession Proof Shares , Natural Gas & shares , Uranium , Negative Interest Rates (new section) , Banks & Financials,
The forced collective suicide of European nations: watch the video all the way to the end and listen to what the former KGB officer has to say!!!
After watching this video, it will be obvious to you that you cannot reckon on Politicians and their Police...and Europe is about to see Tribal War.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday January 15, 2016 - Negative Interest Rates are something artificial and Legal Theft !
Updated Sections: Updated Sections: Gold rose 0.6% during yesterday's selloff...Gold is now up 3.1% on the year. Silver jumped 2.6% yesterday.
Negative Nominal Interest Rates are unseen in History. Interest is charged by lenders as compensation for the loss of the asset's use. In the case of lending money, the lender could have invested the funds or used these to buy good and services instead of lending them out. With lending a large asset, the lender may have been able to generate income from the asset should they have decided to use it themselves. When the borrower is a low-risk party, they will usually be charged a low interest rate; if the borrower is considered high risk, the interest rate that they are charged will be higher.
In a system with NO Bank Notes, no PAPER MONEY, negative nominal interest rates on bank deposits penalize the depositor: over a period of time, his deposit will decrease nominally instead of increasing....and he will be able to buy less goods and services. The goal of Negative interest rates is to force depositors to CONSUME instead of SAVING.
In reality we must work with REAL Interest rates, or the interest rate after deduction of Inflation. Taking into account real interest rates ANYBODY depositing money with a bank looses purchasing power.
Negative interest rates lower the Quantity of Money in circulation and do not increase velocity. |
Note: by following a policy of negative interest rates the authorities PROOF that they don't understand the mechanism of Inflation & Deflation and Boom & Recession...and that the END is NEAR!
It's all about trying to keep the credibility of the Central Banks alive...and extremely DANGEROUS!...QE4 will come back with a REVENGE!!! 2016 will probably be the year where Price-Hyperinflation will be initiated....we're just one step away of major shortages in Gold, Silver, Crude Oil and other commodities.
video for Subcribers only
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday January 14, 2016 - We may see big changes in the markets during Q1 of 2016
Updated Sections:
This kind of Mainstream News typically comes at the end of an up or a down is the case for Crude Oil now. Whatever the mainstream Media try to sell apart from EMOTION, keep in mind that the MARGINAL production cost of one barrel of crude oil is $ 70 to $ 85 and that we have PEAK OIL!
Crude Oil is the Achilles Heel of the US-Dollar (this ain't the 1st and last time we're saying it!) . The Crude Oil War is also a DEAD CAT BOUNCE for the US-Dollar. The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars or euros. We are living the end of the petrodollar system. This system is one of the main reasons the U.S. dollar is the world’s premier reserve currency.
Understanding the petrodollar system and the forces affecting it is the best way to predict when the U.S. dollar will collapse. |
So much advice given by experienced Stock Market & GOOD stock market analysts (Ron Meisels and myself):
- Markets tend to return to the mean over time.
- Excesses in one direction will lead to an excess in the opposite direction.
- There are no new eras - excesses are never permanent.
- Exponential rapidly rising or falling markets usually go further than you think but they do not correct by going sideways.
- The public buys the most at the top and the least at the bottom.
- Fear and greed are stronger than long-term resolve.
- Markets are strongest when they are broad and weakest when they narrow to a handful of blue chip names.
- Bear markets have three stages - sharp down, reflexive rebound and a drawn-out fundamental downtrend.
- When all the experts and forecasts agree - something else is going to happen.
- Bull markets are more fun than bear markets.
Better keep your breast wet: This is the first time ever the Fed has raised rates right before Christmas, and they raised rates into a weak economy where credit is already tight. The only time they have done that is 1937, and we know how that worked out.”....
1981 was just about the start of the greatest bull market the world has ever seen, rising 1,447 percent during the next 20 years. 2016 may well be the end of it...that is if support zones don't hold: see subscriber's sections : World Stock Market Indexes, Long Term Stock Market Indexes, World Stock Market Indexes expressed in Real Money or Gold.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday January 13, 2016 - The Situation (manipulation) Room in Washington D.C. is 3 Times as big as the Pentagon !!!
Updated Sections: Oil Shares , Gold & Silver Majors , Gold & Silver Juniors ,
Oregon or the Federal Government has no ownership rights whatsoever over ANY land in the State of Oregon! It has only restricted ownership of land in Washington D.C. What the American Government does in Oregon is plain THEFT! A Civil War in the USA is certainly possible .
National currencies may indeed be floating relative to each other, depending on what central banks are doing, but all currencies are sinking relative to gold and silver. And that result will not change in the year ahead.
Whatever happens with Gold and Silver and the Gold & Silver miners in the short run, FUNDAMENTALS keep pointing into the same direction = UP !
Whatever happens with the price of CRUDE OIL and Oil shares, I hope you understand that with a marginal exploitation price of $ 70 - $ 80 per barrel, what is happening now absolutely is NOT a normal market behavior but something which is orchestrated...and can only last for so long.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday January 12, 2016 - Sanctions against a country are illegal, unconstitutional if not enforced by the United Nations.
Updated Sections: ZAR-Gold & ZAR/$/€ , Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€ , Yuan-Gold & Yuan/$ , Indian Rupee-Gold
Most politicians are followers, not leaders. Therefore we should not waste time and resources trying to educate politicians. Politicians will not support individual liberty and limited government unless and until they are forced to do so by the people. They’ve now been stripped of major powers they once had to bail out banks in the last financial crisis, knowing full well that just such a crisis is staring them right in the face. They know that the act of raising rates in our world right now is literally playing Russian roulette with every barrel loaded!
The end is near...!? maybe not, but better be 4 years early than one second late.
The South African rand plummeted by the most in more than seven years on Monday as the market turmoil in China and a drop in US stocks deterred risk-taking. The rand plunged as much as 9%, the most since October 2008, before trading down 2.3% at R16.6832 per dollar as of 10:57 in Singapore. By 07:45 in South Africa, it was trading even lower at R16.70. Reuters reported the rand fell as much as 10.3% at one stage in Asian trade to reach R17.9950/$, by far its weakest level ever. This is excellent news for the South African Gold mines (ex. Harmony)
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday, January 11, 2016 - Gold is poised to return to a “multi-year bull market” while the S&P 500 loses up to 50%,
Updated Sections: Stock Markets expressed in Real Money (Gold), Long Term Stock Market Indexes (bearish)
Immigration can NEVER be an effective way to deal with poverty in the world....They have to be helped where they live....the fairy tales told by Politicians, Religious leaders, Red Cross...are impossible stories. The gum-balls-video must be watched by anybody still in favor of immigration and convinced we must help these poor refugees at home.
About the Recession, currencies, gold and it to the very end.
Not only Gold is breaking away and moving out of the Anglo-Americans. Other commodities like CRUDE OIL also are.
Russia has just taken significant steps that will break the present Wall Street oil price monopoly. Later in November the Russian Energy Ministry has announced that it will begin test-trading of a new "Russian oil benchmark". If successful, the Russian crude oil benchmark futures contract traded on Russian exchanges, will price oil in rubles and no longer in US dollars. It is part of a de-dollarization move that Russia, China and a growing number of other countries have quietly begun.
The sale of oil denominated in dollars is essential for the support of the US dollar. |
The setting of an "oil benchmark price" is the method used by major Wall Street banks to control world oil prices. Oil is the world’s largest commodity in dollar terms. Today, the price of Russian crude oil is referenced to what is called the Brent price. The problem is that the Brent field, along with other major North Sea oil fields is in major decline, meaning that Wall Street can use a vanishing benchmark to leverage control over vastly larger oil volumes. The Brent contract is controlled essentially by Wall Street and the derivatives manipulations of banks like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP MorganChase and Citibank...or just like for GOLD, the price of CRUDE OIL is RIGGED by the Anglo-Americans and used as a political and economic war instrument.
note: the less world trade invoiced in US-Dollar, the harder it is to manipulate the currency on the internation financial markets...and to artificially keep it over-valued.
Important Fundamentals:
- The time to panic is when everyone is bullish. Alternatively, place trailing stops and when stopped out, try not to buy back too quickly. Move out of a sector once the trend has become bearish and move into the sector one its trend has become bullish (ex. gold & silver shares).
- Any experienced Financial Analyst knows the 1st week of a calender year is often a canary in the mine shaft for the rest of the year...add to this that we called for weaker stock markets 9 to 6 month ago. Only QE4 can and will be able to stop this BEAR MARKET.
- Important is to note that GOLD is up while stock markets are down!!
video and more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Breaking NEWS - The time to panic is when everyone is bullish. Alternatively, place trailing stops and when stopped out, try not to buy back too quickly.
High time for any European to work on his plan B if he/she doesn't want to end like the Syrian refugees ended - This is breaking news: see subscriber's section for video
It was all about GOLD and Black Gold (Crude Oil) and the USA doesn't give a shit about Europe...Newly released emails from Hillary Clinton reveal other possible motives behind the Western intervention into Libya in 2011 - including how Gaddafi's gold reserves could have been used for a pan-African currency;
This is the age of Aquarius and the truth about the intervention in Libya and the Middle-East by the Americans (Hillary Clinton's deleted emails) is revealed in an email send by Hillary Clinton: it was all about Gold and Crude Oil.
What happens in Europe today was predicted by Gadaffi years Blair after he advised Gadaffi to flee to some other safe country. (Blair knew what was to happen in Libya...) Gadaffi warned Blair his ousting would open space, a vacuum for jihadists. He warned that by doing this, Europe would be invaded by a Troyan Horse of jihadists and that this would destroy it.
Emails send by Hillary reveal they were after Libya's Gold (was shipped to the USA by the Americans when Gadaffi was overthrown – like Ukraine's Gold was shipped to the USA when troubles started) .......Crude Oil (Libya's oil was the main reason for intervention) and France would get more influence in Libya. That is the reason why Sarkozy was so eager to be part of the invaders and it were french who killed Gadaffi.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Friday January 8, 2016 - We live extra-ordinary times, therefore one cannot expect the financial markets to behave in a normal way!
Updated Sections: €-Gold & $/ € , Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ , Can$-Gold & Can$/€/$ , ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ , £-Gold & £/$/€
Bailouts were just a warning that WORSE is to come. The next time the financial crisis returns, there will be no bailouts! Bailouts were the banksters’ first quick fix, but they will not be repeated. The banks have signaled this so many times, and this new announcement about revoking Fed powers for singular bailouts should be screaming at you that they know what is coming, and they are now removing themselves from ‘responsibility’, and blame.
The entire banking system was shut down. But instead of passing a bill to take taxpayer money to bail out the failed Bank of Cyprus or Laiki Bank…they simply confiscated any money in depositors’ accounts which happened to be over 100,000 Euros. An average of 50% was seized of any sum over that amount! Just imagine how that scenario would’ve played out for you…
If you were a retiree, pensioner, or just a young person who gave far too much capital and trust to your bank, you suddenly lost tens, or hundreds of thousands of dollars! Many people lost millions. Their entire life’s work and savings were vaporized. They went from being wealthy, to being bankrupt, in a single weekend. It also took weeks for those trapped inside that banking system to be able to even start withdrawing 100 euros a day, which basically wasn’t even enough for many to make day to day bill payments with.
The stock market is often wiser than most. As evidence, it has been far wiser than nearly all Street analysts. In the past few months the market through the Gold stocks has changed the message on Gold and Silver. Time to listen to the market’s message?...see Important Fundamentals.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...and see PUZZLE update for December 2015 !
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Thursday January 7, 2016 - Obama had tears in his eyes because he knows the Reign of the American Emporium is over!
Updated sections: World Stock Market Indexes , Investment Pyramid,
Complex Societies never survive expensive ENERGY...this also applies to the US and A. The federal government pretends that federal lands belong to "all of us" and that they are "your" national forests....But, of course, they are not 'yours' at all. People in Oregon see through this masquerade...(52% of land in Oregon is Federal Property!?) and in the US and A there is more and more talk about a SECESSION. The Federal Authorities would be kicked out and each state would become independent. Secession movements we have in Oregon, Florida, Texas, etc...and these are pretty good organized.
What many don't know is, that apart from the fact that American Citizens are heavily armed and that whatever Obama does, it won't improve the situation...on the contrary, a ban on weapons would call for a CIVIL WAR. Having said this, the deeper the depression, the more crime we shall have! [independent of Gun control]. Americans don't take SHIT for an European pussies do. I can't imagine that the MASS RAPING of Women like happened in Germany would remain without consequences had it occurred in the USA.
17 Reasons to own Gold:
We 'de facto' have World War III. The days that we needed a 'war declaration' like for WW I and WW II are gone with the what we used to call WAR is called TERRORISM and we have no longer WAR DECLARATIONS. Instead politicians most of the time 'single handed' decide to bomb certain countries and send boots to - as they call it - Bring Democracy.
If you don't start to do what a man must do NOW, you and your loves ones will drown....Barbarians at the history, if you were a man, it most likely meant that you would soon be dead. If you were a woman, it most likely meant that you would soon be envying the men.
When your city is under siege and the barbarians are at the gate (like is the case in Europe) you easily see what's coming. Especially when disastrous policy decisions are made (Merkel, EU,...), you can see what's coming. Time for a plan B = move your savings out of political reach AND go for a 2nd Passport.
Important Technicals:
- Since beginning of 2015 we have been advising to SELL most World Stock markets. World Stock market indexes show most stock markets in a RED field (bearish), same indications in the section of Long Term Stock Market Indexes and also in the Section of World Stock Market Indexes expressed in Real Money or Gold. We don't expect any improvement this year...UNLESS Authorities massively start printing Fiat Money again and we have HYPERINFLATION...more in the subscriber's section...a
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday January 6, 2016 - Mainstream Media and Authorities silent and minimize the RAPE stories in Frankfurt, Köln, Munich,...
Updated Sections: €-Gold & €/$ ,
Saudi showdown with Iran nears danger point for world oil markets. The world's densest network of oil pipelines runs through Saudi Arabia's Shia heartland. It is now the epicenter of a deadly struggle Brent crude jumped to a three-week high of $38.91 a barrel as traders began to price in the first flickers of political risk. Roughly a fifth of global oil supply passes through the Strait of Hormuz, where tankers must run the gauntlet past Iranian warships. Bahrain and Sudan have already followed Saudi Arabia’s move to cut off diplomatic relations with Iran, and the United Arab Emirates has recalled its ambassador. The lines of cleavage are painfully clear in a Middle East already convulsed by four wars, and sliding closer to all-out conflagration.
The discordance between Sunni's and Shiites is an accident waiting to happen...see map to the left (click to enlarge) |
We are probably also entering what we could call an Endgame for the US and A. The 2015 spending bill, which as of 3 days ago, allows the US government to strip you of your passport if they believe in their sole discretion that you owe them money. Uprisings in an Oregon style are possible all over the USA. Americans are sick and tired of the Federal Government like Europeans are sick and tired of the EU-authorities...
The bond market is full of debt that will never be paid back. It's one of the biggest frauds of all, and Holter says, "Go back to 1995 and our debt in the U.S began to move up like a hockey stick. Somewhere in the mid to late 1990's was the point of no return. We didn't really have any hope of paying it back. In 2008, it was ridiculous, and at this point, it is beyond ridiculous. They can't pay back the $19 trillion much less the $200 trillion, which is what the real number is when you include Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Medicare, loan guarantees and etcetera." In closing, Holter says, "This is going to be a complete financial collapse. You are going to see some deflation, but it's not going to be deflation against dollars. It will be deflation against gold." Meaning, the value of everything will devalue against gold.
Belgium has the Most Expensive Stock market in the World. Subscribers have access to the Point & figures chart of the BEDOW (Belgian Dow Jones Index) and it clearly shows a EXPONENTIAL curve. Goldonomic knows that this signals that it is high time to sell your Belgian equities and send your marbles abroad.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...and see PUZZLE update for December 2015 !
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Tuesday January 5, 2016 - the World's Economic, Financial and Political situation is worse than You and Me think it is !
Updated Sections: $-Gold , Gold Fundamentals , Silver , US-Dollar ,
WAR is spreading in the Middle East. After Turkey versus the Kurd's we have problems between Israel versus Gaza and Lebanon. Worse however is that the New Year comes with extreme tensions between the Sunni's (Saudi's) and Shiites (Iran). This was an accident waiting to happen and the executions by the Saudi's kicked the rotten door open. Riyadh is planning to cut off all flights between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and will ban its citizens from traveling to the Islamic Republic, the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told Reuters. Saudi Arabia and Iran are important providers of CRUDE OIL.
The Middle-East war is also a war for OIL! |
Bill Holter 2016 - Economic prediction and complete financial collapse
The system has reached the limit of its credit card. The odds are that the system may collapse overnight this 2016 and that investors and citizens will be caught short and have no time to react. Don't postpone until tomorrow what you can do today....if you do the odds are that you will come too late...Better one year early than one second late!
Important Fundamentals:
- I think you are going to see a closure of the system.The bulk of your assets should be in Physical Gold and stored out of Political Reach in a VAULT outside the Banking System and you must ensure that it is done NOW!!!
- Keep part of your assets in Gold & Silver mines, Energy (Oil, Natural gas, Uranium) and Recession Proof shares out of Political Reach.
- Make sure you have a Plan B and a Permanent Residency in a Political and Fiscal SAFE country.
- Have a Bank Account abroad and open it NOW (it becomes increasingly difficult to open bank accounts abroad)
Important Technicals:
- Apart from China and Japan, all Stock Market indexes (see section) are BEARISH.
- Although the Chinese Stock markets have been closed today and the SHORT TERM looks grim, our Medium and Long term charts are still positive.
- New BUY signal for Harmony (HMY)
- The medium term STOP BUY LEVEL (buy when level is broken) for $-Gold is $ 1850
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday to Monday January 4, 2016 - We wish you and your loved ones a healthy, successful and a SAFE 2016...we know you're gonna need these wishes!!!
: Shadow Statistics , Inflation , (Hyper)-Inflation & LOCG , Hyper-Inflation scenario ,...and all other pages in Academic section until Plunge Protection Team
Turkey and Erdogan will be the Western world's most dangerous enemy during 2016-17. Erdogan cites Hitler’s Germany as example of effective presidential system and has reiterated his desire to ensure Turkey adopts a presidential system of government and has even cited Adolf Hitler’s Germany as an example of how this can be achieved. Turkey's Army is the largest in Europe and Erdogan has access to the Nuke bombs positioned in Turkey by the NATO. Erdogan has agreements with ISIS, buys their Crude Oil and his wet dream is to destroy the Kurds and reign over a New Ottoman Empire. To be continued...
The Swiss Armed Forces held a maneuver, in which the starting point was focused on social unrest in Europe. The situation is growing increasingly risky. The threat of terror is rising, hybrid wars are being fought around the globe; the economic outlook is gloomy and the resulting migration flows of displaced persons and refugees have assumed unforeseen dimensions. "Social unrest can not be ruled out", and the vocabulary in public discourse will "dangerously aggressive." This recalls the situation around the two world wars in the last century and Blattmann (Chief of Swiss armed forces) advises Switzerland, to arm much for a peaceful 2016!
We are fighting an unequal fight against crooked, manipulative authorities who keep changing the rules of the game and which have nothing to loose except for their privileged position... |
We are fighting an unequal fight against crooked, manipulative authorities who keep changing the rules of the game and which have nothing to loose except for their privileged position. They sell this process as Democracy to a naive herd by buying their votes and participation. Anyone who still has some faith left in Politics should analyze what has happened after the latest Greek Elections. They will come to the conclusion that there is not the slightest doubt that both Tsipras and Varufakis were blackmailed and also threatened. Tsipras and the Majority of the Greek Parliament gave in to the demands of the Unelected EU-gang and Too Big to Jail Bankers. Varufakis did not and was expelled out of the Greek Political system with the excuse that he was not cooperative, uncollegian, impolite and tried to dictate his will to Distelbloem and other leaders...
The result is that while the majority voted against it, Greeks have to live with even more austerity measures while key Greek assets are sold out...mainly to Germans. A lot easier than 70 years ago as not a single Pantzer was required and not one drop of blood has been shed.
It has become impossible to control Government through a democratic voting process and Parliament does whatever it decides irrespective of what The People wishes and/or has voted for. |
What Authorities, Bankers and the Mainstream media fail to understand, is that they are NOW orchestrating their own destruction. The situation can be compared to what happened in Zimbabwe and is happening today in Venezuela and Ukraine: today, Greeks are sinking into poverty even faster, the Middle-class is slaughtered and whoever has education, brains and finances (entrepreneurs, capital) is leaving Greece. In the end the uneducated, lower classes, old and poor remain (like is now the case in Venezuela): exactly those people who as a rule start Civil Wars and/or Revolutions.
In the end the uneducated, lower classes, old and poor remain (like is now the case in Venezuela): exactly those people who as a rule start Civil Wars and/or Revolutions. |
Investors which have through a logic reasoning process come to the conclusion that they have to invest their assets in a particular way and keep these out of the banking system and out of political reach are fighting an unequal fight against their Rulers.
Authorities will do whatever they can to keep the mockery alive: change the rules of the law during and even after the game, use bankers and Mainstream media for their own sake; Manipulate the financial markets, blow bubbles and see that people are disinvesting out of Real Safe Assets (ex. physical Gold) and into worthless fabricated investment instruments.
Après-moi le déluge (Louis XIV) . Their favorite is to create fiat money out of thin air. Money which is subsequently misallocated to consolidate their own position. But whatever they do and although it delays their own destruction for some time, their actions can never avoid their own death which as a standard comes with Hyperinflation, a war or a revolution: (Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette and the guillotine) . Bad is that the final Catharsis is normally controlled by the lower classes and the transition phase from the old regime into the new regime normally comes with blood and tyranny (Robespierre).
Every normal reasoning economist, investor and citizen knows and understands that what The Mainstream Media call "the financial system and economy" is nothing but a masquerade and that there no doubt that Goliath is about to die for such is mathematically 100% sure. |
The problem is however that the reasoning investor is fighting an unequal fight where his opponent Goliath is doing whatever is possible to survive. And is even recurring to undemocratic and foul play. What we often tend to forget, is that it becomes extremely hard, if possible at all “to Call and Time” when and how the Catharsis will happen and Goliath will die. What we do however know, is that when such happens it will probably come unexpected hereby destroying misallocated investments (bank deposits, bonds, derivatives, manufactured financial products,....and as a consequence seriously harming the price level of Real Estate. At that time we shall also live more civil unrest, war, revolutions and destruction.
The Intelligent investor will survive on condition he has stored his assets out of political reach and has managed to leave the critical zone (civil unrest, war,...) in time...before borders are closed to Capital and to Civilians. |
Don't believe the screen saver the politicians are trying to sell you and remember that it is better to be 4 years early than one second late. That is if you care about your life and the life of your loved ones. Also, don't forget that the longer the Patient Goliath is kept alive artificially, the bigger the drama, catharsis and impact will be the day he passes away.
During the 1960's at a time where the international financial system was less at risk than it is today, Central Bankers and Authorities lost billions of Dollars (and the USA probably lost all of its physical Gold) rigging the price of Gold until they had no other choice but to call for a Bank Holiday and Roosevelt seized the Gold of the Americans...and as a result the fiat paper price of Gold rose from $32 to $850 per troy.oz.
Roosevelt ordered that gold and gold certificates, under the emergancy banking act of march 9th 1933 to be handed in to the treasurer of The United States on or before the 17th January 1934. All gold was to to tranfered from the fed banks to the treasury by the 30th January 1934. And the treasury paid out $20.67 dollars an ounce and (issued ceritficates to the fed banks), and revalued the gold at $35 a ounce on 31st Jan 1934 It was revalued it at $38 an ounce in 1972 and $42.42 an ounce in 1973. the requirement of gold to be held as a 25% deposite against liabilities, was removed in march 1965 and the same for gold certificates in march 1968. Nixon made the anouncement that the USA would no longer redeem, internationally, federal reserve notes in gold in 1971.
That will be the day Varufakis was speaking off during his last interview about the 2015 Greek crisis. Because of derivatives, fractional reserve banking, dramatic high debt levels and even more manipulation of the paper price of commodities and Gold & Silver in particular, the situation has become so bad, so critical that I expect that the day “The Accident” happens, it will simply be impossible to buy any Physical Gold & Silver..and it may even be impossible to buy any Gold & Silver shares. At least not at a normal price (the total capitalization of Gold & Silver miners is smaller that the capitalization of Google, Coca Cola).
Hopefully the Tsunami which is rolling towards us won't have biblical proportions....but it probably will and what is sure, it will - as it always does - destroy the Sheeple or those who keep believing the Authorities, Bankers and Mainstream Media . Those who refuse to make their homework are to loose a lifetime of savings...soon.
Those who refuse to make their homework are to loose a lifetime of savings...soon. |
Investors act in a herd like manner thinking that because the herd is still invested in the market and has not sensed danger yet, it must be safe. Investors are lazing around the waterhole like unsuspecting gazelles. This herd will be running for their lives in the near future, as danger is lurking. If you have an ounce of common sense, ability to think critically, and appreciation for risk, you should leave the herd now before the inevitable stampede. Staying with the herd as it heads for the cliff is not an effective strategy.
It is not the Fiat Paper value of your wealth which is important but rather what will be left of it AFTER the financial and political system fail...and WHERE & HOW you have been safekeeping it. |
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals : more in the subscriber's section...and see PUZZLE update for December 2015 !
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