NEWS OCT'15 (public)
Inflation & Deflation are monetary phenomenons but a boom & recession are economic phenomenons
Friday October 30, 2015 - The US and A is no more the land of the FREE
Updated Sections: Crude Oil, Treasuries in the EU ,
More and more Americans are renouncing their citizenship and are emigrating.
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Thursday October 29, 2015 - If depositors would convert 1% of their wealth into banknotes, the system would implode.
Updated Sections: Coal & Solar, Agriculturals, Bonds in the USA, Inflation Index, US-Dollar , EURO ,
Actual physical money or cash comprises less than 1% of the "money" in the financial system. If depositors were ever to try and convert even a small portion of this "wealth" into actual physical bills, the system would implode (there simply is not enough actual cash).
Almost all of the “wealth” in the financial system is digital in nature.
- The total paper money and coins in the US financial system is about $1.36 trillion.
- Digital money sitting in bank accounts are roughly $10 trillion.
- The money in the US stock market is over $20 trillion in size.
- The US bond market (money that has been lent to corporations, municipal Governments, State Governments, and the Federal Government) is almost twice this at $38 trillion.
- Total Credit Market Instruments (mortgages, collateralized debt obligations, junk bonds, commercial paper and other digitally-based “money” that is based on debt) is even larger $58.7 trillion.
- Unregulated over the counter derivatives traded between the big banks and corporations is north of $220 trillion.
- The total of Derivatives WORLDWIDE is more than $1 Quadrillion.
Today the FED-Oracle has once more been at work and markets are jumping up and down without any decisive direction...extremely frustrating is the least one can say. If you see the poor education level and quality of markets participants, it's almost a miracle the fluctuations ain't any bigger. I just wonder how much longer the FED (Yellen) and ECB (Draghi) will succeed in sugaring the markets and in keeping the participants happy.
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday October 28, 2015 - We face Europe's fusion with the Third World.
Updated Sections: US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$ ,
This is the modern implementation of the Brezhnev doctrine. EU-puppets are installed all over the EU: Italy, Greece, and now also Portugal. A country only has Democratic rights if it is in favor of the EU- project. If not, those rights are taken away. As German Wolfgang Schauble declared: "Elections mean NOTHING, there are RULES!"
We face Europe's fusion with the Third World. The servants of globalization are trying to convince us that to deny our identity, is a progressive and humanitarian act, that "racism" is wrong, because they want us all to be blind consumers. Fugitives will simply bring Africa and the Middle-East to Europe and destroy what is left of it.
You must stay away from ETF and other Derivatives but we cannot avoid that today all financial markets are dangerously influenced and function by what happens with ETF's.... |
World Biggest Leveraged ETF Halts Orders on Liquidity Concern. The world’s largest leveraged exchange-traded fund is getting too big for the market it was designed to track. Nomura Asset Management Co. will halt subscription orders for its Next Funds Nikkei 225 Leveraged Index ETF and two other funds from Friday, it said in a statement on its website. The money manager, which relies on the futures market to deliver two times the daily return of Japan’s most famous stock index, said liquidity isn’t deep enough to ensure it can meet that target.
Surging inflows from individual investors have made the Nikkei 225 ETF one of the biggest players in Japan’s futures market, sparking concern among some analysts that the fund’s trades are exacerbating price swings. Assets under management have doubled in just five months to 734 billion yen ($6.16 billion), even as the benchmark index fell 13 percent from this year’s peak in June. “It seems that the ETF has become too big and is moving the market, and that they’re unable to secure the liquidity they need,” said Michiro Naito, an equity derivatives and quantitative strategist at JPMorgan Securities Japan Co.
The U.S. issuing the global reserve currency by fiat knowing full well it truly means "non payment". The absolute cornerstone to the dollar retaining confidence and thus value has been the suppression of the price of gold. |
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Tuesday October 27, 2015 - Duke Energy to Buy Piedmont Natural Gas for $4.9 Billion
Updated Sections: Natural Gas shares ,
If you are willing to look, you will see various European nations without the ability to issue more debt while Japan’s debt to GDP ratio has long ago passed the banana republic threshold. Look around the United States and you will see various cities and states where revenue can no longer support even debt service, never mind pay down any principal. If you look at the federal government debt, you will see foreigners are now sellers. The big buyer is the Fed itself. This is THE definition of monetization. There is no other alternative.
The problem with “debt saturation” is this, all fiat systems (Ponzi schemes) must have new investors in order to “grow”. This is what is meant when you hear the word “reflate”. The reflation process is always funded by new waves of borrowing. For years we would see various economic sectors passing the baton of reflation until there were few left with the ability to borrow more. Then we saw the real estate markets get to a point where more debt could not be added. Finally, various sovereign governments and their central banks picked up the baton in a final reflation. We have particularly seen this since 2008 with the various fiscal spending plans and quantitative easing's.
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Monday October 26, 2015 - We have GOOD and BAD news...first comes the BAD news.
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes , Gold Fundamentals ,
This is the end of the EU and Europe! I give it a maximum of 6 to 9 months before HELL (civil unrest, revolution, terrorism,...) breaks loose in Europe. The USA will get what is aimed for: the end of the EU-zone and the EURO. I don't want to call anybody names but Europeans are too damn stupid and politically correct to do something about what is becoming a Catastrophic Historic Event. When talking about Europeans I include both Political leaders and "The People" or the 3rd and 4th generation which are too spoiled to stand up and stop the massive inflow of so called fugitives.
There is no way one can mix people with this kind of different cultural background (Christians and Muslims) unpunished... |
ISIS March in Germany as Thousands More Migrants Pour Across the Border. With hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants making their way across Europe to Germany, UK etc, we see the beginning of what’s to come. Enormous black flags of jihad (ISIS flags) waving at a Muslim march in Hannover on October 23, 2015.
This ain't about people fleeing for their life but rather about people shopping around Europe for the best possible Financial deal! |
Police forces and Mainstream Media in Europe have been ordered not to focus on clashes because they don't want to polarize the people more and avoid even more hatred.
Give or take 6 to 18 months but those among you who have no PLAN B will be trapped in Europe...don't expect nothing spectacular, at least not in the beginning. But crime, civil unrest and terrorism will slowly and surely fill the front pages of the Mainstream Media. Once things get worse, Nations all around the world will tighten their immigration laws. [don't expect they will be as foolish as the crazy EU-politicians]
Perspectives change once you have a herd of 150 fugitives walking through your street, when you have fugitives strolling through the woods where you go hiking. |
This is the GOOD news: As soon as Yellen walks the footsteps of Draghi (and she will), the American Stock Markets will geyser and start working their 5th BULLISH leg. Whether or not the Economy slides into more recession and depression won't make the slightest difference. UP and HIGHER they will go...until a Dow Jones level of 30,000 looks ridiculous. What few investors however realize is that this 5th leg will actually be lethal to their saving. REMEMBER at all times: Equities are REAL ASSETS and Fiat Money is THIN AIR !!!
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Friday October 23, 2015 - Are Stock Market Indexes to resume their bullish trend?
Updated Sections: Recession Proof shares,
The Gold Pool has now become The Situation Room...and it still is active and kicking. During the 1996-2000 bear market in gold, two mechanisms were used to force the price lower - the gold 'carry trade' using gold leased from central banks and, when the price showed strength, actual sales of gold by Great Britain and Switzerland. As the market bottomed and turned, the 2001-2011 bull market in gold experienced a rear guard action from bullion banks, making irregular very large raids on the price.
Starting in 2011, massive sustained pressure was applied to gold and silver in the form of very frequent 'waterfall' raids. After 2011 the raids were all of the paper variety. During recent months, this campaign has become more blatant; a sign of growing desperation. We have price backwardation and physical delivery of Gold is drying other words, the treachery won't last another 12 months!
There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt or vile men.- Ludwig von Mises. |
Intelligent Psychopath, idiot and liar Draghi (no sorry for this really is what this guy is like) told the world he will continue to print money because there allegedly is not enough inflation in the EU zone and Unemployment is still too high. Through his actions, this guy is destroying the EU, Europa and pushing millions into poverty.
With NO RESPECT for Draghi and all who believe his BS, following :
- the EU has a relatively high price-inflation.
- every living mental healthy soul knows that low price-inflation and/or price deflation is beneficiary for a society.
- every living mental healthy soul knows that by printing more money it is impossible to reduce unemployment.
- printing money does however results in BUBBLES...and this has important implications for the financial markets.
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...[if you are no subscriber, you have no idea about the opportunity you are missing!]
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Thursday October 22, 2015 - History learns that when people think something cannot happen, it will happen!
Updated Sections:
Prolonged Gold Backwardation Has Never Happened in Monetary History. It is a very rare occasion when gold and silver bullion send a Special Invitation to the public that says loud and clear, “It is time to join us on this trip to heights at the moment beyond your mortal vision. Consider this a bullish wedding anniversary trip to the heaven.
Something else to keep in mind is that order fulfilment times have increased significantly from the refineries. Recently we were quoted 5 weeks... |
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Wednesday October 21, 2015 - there is a disconnect between the state of the economy and the stock markets -
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Majors (replaced Harmony by Centerra Gold) ,
Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the most potent weapon the West had against the tyranny of communism was simply to tell the truth about it. No need to lie, though of course there was a lot of that going on too. The Soviet Union, by contrast, needed its Pravda to feed people with lies and distortions.
Today the boot is firmly on the other foot. The western complaint about Russian lies and propaganda utterly misses this simple point: the most potent weapon Russia has against the tyranny of US neo-Trotskyist globalism is not to lie about it, but to simply tell the truth about it. The USA on it's side is making sure the Mainstream Media don't repeat the Vietnam mistake and all sensitive (WAR) news is carefully filtered out. Hence Joe six-pack has a completely erroneous image of what has been and is happening in Europe and the Middle-East. [even Europeans are being lied to...]
The fugitives problem is a direct consequence of the Arab-spring which was orchestrated by the CIA (USA) in order to destabilize the EU-zone and kill the Euro... |
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Tuesday October 20, 2015 - The influx of immigrants out of the Middle-East during a time of economic recession will add explosive power to the next civil uprising, the next revolution.
Updated Sections: Silver ,
1 in 4 Swedish woman will be raped. It will not be long until the Swedes realize that the state will not look after them. The country that just 20 years ago was considered one of the safest and most affluent in the world, is now in danger of becoming a failed state.
In 10 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country. The final consequence of... Sweden's immigration policy is that the economy will collapse because it will become impossible to pay for this mal-investment in human resources.
Sweden is fast approaching a complete collapse. More and more municipalities are raising the alarm that if the migrants keep coming at this pace, the government can no longer guarantee normal service to its citizens.
Right now, the Swedish government is borrowing money abroad to pay for immigration. But that amount is not enough. On October 8, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) warned that municipalities need to increase the tax rate by 2%. The average municipal income tax is already 32%, on top of which many Swedes also pay a federal income tax. Gatestoneinstitute.
Most people won't believe me, but better be prepared for a new Revolution... |
In 1789-1799 the French revolution was all about the price of bread and soap...the great revolution of the 21st century will be about the soaring price of electricity, Liquid Energy (crude oil,/gasoline/diesel oil), water....again the result of a misallocation of funds, over-spending by governments and a sickening debt to GDP ratio.
In 1830 the same story unfolded in Belgium and the country ….After the Dutch ruler increased the tax of food and bread yet another time, the people started to revolt and with the help of the French what was to become Belgium broke loose from the Dutch.
If Spanish people can't afford to eat pork, than they should eat rabbit (Rajoy-president of Spain) |
Believe it or not but it all happens because of Fiat Money created out of thin air and misallocation of funds. [Ludwig von Mises]
A good example are electric cars. They may be nature friendly, however the electrical grid is totally unprepared and there is simply NO PRACTICAL WAY it can provide enough electricity and distribution points for the extra demand...let alone fill today's demand.
Capital which should have been used to develop and increase the energy supply and grid (i.e. electrical) has been drained away to other uneconomic and irrelevant investments : airport facilities in parts of the world where they are not needed (Spain), Real Estate investment in regions where there already was an over supply (Ireland, Las Vegas, Florida, Spain,...), bridges for not existing roads, funds to finance supra-national authorities (EU, NATO,...) which will fall apart anyhow because of the fact that expensive energy doesn't allow for complex societies,...
No new nuclear power stations were built. Instead massive amounts of capital went to unreliable and poor yielding Solar and Wind power stations. |
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Monday October 19, 2015 - Politicians are there only for themselves, if you still believe in these gangsters, you are very naive.
Updated Sections: Investment Pyramid , $-Gold ,
The Western media has no independence. An editor of a major German newspaper has written a book, a best-seller published in Germany, in which he states that not only he himself served the CIA as a reliable purveyor of Washington’s lies, but that every significant journalist in Europe does so also. Did you read "The Brothers" !?
Socialism = Marxism = Environmentalism = Communism? |
Political correctness could be Marxism....but whatever it is, it is DEADLY WRONG! [video comes with subtitles]
Belgian Authorities are lodging Middle-East Refugees in military bases all over the country. The strategically located bases have become vacant after previous (and present) Governments decided the country did no longer need Privates to protect the territory. Once armed this Trojan Horse could take over the whole country in a matter of hours and days...Best case scenario this action will result in Civil Unrest and maybe in a Revolution.
Fiscal Optimization has become a moral duty of every citizen and is NO LONGER the privilege of what is labelled and targeted as "The Rich Capitalists"....Capital is extremely volatile and the higher it is taxed, the faster and further if will seek protection. Today, Fiscal Optimization has luckily become something within reach of the Middle Class.
Either you move your capital into safety and out of political reach so it can be used by future generations to rebuilt society either it will be slowly seized and consumed by the HERD...and allow Politicians to buy more VOTES. |
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Friday October 16, 2015 - Banks are becoming the Tax collectors and controllers of the Authorities -
Updated Sections:
It ain't a matter of %%%% profit but a matter of SAFETY FIRST. Silver may be Gold on steroids...but we still prefer Gold to Silver. 10 Maple Leafs/Kruger rands represent more or less an equal amount of purchasing power as 20 pounds/10 kg of Silver. If you need to, it's a lot easier and safer to travel with 10 Kruger Rands/Maple Leafs than with 10 kg of Silver.
You don't invest to make more Fiat Money, you invest in order to keep your purchasing power safe....and to safeguard it against the Authorities/Government. Especially so when Banknotes are becoming illegal, and Authorities make sure you sell your METALS through official channels where it can be taxed properly. The can also seized it was taken away from the Knight Templar's by Philip le Beau and seized from the American citizens in 1933.
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Thursday October 15, 2015 - Derivatives are a financial nuclear bomb threat & how the Gambling itself moves the market..
Updated Sections: €/$ ,
Many are invested in DERIVATIVES and don't even realize it. Even worse is that they are unaware that they are sitting on top of a Financial Nuclear Bomb.
Being invested in DERIVATIVES is making a bet against a market maker which has almost unlimited funds and KNOW what the market is like because he/she's keeping the books. "interest rate swaps" and "credit default swaps" are the two largest and most-important forms of this gambling. An interest rate swap is a bet between a banker (i.e. the people who control interest rates) and You, on which direction an interest rate will move.
No one "understands" derivatives but most investors have some. Derivatives are bets. Period. That's all they ever were. That's all they ever can be. |
If you place bets on the direction of interest rates against the criminals who control those interest rates, you're probably going to lose on those bets, almost all of the time. To really understand "the derivatives market" as a whole requires understanding exactly what it is: history's largest book-making operation (i.e. bookies). This is all that this rigged casino has ever represented: bookies taking bets. Here readers also need to understand how a bookie's "market" operates.
The gambling itself moves the market. Bookies take bets according to "odds", the prevailing gambling-ratio for that particular bet, or the price it costs to place that bet. But these odds change over time. How do they change? They change based on the amount of money placed on each side of the bet. When more money is placed on one side of the bet, the price to place the bet (on one side) declines, while the price to place the bet on the other side rises. As only the bookmaker (bank) knows how the ratio is, they by definition always end up being the winner and they take it here for more
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Wednesday October 14, 2015 - The most important Question is WHERE to store your Gold !
Updated Sections:
The failure of monetary policies will not be admitted by the professors that are at central banks. They will then go and blame someone else (speculators) for it and then an easy target would be to blame it on people that own physical gold because they can argue, well these are the ones that do take money out of circulation and then the velocity of money goes down … we have to take it away from them.” That has happened in 1933 in the US… With our brilliant governments in Europe that follow US policies and with the ECB talking every day to the Federal Reserve, they would do the same in Europe, take the gold away from people.”
We have our reasons and we don't think it is a good idea to store your Gold in Singapore....we have much better and safer locations...
I bet you won't be happy to see the Government tax your profit made on your Gold by 33% .... or seize it all together. Even you think that you are smart because you keep your gold in your garden or some other location in/around your house, Governments will catch you. Be advised that right now Authorities in most Western countries are working on a system to control the flow of gold from IMPORT to the last consumer/investor and that soon it will be IMPOSSIBLE to sell your Gold out of the official circuit....Therefore it becomes increasingly important to hold you hold in the name of a designated legal entity.
Governments don't longer give a SHIT about their country and their citizens. They ONLY care about themselves and about VOTES. If you continue to trust the Governments/Authorities, you will be consumed ALIVE. If necessary they will seize whatever they can with the blink of an eye...especially your physical Gold & Silver.
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday October 13, 2015 - Is the Dow Jones breaking out of a Bullish Configuration ?
Updated Sections: Banks & Financials ,
Bill Warner - A Taste of Islam. An extremely interesting and relevant video. It is each one's MORAL responsibility to watch this video clip in order ro be able to assert the REAL risk of the influx of Muslims into the Western World. This threat may even be worse than the treat of the financial crisis and hyperinflation.
The Technical side of the Financial Markets is getting better while the fundamentals are getting worse.....
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Monday October 12, 2015 - belgian subscribers must read the 33% tax update for Monday on our dutch site!
Updated Sections: Natural Gas shares , Uranium Shares , Gold & Silver Majors , Gold & Silver Juniors ,
TIPP (Shut up and Swallow) is a way to consolidate trade (read GLOBALISM) between the USA and the EU in an effort to offset the growing power of Russia and China. The whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has released on Friday the final version of the intellectual property (IP) rights chapter of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement. The website added that the IP Chapter of the TPP “has perhaps been the most controversial chapter due to its wide-ranging effects on internet services, medicines, publishers, civil liberties and biological patents.” TIPP is not properly understood by most Westerners...
Click here to read the full press release in HTML, PDF
Despite a final agreement, the text is still being withheld from the public, notably until after the Canadian election on October 19. The document is dated four days ago, October 5th, or last Monday, the same day it was announced in Atlanta, Georgia that the 12 member states to the treaty had reached an accord after five and a half years of negotiations. (The fact that the final text is withheld from the public proofs the Authorities don't give a FUCK about the people)
The IP Chapter of the TPP has perhaps been the most controversial chapter due to its wide-ranging effects on internet services, medicines, publishers, civil liberties and biological patents. "If TPP is ratified, people in the Pacific-Rim countries would have to live by the rules in this leaked text," said Peter Maybarduk, Public Citizen's Global Access to Medicines Program Director. "The new monopoly rights for big pharmaceutical firms would compromise access to medicines in TPP countries. The TPP would cost lives." The lease one can say, is that this is DISGUSTING and possible because of LOBBYING (bribing politicians)
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Friday October 9, 2015 - Don't forget to check the SALES in our section of Oil Shares
Updated Sections : Oil shares ,
As a rule, people and especially Political Authorities fail or refuse to understand the following vicious circle. As you get to #12 you are automatically right back at #1. This is a downward economic spiral.[Jim's Formula] This is why over the next years Government deficits will continue to exist and to grow. This is why Government will be forced to continue to increase taxation. This is a mathematical certainty.
- First interest rates rise affecting the drivers of the economy, housing, but before that auto production goes from bull to a bear markets.
- This impacts many other industries and the jobs report. An economy is either rising at a rising rate or business activity is falling at an increasing rate. That is economic law 101. There is no such thing in any market as a Plateau of Prosperity or Cinderella - Goldilocks situations.
- We have witnessed the Stock Markets rise on economic news indicating deceleration of activity. This continues until major corporations announced poor earnings, making the markets fall faster than it rose, moving it deeply into the red. (November 2008)
- The formula economically is inherent in #2, which is lower economic activity equals lower profits.
- Lower profits leads to lower National/Federal Tax revenues.
- Lower Federal tax revenues in the face of increased National/Federal spending causes geometric, not arithmetic, rises in the National/ Federal Budget deficit. This is also true for cities.
- The increased Budget deficits in the face of the Trade Deficit increases the Current Account Deficit. Dramatic for the USA and Europe. (see what happens in Greece)
- The Current Account Balance is the speedometer of the money exiting a country into world markets (deficit).
- It is this deficit that must be met by incoming investment in any form. It could be anything from businesses, equities to Treasury instruments. We are already seeing a fall off in the situation of developing nations carrying the spending habits of industrial nations; a contradiction in terms.
- If the investment by non domestic entities fails to meet the exiting dollars, euros, british pounds... by all means, then this specific country must turn within to finance the shortfall.
- As the action under #10 starts to become reality, and a country turns inside to finance all maturities, interest rates will rise with the long term rates moving fastest regardless of prevailing business conditions. (ex. Greece, Portugal)
- This will further contract business activity and start a downward spiral of unparalleled dimension because the size of for example the US debt already issued is of unparalleled dimension.
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Thursday October 8, 2015 - We're living the end of Europe...
Updated Sections: Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ , Can$-Gold & Can$/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/€/$ , £-Gold & £/$/€ , R-Gold & R/$/€ ,
We're living in a German-French Dominated Europe of Disharmony. We're living the end of Europe. Fugitives travel through 5 countries to collect the goodies in designated European countries and get what the indigenous population (Lower Classes) are denied. Politicians don't seem to realize (they never do) that this ALWAYS result in CIVIL UNREST, RIOTS, REVOLUTIONS,...(It is by definition ALWAYS the lower classes which initiate Revolutions). To add insult to injury, all of a sudden deeply indebted EU-members create MORE DEBT (= more fiat money) to feed and house these immigrants....!?
To compare today's situation with the immigration situation after WW II, the 1950's and 1960's is a blasphemy. During those years there was 1. an important shortage of labor force and 2. the immigrants were mainly originating out of Southern European countries (Italy, Spain) with a similar religion and culture.
Same remark applies for immigrants out of Europe to Canada and to the United States of America: Italians, Irish, Dutch, Belgians,...same religions an same culture...
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Wednesday October 7, 2015 - In today's volatile markets, wealth preservation is king if parked in the right spot
Updated Sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ ,
The Outcome of what we can call a Modern Terrorist War will be quite scary. So it’s really hard to get a handle on what exactly is going to cause the trouble in Western Europe. But when you start thinking: If trouble unfolds, what’s liable to happen? It’s quite scary and it’s quite likely that it will result in more terror....also in West-Europe and in a lesser degree in the USA.
EU-authorities will do ALL within their power to avoid panic: LIES, MISINFORMATION, PROPAGANDA,...bottom line is that they don't give a SHIT about the EU-citizens. They just want to stay in power... |
Once Authorities instate Capital Controls, those who have no plan B , those who have chained themselves to Real Estate, those who repatriated all their assets to their homeland (because of propaganda induced fear) will have no option but the stay put and endure the drama. Imagine what can happen once the 1.5 mio – 2 mio young people which entered Europe in this Troyan horse all of a sudden are armed and start to take over the European pussies. One doesn't need a lot of imagination to understand that the millions of Muslims who already are living in Europe will thankfully join the ranks of those who call themselves fugitives. To add injury to insult, the EU-officials declared that they expect another 5,000,000 Muslim fugitives over the next months.
Are you willing to take the risk while for a small investment you could have a permanent second residence in a safe country (Panama) which is in full development and has ZERO unemployment thousand of miles away....with little or no Muslims!? |
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Tuesday October 6, 2015 - Bull Markets climb a Wall of Worry
Updated Sections: Oil shares (added Tesoro Petroleum) , Crude Oil ,
Mainstream Media by definition NEVER have and NEVER will forecast a Major Top and/or a Major Bottom...NEVER! Goldonomic subscribers know what our opinion is about the World Stock Markets and what we think about what is defined as LEG 5 of a cycle. GOOD financial advice never comes as a free lunch, NEVER!
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Monday October 5, 2015 - Economic depressions, revolutions and wars always come hand in hand
Updated sections: $-Gold , Silver , US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ , Oil shares , World Stock Market Indexes (short candles) ,
Today's situation is even more dangerous because of the existence of the 4th generation. The German Revolution or November Revolution (German: November revolution) was the politically driven civil conflict in the German Empire at the end of the First World War, which resulted in the replacement of Germany's imperial government with a republic. The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the establishment in August 1919 of a republic (which later became known as the Weimar Republic). Economists know this era because of the Weimar Hyperinflation.
The Age of Uncertainty and 4th Generation: most of us, whether we admit it or not, live with a linear view of history. They think that over a long enough span of time, men learn and things improve. The history (of money) gives no support for this optimism. The 1st generation builds, the 2nd generation fortifies, the 3rd generation start to consume the efforts made by the 1st & 2nd generations and the 4th generation ruins it all...the cycle can now start again from scratch. [Worst case scenario it can take another 4 generations before a 1st generation has gathered enough energy, stamina and capital so it actually can build]. Today's generation has no recall of WW I, WW II, the 1979 Oil Crisis, Operation Gutt, Capital Controls,...they think these are problems of the extremely dangerous way to live!
The Modern generation actually refuses to listen to History and the past and they keep living in LALA-land convinced nothing can destroy their pleasant lifestyle. |
1. All the economic indicators indicate we have a depression. About 30% of the 325,000,000 Americans doesn't has a job. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks. The only ARROWS left for the Authorities are PRINT MORE MONEY and MAKE MORE WAR. Gold & Silver and miners are an excellent way to protect your savings and purchasing power during periods of money inflation, money hyperinflation, money deflation and war PROVIDING you keep these OUT OF POLITICAL reach.
2. HOWEVER: such does NOT mean we shall see LOWER World Stock Markets, on the contrary..! Most analysts don't take into account the Zimbabwe effect.
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Friday October 2, 2015 - Higher interest rates would wreck the Financial system!
Updated Sections: Bonds in the EU , Corporate & Junk bonds , Technical Analysis , How to read PF-charts ,
We may have to wait until October 15-19 before markets decide to tell us what their next move will be....
I wonder what impact this will have on the Financial Markets..!?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued a double warning over higher US interest rates, which it said could trigger a wave of emerging market corporate defaults and panic in financial markets as liquidity evaporates. The IMF said corporate debts in emerging markets ballooned to $18 trillion (£12 trillion) last year, from $4 trillion in 2004 as companies gorged themselves on cheap debt. It said the quadrupling in debt had been accompanied by weaker balance sheets, making companies more vulnerable to US rate rises.
“As advanced economies normalize monetary policy, emerging markets should prepare for an increase in corporate failures,” the IMF said in a pre-released chapter of its latest Financial Stability Report.
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Thursday October 1, 2015 - Obama has turned Putin into the world’s most powerful leader
Updated Sections:
The Invasion of Europe. This threat is one thousand times more dangerous than Derivatives are.
The USA, Obama, Kerry have stopped being the #1 political and military leaders of the World. Even worse, is that it now becomes clear they made a MESS out of it. (This video clip is probably censured in the USA) This has severe financial implications and for the US-Dollar and for the World Financial Markets. Got Gold!?
We have different phenomenons interacting on Society:
- Monetary phenomenons: the amount of money printed which results in inflation and hyperinflation irrespective of the state of the economy.
- Economic phenomenons: economic booms, recessions and depressions. These have their own heartbeat.
- Social, religious and political phenomenons: where Intelligent Psychopaths do the impossible to convince the VOTERS that they in fact run the show and they should have all the power.
Because ALL politicians and Mainstream Media and MOST financial analysts are not able to figure out the impact of each and most not even know nor understand the definition of inflation, deflation, recession, depression, most investors are totally lost in the financial jungle. |
We try to help by explaining how the system works. We're trying to publish a financial site for Economic/Financial Dummies...and I must confess that such is extremely difficult.
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