NEWS OCT'16 (public)
Monday October 31, 2016 - Gold is extremely under owned in Western Investment portfolios
Updated Sections:
Gold is extremely under owned in Western investment portfolios. Because supplies of above ground stocks normally available to satisfy Western investment demand have been severely depleted by flows to Asian investors, the price dynamics are explosive.
Gold has enjoyed a stealth bull market since the advent of radical monetary policies around 2000. As a matter of fact, gold has been the best performing asset class since then, a fact that is completely unrecognized by main stream media and conventional investors.
The long term erosion of investment confidence and further advances in the stealth bull market for gold will NOT take place in a linear fashion. There are bound to be shakeouts and fake outs along the way to camouflage the underlying reality that the global financial system as we know it is in extremis. We also believe that the current sharp correction in the precious metals complex is a setup for another major advance toward new highs in metal and share prices. We therefore recommend taking advantage of current weakness to build or establish new positions.
Important Fundamentals:
- Iron Ore Surges Amid Coal's Record Rally, Lifting Miners' Shares. Iron ore is rallying as coal prices surge, lifting the shares of producers in Australia, the world's largest shipper. Coking coal, or metallurgical coal, has more than doubled this year, with futures in Dalian hitting a record on Wednesday.
- Swedish Krona tumbles as markets realize Sweden will see more QE (money printing) and lower, negative interest it not hilarious that the more SOCIALIST countries are, the faster they slide into the ABYSS? (Zimbabwe, Venezuela, ...)
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Saturday October 28, 2016 - If we give so much attention to the Elections, we do so because they will have a MAJOR impact upon the World Financial Markets!
In my life I have NEVER seen this....there is CORRUPTION all over the place...all the way to the TOP. And because of Internet, and the foul propaganda the Mainstream Media will DIE!
Phony Polls, Confusion in the Mainstream Media,...Will it be possible to rig a 25 to 1 landslide for Trump ?...and $ 125,000 per oz Gold...and $10,000 per oz Silver.
It seems that the Democratic Party (DNC) is a Huge Criminal Organization...This is a 100 times worse than WATERGATE and still it's being covered up by the Mainstream Media!? Those who think it was nothing more than a BLOW JOB given by Monika to Bill Clinton are terribly NAIVE.
Donald Trump Has Won The 2016 Presidential Election. If we win, we are going to drain The Swamp and will stop Government Corruption.
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday October 28, 2016 - Expensive Energy and Complex societies don't go together.
Updated Sections: Can$-Gold & Can$/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/€/$ , £-Gold & £/€/$ ,
While the presidential battle goes on, Europe and the EU continues to fall at shambles. For some dark reason, Citizens of Europe and the USA cannot wait until their standard of living has become the standard of living Venezuela has nowadays.
While the international community had long accepted the inevitable fate of Maduro's socialist paradise, the local government sternly refused to admit reality insisted on keeping the highest denomination bill in circulation at 100 bolivars, whose worth is approximately 8 cents on the black market. Economists and central bank employees say Mr. Maduro didn’t want to acknowledge the country’s inflation problem by printing bigger notes. Venezuela's government, slammed by hyperinflation has finally thrown in the towel, and is planning to issue new bills in December with larger denominations—up to 200 times higher than the current biggest bill. The new notes will go up to 20,000 bolivars, This would make the biggest note worth $15 on the black market.
Expensive Energy and Complex societies don't go together. [TAINTER - Education Hall]The troubles in the banking sector have spilled over into everyday life. A recent study published by McKinsey & Co. showed that an astounding 97% of Europeans have suffered a loss in wages and income during the period from 2005 to 2014. As a result most Europeans are in a worse position financially than their parents. – So it's understandable why so many voters are likely to vote "no" in the coming referendum. After all the present course of action ensures things won't be getting any better but instead worse for them.
The EU is a POLITICAL FRANKENSTEIN, doomed to fail from the very beginning. The EU is definitely NOT a structure beneficial to the average citizen. One must understand understand the EU is a POLITICAL fabrication just like NAFTA, CETA and TIFF are. In Spain, the Basques and the Catalans want to split off. In Belgium, the headquarters of the EU, the Flanders are in the process of separating from Wallonia. In Italy 89% of the Venetians voted to separate a couple of years ago. The Italian South Tyrol region, where 70% of the people speak German, has a strong independence movement. The chances are that in the future many EU countries are going to fall apart, as opposed to being compressed together artificially.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday October 27, 2017 - Yellow Bricks perform a lot better than red bricks and are less trouble.
Updated Sections: Real Estate in Belgium, France & Netherlands , Zar-Gold & Rand/$/€ , Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , FS-Gold & FS/$/€ ,
Real Estate is Real Estate and the cost/price started to go up after World War II. For many countries (USA, Spain, Ireland,...) however, we have seen the top and the BUBBLE is deflating since 2006. Other countries are lagging and have reached their top in 2015/16 (example Belgium, The Netherlands). Fact is that in the long run, GOLD performs A LOT BETTER than Real Estate and demands LESS ATTENTION and NO Tender Love and Care.
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click to enlarge - Real Estate and Gold | click to enlarge - Real Estate prices in the EU |
December 4th, a historic day in Italy: So what happens on December 4th? This is the day of another official referendum – this time decided by Italian voters – that is thought will determine the very fate of the European Union. – If this referendum goes the way the many signs are already indicating, Italians will vote “no.” This will be the first major step in the total destruction of the EU.
The effects of the outcome of this upcoming referendum threaten to be five times graver than Brexit. That’s the reason, in analogy with Brexit, it has been called “Italexit.” It could result in Italy’s exit from the EU. – The shock-waves from Italy’s exit from the EU will almost certainly affect every savings account, stock portfolio, and cash stash. Be assured that all paper will burn.
Social Security, pension funds, and even precious metals are all involved in this game. Don’t think it can be dismissed as insignificant because it is the third largest nation within the EU. For unprepared, savers, investors and retirees across the western world, this economic catastrophe could turn into a disaster of epic proportions.
If everything unfolds as is expected, it could very well set off the biggest economic disaster of this century. In short, dramatic changes are coming and they are coming soon. The world is on the brink of a new era in financial markets.
If Italy is the first domino to fall, the total collapse of the EU will be unstoppable, no matter what politicians and central bankers try to do to stop it. And taking into account all the lessons taught to us by history, the conclusion is that this will be the most important financial crisis to date. Once underway, this one will spare no one who hasn’t seen it coming. The prepared, however, those that have comprehended this situation, will not be concerned about their wealth.
Important Fundamentals:
- Markets will remain in-active until November 8th, 2016 (Presidential Elections in the USA)
- Aussie on the verge of a BREAKOUT versus the Euro? ...see section
- The Swiss franc tells us the US-Dollar will go LOWER after November 8, 2016 ..see section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday October 26, 2016 - We just have 14 days left to the elections...and Financial Markets will NOT move a lot until after November 8
Updated Sections: US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ ,
Unless we have more of these surprises...Clinton Foundation CEO seeks Asylum in Russian Consulate.
The year beginning in January 2017 is going to be a big one for Europe. An Italian referendum potentially followed by an election, as well as scheduled, German, French, Dutch, Czech, Hungarian and Slovenianelections will all conspire to contribute to uncertainty. If these are the known knowns then we must also be prepared for surprises. Against that background it is hard to imagine how the ECB could be in a position to withdraw stimulus, particularly when it is still engaged in a negative interest rate policy.
As frustrating as it is to see governments the world over hand over your right to financial privacy, we’ve always said here that offshore ISN’T about hiding.
Offshore ISN'T about hiding ! |
The approach of a global FATCA simply means it’s more important than ever to have a REAL, legal strategy — not hiding. That strategy could mean new banks, but it also means a strategy for dealing with tax mitigation at home… maybe a new residency, renouncing your citizenship, etc.
It also means taking on many of the strategies we often talk about here, such as investing in foreign real estate and having offshore gold storage. In fact, these are often non-reportable assets that can get your hard-earned money out of the reach of an ever growing number of money-hungry indebted governments.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday October 25, 2016 - Mind boggling to see the disaster "PROPAGANDA" has already made!...and do you know RT?
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Juniors ,
A deja vu experience?
We came, we saw, he died...even the death of thousands of children is worth it!?
Interesting to see what Russians think about the Mainstream Media and American Presidential Elections.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday October 22-24, 2016 - It is totally impossible to increase employment by hiking taxation.
Updated Sections: Platinum (new shares) , Commodities expressed in Gold, Majors,
It is impossible to increase employment by hiking taxation. Hillary and politicians who pretend they can, are cannot increase employment by raising taxes...unless you use the money to hire more government employees. This may provide some short time relief only because it is a fact that 1 government employee takes away the jobs of 2 money generating jobs in the private sector. Remember at all times that Government Jobs COST money and Private Jobs are required to pay for the former.
Let's end/begin the week with some humor:
NAFTA, TIPP & CETA...are NO FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS like they are sold to the public. They are a DISASTER for the World and the Creation of Greedy Politicians which have been bribed by Large Corporations. We already know the consequences of NAFTA are dramatic for the USA...WHY then persist to create more Evil!?
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday October 21, 2016 - The Bottom In Gold Is In - The foreign policy of the USA is and has been a DISASTER!
Updated Sections: Negative Interest Rates, US-Dollar ,
"America Has Lost" - Duterte Announces "Separation" From United States, Alligns With China; Seeks Alliance With Putin. After the relentless barrage of verbal abuse and negative sentiment aimed at Barack Obama and the US, coupled with increasingly complimentary statements toward Beijing, it was only a matter of time before Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte put an end to the speculation if and when he would officially pivot the country's long-held diplomatic alliance away from the US and toward China. He did so today when, during a visit to China's capital, Duterte announced his "separation" from the United States, declaring he had realigned with China as the two agreed to resolve their South China Sea dispute through talks. (ZeroHedge)
I won't go into details about last night's 3rd round between Donald Trump and Killary Clinton. Whatever propaganda the Mainstream Media sell (do yourself a favor and watch the Debate on Fox and or NBC or CNN and you'll see the difference for yourself - be advised the European and American CNN are even different from each other),
ALL presidents starting with Bill Clinton have done everything they could to sink the American Spirit and the American Society. Every economist will agree that they simply sold out the United States and these guys should be tried for High Treason. Donald Trump - IF ELECTED - has a tiny chance to successfully try to glue together the debris his predecessors have left. In my opinion however it is too later, way too late...Rome is burning, the Titanic is sinking and the EU will sink together with the Big American Brother.
The danger is that if between today and election day the USA would enter in a critical WAR situation, Obama and the Democrats would simply be allowed to stay the White House! |
More than 1.5 million Germans, most of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade - Die Welt. Immigration is producing major and irreversible changes in the European Society. For each group there is an institution of public interest: Muslims, Turks, Lesbian's, Homo's, Transvestites, Woman with children and no man, handicapped, blind people, retarded people, homeless people, jobless people, ....However for two NORMAL Hard working Heterosexual People with two kids, there is NOTHING except for rising taxes and a falling real spendable income.
In Belgian a hard working person earning €100,000 per year has to pay € 63,000 to the Government. In other words, he's earning more money for the Government than for himself. If one adds to this the taxes he has to pay on his personal consumption (21% VAT-Sales Tax) one wonders how long this Entrepreneur will take the pain before he emigrates to a place where taxes are normal!?
Important Fundamentals:
- Very hard to understand for most people (as they keep reasoning in terms of Profit and Loss) but in the short and medium run, the FIAT PAPER VALUE of Gold is completely IRRELEVANT. I shall explain this during our next April 2017 Symposium. Important is to have PHYSICAL Gold and to have it stored in the correct location.
Important Technicals:
- An Italexit can be worse than a Brexit. However, such is already in the cards, it is part of the game and as the ECB (Central Bankers) have full authority to print more Fiat Money and buy any securities in order to keep the situation afloat, I don't expect any severe troubles. An Italexit is at this time NO BLACK SWAN....because is/was EXPECTED to happen. Worst case scenario we may have a temporarily down spike of ALL financial markets similar to the down spike of 2008/09. It would however be very stupid to liquidate Gold & Silver positions in the hope to buy these back at lower levels...Only FOOLS sell their Insurance Policy after being advised that their home will burn down the next day!
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday October 20, 2016 - Gold Will Go Up If The Sun Rises Tomorrow
Updated Sections: Majors & Juniors (short candle) , $-Gold (short candle) ,
We are honored that William Murphy has accepted out invitation to be our keynote speaker at our April 22, 2017 symposium which will be held in Belgium. Bill is the driving force behind GATA. He is an experienced professional who exactly knows how the Gold & Silver markets are manipulated.
The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee was organized in the fall of 1998 to expose, oppose, and litigate against collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial instruments. The committee arose from essays by Bill Murphy, a financial commentator on the Internet (, and by Chris Powell, a newspaper editor in Connecticut.
Murphy's essays reported evidence of collusion among financial institutions to suppress the price of gold. Powell, whose newspaper had been involved in antitrust litigation, replied with an essay proposing that gold mining and investor interests should act on Murphy's essays by bringing antitrust lawsuits against financial institutions involved in the collusion against gold.
Bill also remembers the action of the Gold Pool during the 1960's, what happened during those years, how the manipulation came to an end and what happened afterwards. Having learned from the past it should be easier to explain HOW, WHEN and WHAT will happen this time....
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday October 19, 2016 - First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Updated Sections: Coal, Solar & Rare elements , Agriculturals , Copper & Platinum , Long term Commodity charts ,
It's just crude British state propaganda. They've been nervous about RT for some time... RT has over the past years become a lot better than the BBC, CNN, NBC,...and other Mainstream Media controlled by the Authorities. RT is refreshing compared to the PROPAGANDA we are brainwashed with. Click on the picture below to watch the video
At the same time, it is said that "they" cut Assange's (Wikileaks) Internet connection ....The ESTABLISHMENT apparently doesn't like to see that the truth is coming out because it can destroy it. The last Wiki-leaks are certainly not praising Hillary Clinton into heaven. I don't really like Trump. However, he's the one fighting the Establishment and he's probably the only hope for the Western World. Very hard for most people to even REALIZE they are BRAINWASHED. Personally, I realized this in 1990 after I left Belgium and Europe for South-Africa. Ever since this reality-experience grew stronger each time I moved to another continent. Brainwashed people move like SHEEPLE and most of the time make incorrect investment decisions.
CNN even goes so far to pretend it is ILLEGAL to read WIKILEAKS!
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday October 18, 2016 -Don't think for a split second the Mainstream Media bring the truth!
Updated Sections:
At the Election rallies Trump is getting 20,000 - 30,000 people where Hillary is only getting 600 to 800 people....the establishment knows that Trump - if elected - is gonna go for a clean swipe..And it's not only Hillary which will go to jail but also a lot of Washington petty government officials. The problem the Democrats have, is that the elections are no longer stealable, the numbers in favor of Trump are overwhelming. If Trump is not killed, we still may have a “cyber attack”and marshal law . The problem this time is that, when there is world war, there will also be war in the USA .
This is the Age of Aquarius and the truth is coming out... |
Is a bottom in for Gold? India’s buyers tend to act as a floor for the gold market. When gold prices rise (usually driven by speculative trading in places like New York and London), India’s buyers tend to stay away from the market — waiting for a correction to offer a better buying opportunity. But that situation has now apparently reversed itself. Indian Media are reporting that gold sellers in Mumbai's Zaveri Bazar are quoting gold at $1 to $2 above benchmark pricing.
Thinking of Real Estate!? PANAMA is probably one of today's best locations to go! In Panama there is a shortage of 370,000 homes and plenty of Government incentives for families purchase their homestead. In Panama Real Estate has an annual yield fluctuating around 6% . Many Properties are sold with a TITLE like is done in the USA.
Real Estate ownership in Panama is very similar to western countries. If not better. Most properties have titles or can be titles, title insurance can be bought, traditional mortgages are available and Panama has a foreign investor protection laws that guarantee the standard rights of land ownership.
note: Percentages on map stand for percent shortage of homes in indicated regions.
Real Estate taxes in Panama are extremely low or not existing all together (please inquire for details). Families buying a home receive plenty of advantages and can apply for a low interest rate mortgage ...and the minimum wage in Panama is higher than the minimum wage in the USA.
Panama offers an excellent incentive program for retirees, great climate, low cost of living, low crime rate and many tax advantages. Panama has direct air access to major cities, technological and financial infrastructure, which serve to attract international investors. Tocumen is becoming an international airport with more destinations than Miami.
We are working on a NEW Real Estate Project in here for more (sections under construction) |
Panama has very high quality clinics and hospitals. They have state of the art technology and a very good hospital infrastructure. They offer First World healthcare and they can attend to most health issues that you may have. There’s Johns Hopkins, where the physicians are American-trained. The Social Security hospitals are the public hospitals run by the government of Panama and are also very GOOD. For a broken wrist, overnight stay, operation, three pins in the wrist and aftercare, the grand sum would be $107. click here for more....
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday October 17, 2016 - ECB makes bond yields so negative that it can’t afford them and are gold stocks are a screaming buy...or a sell?!
Updated Sections: Crude Oil,
At least 70% of the Americans don't know what Aleppo is, have no idea that there is a War in Syria and those who know think the Syrian War is caused by the Russians! |
This man is risking his LIFE as he's not only fighting the Clinton's but also the Establishment! November 8, 2016 is way more important for the USA and the World than many realize. Democrats (and Republicans) must be panicking to go so far as to ask the "1st lady" to join the MUD slinging party.
The Golden rule is that if you really want to know what's wrong with a country, listening to the OPPOSITION can bring many answers. Donald Trump is "the opposition of both Democrats and Republicans". If elected, I doubt Trump will be able to save America...but hopefully he will be able to stop the Democratic ABERRATION of the last 16 years. [the situation in the EU where Socialism and Communism are sold as Democracy is even worse - it is not up to politicians to create JOBS...only ENTREPRENEURS can]
This what + 8 years of OBAMA (Democrats) and The Establishment did to the USA: It all started with Bush Sr., Bill Clinton and Bush Jr click to enlarge
This is the CRAZIEST economic experiment ever. ECB makes bond yields so negative that it can't afford them. The European Central Bank has pushed yields on the corporate-bond market so low that they no longer meet the criteria of its own bond-buying program, Bloomberg reports.
According to the media's data, yields on bonds from Paris's public transport network have already dipped to -0.4 percent. Bonds from Europe's largest engineering company Siemens, as well as French train operator SNCF and oil company Sagess are approaching this threshold.
As more and more corporate bonds in Europe are turning negative, economists are raising questions how long the ECB can stimulate growth through buying bonds. "It's crazy. It feels wrong to buy something at a negative yield. It's definitely become harder to generate returns. This year the market has performed well but next year it will be very difficult to generate value for clients, starting from zero," Thomas Kristiansson, head of credit fixed-income at SEB Investment Management told the media.
Central bankers, bankers and Authorities prove again that they have not the slightest idea what INFLATION and it's mechanism is...and they keep playing with matches in a powder room. Negative Interest Rates are an ABERRATION and soon interest rates will come back with a terrible revenge. |
Earlier, the media reported that the ECB is considering rolling back its quantitative easing (QE) program, reducing it by about €10 billion a month. Since January 2015, the regulator is buying €80 billion public and private sector securities on a monthly average. The ECB wants to boost euro-area inflation to about two percent by March 2017, when the program ends.
On the Gold sector: After gold stocks nearly tripled in just over a half-year, an extraordinary feat, correcting by a third isn’t out of line at all. The bigger the bull-market uplegs, the bigger the necessary corrections to keep popular greed in check. Yet even at this week's deep correction low following that anomalous plunge last week, the HUI was still up an astounding 76.5% year-to-date! Gold stocks still command 2016's performance crown. Throughout bull markets, each subsequent upleg blasts gold stocks to new higher highs. There’s little doubt gold stocks’ next major upleg will catapult them to a new bull high way above their recent early-August peak.
Important Fundamentals:
- Given the dismal gold-stock sentiment out there today, I suspect most speculators and investors will be surprised by the gold miners’ strong Q3 results coming out soon. That’s a major buying catalyst just right around the corner, and an important fundamental reason to be aggressively buying gold stocks today. Even if gold does nothing and continues languishing in the $1250s, the gold stocks still need to surge another 121% higher from here merely to regain average pricing relative to gold!
Important Technicals:
- The gold miners’ stocks are suffering from universal and overwhelming bearishness today, with nearly everyone expecting further selling. That’s the natural reaction following this sector’s recent massive correction, which climaxed in one of its biggest daily plummets ever witnessed. But within bull markets, there’s no better time to buy aggressively than deep in a major selloff that’s riddled with great doubt and fear. [not that I am a believer, but we have a FULL MOON]. Any sector including gold stocks is only relatively cheap after a major selloff when most traders have already fled due to exceeding popular bearishness.
This demands contrarianism, a tough discipline of actively suppressing and fighting your own emotions that can only come from hard years of experience. Instead of doing what you want to do in the markets, you have to do the exact opposite. You buy stocks when it feels very uncomfortable, after a major selloff everyone is convinced will keep spiraling lower. Buying stocks low is always riddled with internal conflict.
- The Dollar is seriously overbought and can stay overbought until November 8, 2016.
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday October 14, 2016 - It is 200% sure that we're heading for a Hyperinflation!
Updated Sections: Bank & Financials ,
Poor yourself a glass of wine and turn out the lights and watch this video about Money Supply, Velocity and Hyperinflation. This is one of the best video clips ever...after watching this one you will understand the mechanism of Hyperinflation. Once VELOCITY takes off, it gets completely out of control and even highest interest rates will be unable to control hyperinflation.
The Federal Reserve Officials worry that delay in rate hike could cause recession!? I am about to be 67 and this is the most stupid thing I have ever heard in my life. And this kind of nonsens is sold by Federal Reserve Officials and even worse is that the Mainstream Media and The People BUY it!? How can one be so stupid??!!
There is simply NO ROOM left for money tightening and higher interest rates would simply destroy what is left of the economy and financial system. |
Important Fundamentals:
- The aluminum giant Alcoa Inc. (AA) whiffed on sales and earnings. The company generated $5.21 billion in sales last quarter, which is about $10 million less than Wall Street expected. Profits came in at $0.32 per share, which was lower than the $0.35 earnings per share (EPS) analysts expected.
Important Technicals:
- More bottoming for the Gold & Silver sector while the US-Dollar is getting OVERBOUGHT.
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday October 13, 2016 - The People ALWAYS get the politicians they deserve...they always get what they ask for.
Updated Sections: Natgas shares,
The People ALWAYS get the politicians they deserve...they always get what they ask for. At least 70% of the people vote with their emotion and are unable to reason beyond tomorrow. Only immediate satisfaction counts and our emotional voter doesn't remember what happened two days ago...except for the sticking sling mud.
The American Rulers and their Puppet-Democrats are panicking. Never in history did a ruling president act like Obama is. The odds that Trump is elected as president of the USA on November 8th, 2016 are rising each single day. The establishment is scared to death about what is to come as it will be extremely hard to blackmail a man who has no political history.
There is no doubt another financial calamity is coming. It’s inevitable is the word I would use. This time, there are no arrows left. You can’t take interest rates much lower. All you can do is print even more money. That really didn’t work the last time...and it won't work this time.
You can have a hard debt deflation where you clean the debt out of the system like was done in the 1930’s, but look what that cost us: years of depression and a great world war. The other alternative, and they apparently are going down that path, is to just keep printing enough money to keep everything afloat. But if you do that long enough, you are headed for a currency debacle and hyperinflation.
Authorities but also the Emotional Voters are DELUSIONAL: they are a bunch of IDIOTS who think that by forcing citizens and savers out of saving accounts and bank deposits they will invest and kick-start the economy. Such does NOT work as Entrepreneurs need other and different incentives like: low taxes, favorable legislation, little or no Labor Unions, a competitive labor force,...A FREE MARKET ECONOMY. Actually Government and authorities are doing everything in their power to create the opposite!
Important Fundamentals:
- Alaska Oil Reserves May Have Grown 80% on Giant Discovery. Alaska's oil reserves may have just gotten 80 percent bigger after Dallas-based Caelus Energy LLC announced the discovery of 6 billion barrels under Arctic waters. The light-oil reserves were found in the company's Smith Bay leases between Prudhoe Bay and Barrow along the Arctic shore, according to a statement from Caelus on Tuesday. As much as 40 percent of the find, or 2.4 billion barrels, is estimated as recoverable, the company said
Important Technicals:
- Natural Gas is resuming its uptrend but barely anybody who notice...
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday October 12, 2016 - If you want to start a war, you only have to convince the Canon Meat (70% of the population) .
Updated Sections: Recession Proof Shares , Biotech (new under construction) , Oil shares ,
BIOTEC is a new section and under construction...
Governments must heed IMF warning of $152tn global debt timebomb. First it was the August Bank for International Settlements warning. Now it is the International Monetary Fund sending out a second warning about global debt. For the first time, the IMF has had a comprehensive look at indebtedness and the numbers are huge. Global debt is estimated at $152tn, or about 225% of annual global output. Two-thirds of the debt – approximately $100tn is held by the private sector.
In 1990 Japanese government debt to GDP was 70%. Today it is a massive 250%, the highest in the industrialized world. The balance sheet of the Bank of Japan back in 1990 was 10%. Today it is over 80% and will soon be over 100%. As a comparison, the Fed’s balance sheet is “only” 25% of US GDP. The Japanese economy will definitely not survive the Ponzi scheme that the country has created.
Government debt as a percent of GDP is used by investors to measure a country ability to make future payments on its debt, thus affecting the country borrowing costs and government bond yields. This page provides the latest reported value for - Japan Government Debt to GDP - plus previous releases, historical high and low, short-term forecast and long-term prediction, economic calendar, survey consensus and news. Japan Government Debt to GDP - actual data, historical chart and calendar of releases - was last updated on October of 2016.
The Japanese remain committed to their negative interest rate policy, the net effect of which is to remove currency from the system rather than add it. Less Fiat Paper money makes it worth more. To increase the bank’s purchases of bonds while they are at negative yields would ensure it makes a loss. It would appear the BoJ is not yet ready for outright helicopter money but that could change at any time as the impact of a stronger currency takes a toll on the economy.
Important Fundamentals:
- The collective and combined commercial short position in COMEX gold and silver stands at $1.4 billion in unrealized losses (since the price bottom at the end of May).
- China now possesses a shocking 12,000 Tonnes of gold and last week's takedown was the desperate action of the BIS (Bank for Internationa Settlements or the Central Bank of the Central Banks)
- Q3 ends with a 29% rise in US oil rigs - this is the biggest rise since Q4 2009. Oil rigs have risen 14 weeks in a row (up 7 this week to 425, the highest since Feb 2016).
Important Technicals:
- Following shares are bouncing up their 200 day Moving Averages or showing other short term BUY signals:xxx buy @ $122 , xxxx @ $40, xxxx breakout and buy @ $64 , xxx is a buy, xxxx (book value $19) is a buy, xxxx is a buy, xxxx is a buy, xxxx is a buy, xxxxx is a buy , xxxx is a buy , xxxis a buy,..see section of Oil and Recession Proof shares for details.
- Oil and Oil shares are coming alive and there are some excellent opportunities in our Oil section. One share can be bought below its liquidation value.
- The Oil service index is completing a BULLISH HEAD and SHOULDERS pattern.
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Tuesday October 11, 2016 - The 2nd Presidential Debate is the best of Jerry Springer ever!
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Majors, Juniors ,
The 2nd Presidential Debate is a 90 minutes long 1st class entertainment. Poor yourself a glass of good wine, turn off the lights and enjoy the's better than the Jerry Springer show and proofs once more that Politicians are Psychopaths and we have a Stupid Democratic Herd. [Democracy has become a synonym for Socialism] It also shows the POWER MAINSTREAM MEDIA has on the Herd!
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals:see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday October 10, 2016 - The Irony is that the EU is destroying your country and makes YOU pay for the killing!
$-Gold , Silver , €-Gold , £- Gold & £/€/$ , All PF-Gold Charts in all sections, World Stock Market Indexes , Long Term Market Indexes , Indexes in Gold ,
Media and Authorities make an Elephant out of a mice. Hurricane Matthew was nothing but a big storm! Hurricane Matthew whipped coastal east-central Florida with fierce winds Friday while its powerful center teetered parallel to land, leaving hundreds of thousands without power as officials continued to warn the worst damage could come farther north. Shutters were put up for nothing...we dodged a bullet and we only got a lot of leafs and braches everywhere. We thank everybody who expressed their concern.
Brussels is full of psychopathic socialists calling themselves democrats who promote LALA-policies and make the whole continent pay for these. All Western European governments are massive welfare states that provide free food, housing, medical care, schooling, and living expenses for citizens. And even for residents who aren’t citizens. Benefits like these draws in poor people from poor countries. The bureaucracy in Brussels hereby reduces the standard of living of all Europeans. What happens in Europe is in fact a PUSH-PULL policy because it is obvious that the wars in the Middle-East and Northern Africa also pushes the local population towards Europe.
The Irony is that the EU is destroying your country and makes YOU pay for the killing! |
The influx of millions of migrants is destroying the old European culture, and the irony is that it makes the locals pay for it. What’s happening now isn’t just comparable to what happened 2,000 years ago with the migration of the Germanic northern barbarians into the Roman Empire. It’s much more lethal.
You have a maximum of 4 years left (2020) before the EU-Democrats (alias communists) will close the TRAP and it will become impossible to move ASSETS out of political reach...and force the local population even more into a COMMUNIST lifestyle.... |
Amazing that the average citizen keeps focussing on MAKING MONEY, fishing for that extra slice of profit while he is neglecting to move his assets out of political reach. ONE SINGLE decision of the EU-leaders and he won't be able to move ONE SINGLE CENT out of Europe...and be chained to the continent for ever.
Wether the price of Gold/Silver goes up or comes down is IRRELEVANT. Important is to hold "physical" Gold & Silver and to store it out of political reach in a Vault! |
Important Technicals:
- The impact of the Gold-Smash Down is shown in a special color on the PF charts. It only is visible in PURPLE on the PF charts for Gold expressed in Dollar, Euro and Sterling. Only a walk through ALL PF charts of Gold expressed in the major currencies gives a CORRECT image of last week's action.
- The Pound Sterling broke down support levels and target for the £/$ is 1:1 . The pound also shows a breakdown versus the Euro and hereby also point to a wealer Pound versus the Euro. As a result more an more Brits will be forced out of the continent (France, Spain and Portugal) back to the UK.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals:see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday and Friday October 6-7, 2016 - Matthew will probably make it impossible to update the site the next days
Updated Sections: $-Gold ,
We had to put up the shutters. Hurricane Matthew may make it impossible to update the site the next days.... It's been 11 years since the last time we had to do that in our area. Gas stations running out of gas, no water to be had anymore, food, etc. So, those in this area take this seriously and prep your homes We are loooking at a CAT 3-4 currently. Kicking right up the entire east coast of Florida.
A Staggering 1,000 Tonnes Of Paper Gold were rinsed out of the market in the Takedown! This takedown is a complete joke, and the wholesale market is all over (on the buy side of) this paper takedown. This is a desperate effort by Western officials to cover massive offside pre-Brexit over-the-counter short positions put on by their agent bullion banks near the $1,275 level. [
China will be back buying on Sunday night and they will surely capitalize on this discount. However, even though the Chinese are on holiday, the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) is not, and they are actively buying gold into this dip.
We could expect a test of the key Fibonacci .618 level at $1,267.20, as the hot money capitulates. Worst case, I see $1,250 as a final bottom. One should be buying this bullshit takedown. [Andrew Maguire ]
Important Fundamentals:
- CENTRAL BANKERS ARE finally GETTING WORRIED about BANKS ... Central bankers around the world start to worry that QE (quantitative easing) and negative interest rates are actually bad for banks. [one doesn't have to be an Einstein to understand this] . The Bank of Japan already decided to focus on a steeper yield curve to help Japanese banks and insurers. Some ECB Governors are starting to rethink their negative rate policy because it's hurting European banks. Negative rates does severely hurt bank profits. Central banks have been buying bonds and pushing rates into negative territory in order to put more money into the economy. That money flows through the banks. Low interest rates, however, hurt bank profits which makes them reluctant to lend. That in turn hurts the economy. What took them so long to figure that out? As we explained months ago, the next in line are the Pension Funds, Insurance co's and Re-Insurance co's. This is an accident waiting to happen!
Important Technicals:
- Caution: Yesterday was the Jewish New Year Celebration and Chinese Holiday (Oct 4 to 6) and "they" did not miss the opportunity to BOMB the Gold sector...People still don't seem to realize that this is a bitter WAR! Support is $1260 - $1250.
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday October 5, 2016 - Gold has broken down a short term triple bottom
Updated Sections: Investment Pyramid, $-Gold , Silver , Majors & Juniors (short candles),
The GROWING DEBT is now baked into the system....and mathematically speaking it will get a LOT worse. The point of NO return has been passed since long.
The 2016 fiscal year had the THIRD largest increase in government debt in US history. 2016 was a normal fiscal year for the government. There were no major emergencies to drain taxpayer funds. Yet they still managed to blow $1.4 trillion because this level of waste and spending is now baked into the system. Social Security and Medicare are now the largest parts of the financial sinkhole, and according to their own projections, their drain on the budget is growing each year.
Thanks to Obamacare, profits for health insurance companies have hit record highs... |
Obamacare made insurance more expensive and NOT cheaper as pretended. Going to the doctor is more complicated, and created bizarre economic incentives that have nothing to do with delivering health care to the people that need it. The overall cost of Medicare in the USA has not only gone up. Worse is that because of Obamacare, many civilians can no longer insure themselves. [An average family with two kids pay on average $ 1,800 EACH month - $21,800 annually - for their medical insurance].
Earlier this year, Pennsylvania-based insurer Highmark announced a 41% price increase for 2017 health insurance plans. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana announced a 62% price increase for 2017 rates. In 2016, it implemented a 22% increase. Anthem Inc. will raise rates on Connecticut customers by 27% next year. The list goes on…On the other hand Aetna, United Healthcare, and Humana are three of America's largest health insurers which are in serious trouble.
Important Fundamentals:
- Transocean (NYSE: RIG) saw its share price drop more than 7 % on Monday after it revealed that Reliance Industries cancelled an ultra-deepwater drillship. The contract consisted of a dayrate of $508,000, through January 2021.
Important Technicals:
- Gold has broken down a short term triple bottom. However, at $ 1280 we have support of additional trendlines and support zones. See trend lines on Candle and P&F charts.
- Silver failed to break up the downsloping trendline...see red line on PF chart.
- The HUI-index (Majors) has fallen back upon the IMPORTANT support of the 200 day Exponential Moving Average. Same for GDXJ (Juniors).
- Looks like the Gold & Silver sector needs to accumulate more stamina before it is able to break up the red-lined trendline. Medium term however is supported by a long term trendline (blue line).
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Tuesday October 4, 2016 - Yesterday German and Chinese financial markets were closed
Updated Sections:
Belgium Youth unemployment rate is 20% !
In Belgium between September 1st and October 1st almost 10,000 jobs were lost. For some dark and totally incorrect reason Government officials continue to blame the companies for leaving the Belgian market. They even are considering to sanction each corporation which is firing manpower and/or closing plants on the national territory. At the same time, the crowd is demanding that the remaining corporations are taxed even MORE than they already are...A PSYCHOPATHIC BEHAVIOR IT IS ! As usual petty government officials are doing exactly the opposite of what must be done at the wrong time...and continue to chase employers away!
On a week where Gold lost 1.5%, the amount of traders bullish the metal took another devastating blow. The Daily Sentiment Index showed a reading of 23% bulls to start the week, and we've ended the week with only 15% bulls. Less than 1 in 5 futures traders are now bullish the metal. EXCELLENT as such action will fire up the next bull run! No one knows what the catalyst will be for the next large move in gold, but as traders all we can do is position ourselves in the direction of the dominant trend. I think the worst is over for the metal and expect the next $100/oz move to be to the upside. My forecast for gold for this year remains the same, and I expect the range to be $1,250/oz to $1,450/oz. The worst is over for the metal and I expect the next $100/oz move to be to the upside.
The overall picture for the Gold & Silver sector is still bullish...although sentiment is a sentiment of market bottoms.
- Despite gold sitting 4% from its 52-week highs, sentiment is at levels often coinciding with market bottoms.
- The COT report shows that a large percentage of small traders threw in the towel on gold this week.
- Gold remains bullish on every time frame, with all key moving averages trending higher.
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals:see subscriber's section
Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Monday October 3 , 2016 - better 4 years early than one second late!
Updated Sections:
The Titanic movie is 2 ½ hours long. The 1st hour everybody was told the ship was ok and could not sink and the passengers went on with life like nothing happened. Only some passengers realized that the ship was sinking and started to take their precautions…the majority continued to dine, drink and dance…Once the music stopped, they all drowned.
This is killing the American Dream.
Important Fundamentals:
- Last Friday the share of Deutsche bank soared +15% . Whether or not this happened because the bank has a deal with the American Authorities is less important than the fact that the ECB now directly BUYS shares...incl. Deutsche Bank Shares. Yes, the ECB BUYS BONDS and SHARES...
Important Technicals:see subscriber's section
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