NEWS SEPT'15 (public)
We shall see No 2015 crash like the Financial Movie Stars preach!
Wednesday September 30, 2015 - To have QE4 or not to have QE4, that's the Question!
Updated Sections: Coal & Solar , Agriculturals, Copper & Platinum , Banks & Financials, Bonds USA, World stock Market indexes, Silver, Crude Oil, US-Dollar ,
Today's UPDATE is for subscribers only!
“Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life,” Putin said through a translator. “I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”
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Tuesday September 29, 2015 - Emerging markets are in trouble...Get Ready for QE4
Updated Sections:
Catalonia or expensive Energy doesn't allow complex societies to survive : Spain (Catalonia, Basques) , the EU- zone, but also the USA may fall apart over the coming 5 to 10 years. This process is irreversible. History only shows ONE EXAMPLE where Government actually succeeded in reverse the process...The fact that the fundamentals are that the EU-zone will break apart also tells us the EURO will disappear.
Faced with a price that becomes too high to maintain complexity, a society can choose to become less complex. A recent example of a society becoming less complex was the USSR in 1990. The Soviet Union then granted autonomy to its formerly controlled states. This lowered the cost of government while letting Russia keep enough military power to both protect itself and to feed its people.
This is one of the main reasons WHY you have to move part of your assets out of political reach. Banks have no loyalty to the customer. They serve their government masters first and foremost. Banks are also unpaid government spies and are required by law to rat us out to federal agents should they decide in their sole discretion that what we are doing with our own money is “suspicious”. Should some government bureaucrat so much as make a phone call, they will freeze you out of your life’s savings in a heartbeat. Banks have admitted to rigging bond markets, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and selling their customers’ data to high-frequency traders.
The USA will do whatever it can to DESTABILIZE Europe and to keep the US-Dollar alive...even if it means Social Unrest and WAR in Europe! |
Moving assets out of political reach also means one must move his physical metals out of political reach. Soon such may become impossible. Different sources indicate that we are about to have a shortage of Physical Gold/Silver in the West. There are only two outcomes that will stop the process of Western gold flowing East, one illegitimate and the other legitimate.
- It becomes illegal to sell gold. This is the favored approach of central planners who prefer to force change by dictate rather than via free markets and free will. Unfortunately, this strain of political intervention is dominant in the West, particularly in the US and EU.
- The price of gold dramatically rises. A large increase in the price of gold will (paradoxically) cause greater demand for gold in the West and (sensibly) less demand in the East. This is what should legitimately happen given current supply and demand dynamics. But it may not.
- The price of gold rises dramatically and it becomes illegal to hold/sell Gold. In this case it becomes almost a MUST to hold Gold through a Juridical Entity in a safe country...WE KNOW HOW !
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Monday September 28, 2015 - Watch Doctor Zhivago and sell Real Estate!
Updated Sections: Recession Proof shares
History repeats itself because people don't study History and those who do are a minority. On several occasions I have advised people to watch the movie "Dr. Zhivago" or at least read the book by Boris Pasternak for there are a lot of similarities between those days and today.
Because Real Estate is chained to a territory, it is by definition subject to any decision made by government. Today this is experienced first hand by German Real Estate landlords. German authorities are applying heavy-handed tactics to find housing for the hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees pouring into the country from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. With existing shelters filled to capacity, federal, state and local authorities are now using legally and morally dubious measures — including the expropriation of private property and the eviction of German citizens from their homes — to make room for the newcomers.
Today it is an extremely bad idea to invest in Real Estate and/or to keep one's savings in Real Estate. Whether private, commercial or land doesn't make any difference and the losses will be dramatic.... |
Despite the Mainstream media pretending we have an ongoing housing recovery, there’s a significant chance that your house has fallen in value since last year. More than a quarter of all U.S. homes were worth less in August 2015 than the same period in 2014, according to a study by real estate site Zillow. The 10 regions that suffered the highest percentages of house value drops ranges from 46.4% in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to a walloping 79.4% in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
- Atlantic City, New Jersey — 79.4%
- Jacksonville, North Carolina — 67.7%
- New Haven, Connecticut — 58.6%
- Battle Creek, Michigan — 52.1%
- Hartford, Connecticut — 50.3%
- Cumberland, Maryland — 50.3%
- Johnson City, Tennessee — 49.3%
- Stamford, Connecticut — 49.2%
- Baltimore, Maryland — 48.1%
- Fayetteville, North Carolina — 46.4%
- New York, New York — 38.6%
Commercial Real Estate Property shows yet another bubble which is even bigger than the former one. The FED re-inflated the previous one to this glorious monster....
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Friday September 25, 2015 - Soon it may become impossible for a non-resident to open an account abroad.
Updated sections: World Stock Market Indexes,
While the bravest and most intelligent investors have already organized their offshore status, others have repatriated all of their savings to their homeland (how stupid can one be!?) while many other civilians were scare out of a wise decision (=open an offshore account) by Government-Induced-FEAR-marketing. For most countries (ex. Sweden) it is still legally correct to open an offshore account. The problem however is that in many countries Financial Institutions now REFUSE to open an account for a NON-RESIDENT. More than ever the assistance is required of Coaches (see our Coaching Agreement) with international knowledge and experience.
Note: give or take a couple of years and it will become impossible to open an offshore account with as a direct result that ALL of one's SAVINGS will be 100% controlled by the Authorities. Extremely hazardous to your financial health!
The Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) says it is engaging with Barclays Bank Seychelles to ensure that clients have sufficient time to shift their deposits in their offshore bank accounts, following a recent decision by Barclays to discontinue its banking services for non-residents in foreign currencies.
“Following a remediation exercise, Barclays determined that the level of risk arising from its offshore banking activities is not in line with its risk appetite, which refers to the level of risk that the bank is prepared to take," read the statement. "However, as a result of global tightening in the regulatory environment and large fines imposed on international banks, financial institutions are increasingly restricting business relationships with high risk clients or categories of clients to avoid the risk of sanction."
All of Barclays’ offshore clients were informed about the decision and the date of the service closure is October 31, 2015.
“International standards for risk management in financial services identify offshore banking as a higher category of risk in view that most of the customers do not have a presence in the jurisdiction in which the bank operates which makes it more difficult to apply Know Your Customer procedures and consistent monitoring,” said the joint statement.
Last call for all intelligent Savers/Investors who understand that keeping all of their savings/capital withing the reach of Authorities is financial suicide... |
If you run a bank account with following extremely risky financial institutions/banks, you're OUT OF YOUR MIND and have no self respect. The odds are high that soon you will loose an important part (if not all) of your savings.
- J.P. Morgan Chase
- Citigroup
- Deutsche Bank
- BNP Paribas
- Barclays
- Bank of America
- Credit Suisse
- Morgan Stanley
- Goldman Sachs
Will BITCOIN take over the Financial System in the future!? certainly possible....Bitcoin is a PayPal system based on REAL MONEY (Gold). Therefore the idea will be successful....
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Thursday September 24, 2015 - Expect lower stock markets
Updated Sections: Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€ , Yuan-Gold , Rupee-Gold & Rupee/$ , Natural gas shares, Uranium shares ,
Killing air has become a capital crime with criminal prosecution and $7 billion+ in fines, while killing people receives a slap on the wrists. Blatant political cronyism at its finest. Right out in the open. The stuff revolutions thrive upon. Not a coincidence that this is revealed exactly at the same time VW decides to manufacture Engines in Russia and not in the USA. (VW chief Martin Winterkorn. His contract is up for renewal on Friday)
Do you remember the BNPParibas, Credit Suisse, British Petroleum..cases !?
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Wednesday September 23, 2015 - It's no business of the USA who the democratically elected leader of Syria is!
Updated sections:
Americans and NATO are suffering a major defeath in Syria...this is where their manipulations stop. This I forecasted months the time when the Arab Spring started. Because of a decision by Washington, Syria has been plunged into four years of unrelenting war with a death toll of some 240,000 people. Over half its 24 million population has been displaced, with hundreds of thousands surging towards Europe in desperation.Terrorism has now become an even greater regional security problem threatening to tear other countries asunder through sectarian violence. So, when Washington and its Western allies pontificate to Russia about terrorism and what to do or not to do in Syria, they are best ignored with the contempt they deserve. Arrogant, blind and criminal are not qualifications for international leadership. Today, because of the Fugitives, Western Politicians and leaders are quickly loosing local support and VOTES. Therefore, they know they have to change policies NOW if they don't want the people see change the politicians tomorrow.
This is the day where the American World Supremacy has come to its end....Those amongst you who wish to understand how America's (dirty) international politics work, MUST read "the Brothers" (see Monday's update) |
Bill Holter - All what is left after the reset.
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Tuesday September 22, 2015 - The day we have a RESET, only the spine of your investments/savings/assets will stay alive
Updated Sections:
Will this be the face of the 21st century Wars?
Kyle and Texas know what will happen once the COMEX-shit hits the fan.
The day we have a RESET, only the spine of your investments/savings/assets will stay alive..the rest will be lost for ever. LESSON: don't spend too much time on the %%%% , rather put your energy in WHAT, WHERE and HOW!
Important Fundamentals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Monday September 21, 2015 - If you for a split second think 9/11 was not setup by the American Leaders, you MUST read the Brothers!
Updated sections: Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€ , Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ , Can-Gold & Can$/$/€ , ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€ , R-Gold & R/$/€ ,
Anyone wanting to know why the United States is hated across much of the world need look no farther than this book. “The Brothers” is a riveting chronicle of government-sanctioned murder, casual elimination of “inconvenient” regimes, relentless prioritization of American corporate interests and cynical arrogance on the part of two men who were once among the most powerful in the here for more
9/11 the Twin Towers were destroyed because these were allegedly hit by planes. Building 7 was hit by no plane, by nothing...but also collapsed. Three Towers collapsed but planes flew only in two...there was no magician at work, but hidden forces (CIA?) had the 3 buildings mined. A study was recently released where over 2,000 Architects, Engineers and Builders acknowledge that the 9/11 happening was not a 'normal incident' (was setup)...and yet, the HERD keeps believing and even remembering this majestic lie sold by the Authorities and Mainstream Media. The HERD as usual failed to understand that this False Flag action had to happen in order to create common enemy....basic Sociology it is. Hitler burned down the Reichstag with similar intentions.
The US Secret Services knew about the plot...but instead stopping it, they decided to use it to their own advantage and had the 3 Towers mined with Thermite. Detonation was possible with a simple phone call or on impact. |
After the common enemy "IRAQ" was created , the privates (and CIA) could invade the country with little or no resistance by the American people and start organizing the ARAB SPRING. The destabilization of North-Africa and the Middle-East with the Syrian War has (was expected and planned) resulted in a stream of Muslim fugitives into the EU where as a consequence the EU-zone starts to break apart.
Socially speaking the EU and Europe are different to the USA. In the USA we have all-Americans while in Europe we have different countries and people with different customs. As a result any political and social pressures break Europe and the EU is happening now. Not only is the EU breaking apart but the invasion of (mainly Muslim) fugitives will result in increasing social unrest in all EU-member-countries. Give or take 6 months...or until the end of 2015, beginning of 2016. During the coming months the Euro will have completed its upward correction versus the US-Dollar (see subscriber's sections of US-Dollar and Euro) , after which it could reverse its trend and crash. Once the EU-zone breaks apart, the Euro will stop being a valid alternate safe-heaven-currency...and the US-Dollar but also the British Pound will profit from the situation....[at least this an important goal of the scenario]
As if there are no problems enough and as expected the War in the Middle-East is spreading and it is only a matter of time before the whole area will be...and the Oil price will soar again.
A million Yemeni tribal fighters are gathering near the border with Saudi Arabia in preparation to invade the Kingdom, Iran’s Kayhan newspaper has reported. The newspaper quoted what it described as “informed sources” in Sanaa as saying that “the political forces and the tribes of Yemen announced a general alarm to mobilise one million Yemeni fighters near the border with Saudi Arabia to invade its territory and curb its aggression on Yemen.” The paper quoted a spokesman for the Yemeni army, Brigadier General Sharaf Ghalib Luqman, as claiming that his army has captured Saudi, Emirati, Bahraini and Qatari fighters in the province of Marib and will present them to the media in the coming days. It added that Yemeni army units and Houthi rebels have besieged two Qatari battalions in Marib and that Qatar has appealed to Saudi Arabia not to bomb the region to ensure its citizens will not be victims of “friendly fire”. Remarking on the Houthi attack on the Safer camp in Marib, Kayhan reported that Saudi Arabia has moved all soldiers from the base into its territory after the killing of 300 Emirati, Saudi and Bahraini fighters.
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Friday September 18, 2015 - Internet is bringing the same dramatic changes the Printing of books and Newspapers brought.
Updated sections:
Established Taxi services have not the slightest chance to survive Uber. Established television channels have not the slightest chance to survive the worldwide, free, independent and low cost international video channels. Established Hotel chains have not the slightest chance to survive the internet-hotel services (ex. airbnb)...this is becoming a new world where CD-Roms and DVD-movies will disappear completely.
The established political class-system has not the slightest chance to survive....
They removed our commons, the places where we gathered and exchanged ideas, and they replaced them with shopping and malls. In other words, they isolated us more than we knew...but at the same time they built the most powerful communication platform ever.
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Thursday September 17, 2015 - The EU-refugee problem will get worse until EU-countries use force (Army).
Updated Sections:
Using the Military against the EU-Immigrants is extremely delicate as it may spark more chaos and rebellion. The EU-refugee problem will get worse until EU-countries use force (Army). The refugees are not 4th Generation Sissies who think the problem will go away with time. They are people who risked their live to get inside the EU (instead of traveling to Saudi Arabia) and they will not give up easily. They are bringing their CULTURE along (Muslim)...Using force is tricky because the refugees have million of established Muslim friends which have been living in Europe for years.
Whatever the Mainstream Media and Politicians try to sell, what is happening now in Europe is absolutely IMMORAL as it does not take into account the economic, human and moral context of the existing population.
"Whoever claims the right to redistribute wealth produced by others, is claiming the right to treat human beings as chattel."
There exists an important disequilibrium between paper Gold and physical Gold. Whether the imbalance is 100:1 , 200:1 , 300:1 or more is totally irrelevant.
To summarize: last week we were confident that JPM would promptly adjust a few hundred thousands ounces of Eligible gold back into Registered status to silence growing concerns about Comex distress. A week later we are not as concerned by the relentless surge in paper gold dilution, as we are that JPM still has not even bothered to do this. Especially since with just 335 kilograms of gold, or less than 27 bricks, JPMorgan is now just one withdrawal request away from running out of deliverable physical gold(Zero Hedge)
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Wednesday September 16, 2015 - The EU-refugee problem is a battle of survival for the US-Dollar.
Updated sections:
As we wrote over and over again, the happenings in Northern Africa, the Middle-East and Syria is just the USA and the US-Dollar trying to survive. What we see in Europe is not the is the beginning of more and deeper problems. There are not many ways to stay safe and a plan B becomes increasingly important for you and your family.
It took the Stupid Syrian Democratic Herd 4 YEARS and a lot of barrel bombs before they decided it was time for action...that is the way (Human) Herds respond to this kind of problems. After denial comes panic...Those who stayed all these years in Syria lost most of their assets. Those who had a plan B and/or left 4 years ago are safe and well.
Do you have a Plan B?
- If and when we have severe social unrest, a revolution or a WAR in your you have a safe place where you can travel to?
- Assuming you have to flee to your safe place, did you provide some assets in this location so you can survive for a while and/or start a new life? Once the situation in country of residence gets worse, the first thing Authorities will do, is instate CAPITAL CONTROLS.
- Did you invest in PHYSICAL GOLD ? No paper Gold, not gold where you need to address a counter-party to take physical possession of the metal. By definition it has to be kept in a VAULT outside the banking system. A safe deposit box with a bank is a NO GO. To keep you metals at home is also not intelligent as it will be prohibited to travel with these in times of unrest and war.
The answer to the questions above is complex and must be tailor made. Therefore we advise our readers to contact us/send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.... |
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Tuesday September 15, 2015 - The end of free circulation in the EU or the end of Schengen and the EU is breaking apart where it was started up.
Updated Sections:
The end of free circulation in the EU or the end of Schengen and the EU is breaking apart the same way it was started up. Not only have the European politicians initiated this massive flow of refugees by being part (NATO) of the Arab Spring (remember Libya) but have they also let in this Massive Troyan Muslim Horse. The European Intelligent Psychopaths don't seem to realize that these young dynamic Muslim population will soon demand more: jobs, housing, income, halal,....and that they will join the (Muslim forces) who are already living in Europe. France must have 5 to 6 millions. In Belgium they will soon be in the majority in cities like Antwerp and Brussels. Similar situations we have in the Netherlands...
While the local population (Galbraith's* 4th generation) doesn't see any harm, the newcomers (Muslim) will soon start to riot and make life a challenge and probably a hell....more crime and more civil unrest is coming soon. |
* John K. Galbraith - The Age of Uncertainty - see our Literature section.
The coming “bank holiday” will soon separate what is real and what is not. Markets are now completely broken. Six plus years of zero percent interest rates have taken away any possibility of putting a real or true valuation on anything. The “tool” of derivatives has been used by our central planners to bend and twist markets in ways to “prove” their policies work. Today “everything is worth nothing”. Therefore it has become extremely important to invest your savings in the correct financial instruments and keep these in a safe location under a safe legal structure...and ride the waves.
It's either PRINT of DIE. As long as we don't have this "bank holiday" markets will on balance continue to go a result of more money printing. |
The European Central Bank (ECB) said it would extend its stimulus program beyond 2016 if needed. The ECB launched its €1.1 trillion bond-buying scheme – a form of monetary policy or quantitative easing – in January to support the eurozone economic recovery, which the bank’s president, Mario Draghi, said could be extended beyond 2016 if needed.
We know how you should move your Gold safely outside of the country of citizenship.... soon this will become impossible and you will as you sell any of your gold become a tax subject of your local government. That is if it ain't seized.
Have a meaningful percentage of your net worth in gold coins. Have a significant number of those coins stored outside the country of your citizenship. Concentrate your future purchases in small coins that are indistinguishable from loose change. Things like British sovereigns (.23 oz of gold) or their continental equivalents (French, Swiss, German, Danish, Russian, etc., pieces of generally .18 oz of gold). Not only is gold cheap now, but all of these are currently at only a few percent above melt. Happily, they have collectible value, and they resemble common pocket change to an X-ray machine. Contact us for personalized advice and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Monday September , 2015 - "How will they "buy" dollars themselves? Can they buy homecoming dollars using new dollars?"
Updated Sections: £-Gold & £/$/€ , $-Gold , World Stock Market Indexes ,
"How will they "buy" dollars themselves? Can they buy homecoming dollars using new dollars?"
- You can only use any foreign currency reserves that you hold.
- You can sell gold if you have any left. The USA has little left.
- Or you can try to stem the tide of selling by raising interest rates sky high! (it didn't work for the Bank of England ! Remember, they raised rates over 5% to a 15% level within hours. To no avail.
- You can of course try to rig the markets....but such only lasts for a short period of time.
Today on the COMEX there are 229 paper claims for ONE TROY OUNCE of Physical Gold. The price of Gold continues to stay low/weak....SO WHAT!? What the heck did you expect? To see Authorities and Banksters give up and let GOLD fly...!? or to continue to rig the market until it is no longer possible!? Again, this is a matter of UNDERSTANDING, not one for Mister or Miss Percentage-Profit. During the 1960's the Authorities and Banksters also rigged the price of Gold...until it was no longer possible. They lost billions and Gold went up from $32 to $850 (x 25) just had to be PATIENT. If today the price of Gold was to go up by a factor 25, it would geyser to $ 27,500. See the information about the 1960 Gold Pool in the Education here
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Friday September 11, 2015 - The Barbarians are invading you have a plan B !?
Updated Sections:
If you have NO ASSETS out of political reach, you will be as poor as the Syrian Refugees if you ever have to or decide to leave Europe and/or the USA. When things go bad, the first thing governments instate are Capital Controls. Ensuring that you have assets out of reach of the Authorities basically doesn't cost you a cent....on the contrary, as a rule it will yield better.
Technically speaking stock and commodity markets are likely to develop a 5th wave. Commodities most commonly develop extensions in fifth waves within Primary or Cycle degree bull markets. This tendency is entirely consistent with the Wave Principle, which reflects the reality of human emotions. Fifth wave advances in the stock market are propelled by hope, while fifth wave advances in commodities are propelled by a comparatively dramatic emotion, fear:fear of inflation, fear of drought, fear of war. Hope and fear look different on a chart, which is one of the reasons that commodity market tops often look like stock market bottoms....see sections of World Stock Market Indexes, Long Term chart indexes for more. Make sure you DON'T miss this great opportunity.
Fifth Waves are SPECTACULAR...and normally end with a parabolic/exponential spike. |
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Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Thursday September 10, 2015 - You have to be mad to allow jihadists and Muslims in Europe!
Updated Sections: Oil shares (Oil index) ,
There is no doubt in my mind that Europe is the dupe of a 21st century Horse of Troyes. The world is living a social-political event. Because of political interventions (under cover), Europe is experiencing an invasion of what will in history books be described as "the invasion of the Barbars-Muslims". There unfortunately is not such a thing as GOOD and BAD Europeans will soon find out. Their leniency is their dead verdict.
Europeans have become Pussies living in a World of Political correctness where no Guns are allowed...and where everything has to come for free. Especially for those who are fleeing Syria. The USSR tried it and as a result the country went bankrupt in 1989. Europe is the next one on the bankruptcy list....
Physical Gold & Silver is one way to protect yourself and your family. A second residency is another important way. Unless you don't mind to see your wife wear a Burka and you grand-children read the Koran. A small investment and a Panamanian Passport can bring a lot more for your family and yourself than an expensive "life insurance" or a "private pension plan"
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Wednesday September 9, 2015 - The biggest mistake you can make is to invest according to what fundamentals say.
Updated Sections: Crude Oil ,
The world is on the move and I guess that Internet is playing an extremely important role. All of the following happenings are intertwined but still follow their own path. Therefore the end product is extremely confusing.
- we have monetary events.
- we have economic events.
- there are fiscal events.
- we have political interventions.
- we are confronted with social events and mass-migration, a different ethnic population mix...
The biggest mistake you can make is to invest according to FUNDAMENTALS. While Fundamentals make believe the Stock Markets have to crash, the Global Picture is extremely bullish...that is after the Backtest has been completed and after October 19, 2015.
Real Estate is a High Order Capital Good and its price ALWAYS comes down during (hyper)inflationary recessions and depressions...A L W A Y S ! (irrespective of the general level of Interest). No doubt there is a lot of news manipulation about Real Estate because the Banks and Financial Institutions are extremely dependent on the general price level of Real Estate and still need to offload carloads. But as long as home ownership comes down, prices will continue to slide (incorrectly giving the impression we are in a deflation cycle).
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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Tuesday September 8, 2015 - High Order Capital Good countries in depression.
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Juniors (added stocks) , Gold & Silver Majors ,
This time High Order Capital Goods manufacturing economies are joining the club. Remember that the state ODF an economy and the state of a currency and Stock market are two DIFFERENT things. It is not because an economy tanks that the stock market also will. Two countries have joined China in a recession: Canada officially entered a recession, Australia is in recession.
The fact that these HOCG-countries are now in a re/depression confirms the fact that Western World also is....hence the odds to see an Central bank generated interest rate increase are extremely small. However Interest rates will definitely go up as soon as the system(s) enters a state of Hyper-inflation.
A Dollar crash of biblical proportion !? see the subscriber's sections for more about currencies
video clip comes for subscribers only
About stop losses and ETF's.
On August 24, the S&P 500 plummeted by 4%. It was the largest single-day decline for U.S. stocks since 2011. And it was part of a larger sell-off that knocked U.S. stocks down 11%. The same day some of the supposedly safest and most stable - investments lost up to 38% in a matter of seconds.
The IVV ETF is supposed to track the broad U.S. stock market, it's viewed as a safe and stable way to invest in U.S. a matter of seconds however it dropped by 26% . By doing so it activated a mass of stop loss orders.... before bouncing back to it's pre-crash level.
We don't like ETF's and advise our readers NOT to buy nor to hold any. The key letter in an ETF is the F. It's a Fund, with exactly the same meaning of the word as applied to a mutual fund. It's an allocation to a basket of securities with some sort of common attribute or factor that you want represented in your overall portfolio, not a fractional piece of an asset that you want to directly own. Yes, unlike a mutual fund you CAN buy and sell an ETF just like a single name stock, but that doesn't mean you SHOULD. Like so many things in our modern world, the exchange traded nature of the ETF is a benefit for the few (Market Makers and The Sell Side) that has been sold falsely as a benefit for the many (Investors). It's not a benefit for Investors. On the contrary, it's a detriment. Investors who would never in a million years consider trading in and out of a mutual fund do it all the time with an exchange traded fund, and as a result their thoughtful ETF allocation becomes just another chip in the stock market casino. This isn't a feature. It's a bug.
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Thursday September 3, 2015 - markets traditionally resume their uptrend after Labour Day!?
Updated Sections: Gold & Silver Juniors , $-Gold , Silver ,
Government Propaganda Increasing As The Global Financial System Begins To Disintegrate. Financial Markets are pumped up and rigged. The Dow Jones was pumped up more than 1,500 points in just a few trading sessions before plunging 470 points so far today. This came as no surprise as firm stock markets are all part of of the ongoing con job to sell the public on the fantasy that everything is all right.
Gold and silver have no counter party risks as long as you keep your holdings out of the banking system. |
Important Technicals:
- Gold & Silver Juniors continue to bottom out in a positive way and supported by an important long term support level.
- The US-Dollar Index has bumped into an important level. Technical Analysts call it the Maximum Activity Level. Either the Dollar breaks through this level and continues to strenghten, either the Dollar weakens and confirms its downtrend.
- The over-owned, overvalued U.S. dollar is an accident waiting to happen, and a plunge in the dollar would end speculation that crude oil is going to trade at $30 a barrel. I believe that the so-called petrodollar, which has been a huge boon for the United States, is on its last legs. That will be a huge negative from the U.S. perspective.
- There are a lot of people who are short gold who are going to be in for a world of hurt when this price starts to move back up. We get back above $1,200 and it's going to be some real pain for those shorts.
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Wednesday September 2nd, 2015 - just before WW 2 the situation in europe was the same but different -
Updated sections: Gold & Silver Juniors (new share ) ,
In Europe, just before WW 2 the situation was the same but different. I wonder how much more DRAMA do we need to see before the people wake up and see something is derailing?!
- If the president of the United States of America would terminate all 5 wars, he would be shot within 5 days.
- U.S. Overthrows secular Middle East Regimes and Islamist's fill the vacuum. This creates an explosive situation and they know it.
- U.S. Considers sanctions against China because of cyber-attacks...and the CIA is already operating in China.
- U.S. Unleashed , funded and is supporting ISIS terrorism in the Middle-East.
- U.S. Will use anti-ISIS action as cover to try to remove Assad...and try to break the Russian, Chinese and Iranese influence in the Middle-East.
The least a responsible adult can do , is ensure he/she has a plan B for his/her family. Today such is still possible and offers other interesting advantages....better than be forced to sleep in Railway Stations once things get really bad.
Important Fundamentals:
- Eni (NYSE: ENI), the Italian oil major, announced a historic natural gas discovery off of the Egyptian coast in the Mediterranean Sea. The field could hold 30 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, the largest discovery ever reported in the Mediterranean and one of the world’s largest in recent memory.
Important Technicals:
- We have added a new Goldmine (xxxx) to our selection of Juniors. It replaces xxxxx (speculative share). xxxxx should not been will recover once the goldprice recovers. xxxxx mainly operates in Turkey.
- The Largest Three-Day Rally In Twenty Years –But Can It Last?...our charts in the Oil section are an answer to this question. Note we have a V-bottom reversal and that we shall have a short trip to higher ($70).
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Tuesday September 1st, 2015 - Price - Inflation is about to come back with a revenge !
Updated Sections: Inflation Index , Commodities in Gold , Long Term Commodity charts ,
Those who think and hope the pain will be limited and Authorities won't legally steal away most of their savings, must check the charts below. After the World Wars, Taxation was hiked all the way to 80%-90% . French citizens know all to well why one should hold physical Gold and stay away from the Banking system. Belgium and Dutch citizens experienced a Cyprus-style-haircut (ex. Gutt).
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Government will legally take away what (hyper)inflation left behind.... |
As the world slides into more depression and China needs more money to keep itself alive, the Chinese Authorities will have no alternate but to sell more US-Treasuries. The FED will have to make a choice between the Dollar and the Interest rates. Higher Interest rates will slaughter what is left of the US economy....hence they will have to print more money....and by doing so, they will push the USA in hyperinflation. As a rule, STOCKS rise strongly during times of hyperinflation.
Important Fundamentals : more in the subscriber's section...
Important Technicals: more in the subscriber's section...
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