AUGUST'18 (public)
“The winner takes it all, the loser standing small” (Abba song) is the next phase in the world economy.
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Friday August 31, 2018 - "Complacency Hits Epidemic Levels"
Updated Sections: Copper-Platinum & non-ferro shares, Long Tern Commodity Charts, Commodities expressed in Gold, Inflation ,
"Complacency Hits Epidemic Levels": Traders Have Never Been More Unhedged For Risk-Off Event.
Important Fundamentals:
- The Ratio stock prices versus median house prices is negative for shares. ..more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- Sometimes subscribers forget that Goldonomic is A LOT MORE than about Gold & Silver! Our selection of Platinum shares is performing well...
see subscriber section for enlarged chart | see subscriber section for enlarged chart |
..more in the Subscriber's section! | ..more in the Subscriber's section! |
Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic
Thursday August 30, 2018 - The only way to win in the Game Theory computer manipulation of market of markets is don't play.
Updated Sections:
The only way to win in the Game Theory computer manipulation of market of markets is don't play. If markets could be controlled globally, the laws of economic could be cancelled and depressions, plus serious recessions, eliminated forever. They cannot be! You will witness this very soon.
Very hard to win form the MARKET HOLDERS who work with almost unlimited funds and KNOW what the Bid & Asks look like as they keep the books.
Very hard to win form the Central Banks and Banks who often have 'Carte Blanche' to push certain markets in a certain direction. Especially in the short run, one is doomed to be on the loosing side.
Computers trading the Financial Markets are located as close as possible to the Trading Floor (computer) as the profit they made are often the result of MILLI-SECONDS...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals:
- Crude oil prices were set to rise following the Energy Information Administrations’ latest weekly petroleum status report as the authority reported a draw in crude oil inventories, of 2.6 million barrels for the week to August 24, after a day earlier, the America Petroleum Institute had estimated that inventories had risen by 38,000 barrels. Note: the Crude Oil market is exactly behaving as the technicals said it would: UP.
- European natural gas prices diverge from oil. Natural gas prices in Europe have historically been closely linked to crude oil prices. However, the correlation has fallen apart in the past few months, due to regional factors related to the European gas market, such as surging prices for carbon, depleted inventories and hot weather requiring more power demand. The end result is sharply higher natural gas prices at a time when crude oil prices fell...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- We have record levels for many stock markets and for the US-Stock Markets in particular and many investors are not paying attention to the fact that stock markets are like sex and best just before the Crash (Orgasm). The Dow Transportations has already hit a NEW RECORD and the Dow Jones is headed for one.
- Some xxxx stocks are doing great. Remeber that if you want to know when the turn comes, watch xxx and xxxx, the train won't leave the station unless they're aboard...more in the Subscriber's section!
Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic
Wednesday August 29, 2018 - Will a civil war start in Germany?
Updated Sections: Coal-Solar & Rare Elements, Agricult., Long Term Stock Market indexes-leg #5 continued ,
Mobs creating 'civil war' in Germany after second night of violence in Chemnitz. Anti-immigration vigilante groups are creating “civil war like conditions” in Germany, a minister warned on Tuesday, after a second day of violent protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz on Monday night. People are sick and tired and fed up with the German government and they way they invite and allow immigrant-trouble-makers into the country.
"The anti-immigration-mob” may well become a major movement like happened in France when the French Revolution started. The protests, we organized by groups including the Alternative for Germany party (AfD), which has seats in the German parliament, initially took off on Sunday afternoon, when videos show rioters chasing and attacking people they believed to be migrants. It all happened after a Syrian migrant killed a local German with a knife after the man tried to protect a woman...and the German police did - as usual is the case - not intervene.
People in Europe start to realize Authorities will do NOTHING to stop the flow of Immigrants and to protect the Citizens. (and believe me, they will NOT). As History shows over and over again, Politicians cannot be trusted and seldom serve the cause of their Citizens. Even worse, as soon as things get serious, they are the first RATS to leave the country...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals:
- The Gold & Silver Setup Today vs. 2008 is different. The bull run which we shall see will not be afected by the plausible crash of the Stock Markets (as usual is the case). While many investors still believe that gold and silver will crash along with the markets as they did in 2008, I think we may see quite the opposite...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- If the Stock Markets were to CRASH later this year (or some time next year), the odds that the Gold & Silver sector will tank (like usually happens) are very small and probably ZERO. Technically speaking, like the markets are today, it would even be NORMAL that the Gold & Silver sector geysers when and if a crash happens.
...more in the Subscriber's section! |
Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic
Tuesday August 28, 2018 - Gold will be the last man standing .
Updated Sections: Long Term Charts - partly ,
Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Brazil...the emerging markets are deciding about the exchange rate of the US-Dollar, not the FED. Brace for accelerating uncontrollable volatility in the world fiat currency markets. The rise in the dollar here and now is due to Richard Russell's thesis of the synthetic dollar short. This can be easily understood by remembering that the currency you borrow will fluctuate. If that movement is up, then you are at a loss considering where it was trading when your borrowed it.
Finally according to the laws of economics the US Fed, having extended its balance sheet insanely, has lost control of its internal and therefore external monetary policy. The run up now in the dollar because of the technical dollar short is the Death Knell of the fiat system.
It is the product of a spreading panic in the non - reserve emerging market currencies. It is the currency of Turkey and Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina that have fallen hard and fast with Asia to follow that is the pending Weapon of Mass Economic Destruction. The only way to stop it is for the US Federal Reserve to go ballistic in global QE followed by all the developed world's central banks in unison to provide the dollars demanded by the debt instruments of this unwind. You will witness the move to hyperinflation in the useless attempt to continue the ignorant game of MOPE and hold economies and fiat system together.
Gold will be the last man standing. Today the fist system has broken and all the king's men cannot put it back together again. Gold will have a market of "$50,000 bid to $50,000 offered" as this new system, by the true law of economic reveals itself. There is no force on Earth that can stop the consequences of greed and mass hysteria of the years 1968 to present. This is also the end of the rule of this planet by what you call the deep state. This is the war of light versus darkness that had to come...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals & Technicals:
- The speculative SHORT positions in Gold & Silver have reached an historic record levels...more in the Subscriber's section!
Record all-time high Gold futures shorts | Record all-time high Silver futures shorts |
- Joe Sixpack doesn't seem to realize that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and a market SCREAMING: "buy me!". Joe Sixpack is too busy playing Bitcoins, Apple, Amazon,...(FANGS). As usual Joe Sixpack will be knocked down in week, maybe months from now when we experience the next crash. It will unfold just like the coming Real Estate crash does: all players will be locked in and will only be able to get out at much, much lower levels... Important: one doesn't buy Gold & Silver to MAKE MONEY ! NO...one buys Gold & Silver to BE SAFE and FINANCIALLY SURVIVE the coming financial tsunami.
- People don't seem to realize that on the Stock Markets there is - 70% BELOW and that it will take time and money to get back to the levels we have today...more in the Subscriber's section!
Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic
Monday August 27, 2018 - When is "now" - Those who still don't understand it today are probably too stupid to understand it and only will once it's too late.
Updated Sections:
The World is Venezuela: When is "now" and those who still don't understand it NOW are probably too stupid to understand and 'maybe' only will once it's too late. This is the beginning of we are discussing since the 1970's. The happenings in Turkey and Venezuela, the Trade War, the fact that Governments are over-indebted,... could well be the TRIGGER of a Bank-Holiday-WEEK or Bank-Holiday-MONTH.
The situation is getting serious and Stock Markets are so overbought, so overpriced that one has to be blind not to see that a SERIOUS crash is imminent. This time however I do NOT expect the Gold and Silver sector to tank together with the Stocks, on the contrary. This time the CRASH will push the world economies into DEPRESSION which will be called the BIG DEPRESSION of the 21st CENTURY.
Venezuelans (citizens of what was the RICHEST country in the world after WWII) are massively fleeing Venezuela (a country which has been pushed into poverty by Social-Democrats) . Only those with a PERMANENT RESIDENCY in another country and those with a PASSPORT (believe it or not but more than 50% of the population is so stupid that hasn't even got a passport). The situation is so bad neighboring countries have sent their Army to the Venezuelan border to stop the invasion of Venezuelans. Today, if you have not a passport and not second permanent residence, you are NUTS, you almost are an IDIOT and you are disrespectful to your family and yourself.
The situation is getting out of hand and so serious that those who have no Physical Gold & Silver are out of their mind (I am NOT a Gold bug - I just KNOW). The coming Crash will result in a bankruptcy of most banks (even Central Banks) and I expect to see MASSIVE BAIL-INS.
If you have NO Second Permanent Residency and No Physical Gold, you are out of your mind! |
MATHEMATICALLY we are heading towards a collapse because mathematically there is NO WAY the debt can be repayed.. To add injury to insult, know that most of the debt of the Emerging countries (Argentina, Brasil, Venezuela, Turkey,...) is US-Dollar debt. Ant it becomes clear that these countries can no longer honor this debt. The Mainstream Media is pretending everything will be ok, however it is NOT! The Comex and LBMA are a complete FRAUD. Those who are not take any precautions are simply Out of Their Minds and will end up in the street like Venezualans...
Central Banks have no option but to PRINT MONEY exponentially and so push the world into Hyperinflation! |
If you are still GAMBLING the Stock Markets, trading Forex or planning to, you'd better think TWICE. This is the time to SECURE your savings, not to take any RISK. The coming Stock Market Crash and Bank Holiday will change it all: after the RESET only people with REAL ASSETS without counter party (physical gold & silver in a non-bank vault out of political reach) and people without money will remain....Don't for a split second HOPE that Government will not try to SEIZE your Gold and Silver assets. Remember Governments don't leave prisoners.
Pensions and Pension Funds are going to be simply WORTHLESS. Pensions will be watered down by the Hyperinflation. Life Insurances are going to be WORTHLESS. Real Estate will sell for a couple of Silver coins only because most people won't be able to pay off their mortgage or because they won't be able to pax the taxes. Those putting their savings into Real Estate are OUT Of THEIR MIND and refuse to see the REALITY of what is about to happen.
video is reserved for Subscribers only...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals:
- The FANGs will lead the next crash.
- The next crash will push the world into the Big Depression of the 21st Century.
- The next crash will flush the financial system down the drain: expect MASSIVE BAIL-IN's and a Bank Holiday which can last for up to one month and longer.
- The next crash could be computer generated.
- This is no longer A GAME , it's DEATH SERIOUS!
- Banks SUCK anyhow..so minimize your Bank exposure and maximize your physical Gold and Silver.
- The next crash won't allow you to reposition your savings...if you don't do it NOW, it will NEVER happen and you will be stuck. more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- If Silver gets out of hand, Gold will go...and Gold will blow up to $50k, $60k and will expose the fraudulent bank & financial system.
- Silver is Gold on Steroids.
more in the Subscriber's section! | |
Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic
Friday August 24, 2018 - US Housing market slump continues and "STARTS" in Belgium & Canada
Updated Sections: Real Estate (general),
US Housing market slump continues. Few realize that the BUBBLE is now BIGGER than it was in 2006. Belgium's real estate bubble also starts to deflate and this includes Commercial Real Estate.
A House Is a Terrible Investment. Unless you buy a new house, you are probably going to spend up to 1% of the value of the house on maintenance every year. Gold, held in a vault in Panama, will not burn down. It costs a little bit to store gold in a vault in Panama (especially if you insure 100% of the value), but it costs a lot more to maintain your house.
Your house essentially yields -1%, unless you rent it out. You have to pay to insure it, you have to pay the property taxes, and you have to pay for all the other crap. This doesn’t include the mortgage. Ordinarily, you wouldn’t characterize something that costs you money as a good investment.
But house prices go up over time, right? Well, as we learned ten years ago, they can also go down. The dynamics of the housing market have changed dramatically in the last 20 years. We’ve had one big national bubble, and now we have some very pronounced secondary bubbles. People should stop thinking about their house as a trade and start thinking about it as a place to live. Throughout most of US history, that is what it was and nothing more.
Renting gets a bad rap—the “I’m just flushing all that money down the toilet” argument. Yes, but if you buy a house, you will probably flush even more money down the toilet. There are times when it mathematically makes sense to rent… and there are times when it makes sense to rent even when it doesn’t make sense mathematically
..more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals:
- China Slaps 25% Tariff On U.S. Oil Products...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
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Thursday August 23, 2018 - HIGHER INTEREST RATES will come, but NOT now and they will move earth and heaven to keep these LOW...
Updated Sections: Banks & Financials, Commodities,
Higher interest rates will come, but NOT now and THEY will move earth and heaven to keep these as LOW as possible for as long as possible. The day Interest rates REALLY start to rise, HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE. The Western System can NOT and will NOT survive higher interest rates. IMPOSSIBLE. Expect Central Banks (ECB, FED, BoE,...) and Politicians to play the violin and make the World BELIEVE they will raise interest rates. A belief it will stay...until something really serious happens, something they cannot contain (ex. Hyperinflation),...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- xxxxxx may be interesting for those seeking a short term trading opportunity. (see section for more)
- Bull trap for the US-Dollar. The US-Dollar was overbought and running into heavy resistance and has been easing back the last couple of days. This resulted in a BEAR TRAP on the chart of the Euro-Index. This is very bullish for the Euro and bearish for the US-Dollar...more in the Subscriber's section!
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Wednesday August 22, 2018 - Leg # 5 = All time high of SP500 ! Are you still holding/buying shares?
Updated Sections: Investment Pyramid ,
Reported was a rather sharp rise in foreign net selling of US Treasury notes and bonds of bn $48.6 in June. It is the largest one month of selling since October 2016. It brings the year to date level of buying at bn $20 which compares with bn $20 of buying in all of 2017 and outright net selling in 2016…
Back in 2011 and 2012 foreigners were buying over bn $400 each year. China sold notes and bonds for the 3rd month in the past 4 which takes their holdings to the lowest level since January. Japan resumed its selling after a temporary respite in May and they hold the smallest amount of longer term Treasuries since October 2011.
Note: in the old days, Banknotes were in fact "TREASURIES" BEARING INTEREST.
Important Fundamentals:
- Commercials are ....more in the Subscriber's section!
More Commercial Short Covering In Silver....more in the Subscriber's section!
more in the Subscriber's section! | |
Important Technicals:
- It's all about communicating financial vessels and knowing which way the FLOW of MONEY will be....We KNOW - see picture below.
more in the Subscriber's section!
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Tuesday August 21, 2018 - Gold and the US-Dollar do "exactly" what we said!
Updated Sections: ,
The economist Charles Gave recently used statistical data to demonstrate that if nothing changes, the non-Muslim population of France will be a minority in less than 40 years. He added: "What happened to Spain or Asia Minor in the 10th and 11th centuries will happen to Europe in the 21st century, that is a certainty."
The United States cannot afford to see all these currencies crashing. We believe that the Federal Reserve may be less aggressive in raising interest rates now. They have two more (interest rate hikes) on deck — one in September and one in December — and three more in 2019…“The United States cannot afford to see all these currencies crashing. It’s not good for anybody. So there may a pullback on Fed rate hikes, and that, of course, will be more bullish for gold.
Important Fundamentals:
- Communicating Financial vessels: Stock Markets are now working on the last leg #5 . The US-Dollar and American Stock Markets may stay resilient until leg #5 runs out of steam (November 2018 Congress Elections!?). The flow of money out of stocks and into the Gold & Silver sector may well end up as SPECTACULAR fireworks...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- Charts below picture more than 1001 words!...more in the Subscriber's section!
xxxx uptrend is 100% intact & a Screaming BUY at present level | xxxxx uptrend is 100% intact & a Screaming BUY at present level |
xxxx trend is 100% intact and a SCREAMING BUY at present level ! | xxxxx trend is 100% intact and a SCREAMING BUY at present level - note the maturing Triangle |
xxxxxxx is OVERBOUGHT and running into a double and strong resistance (1 & 2) |
xxxxx scenario: 1. Breakout vs xxxx 2. Small consolidation (target 113) 3. breakdown to 113.5 is the backtest. 4. Over the next weeks the xxxx should get stronger versus the US-Dollar. |
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Monday August 20, 2018 - Buy when there is BLOOD on the Walls: Second Most Negative RSI Extreme For HUI In 25 Years.
Updated Sections: $-Gold, Silver, US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$, Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€, Recession Proof Shs, Recession Proof-HOLD, Biotech-Pharma, Oil Shares, Natural Gas shares, Uranium shs,
Buy when there is BLOOD on the Walls. Short term is never easy. So many factors influence the short term and the gold price, it is impossible to predict bullion's short-term reactions to individual economic or geopolitical developments. To us, gold's portfolio utility is shaped by long-term fundamentals and epic structural imbalances. Excessive global debt and related monetary debasement have been decades in the making. There will be no quick fix for a global economy weaned on emergency liquidity.
The faint of heart should just make a bucket list with safe investment instruments. By safe investment instruments one must exclude Short and Medium term TRADING & Casino investments. During the process they will amaze themselves by finding out there are little or no SAFE & NON-BANK alternates to Physical Gold & Silver. As a matter of fact, the list can be very short if you put all VIRTUAL-BANK-instruments under one heading: bank deposits, bonds, treasuries,, paper money, fiat money, warrants, Options, all bank manufactured financial instruments. Next comes Real Estate which lives a BUBBLE because of the very existence of Virtual Bank Instruments...Next come Stocks and last Commodities (which are all extremely cheap). [Cryptocurrencies are also virtual financial instruments with NO real value whatsoever]...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals:
- Strange things happened the past week....but let's wait until the dust has settled and see what is REALLY to happen the coming weeks. Whatever is written, there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that a STRONGER DOLLAR is extremely HAZARDOUS to the Worldwide Financial System and also to the USA. I think that nobody is suicidal. Not even Trump. Maybe what's happened in Turkey will stay in Turkey and the FED and Central banks now understand that less Money Supply (even with zero or negative interest rates) will drive the world into the Abyss!
- more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- more in the Subscriber's section!
- The next couple of weeks will be CRUCIAL...stay tuned.
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Friday August 17, 2018 - US Dollar Peaking, Gold Hits Bottom - Time to Get Contrarian
Updated Sections: , 
ECB Fears Contagion from Turkish Lira Collapse, Bank Stocks Plunge. 2008-2009 the Fed had to bail out several banks. Many European banks ran into trouble and nothing has really be done about it. So if any major incident occurs several European Banks will probably get in so much trouble that either the ECB will have to dramatically increase the Money Supply, either/and have to go for a massive BAIL-IN.
In just one week, the savings of the Turkish people lost over one-third of its value. Turkey is an important reminder of the fact that In a matter of days, a third of your savings can vanish. Turkey’s currency, the lira, is down some 45% this year. And over the past week, the currency was down as much as 35%. This week the lira was down a whopping 7%.
We have similar and even worse situations in: Venezuela and Argentina (the word's richest countries in 1946), South Africa (where in 1980 you could top up your car for only ONE RAND), Zimbabwe (a Hell Hole),....those who did not buy and hold physical Gold & Silver out of political reach are just stuck, chained to their sinking country...with NO WAY OUT! This includes ANY Real Estate holder/investor as Real Estate is cemented and cannot be moved away. Those who bought a property with a mortgage are even worse off as they are CHAINED to their property.
The more the dollar rises, the lower emerging market currencies fall. And the lower their currencies fall, the costlier it becomes for them to pay back their $40 trillion in debt they incurred in the decade since the global financial crisis. And, the deeper their currencies sink, the higher their inflation rate rises. Indeed, Turkey’s annual inflation rate is estimated to have soared 101 % this year. In Argentina, with inflation rising at 30 %, and its currency down 38 % against the dollar this year, the central bank raised interest rates five percentage points on Monday to 45 % following the latest hit on the Turkish lira. Because of that happened the past week, the FED may realize that it now MUST lessen its aggressive interest rate policy, which in turn will weaken the dollar and be more bullish for gold...more in the Subscriber's section!
The best way to cement you to a country, is to put all of your savings into Real Estate. The best way to ensure there is no way back, is to buy the Real Estate with a mortgage.... |
Important Fundamentals:
- The decision of Vanguard to “dump” gold all together from their portfolio reveals how deep the lack of interest and understanding of Gold there is.
- This decision can be compared to the BROWN-BOTTOM : when Brown decided to sell most of Britain's gold at the very bottom right before a dramatic bull run.
- The Swiss National Bank Now Owns $87.5 Billion In US Stocks. Easy to imagine what is to happen to the Swiss National Bank the day we have a stock market crash.
- The Japanese National Bank holds at least 75% Japanese securities and is therefore in an even worse position than the Swiss...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- A secondary bottom is in place in the Gold & Silver sector. This period is very similar to the period I experienced in 2003-2004 before Gold & Silver embarked upon their explosive bull market. ....more in the Subscriber's section!
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Thursday August 16, 2018 - Yesterday was a BANK HOLIDAY in most European countries.
Updated Sections: Silver (SLV) , Rupee-Gold , Yuan-Gold & Yuan/$ , Gold & Silver Juniors (interesting and positive),
August 15 is a Bank Holiday in most European countries and because it fell on a Wednesday, this week is a Bank Holiday Week in most European countries. Because of the THIN MARKET we must be cautious and advised is to wait until next week before taking some important decisions.
The Turkish problem is also the problem of the EMERGING ECONOMIES or economical weaker countries. At this time and because of the weak Lira, the currencies of ALL these countries are suffering and weakening...
The Real Estate bubble is about to pop for a second time in the USA and for a 1st time in many other Western countries. If interest rates rise, this will only add injury to insult. Real Purchasing power has dwindled and Consumer debt soared. The Credit card debt and auto loans figures are simply BAD and Debt delinquency figures are as bad as just before the last financial crisis. Note: the 2018 US-Real Estate bubble is 5.7% BIGGER than it was in 2005/06.
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Important Fundamentals:
- xxxxxxx agreed to settle a four-year federal class-action lawsuit over natural gas royalties to leaseholders in Pennsylvania for $7.75 million. xxxxxx was accused of unfairly deducting payments to landholders in post-production, and the company has agreed to set up a fund to pay over 10,000 leaseholders.
- xxxxxxxx signed a 25-year deal to ship xxxxx to Taiwan’s CPC Corp. Cheniere says the $25 billion, 25-year deal will allow help the company expand its export capacity in the Gulf of Mexico.
- Venezuela blackout could lead to deeper declines in oil production. A widespread blackout affecting nearly all of Zulia state in Venezuela – home to 300,000 bpd around Lake Maracaibo – could lead to more outages of Venezuelan supply.
- Yes, there is more Gold than Silver...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- Buy LOW (when others panic and nobody buys) and sell HIGH (when Mr. Everybody think they will be late...and be PATIENT.
- Gold expressed in Indian Rupee & Chinese Yuan CLEARLY shows what this DANGEROUS PANIC TRAP looks like...
more in the Subscriber's section! | |
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Wednesday August 15, 2018 - Gold & Silver, "THE" xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx?
Updated Sections:
The Real Reason Apple, Facebook, Spotify, And YouTube Banned Infowars.
This is our call of the 21st Century....the opportunity will last for a couple of months only! ....if you too greedy to become a Subscriber, we're too Greedy to let you know what the once in a lifetime opportunity is.
more in the Subscriber's section! | |
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Tuesday August 14, 2018 - Will it be Domino, Domino....or will Central Bankers, the IMF and the BIS be able to stop the Turkish hemorrhage!?
Updated Sections: Long Term Stock Market Indexes, Royalty co's, Gold & Silver Majors,$-Gold ,
Will it be Domino, Domino...or will the Central Bankers, the IMF and the BIS be able to stop the Turkish hemorrhage? The happenings in Turkey surely proofs and shows to the world how dangerous TARIFFS are. Politicians (Trump) don't seem to understand that the World has become an inter-connected happening and that certain restrictions, tariffs, quota's may come back to hunt you like a boomerang. Important is to know that countries like Turkey, Brazil, South-Africa,....need a WEAK Dollar to survive.
The solutions will be - as usual - to PRINT MORE FIAT MONEY and to let Interest rates RISE. This will make the Global situation worse until it implodes. If the ECB and the EU does nothing, MAJOR EUROPEAN BANKS will go belly up and a gigantic BAIL-IN will have to be put in place. In other words, the ECB and EU are sitting between a ROCK and a HARD PLATE. And in my opinion, Erdogan knows this...and plays it out. Having said this, the US-Dollar also plays an important role and - in order for the system to survive - we need a LOWER US-Dollar and NOT a HIGHER one. Over the past years the World Financial situation has gotten out of hand and I think it is probably no longer possible to correct it without inflicting MAJOR DAMAGE to the Financial markets worldwide. [in the past this kind of situations were solved by a WAR].
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
- Let the dust...more in the Subscriber's section!
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Monday August 13, 2018 - Turkey (Erdogan): They have the Dollar...we have GOD (Goldonomic has GOLD)
Updated Sections: US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$,
American and European Media, Soviet tactics...Mainstream Media, Facebook, YouTube, Google.
Gold & Silver indicators are bullish (like many other indicators are), but as usual TIMING is the most difficult part of the equation. This because in most cases it is a "certain event" (ex. Turkey) which inititates the ACTION.
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Important Fundamentals:
- Draghi to leave! this coming November and will probably be replaced by a German: Jens Weidmann, president of the Bundesbank.
- If we have a STOP BUY for the US-Dollar and a STOP LOSS for the Euro, those who are invested in Gold and Silver will be good!
- ECB will have to issue emergency liquidity as the Turkish contagion spreads. Turkey has massive economic problems, deficits, and now their currency is collapsing. The fact that many banks in the EU have lent money to Turkey could lead to a crisis in the European banking system. As an example, Spain’s second largest banks has lent $18 billion to Turkey, and BNP-Paribas in France has lent $40 billion. Many other European banks are involved as well. Remember the European Banks have not recovered yet from the 2008-09 crisis and many are loaded with Derivatives: Deutsche Bank, ABN-Amro, Soc. Generale, Credit Agricole,..Turkish banks have a lot of currency loans, in US dollars and other currencies, to Turkish borrowers. That’s 40% of their balance sheets. That will most likely wipe out the reserves of most of these banks because the clients won’t be able to repay it in Turkish lira. Other exposed banks are: in Italy UniCredit, in Spain the BBVA.
Important Technicals:
- The good news is that Erdogan and the Turkish Lira resulted in a Euro-Gold breakout - out of a mature Bullish Wedge!!
- The U.S. dollar index popped up ........more in the Subscriber's section!
more in the Subscriber's section!
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Friday August 10, 2018 - What do Extremely small Bollinger bands for Gold and Silver indicate?
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, US-Dollar,
This is the silence before the storm. The stable progression of the world economy since WWII is now coming to an end. What should have been a normal cyclical high in the next year or two, is now going to be the most massive implosion of a bubble full of debts and inflated assets. The system has been "successfully" manipulated for decades by central banks, certain commercial banks, the BIS in Basel and the IMF for the benefit of a small elite. (Egon von Greyerz)
Consumer bankruptcies are surging, corporate debt has doubled since the last financial crisis, state and local government debt loads have never been higher, and the federal government has been adding more than a trillion dollars a year to the federal debt ever since Barack Obama entered the White House.
see subscriber's section for large chart
It's only a matter of time before the Gold & Silver sector roars back to life....we just don't know WHEN and the chart above doesn't tell us which direction the bust will be: UP or DOWN - or does it!?...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- The Bollinger Bands indicate we shall see ACTION soon...in the Gold & Silver sector
- Following shares are a BUY at present levels. Point & Figures charts are published in the subscriber's sections.
more in the Subscriber's section!
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Thursday August 9, 2018 - Is renting really a waste of money?
Updated Sections: €-Gold & €/$ , Aussie-Gold & Aussie/$/€, Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ , Can$-Gold & Can$/$/€, ¥-Gold & ¥/$/€, ZAR-Gold & ZAR/$/€, Krona-Gold & Krona/$/€, Yuan-Gold & Yuan/$/€, Rupee-Gold
Renting is not always a waste of money and in times like now, RENTERS actually profit on BUYERS. The video below discusses only one side and doesn't take into account the 26 year BEAR market for Real Estate we are in. Real Estate is a one sided leveraged bullish investment...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- Tip for traders: The winter to summer cycles have been marked on the Long Candles. See green vertical lines on Long Gold candles (expressed in major currencies) on the site.
- Extremely interesting is the section for Gold expressed in Yuan....There is NO DOUBT that today China controls the World Trade and not the USA: the Chinese yuan was devaluated by 20% to compensate for the tariffs. The 20% devaluation of the Yuan created some HAVOC in the Forex markets. more in the Subscriber's section!
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Wednesday August 8, 2018 - All players are in place and the curtain on Gold is about to fall.
Updated Sections: £-Gold & £/$/€,
Inflation is picking up and figures will get worse because of a weaker Dollar and Tariff Wars. Consumer spending is still acceptable but is the direct consequence of the LOW interest rates (consumers are accumulating more debt) . Housing demand is slowing down because of lower REAL spendable income. Automobile sales are slowing down....and interest rates are going up. The perfect recipe for a recession.
Gold historically rallies from the Summer to the Spring of the next year! |
Gold & Silver are at a point of extreme pessimism and offer one of the most extraordinary opportunities in four decades to make loads of money. As hedge funds have record shorts in gold, the gold price in dollars is currently making a low for the year. The average gold investor and speculator is either getting out of gold or being very nervous. But the wealth preservation investor is not the slightest bit concerned as he is holding gold to protect against the massive risk in the system...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals:
- The creation of fiat money out of thin air, fractional reserve banking and extremely low interest to negative interest rates make the Financial Markets into a BIG CASINO. The least I can say, is that this creates an extremely dangerous and explosive market environment.
- Investors like Hedge Funds are drivers of the SHORT TERM Markets (CASINO) and are ALWAYS wrong on the middle and long term. In the case of Gold, the traders want to keep the TRADING zone intact but don't want the price of Gold to break out as this would mean the end of their trading-game.
- Western investors live by the false and dangerous BELIEF that the Western Bankers and Central bankers are in "complete control" of the situation while there are NOT! They believe asset bubbles ( stock market, bond markets, real estate markets) will not burst...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
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Tuesday August 7, 2018 - 12 Attempts on President Trumps' life won't stop indictments.
Updated Sections: US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$ ,
This is a very interesting +1 hour Summertime video which gives a different look on the U.S.A., the Deep State and how the World is being fooled. Today's situation will also explode because many start to see and understand how the MEDIA are manipulating the people.
This is a story that has not been released to the mainstream press, and Janda says it will not stop the first wave of indictments for the people who tried to illegally remove President Trump from office in a failed coup. Dr. Janda also says the very top people in the New World Order, such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, will not escape justice. Dr. Janda says, “If that doesn’t happen, then nothing will have changed.”
In closing, Janda says there is some very good news coming. Janda contends, “I truly believe our country will be far better off, freedoms and liberties restored and a way of life restored that is not a two-tiered system that has one set of rules for players for the Deep State and one set of rules for the 99.9% of us. The country will be far better off, every American will be far better off and the world will be far better off.”
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
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Monday August 6, 2018 - This is How POPULISM conquered and destroyed ARGENTINA.
Updated Sections: $-Gold, Silver,
This is How POPULISM conquered and destroyed ARGENTINA: people VOTED for politicians who did it for them by creating money out of thin air, by making Government BIGGER and by destroying private entrepreneurship. It didn't took too long to kill a society which after World War II was ranked as the richest in the World. [Belgium was ranked the richest country in the world under the reign of Leopold II].
The short video explains the mechanism which pulled Argentina down from the # ONE position to what it has become today: a hyper-inflationary disaster. Last year Government became so desperate for money that Argentinians who repatriated "black capital" received a 15% government bonus/premium on the repatriated amount on top of a fiscal amnesty.
Printing money, National and Total Debt and BIG government ALWAYS kill a society. The danger is that the scenario's we have for Argentina, Zimbabwe, Venezuela...etc are EXPONENTIAL and that they take most people by surprise. South Africa is another modern example and is next on my bucket list. As usual it is extremely hard - if possible at all - to call the day the trend becomes exponential. The day it does, it is too late to act....more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals:
- Do you really think you are a "smartass" and smarter than the Federal & Central banks? If Central banks have a lot of Gold and buy even more Gold, they KNOW WHY!..more in the Subscriber's section!
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Important Technicals:
- Mid-Summer is historically an important time of the year. Often NEW trends and are born during the months of July and August. This year the rule applies to Gold & Silver, Currencies (US-Dollar - Euro exchange rate), Real Estate, the Stock Markets.
- The Footsie is our canary in the coal mine for the world stock markets. If the index breaks out of this Head and Shoulders pattern, it will signal the beginning of the last leg #5.
more in the Subscriber's section!
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Friday August 3, 2018 - Europe to become energy dependent from Russia?!
Updated Sections:
Gazprom, Russia’s largest natural gas exporter, has again increased its deliveries to Europe. The company sent 5.8 percent more blue fuel to the continent through July compared to last year. Gas deliveries to Germany jumped 12.3 percent. Austria bought 48.3 percent more Russian gas. Shipments to the Netherlands were 53.8 percent higher, and to Croatia up by 40.1 percent. Gazprom also exported more gas to Denmark, Poland, and France in the first seven months of 2018.
The Russian share of the European gas market increased to 34 percent last year, according to Gazprom. Gazprom executives are seeking to increase gas deliveries to Europe to 200 billion cubic meters per year. In 2017, Gazprom Group supplied a total of 194.4 billion cubic meters of gas to European countries, including Turkey. Western European countries accounted for approximately 81 percent of the company’s exports from Russia, while Central European states took 19 percent. According to Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller, the record delivery number is feasible. The main factors for growth in European demand are an increase in economic activity on the continent and a long-term decline in European gas production.
Facebook to lead the next stock market crash!? Mark Zuckerman lost a reported $16.2 billion. This is a reality of an era where billionaires will come to understand how bitter the stock market's taste can become when one loses most of one's wealth; if not all of it. The same applies to those who keep most of their assets as bank deposits or in Real Estate.
What happened to the Facebook share must be seen as a warning. And we advise clients once more to deploy their wealth preservation plan in full, well before any major accident occurs and other unprepared investor's assets become mostly worthless paper.
After Facebook it was the turn of Twitter to fall by 20%. We see this as a second and last warning before other FANG stocks (Apple, Google, ….) crash in a similar way . Our Subscriber's section for Recession Proof shares on HOLD has more of these potential CRASH candidates.
Important Fundamentals:
- With debt bubbles in the US, Europe, China, Japan and Emerging Markets, the world is likely to drown in printed money in the next 2-5 years. At that point gold could easily be 175 million Dollars, Euros or Yen. That level is of course meaningless in real terms. But what is very meaningful is that gold will at least maintain purchasing power and more importantly protect investors form the total wealth destruction that the poor Venezuelans are now experiencing. Just like most Venezuelans wish they had bought a bit of gold some time ago, so will most people in the West and the East in the next few years. It is now critical to own some insurance and not to be one of the ones who says “I wish I would have……”. Having said this, INTELLIGENT Venezuelans who kept their PHYSICAL GOLD out of Political reach in a Panama Vault were able to survive.
- Don't count on Government and Mainstream Media to warn you for what is to come. On the contrary. Any warning would be political incorrect and what's more, at this time, Authorities do whatever lies in their power to convince and push their citizens to bring back ALL their ASSETS "HOME" so they can seize whatever they judge necessary to avoid social unrest and keep their job.
- Greedy people and those chasing these SHORT TERM PROFITS will almost sure be part of the biggest loosers of the 21st century.
- This remembers me of a business trip in Turkey and a chat I had with Antalya Gold dealers/jewelers just before Erdogan was elected President...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- Apart from xxxxx (see Oil & Natural gas shares) Following shares are a buy at present level:
more in the Subscriber's section! |
Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic
Thursday August 2nd, 2018 - Governments always find a way to get the (your) money....even if they have to (your) tax S**T!
Updated Sections: Gold price targets, Silver price targets,
The city of Philly is BANKRUPT and uses any excuse to TAX its citizens. Not only has the city decided to tax SODA (soft drinks - remember that drinking soft drinks KILLS - at least this is what they pretend) but they also levy LIENS on Real Estate properties for services which are not paid for by the RENTERS. Assume that you have a property you rent out to a family and the family doesn't pay its Natural GAS bill, the City puts a lien on your property and you can no longer sell it unless YOU pay your renter's GAS bill. For Authorities, Real Estate is the PERFECT MILK COW...and they know it.
In Florida cities also put liens on properties where for example the grass is not mowed and/or the garden is not properly maintained by the Renter. And over years, the liens can sometime amount in the thousands of Dollars...which in the end may have to be paid by the landlord himself instead of by the renter before he can SELL his property. In Belgium, Government has decided that by 2010 it will be impossible to sell a home unless it has double glazing...In the Netherlands, Goverment has decided that people cannot longer heat their homes with natural gas...
Ripley's believe it or not:
This spells a MASSACRE in the Real Estate Sector once interest rates spike up. We just learned that in Belgium and the Netherlands, people who BUY real estate with a mortgage increasingly opt for a FLEXIBLE Interest rate (i.e. an interest rate which is adjusted when the prime rate comes down or goes up). One would expect to see the opposite happen: buyers preferring to lock in the low interest rates and lock out the risk of higher interest rates. However, exactly the opposite is happening!?...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Fundamentals:
- xxxx xxxx, offers products, services and digital solutions to the international oil and gas community and is a STRONG BUY. The company reported second quarter Revenue of $5.55 billion came in a fraction below the consensus estimate of $5.57 billion. xxxx is an aggressive growth stock, undervalued based on 2019 numbers. The stock fell dramatically when the 2018 stock market correction arrived, completely recovered by May, and is now trading between $32 and $37.
- xxxxxx is the world’s largest oilfield service company. Second quarter Revenue of $8.3 billion slightly missed the estimate of $8.36 billion. xxxxxxxx is an aggressive growth stock, undervalued based on 2019 numbers. The stock — yielding 3% — is low within its 2018 trading range. There’s short-term price resistance at $74. We rate the stock as a strong buy...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- Another interesting way of calculating Targets for $-Gold and $-Silver: As explained in last updates, the BOTTOMING CYCLY is coming to its END...or time is up!
more in the Subscriber's section! | |
more in the Subscriber's section! |
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Wednesday August 1st, 2018 - “The winner takes it all, the loser standing small” (an Abba song) is the next phase in the world economy.
Updated Sections: Indexes in Real Money (Gold), Gold shares fundamentals,
“The winner takes it all, the loser standing small” (an Abba song) is the next phase in the world economy. Sadly there will be few real winners since the world and its people will be the loser in the coming phase of destruction of asset values, implosion of debts as well as a breakdown of the fabric of society.
Bearers of bad news are never popular. But the world is now facing an inevitable breakdown of the biggest debt and asset bubble in history. It is absolutely certain that this will happen, and it is not a question of if but only when.
Note: Although we will all be losers to some extent, there are be some who are better protected than others. And the few people who understand this will be the winners in the investment world. Extremely dangerous is that Authorities will do all within their power to minimize the event and it can all happen overnight and will by definition be followed by a BANK HOLIDAY where it is impossible TO ACT. Therefore, you either ACT today or you will probably NEVER be able to do so. Don't count on flipping a position the day before the ordeal as such will simply be impossible!
100 years of financial mismanagement has not finished the 5,000 year track record of gold as the only money which has survived in history. The next 4 to 8 years will prove that again. |
Important Fundamentals:
- Profits For xxxx Soar. xxxx posts strong earnings. xxx to pay $10.5 billion for BHP shale assets. xxxxx doubles earnings, xxxxxx’s up 18 percent...more in the Subscriber's section!
Important Technicals:
- The Bigger the Bottom the Bigger the subsequent BULL Run. It's ALL in the price...whatever one might think....it's all in the price. The more experience one has, the more this becomes obvious. Points & Figures charts are excellent tools to calculate TARGETS. These are ALWAYS the result of past PRICE action. Also, the bigger the consolidation zone, the bigger the subsequent run. Because all action happens inside the consolidation zone, a vacuum is build BELOW and ABOVE this zone. As soon as PRICE breaks UP or breaks DOWN the consolidation zone, and because there is a lack of SELLERS (breakup) or a lack of BUYERS (breakdown) price rises or falls a lot faster.
- On the chart below one can compare the 2008-09 bottom for Gold with the actual bottom. If this small consolidation was able to propel Gold from $800 per oz. to $1,920 per oz. the HUGE present bottom formation around $1,200 will without doubt be able to propel the price of Gold to much higher levels. The odds are that the price of Gold will "at least" DOUBLE to $2,400. A minimal reasonable level however is more like: ***** x *** = $*****
- For Gold expressed in several major currencies we have marked the consolidation zone and indicated what the calculated breakout will be once Gold breaks out.
- Having said this, according to our fundamental and technical analysis, it is almost impossible that Gold & Silver will break down. The odds of such happening are maybe 5%. Technically speaking if the price of Gold was to break out on the downside, it would result in a NEGATIVE price and such is simply impossible...more in the Subscriber's section!
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