March 2023
Is today the time by excellence to buy Miners? - see subscribers' section for an answer.
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Physical: add up to $200 per oz. | For physical, add up to $16 per oz. | Are you still Paper Gold? |
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- Better, we advise you to consult the site daily mainly because the most interesting YouTube videos are often CENSURED!
- Go back and read the older updates & Education hall - there is also A LOT of valuable information in these, especially under Important Fundamentals & Technicals.
- Many Candle (and often also PF-charts may be updated at all times, even if not mentioned in the "Updated Sections" - check the charts in the section.
Thursday/Friday, March 30-31, 2023: As we expected - Silver Now Leads Gold!
Updated Sections: Note we have All-Time highs for Gold expressed in several currencies!!!
World Stock Market Indexes, Index In Real Money/Gold, Long Term Charts,
Royalty Co's (a breakout out of a gigantic base formation), Investment Pyramid,
Gold & Silver Majors, Miners & Gold vs SPX,
Deutsche Bank discloses the details of its $42 Trillion Derivatives Book. A Snowflake Away From Financial Meltdown? The EUR42 trillion derivative book notional exposure is certainly a very large number that must scare investors. Few realize that the number is larger than the BNP of the EU zone. The actual market and/or counterparty risks are very high and not managed. Technically speaking, Deutsche Bank IS BANKRUPT!
I believe those who keep assets/savings with the banking system are out of their mind. Other much safer options without counterparty risks are available. We at Goldonomic called the problems at Credit Suisse (our subscribers know) and can tell you that many other banks will follow. The dominoes begin to fall...up to you to decide if your savings will also fall or not!
What is coming REALLY is scary! Those wisenoses who don't prepare properly and/or incorrectly will lose more than their pants. We don't expect that all will unfold as Mike explains, but he certainly makes some good points, and there is no doubt these are part of the scenario we expect.
The crisis is approaching, and the Central Banks begin their propaganda against Bitcoin. The wisenoses who think they can survive Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin will be in for a terrible surprise...or they will realize cryptos (even cryptos created by Central Banks) are worthless. Something is very wrong with a lot of people: they somehow continue to believe the MSM and the Authorities and are too greedy to pay for decent advice.
Those fishing around to get DECENT FREE FINANCIAL ADVICE always end up being bagholders and losing A LOT of MONEY (if not all of it). To be Greedy normally ends up being something very expensive and painful.
Only poor advice comes for free and good advice should be honored and taken care about is. If not, sooner or later, the Good analysts will go for the money and also start to sell “what the idiots out there want to hear” and promise quick, high profits. That is what makes the world of the HERD go around.
What does your normal working day look like?! ...or are you a politician? We used to have only one Louis XIV and one Louis XVI, today, there are many "Louis-Politicians"...spread all over the Western World.
Important Fundamentals:
- Panama's economy jumped 13.5% last year !!!
- The balance of Trade between both RUSSIA and China jumped in 2022. Moscow's trade balance - the difference between total exports and imports - swelled to $282.3 billion in 2022, up from $170.1 billion the previous year. Russia posts a record current account surplus of $227 bln in 2022.
- At the same time, the EU, Switzerland, Canada, and the USA are sliding into a DEPRESSION. Even the economic situation in Germany, the locomotive of the EU - has deteriorated enormously.
- For premium members only.
Important Technicals:
- See the charts below.
- See the section for Royalties to check the break out of xxxx.
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For premium members only. ![]() |
Expecting fireworks. |
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xxxx shares are not such a good idea. | More money supply = more inflation = higher xxxxx |
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The short-term outlook for xxxx...note the odds are that we might see a breakout to the upside. |
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Monday/Wednesday, March 27-29, 2023: Will Interest rates continue to increase, and the Dollar fall?!
Updated Sections: US Dollar, Rupee Gold, Yuan Gold, Swiss Franc & Gold, Euro and €-Gold,
Candollar & Gold, British Pound & Gold, Swedish Krona & Gold, Aussie & Gold, Yen & Gold,
SA Rand & Gold, Note we have All-Time highs for Gold expressed in several currencies!
World Stock Market Indexes, Index In Real Money/Gold, Long Term Charts,
Royalty Co's (a breakout out of a gigantic base formation),!!Investment Pyramid,
Gold & Silver Majors
"There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen."
A lot has happened in the past week. The bailout of several US banks did not manage to calm markets, which consumed another large bank in Europe. The FED increased the rates by 25bps, and the ECB also increased rates by 50bps. The Fed is facing a difficult task on Wednesday, but it is likely already past the point of no return – a soft landing now looks unlikely, with the airplane in a tailspin (lack of market confidence) and engines about to turn off (bank lending). China brokered a Middle East deal, and there is a presidential visit to Russia this week.
"The banks in Europe are in a VERY bad shape!"
“There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen”— Lenin. The possibility of a Minsky moment in markets and geopolitics has increased. Even if central bankers successfully contain the contagion, credit conditions look set to tighten more rapidly because of pressure from both markets and regulators.
"Mexico to join the BRICS: 2022/23… These years marked the end of America's hegemony: 2022-2023"
Cracks are beginning to emerge in US credit fundamentals, and Euro credit spreads will likely continue to widen unless we see meaningful policy intervention. We see little change in oil fundamentals and keep our price forecasts unchanged for now, while financial stress and macro uncertainty have boosted safe-haven demand for gold and silver...
The Glass-Steagall act (click here for more) was designed to stop banks from speculating with the money of their clients. Bill Clinton abolished the law, and DERIVATIVES were born and are now currently used by Bankes, Pension Funds, and Insurance corp. to speculate. The quadrillions of derivatives BUBBLE says it all: all entities using Derivatives have become HEAVY RISK entities. To add insult to injury, Banks now also have no minimum reserve requirements. As of March 26, 2020, the reserve requirement was set at 0%. 1 That's when the board eliminated the reserve requirement due to the global financial crisis. This means that banks aren't required to keep deposits at their Reserve Bank. Instead, they can use the funds to lend to their customers and to SPECULATE on the Derivatives Market.
Switzerland has become a Banana Republic. The Swiss neutrality is NO MORE. Switzerland applies CRS (fiscal communication of all bank accounts to member CRS states). In Switzerland, a 7% TAX is applied to the PHYSICAL delivery of Gold. Americans holding Gold in the country are asked to sell their gold and liquidate the account. Switzerland has become a Swiss Cheese. We once more strongly advise you to stay away from that country.
Swiss authorities have blocked the assets Russians have in the country. Switzerland is no more a neutral country.
The Reserves of the Swiss National bank are nothing but one big portfolio with SWAPS, DERIVATIVES, BONDS, and EQUITIES,..and the losses of it are dramatic.
Important Fundamentals:
- Interest Rates Will For premium members only.
- Stock Markets Will For premium members only.
- Bonds and Bond markets will For premium members only.
- Where and How to Own Gold as Banks Lose All Credibility – certainly NOT in Switzerland!....and certainly NOT in your home country.
- Real Estate will crash...For premium members only.
- ALL-TIME HIGH FOR GOLD EXPRESSED IN BRITISH POUND, EURO, CAN-DOLLAR, Krona, Aussie,...Therefore, they will only be able to keep the price of Fiat Gold below $2,000 for so long. Note that Physical Gold already sells for more than $2,000 per oz.
- Massive Layoffs Will Be The Norm For A Long Time...
Important Technicals:
- If the Gold/Silver Ratio Falls To a 30.4 Median Level, For premium members only.
- IMPORTANT: Analysts following relative strength indicators claim that For premium members only.
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Updated Sections: Gold-$, Silver,
Investors will bid up the price of gold & silver much higher.
"In the coming months and years, we will see the most massive avalanche of money printing that has ever hit the world."
Last week the Fed's balance sheet swelled by $300 billion. We expect the balance sheet to reach a new high by the end of the month. Rates don't matter, and inflation is headed much higher. Also, last week the Government (U.S. Treasury) created 143 billion dollars to give to the FDIC (which only has 128 billion dollars of reserves to bail out the banks)...hereby bypassing Congress. Another 143 billion dollars was created...another 143 billion of inflation. A direct route to Hyperinflation it is.
Wealth preservation in physical gold & silver is now absolutely critical. Obviously, it must be stored outside a broken financial system...and out of Political Reach.
Anyone who doesn’t see what is happening will soon lose a significant part of their assets either through bank failure, currency debasement, or the collapse of all bubble assets like stocks, property, and bonds by 75-100%. Many bonds will become worthless.
The solidity of the banking system is based on confidence. With the fractal banking system, highly leveraged banks only have a fraction of the money available if all depositors ask for their money back. So when confidence evaporates, so do the banks' balance sheets, and depositors realize that the whole system is just a black hole.
This is precisely what is about to happen. Anyone who believes this is a problem with a few smaller US banks and one big one (Credit Suisse) must think again. The leading Central Banks would also be bankrupt if they valued their assets honestly. But they have an excellent source of money that they will tap to save the system: money printing. (Egon von Greyerz)
The Swiss banking system is very unsound, just like the rest of the world. A central bank bigger than the country’s GDP is highly unsound. And a banking system that is 5x Swiss GDP makes it too big to save. That is the very reason Credit Suisse was forcibly taken over by UBS (another bank in trouble). The same story in France, where ING-Paribas is bigger than the GDP of France. See the section "banks & financials" for more.
The leading Central Banks would also be bankrupt if they valued their assets honestly. But they have an excellent source of money that they will tap to save the system: money printing.
"Advisers love bonds, cash and value stocks, banks and brokers and shun growth and gold.
Goldonomic HATES bonds, cash, stocks, and derivatives and loves physical gold and silver."
Battle inflation or protect the financial system? The Fed, and the market, are in a lose-lose situation. The collapse of SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) is the latest sign the Fed is breaking the financial system. Will it continue to raise interest rates, as Fed Head Jay Powell said this past week? That is the biggest question out there because it comes down to picking what you want to save. It’s the U.S. dollar or the financial system. Our vision is that the USA will sacrifice the dollar, and interest rates will continue to go up. The rule is that the currency weakens while interest rates go up...while more currency is printed.
“The United States faces a Great Depression worse than the one of 1929.”
The bankruptcy of SVB is just the tip of the default iceberg. The problem is global bankruptcy. In order to avoid personal bankruptcy, you don’t go from bank A to bank B or some sovereign treasury. You don’t go to paper because paper can and will go bankrupt. It’s going to dawn on people all of a sudden that gold and silver are the safe havens.
The SVB Bank collapse shows how fragile a debt-based banking system really is. The reality is that SVB was losing money and had to sell bonds to save itself from losing more. So they were paying more for the debt they issued, and...with rising interest rates, they were paying more for the debt they borrowed to loan out to mortgages. That's how rising interest rates become the "click" on the handcuffs for banks playing games with financial instruments in a debt-driven economy.
Important Fundamentals:
- Silver is extremely For premium members only.
- Contrary to what Peter Schiff thinks, we expect higher For premium members only.
Important Technicals:
- On Comex, For premium members only.
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Expecting fireworks. |
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xxxx has already broken out and is now backtesting | Stochastics indicate the bull run is not over yet, and a surge to $2,200 is possible! |
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Bonds down = higher interest rates! | Bonds down = higher interest rates! |
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Monday/Wednesday, March 2020-22, 2023: "This is the Big Hyperinflationary Depression of the 21st Century."
Updated Sections: Treasuries in the EU
Gotta love the banking system: Credit Suisse, a bank that lost $7.8 billion last year, is being rescued by a bank (Swiss Central Bank) that lost $143 billion last year. You have to do it and be stupid to BELIEVE that this will end well.
The Bull Shit they sell (Lagarde-ECB) gets worse by the day. You have to be more than an idiot to pretend that you can reduce inflation by hiking the EU interest rates by 1/2% while creating BILLIONS out of thin air.
Undoubtedly, the very day this Bull Shit hits the fan, it will smell a lot worse than Bull Shit! Even so, after reducing the number of cattle. What does Lagarde mean by: "we have to do our job?". Does she mean that she must continue to behave like a RETARD?
The sickening is that most journalists, economists, politicians, Bankers, University professors, and members of the ECB, in particular, have NO CLUE about the definition of inflation. A bunch of apes is flying this airplane, and they are in a process of crashing the financial system and global economy...AND preparing for World War III.
The riskiest thing you can do is leave your money in the bank because you are gonna lose this money. Forget the LIES of Transitory inflation and the inflation target of 2%. This is nothing more but a SHAMELESS BLATANT LIE and MISLEADING the people.
Central Banks and Banks are moving THIN AIR/DEBT (Billions) to other Banks in order to ensure the Public keeps faith in their Ponzi Scheme. Example: The Swiss National Bank (which lost billions last year) sends billions to Credit Suisse. As expected, nobody seems to understand what is really happening.
Few realize that the action is nothing more than a MASSIVE creation of even more FIAT CURRENCY and even more (hyper)inflation: inflation is a more than proportional creation of currency.
Contrary to the classic historic Bank run, a modern BANK RUN instead happens digitally; hence, it is a lot easier to stop. Also, there is no need to PRINT CURRENCY and/or PRINT TREASURY bonds. Bookkeepers do everything on their computers, and everything is done to avoid a collapse of the Banking system. You need to understand that instead, the CURRENCIES and all assets expressed in these currencies (stocks, bonds, real estate, art, Money Market Funds, ETFs, Options...) will become worthless. History learns that only PHYSICAL Gold and SILVER survive.
The DERIVATIVES make the bank situation even more explosive that nobody dares to tackle the subject.
“Five banks have derivative exposure of $188 trillion. That is twice the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the entire world.
Important Fundamentals:
- Mining Revenues ...
- For premium members only.
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Not so good for Miners! |
Very bullish for Gold. |
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Gold leads the inflation. |
Important Technicals:
- See the charts below.
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Expecting Silver fireworks. |
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Today the Banks are Toast. Tomorrow your savings are Toast! | |
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Thursday/Friday, March 16-17, 2023: A Bank Holiday, and the day "your" bank will be closed, is the day after tomorrow. We don't know precisely "WHEN," but we know it "WILL"!
Updated Sections: Copper, Platinum, Non-Ferrous & shares, Long Term Commodity Charts,
Commodities expressed in Gold, Inflation Index, Bonds general & USA,
"As a good analyst, I don't have to change the narrative when 'an event' happens for the 'event' actually moves the markets in the direction I forecasted.
Francis D. Schutte"
Credit Suisse fell below 2 Swiss francs ($2.18) for the first time after Saudi National Bank said it could not go above 10% ownership due to a regulatory issue. Credit Suisse shares fell by 23.8% and were last down 20.2%. Trading in the shares was halted a number of times by the stock exchange operator as volumes soared and the stock plummeted.
All financial institutions, all banks, all Brokers, all pension funds, and all insurance and re-insurance companies are inter-connected. All have been thriving on DERIVATIVES and FIAT MONEY. This is a GIANT DOMINO GAME. One domino falls, and all will fall. Authorities, Governments can try to halt the sequence for a short period of time only. This outcome is mathematically 100% sure: we know what is going to happen. We just don't know WHEN. What we do know is that it probably will happen on a Friday. This is because it always does.
You will be a loser if you keep your savings inside the FIAT system (Ponzi Scheme). If there are problems with one bank, let's say Credit Suisse, it makes NO SENCE whatsoever to move your funds from that bank to any other bank. This is because of the interconnection. Moving your funds from a bank to a broker also makes little sense because the broker has his liquidities stored with some bank and your securities stored by some transfer agent who will also collapse the day the system collapses.
You MUST either move your funds out of the interconnected financial FIAT system or will lose these. Physical Gold and Silver are the best way to go. Real Estate not, because the general price level of Real Estate will CRASH the day the system crashes (and even before), and Real Estate CANNOT be moved out of the hands of Government (taxation).
What most people also don't realize is that at this time, governments are already preparing "REICHSTUMSFLUCHTSTEUER 2.0. In other words, the day comes when more people realize the CATCH and try to leave for another country, they find out, it is possible after paying a HUGE TAX. Just like the tax Germans had to pay (before WW2) when they left the country, you should only keep a SMALL AMOUNT of Gold and Silver coins at home, or just enough to pay for your freedom when they close the borders.
Also, when the Second World War started, only those with a VISUM could leave Germany and other European Countries. This time won't be different: NO PASSPORT, NO VISUM, NO SECOND permanent RESIDENCY (ex. PANAMA), and you will be stuck!!
- A good friend of mine by the name of Ron was, as a little boy, while traveling to a concentration camp, bought his freedom with gold coins and was able to flee Europe to Halifax in Canada. He is still alive and happy while all others in the convoy were killed in a concentration camp.
- Since March 1, 2023, a new EU regulation has been put in place regarding the IMPORT but also EXPORT of Physical Gold and Silver out/in Europe.
Europe is doomed. The silence of the global media on the issue speaks volumes…Europe is a powder a plan B?
Jeffrey David Sachs is an American economist, academic, public policy analyst, and former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor.
In the long term, Gold is simply THE BEST & SAFEST Investment!
All banks have leverage and work with leverage (derivatives). 93% of the SVB deposits are non-FDIC or NOT insured. Silvergate was the previous bank going belly up. The video also explains WHY the level of interest rates is so critical for the wellness of banks in general.
The reserves of the FDIC are TOTALLY INSUFFICIENT to cover the losses of a plausible bank crash. Their reserves amount to less than 0.02%.
Silicon Valley Bank is experiencing a LIQUIDITY CRISIS following a RUN of withdrawals which has forced the bank to sell long terms bonds and incur massive losses. SVB's shares fell by 60% in 1 day and have now been suspended. This Crisis comes within days of Silvergate Bank encountering the same problems that led to the bank falling into liquidity. In this video, I provide details of the problems at both banks and discuss the risks of this Crisis spreading across the whole financial system and causing another GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. See the chart below in the subscribers' section for the 2022 losses banks/financial institutions have been suffering in 2022 below.
Be aware the SVB is a sound bank, but most European banks are NOT! Moving your funds from one European bank (for example. from Barclays ING or from Credit Suisse to the KBC) to another with the hope of being safe doesn't make any sense as the RISK REMAINS precisely the same! The only way to play it safe is to move your funds OUT OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM.
Only for Subscribers: A critical geopolitical view: an open WW3 by 2025.
The energy crisis cost Germany 1 trillion dollars, Mexico to join the BRICS, and much more...
Important Fundamentals:
- China has been accumulating vast quantities of Gold, and other countries also did! They know WHY!
- The chart for the 2022 losses banks/financial institutions have been suffering in 2022. Everyone holding the low-yielding paper from 2020 and 2021 is sitting on unrealized losses. The FDIC reported unrealized losses of around $700 billion at the end of 2022. If rates keep rising, as they have, those losses will only grow.
Important Technicals:
For premium members only. ![]() |
For premium members only. ![]() |
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Monday/Wednesday, March 13-15, 2023: those chasing Fiat Money are about to lose it all.!
Updated Sections: Bank & Fin. Shares, Crude Oil, Solar & Rare Elements, Agriculturals
Update Friday 12:00 pm ET: Silicon Valley Bank (US-18th biggest bank) has been closed by California regulators, who have appointed a receiver.
All insured depositors will have full access to their insured deposits no later than Monday morning, March 13, 2023. The FDIC will pay uninsured depositors an advance dividend within the next week. Uninsured depositors will receive a receivership certificate for the remaining amount of their uninsured funds. As the FDIC sells the assets of Silicon Valley Bank, future dividend payments may be made to uninsured depositors.
The FDIC insures deposits up to $250,000. Customers with accounts in excess of $250,000 should contact the FDIC toll-free at 1-866-799-0959.
The new ENRON? First Republic and other banks could follow. WE WARNED YOU over and over again. At first, it goes slowly, then fast (most of the time on a FRIDAY). This always happens over the weekend when there is nothing you can do. Check the charts in our Banks & Financials sector to see how bad it is. Candle Charts of Banks are actually GAPPING down. Those charts really look horrible.
This is a POWDER KEG! Another 4 banks are now standing in the line of fire for a bank run. The DANGER nobody talks about is that several pension funds are among the investors in the bank. The extent to which other pensions have unrealized losses in venture/startup investments is where the risk of contagion is concentrated. In a crisis, you sell what you can, not what you wish!
The Rise of Corporate Fascism:
In the long term, Gold is simply THE BEST investment!
Long Term Treasuries and Bonds are the WORST performing investment instruments. Real Estate (housing & commercial) is just somewhat better. GOLD is the BEST, which has been so for at least 6,000 years. See the section for Real Estate for the price evolution of Real Estate over the past centuries...SCARY. Those who buy Real Estate because they think something will be left in case of a crisis must talk with a GERMAN real estate owner and his experience during and after World War 2. There is a good reason why Germand DISLIKE real estate and don't see it as a bad investment. As a matter of fact, Real Estate is NOT an INVESTMENT. It is nothing more but a CONSUMER GOOD.
Banks like Real Estate because it allows them to create money and earn money (interest) on the investment with moderate risk. Few realize that each time some real estate buyer borrows money (mortgage) to buy a house, the action creates money.
The markets are the markets, and the only thing most financial analysts and media do is fill up the REALITY with some NARRATIVE. Few Analysts can SEE THE REALITY and advise how one should protect his savings. Goldonomic knows HOW and has +45 years of experience. ONLY experienced analysts are worth listening to. More in the subscribers section.
Only for Subscribers: No One Likes Bears, and Even Fewer Understand Gold
Real Estate:
Housing prices were taken to all-time highs in the last few years. Now we're seeing them drop. Despite the recent home buying report, you will see housing prices continue to fall because the boom and bust of housing is a simple inverted pendulum.
Important Fundamentals:
- The trade of several Russian and Chinese shares and miners has been suspended some time ago...and it happened all of a sudden. I warned of the inherent danger of “digital securities.” In general, ENERGY stocks didn't perform well, and it was also a better decision to sell these (as we advised) beginning of 2022 and to use the funds to buy Physical Silver.
Important Technicals:
- The markets are the markets; most financial analysts and media only fill up the REALITY with some NARRATIVE. They are WORTHLESS and DANGEROUS investment advisors. Few Analysts can SEE THE REALITY and advise how one should protect his savings. Goldonomic knows HOW and has +45 years of experience. ONLY experienced analysts are worth listening to. BANKERS and BROKERS are the WORST ones we should listen to!
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Thursday/Friday, March 9-10, 2023: There will be "NO PENSIONS" in the next 10 years.!
Updated Sections: Oil Shares, Natural Gas & shares, Uranium Shares, Bank & Fin. Shares
Crude Oil price
Bonds, Real Estate, etc..will there will be no money to pay out pensions...the governments will have no alternative but to steal from the rich and print even more currency...making whatever is paid out as a pension WORTHLESS.
With the United States recently hitting the $31.4 trillion debt ceiling, the Congress critters must raise the debt limit by the summer. If they can’t reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling, the US gov risks defaulting on debt payments.
The US’s multiple decades of big spending on fantastical domestic programs and foreign policy ventures are finally catching up to it. And it could lead to an economic cataclysm like the nation has never experienced before. More frighteningly, this is the type of solution the political class is looking to pursue to address this problem.
Switzerland is TOAST: The Swiss National Bank said last week that its annual loss for 2022 would reach 132 billion Swiss francs, or $143 billion. This is the biggest loss in its 115-year history due to central banks around the world, including the Swiss National Bank, raising interest rates to fight inflation. The weakening of global equity markets and falling bond prices last year led to a hit in the value of the Swiss National Bank's equity and bond holdings portfolio, with the stronger Swiss franc having a negative impact.
Only for Subscribers: CBDC is highly controversial.
- Do you think they could lock you down
- For premium members only.
The US’s multiple decades of big spending on fantastical domestic programs and foreign policy ventures are finally catching up to it. And it could lead to an economic cataclysm like the nation has never experienced before. More frighteningly, this is the type of solution the political class is looking to pursue to address this problem.
It’s the most common way cash-strapped governments attempt to solve debt solutions….. Inflating the currency (print currency). Inflation cheapens debt, thereby making the government’s debt payments easier to meet. But there’s a catch….
Debasing a country’s currency creates new problems, such as reduced purchasing power, the total wipe-out of the middle class’s hard-earned savings, and the eventual destruction of general economic activity.
Important Fundamentals:
- I can't repeat it enough, but the PHYSICAL STOCK
- For premium members only.
Important Technicals:
- Commodity prices are
- For premium members only.
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Monday/Wednesday, March 6-8, 2023: Those with no plan "B" will pay a hefty price for it.!
Updated Sections: Recession Proof Shs (LOCG), Recession Proof - hold, Bio Tech-Pharma
Oil Shares
"Mainly" for European residents (CRS) who have not acted yet: Time to work on your 2nd permanent residency (Passport)!
Last year, when we told relations that all their bank account numbers were known to the tax authorities, a more than surprised look, sometimes even one full of disbelief, usually appeared on their faces.
As of today, however, our announcement is completely outdated because by January 31, 2022, at the latest, all Belgian, Dutch, Swiss,... banks had to communicate to the Central Contact Point of the National Bank (CRS) how much is in your bank accounts, what amounts you have borrowed from them and how many pennies you have accumulated through life insurance policies or investments.
So yes, from 31.01.2022, the tax authorities have complete visibility of the account balances of all your accounts. But those who thought their life insurance policies or their equity accounts would go through the cracks are in for a sour treat. The tax authorities (see below) now also have access to these via the so-called CAP or Central Contact Point of the National Bank (CRS).
This means that, for example, undeclared work and forgetting to declare income in the event of death will be much easier to detect.
But let's be clear, the invasion of your financial privacy is much greater than you might expect at first glance. Perhaps clarify with a simple example of an average wage earner:
Balance of bank accounts 01.01.2022 250,000 €.
Balance of bank accounts 31.12.2022 265,000 €.
Through the personal tax return, tax authorities have a relatively good insight into the income of the wage earner in question, but also on several expenses.
Income 2022 (after deduction of payroll withholding tax) €30,000
Expenses (Gift, maintenance money, ...) € 5,000.
Oops, the taxman thus sees that the wage earner involved had 20,000 € living expenses in 2022. By 'coincidence,' the tax authorities see through the database of traffic tax that the employee in question bought a used car in 2022. Short bill to the employee about the vehicle's purchase price (e.g., 12,000 €), and the tax authorities can ask how the employee could live on 8,000 euros!
Just imagine having such an employee as an employer and being active in, e.g., the construction industry. Very quickly, the mere idea could arise that this wage earner earns extra on the black market with you, while the truth is that this man or woman does additional work on the black market every Saturday.
Or how this new step considerably expands the tax authorities' arsenal of means of control! And an important detail, all this can be done relatively automatically, and by using artificial intelligence, fewer officials can do much more targeted investigations.
And yes, sorry, whoever thought to escape via foreign accounts is out of luck. Indeed, legally you are required to declare your foreign bank accounts and life insurance policies to the CAP. [note there is still an escape route]
Experience shows that if you don't make the declaration yourself, you will almost inevitably get caught because of the recent enormous exchange of information (CRS) regarding bank data between Belgium/Netherlands and a vast number of other countries to the farthest corners of the world. (We have a list of those countries)
I also expect problems from those who have invested heavily in crypto-currencies. First, the platforms over which those purchases are made are increasingly under pressure to pass on their information to the CAP. It becomes easier if the tax authorities see too significant differences in bank accounts and see a reason to start asking questions. Remember that the statute of limitations in such cases can be as long as seven years.
And if you thought this was the worst of it, know that the following agencies or individuals also have access to what we consider confidential information:
- Police departments
- Justice of the Peace
- Corporate court judges
- Notaries
- Bailiffs
If you have any doubts about the above, we can always help you by asking for your file at the CAP out of curiosity.
A 2nd permanent residency/Passport will, under certain conditions, solve this problem. But...a 2nd permanent residency is getting more and more expensive and harder to obtain. Better act NOW!!! (especially if you are pensioned). It is still not too late! Contact us as soon as possible: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. So we can contact you as quickly as possible for a detailed personal interview. Note we only will contact you if you provide us with complete information: name, profession, address, phone number, email, a.o.
Be advised that CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency makes it even more urgent to go for a "plan B." Those with such a plan understand WHY!
Only for Subscribers:
When the nation carries over $32T in national debt, you should know it's a financial winter.
Important Fundamentals:
- US Mortgage rates
- For premium members only.
Important Technicals:
- This is the eye of the storm,
- For premium members only.
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Wednesday/Friday, March 1-3, 2023: A World War III checks all the boxes.
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, Index In Real Money/Gold, Long Term Charts,
Royalty Co's, Banking in Panama,Gold & Silver Majors, Miners & Gold vs SPX,
Gold & Silver Juniors
Today's best citizen: is vaccinated and boosted, wears a mask, waves the Ukraine flag, is Green,...
"In Zimbabwe, millionaires can't buy 3 eggs!"
In Belgium prices are going up, but the Inflation is coming down?!...must be a miracle country!
World WAR III checks all the boxes! When interest rates rise and will continue to rise because the Fed cannot stop this kind of inflation, you have war. You have untold billions of dollars being shipped into Ukraine which is absurd. You also have to look at what Janet Yellen said; she was concerned with the tons of new debt coming out.
They (Yellen, Powell, Lagarde,...) are exceeding the balance sheets of the Primary Dealers. To be a Primary dealer, you have to be able to guarantee you will be able to buy X amount of debt. If you can’t sell it, what happens? The bank is stuck with the debt, and then they go bust. So, we have a real problem here. They cannot continue to issue this kind of debt in perpetuity. They have been borrowing money since WWII with no intention of paying anything off. . . . The Fed is independent, and they don’t want long-term debt. Therefore, they have been moving toward the short end of the curve. How do you continue to fund a government if there are no buyers for the debt?
They get to default on all this debt which is the real objective. That’s why (Klaus) Schwab says you’ll own nothing and be happy. He’s trying to make it sound like they are doing this for you. They will default on all debt and relieve them and you of all your debt. This is because they are going to wipe out everything. Pension funds will be all gone. That’s why they are coming out with guaranteed basic income to replace your pension. They’ve got this all worked out. That’s the end goal because they cannot continue functioning this way. They cannot continue to borrow whatever they need without the intention of ever paying it back.” What repeatedly happened in the past (Weimar, Gutt,...) will happen again in Europe, Canada, and the USA.
For Subscribers only - A MUST SEE!!! - It's a VERY DIRTY WORLD OUT THERE...VERY DIRTY.
This story will end badly, and those who refuse to prepare will lose all their savings.
Important Fundamentals:
- The World’s Most Painful Trade Is Finally Ending as
- For premium members only.
- This is what the Dow Jones and SP500 will look like in a few years! ..NO CRASH WE SHALL HAVE!!! [more in section for Long Term charts]
Important Technicals:
- Long Term Stock Market charts are
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