May 2023
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Physical: add up to $200 per oz. | For physical, add up to $16 per oz. | Are you still Paper Gold? |
- The internet system makes it harder and harder for us to send out email messages and for you to receive these in your Inbox. To increase the odds, you must create the following email addresses in your email system: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and check your spam box. On average, we mail one newsletter each week.
- Better, we advise you to consult the site daily mainly because the most interesting YouTube videos are often CENSURED!
- Go back and read the older updates & Education hall - there is also A LOT of valuable information in these, especially under Important Fundamentals & Technicals.
- Many Candle (and often also PF-charts may be updated at all times, even if not mentioned in the "Updated Sections" - do check the charts in the section.
Monday-Wednesday, May 29 - 31, 2023: Memorial Day Weekend and Sell in May and Go Away...true or false for 2023!?
Updated Sections: Gold-$, Silver (a couple of charts only)
Investors are continuously bombarded by a dramatic flow of information. Ignorant and manipulated journalists and Mainstream Media are sending the bulk. Authorities (politicians) are continually LYING about the bitter reality of the situation. They are doing nothing more but trying to protect their privileged situation, source of income, and votes. Out of experience, I know that the more the Authorities are in DENIAL, the closer we are to some dramatic action.
Most of the time, the (incompetent) Journalists just sell some NARRATIVE that (according to them) fits the market. Nothing more! Also, once you have positioned yourself in the market properly and correctly, TRADING makes little or no sense, and it is very hard to book over 30% profit annually. The best results are booked for those who invest properly and sit tight.
The Debt Ceiling Theatre is nothing more than genuine orchestrated political BS sold by Drama Queens for the Drama Herd. It is nothing but a POLITICAL game where political parties use it to enforce certain privileges.
For premium members only.
Thursday/Friday, May 25 - 26, 2023: Maybe Gold is not sexy, but it is "extremely loyal"!
Updated Sections: Treasuries in the EU, Corporate Bonds, World Stock Markets,
Index In Real Money/Gold, Long Term Charts, Royalty Co's,
In the bank runs of the 1930s, people withdrew their deposits and took cash. But as the bank runs worsened, they took their cash and redeemed it into gold and silver. After Roosevelt’s 1933 gold confiscation, they could only move their wealth into silver. The unanswerable question is will history repeat itself?
Given all the financial and banking problems that exist, the strong uptrends in gold and silver, and the strong downtrend in the US Dollar Index, we need to be prepared just in case it does repeat. As the Pyramid published on the left clearly illustrates, owning physical gold and silver is the best way to prepare for an uncertain future. Especially so if "they" manage to enforce the Digital Money Central Bank and Digital Money Bank and other Cryptocurrencies, it will always be possible to exchange PHYSICAL Gold & Silver for Digital Money.
"Those who don't want to accept that Gold has been "Real Money" for the past 6,000 years (and still is) and keep their savings in "Digital Money" will suffer the most as they will become the total SLAVES of the Banks and the Authorities."
Years ago (in the 1960s), I bought $10,000 in gold. Since it has been quietly lying in a safe place. I didn’t even have to polish it. No taxes whatsoever had to be paid. I didn’t have to report it to anybody. No banker could give me a hard time. I did not have to fix its roof. No plumbing broke. Never had any problem with renters. I could have put it in my pocket all these years and moved to the other side of the world. Today, it’s worth $400,000!
In 2008 a lady took the advice of a Banker instead of ours and put her £ 2 million in a savings account. Had she listened to us, her £ 2 million would be worth £ 11,133,000 (no comment) today,...and still be a safe way to protect her savings in the future.
In 2008 a lady took the advice of a Banker instead of ours and put her £ 2 million in a savings account. Had she listened to us, her £ 2 million would be worth £ 11,133,000 (no comment) today...and still be a safe way to protect her savings in the future. | Nominal Confusion in Japan: Stock market hits 33-year record, but Yen keeps falling. |
Dow/Gold ratio (only for Subscribers)
"18 oz. Gold is now worth $36,000 or about what the Dow Jones is today."
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This is an important video (Dutch) where Eric Geenen explains what happened over the past years and what is to happen soon!
Eric Geenen was a keynote speaker at one of our Symposiums. (soon, a loaf of bread will cost € 100.000). In this interview, he clearly explains the situation and how to protect yourself and your savings. The odds are that if you don't act NOW, it will one day, one too late. The situation is very serious, and we know HOW to protect ourselves.[video with English close capture]
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Monday/Wednesday, May 22 - 24, 2023: Belgians who still buy Real Estate are NUTS!
Updated Sections: Rupee Gold, Yuan Gold, Swiss Franc & Gold, Euro and €-Gold,
Candollar & Gold ,British Pound & Gold, Swedish Krona & Gold, Aussie & Gold,
Yen & Gold, SA Rand & Gold
" Real Estate is NOT an investment but rather a LIABILITY, and Renting is not wasted money!"
Not the slightest doubt that the Real Estate Crash has begun in the West (America, Canada, Europe, Panama,...). The rising inflation and rising taxation are taking their toll. People have less "purchase power" to spend as inflation is eating it away. On top, Authorities who are also feeling the negative effect of inflation not only print money but also INCREASE TAXATION. Authorities (alias Politicians) will do everything to stay in POWER so they can continue to play their dirty game: legally steal more money from the people and spend it as Drunken Sailors.
Commercial Real Estate will suffer more than Residential Real Estate. This is because COVID has changed the shopping pattern, and more people shop "online." Also, fewer office spaces will be required as more and more employees will work out of home. The big Hyperinflationary depression of the 21st Century will change a lot more than most people can imagine.
When people ca not afford to pay their mortgage or rent, this never affects the Real Estate Market (as many pretend). When financially not affordable, people live in the streets and/or, in best-case scenarios, in their cars. Note that often Authorities recur to drastic measures like what happened in 1917 in the USSR: they simply put by law and force homeless people into your house.
Nominal confusion for the illiterates. In the best-case scenario, the FIAT Currency price of Real Estate can continue to increase. Like what happened in Zimbabwe, the price of Real Estate expressed in Zim-Dollars continued to increase. However, expressed in South African Rand, in US Dollars, in Euro, the price crashed...together with the exchange rate of the Zim-dollar. This action keeps the Herd (that has an IQ of just above the freezing point) happy for a longer time...
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There is so much "AIR" in the Belgian Real Estate Bubble...are Belgians really so STUPID!? | No doubt that Real Estate sits in a HUGE (deflating) bubble. |
Warren Buffet is probably one of the first Goldonomic subscribers. Imagine an investment of $100 made 50 years ago that today is worth a lot more...and has no risk, is not sexy but is extremely loyal.
Important Fundamentals:
- xxxxx Inc raised its annual sales and profit targets on Thursday For premium members only.
Important Technicals.
- The PPT (Plunge Protection Team in Jupiter) For premium members only.
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Thursday/Friday, May 18 - 19, 2023: Our forecast was right on for the last +25 years!
Updated Sections: Copper, Platinum, Non-Ferrous & shares, Long Term Commodity Charts,
Commodities expressed in Gold, Inflation Index, Bonds general & USA, Gold-$, Silver,
US Dollar, Rupee Gold, Yuan Gold, Swiss Franc & Gold, Euro and €-Gold,
An inflation rate of 100% actually means that your purchasing power decreases by half in one year. In other words, the 1 million you have on January 1st is only worth 500,000 on December 31st [although you still have 1 mio in your account].
Most people don't understand (and often refuse to admit) that it is NOT the Goods that get more expensive but the purchasing power, the value of the currency, that decreases. Hence, people who keep the bulk of their assets in currencies and currency-related assets like Bonds, Shares, Real Estate,...will lose it all.
Today's currencies are not only NO MONEY but also DEBT. This kind of debt must always be paid for in TAXATION and/or INFLATION. Taxation has been rising over the past years, and politicians continue to raise the taxation level as much as possible. In the best-case scenario, we expect the currencies to become worthless in the coming 2-3 years. Worst case scenario, we get a DEBT MORATORIUM.
What most people refuse to admit and don't understand is that not only the Commercial Banks are Bankrupt, but even the Central Banks are. This REALITY is, for obvious reasons - kept hidden by the Authorities and their Mainstream Media because the moment the HERD realizes that the EMPEROR has NO CLOTHES, that currencies are worthless, and Banks are a Mirage, people will massively move out of PAPER and DIGITAL ASSETS...into Physical Gold and Silver.
Important Fundamentals:
- There just isn't enough xxxxx in the world. South American supply streams are "drying up," and it's getting harder to find high-grade deposits.
- The Debt ceiling JOKE is Bread for the Low IQ-HERD-CIRCUS. See picture.
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Soon the USA will have to use the whole budget to pay for the DEBT! |
Important Technicals.
- See the charts below.
- Higher interest rates always result in higher xxxxxxxx prices.
- The PF chart for xxxx below is EXTREMELY BULLISH. 1. Bear Trap 2. Three is a charm 3. Breakout and positive backtest 4. Bull flag 5. Triple Top breakout.
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This IS a Trend Reversal. Don't expect to see lower xxxxx soon! | Interest rates and xxxx, most of the time, rise at the same time. |
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A short term less bullish Gold chart. |
A short term less bullish Silver chart. |
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A VERY bearish Bitcoin chart! | The REAL and CORRECT PF chart for xxxx. The next target is $38. |
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Monday/Wednesday, May 15 - 17, 2023: The world is on a knife-edge...Old fortunes will be lost, and new fortunes will be made!
Updated Sections: Solar & Rare Elements, Agriculturals,
Since governments and central banks are continuously destroying the value of paper money, gold ownership is a Must. The Everything Bubble is likely to turn into the “Everything Collapse,” with all the bubble assets declining between 75% and 95% in real terms. After all, assets inflated by fake money must clearly be fake.
The biggest collapse will obviously be the $300 trillion debt market. But before this debt collapse, Western governments and central banks will have drowned financial markets in mouse-click money: CBDM, computer money. A nominal illusion it will be!
Goldonomic is probably one of the few ones who does it. Everybody, every analyst, is issuing WARNINGS about the financial system and economy. Almost NONE is telling you WHAT to do in order to keep your savings, your family, and your loved ones safe.
Gold is Eternal Wealth. Therefore, if you hold gold as wealth protection, you don’t have to worry about what happens to the value of your paper money. Gold will always reflect the debasement of paper money. However, the kind of Gold & Silver you hold and HOW and WHERE you hold it is important as the financial and political systems further degrade.
When investing, having an absolute conviction in any ideology or thesis can lead to lost opportunity or lost capital over time.
“This presents an obvious challenge. Not only do you have to be correct, but you also have to survive until reality and the market catch up with your view. Otherwise, you won’t get paid.
So, what are our convictions regarding investing and your portfolio? Here is a short list of some of the most current:
- The dollar/euro are “fiat” and are going to zero.
- The dollar will lose its reserve currency status.
- There is too much debt, and the U.S. will eventually default. The same will happen in the Eurozone.
- Depression is coming!
- There is going to be a worldwide shortage of food and oil.
- Interest rates can only go higher.
- Governments are going to confiscate everything they can lay their hands on.
- Society is on the edge of collapse.
The process has already begun...and most people don't realize it because, in the beginning, it happens slowly...that is until it all of a sudden goes fast, and it becomes impossible to act.
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals.
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Thursday/Friday, May 11 - 12, 2023: Those who keep savings in Bank/Savings accounts and Money Market funds are out of their mind!
Updated Sections: Natural Gas & shares, Uranium Shares, Bank & Fin. Shares,
Crude Oil price,
We only want people to Subscribe with an open mind and/or who are prepared to reason instead of laughing at correct statements and previsions, and forecasts we have made over the past years and are still making.
Nothing will happen, this is LALA-LAND! Bubbles will NEVER deflate or burst,... the worst-case scenario, they will temporarily deflate. Inflation will fall, and we shall again see the 2% goal the Central Banks have set soon. Keep sleeping, and keep holding on to your Real Estate (some IDIOTS still are convinced this is THE best investment ever). Some continue to buy Real Estate at these top levels. Even if it means they have to chain themselves to the property and to the country it is built in and so become an economic prisoner.
"This is Capital Control in disguise: To Solve Bank Crisis, IMF Wants Global Kill Switch on Money Transfers..
- The HERD has no open mind, speaks only one language, and thinks/reasons in a SHORT straight line only. The Herd loves politicians. The Herd doesn't realize we need LESS Government and fewer people who spend the money of others.
- Open minds realize that the BRICS are getting stronger each day and that they are winning over the G-7, who have been and still are shooting themselves in the foot. The G-7 is creating more money and is sinking into more debt each day. They do this either out of stupidity or to stay in power as long as possible. They don't realize that they are just making it all worse.
- The HERD has no clue about what FIAT money is and how FRACTIONAL RESERVE banking creates money. Most BANKERS don't even know...but they still are so arrogant that they dare to advise their clients HOW to invest their savings.
- The HERD and its' prophets are prepared to sell their Gold position at today's record level. The Herd doesn't understand WHY Physical Gold out of political reach is essential. Even worse is that they don't want to understand it. Way too hard...
Milton Friedman explains the role of Gold. Note that Napoleon tried to make a monetary system work based on Real Estate and that it ended in a disaster. Only Gold & Silver work. And there are excellent reasons for it. The wisenoses who pretend differently will pay for their arrogance with their fortune/savings: old fortunes will be lost, and new fortunes will be made.
Important Fundamentals:
- China is banning ...
- For premium members only.
Important Technicals.
- Uranium
- For premium members only.
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Monday/Wednesday, May 8 - 10, 2023: Only max. 10% know what is coming, and only max. 5% are preparing themselves!
Updated Sections: Bank & Fin. Shares, Bio Tech-Pharma, Oil Shares, Natural Gas & shares
Gold is the only anti-bankruptcy currency! This is why the National Circle of Economists (CNE) has asked the Governor of the Bank of France to propose an urgent gold buyback program, as a natural extinguisher for the state's dizzying debt overhang, before the financial and banking collapse of the West, suddenly evoked by Jacques Attali for next summer.
The guest of "Politique & Eco," the economist Bernard Monot, vice-president of the CNE, also pleads to limit inflation and the record deficit of the balance of trade in favor of a de-dollarization of all the French imports, just like the BRICS countries do. To avoid social devastation in the face of galloping inflation, he advocates that employee unions demand the "sliding scale of wages" (automatic indexation of wages to prices)! Finally, for Bernard Monot, France must adopt a position of geopolitical neutrality between NATO and the BRICS and suspend the suicidal economic sanctions of the EU against Russia! [an impossible task it is]
The Emperor has no clothes. The dramatic thing that we face is that the day is close where the faith of the general public in the printed, artificially worthless created currencies...and the DOLLAR will totally disappear. The consequences hereof are even more dramatic: the Dollar (and all currencies based on the Dollar - G-7) will no longer be able to be used to pay for goods and services if these G-7 countries can no longer use the Dollar or the Euro (guaranteed by the Dollar), they will be forced to use another mean of gold!
Note: if one knows that the Stock Markets have dipped by an average of 30% over the past months/years, one must also take the inflation (15%) into account. Adding this to the nominal 30% figure totals the REAL LOSS at 30% + 15% = 45%. In other words, those who stayed invested in STOCKS lost almost HALF of their savings.
Most investors are totally ignorant of the purpose of gold or its historical significance. Even worse, they laugh at those who invested their saving into Gold & Silver. They are ignorant of the reality that, after all, Gold is the only money that has survived in history. Virtually nobody is aware of this vital information. That’s why only 0.5% of global financial assets are invested in gold. Still, most people put their trust in paper money. These will, over the following years, lose all of their savings and end POOR as JOB.
Gold is also the ultimate eraser of debt. Has been so for +6,000 years and will be so for the next +6,000 years. The more debt there is, the more gold needs to erase, and the higher the price of gold will go. Argentina, Venezuela, Turkey, and Lebanon are excellent modern examples. The video below is only for those who understand some French...and is only available to Subscribers.
The real boss of the EU is not Hitler, but an UNELECTED GERMAN WOMAN called Ursula who came into power without one drop of blood, without firing one bullet. She rules over Marcon, Rutte, De Croo, Sanchez,...The Herd is clearly unaware of this terrible reality and doesn't bother. As long as people are not hungry, the Authorities will be able to keep the Fairy Tale alive.
Powell says your banking system is "sound and resilient." Yet, three more banks are crashing hard...Here's the list: PacWest dropped 57%...Western Alliance dropped 25%... Metropolitan dropped 24%...Regulators temporarily suspended trading in shares of Los Angeles-based PacWest and Arizona’s Western Alliance after their prices fell dramatically.
WHY keep your savings in a bank when you know the risk actually exists that the bank may go bankrupt, and there may be a bail-in?! Better not take any chances, take your savings out of the bank now and BUY physical GOLD-SILVER now and put it OUT of POLITICAL REACH. Actually, if you do it now, you are moving your savings out of a dangerous position and moving it into SAFETY. Think about it: even if you don't lose your savings because of a bankrupt bank, inflation will make sure you lose these anyhow!
Subscribers know for a long time what we think about Banks and have taken the right approach long here for Bank & Fin. Shares
Banks continue to fail as a result of Governments and Central Banks who rigged interest rates too LOW (and even negative) for too long. This is the endgame that will force the Authorities to create so much currency that we shall enter Hyperinflation and so that even those who don't get out of the Banks, out of the Dollar (Euro), will lose ALL of their SAVINGS! Do it now...we know HOW and WHERE, so you are safe. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [or use the CONTACT form] p.s. Real Estate is, for the same reasons, already crashing, and it will get A LOT WORSE.
Real Estate:
Correct and true for all the Banks: Royal Bank Of Canada: Plummeting Home Prices Could Trigger Mortgage Default Risk Event. Real Estate is one of the major dangers the Banks are facing. A collapse of the Real Estate market will directly affect the Banking sector and result in even more bank bankruptcies.
As we forecasted, the Real Estate market has dried up and is also reversing the trend in Europe (Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Spain,...). For premium members only.
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals.
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Thursday/Friday, May 4 - 5, 2023: The Numeral Confusion has begun...You make the rules when you own gold.!
Updated Sections: Investment Pyramid, Recession Proof Shs, Recession Proof - hold,
"That's why Banks and Central Banks buy Physical Gold like there is no tomorrow!"
Gold is the only money that has survived in history, but virtually nobody is aware of this vital information. That’s why only 0.5% of global financial assets are invested in gold. Still, most people put their trust in paper money, digital money, and digital securities...and IDIOTS don't invest in Gold and Silver.
That's why monarchies keep it, build their thrones out of it, and place golden crowns on their heads. Gold is money. It rules in chaos...And it becomes the rule when institutions rebuild...There's always a re-ordering after every major crisis. Because every 80 to 100 years...There is some major crisis that "resets" the world. I'm not talking about "The Great Reset."I'm talking about cycles, an 80-year cycle. When this crisis is over, nations tend to re-build their currencies on commodities - which will most likely be gold. It's been that way for thousands of years.
You all will become POOR BILLIONAIRES. Fortunes will be made, and Fortunes will be lost. JPMorgan buys the First Republic Bank. A joke, as both banks are insolvent. Even the FED and the USA are insolvent. Only, it takes some time because the HERD will realize this because it all is hidden by Nominal Confusion. As Bureaucrats and Politicians can create/print exponential amounts of Fiat currency, NO BANKS will go bankrupt. No Bail-ins and/or Bail-outs, we shall see, but MORE INFLATION will steal away your savings.
The inflation in one country in the EUROZONE (19%) cannot be different from another EU country in the Eurozone. ALL EUROZONE countries have, by definition, the same inflation rate of 19%, as inflation is a more than proportionate amount of euros created and/or printed. The same principle applies to the USA. Any journalist, politician, or economist pretending differently is a LIAR (or an ignorant) should be arrested and locked up.
How crazy is that? Americans are paying more and getting less. On top of that, restaurants in California are now adding inflation fees to their bills...I heard of Restaurants in Europe that already reprinted their menus 4 times.
EVs (Electrical Vehicles) are nothing but a WET DREAM of retarded bureaucrats, politicians, and idiots. The shares we follow in the section of Solar & Rare Elements may provide some momentary profits. However, holding on to these is a very dangerous exercise that will end with a loss.
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Important Fundamentals:
- Brazil and China have traded the first Oil cargo in Yuan. For premium members only.
Important Technicals.
- The Hyperinflation modus has been initiated in For premium members only.
Numeral confusion: higher stocks, worthless currency...and +100% inflation! | Numeral confusion: higher stocks, crashing currency...and +80% inflation! |
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For premium members only. ![]() |
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Updated Sections: Royalty Co's, Gold & Silver Majors, Miners & Gold vs SPX, Gold & Silver
"We Will Have Hell To Pay For This Government Intervention In Financial Markets"
The PPT (Plunge Protection Team) - with HQ in Jupiter, Florida, does the same job as the Gold Pool did in the 1960s...with the same results. The STUPID HERD and IDIOT average investor (9 out of 10 who read this article - so probably also YOU) who is convinced the Earth is flat falls for it. They will continue to do so until the day we get a BANK HOLIDAY as we got in April 1968. Yes, the average investor, the average citizen, is AS STUPID as CAN BE (and I am trying to stay polite). Has always been so and will always be. For some reason, they REFUSE to LEARN out of their experiences, out of history, and keep believing the lies sold by the Authorities and their Banksters.
My grand-aunt told me that one day they had saved enough money to build a house. However, before they got to start building, their bank (Boerenbond Bank) went bankrupt (the 1930s), and their lost all their they had to start saving again until, after WW2 (farmers made a fortune during the War), they had for a second time saved enough money to start building. However, this time it was GUTT (Lieftinck,...) who took all their savings (and those of most civilians). For a second time, their housing bubble (and that of many Europeans) popped.
Historic Lesson: during these dangerous times, only IDIOTS (9 out of 10 who read this article - so maybe also YOU) buy and hold Bank deposits, fiat currency, equities (Bonds, Shares), Options, Futures, ETFs, Options, Money Market Funds, Mutual Funds, Pension funds, 401Ks, Real Estate,... Those with some brains keep their savings in PHYSICAL Gold & Silver OUT of POLITICAL REACH.
Note: look around you and count the number of 'retards' who still wear that mask. Count the number of individuals who cued to get not only ONE but THREE vaccines. Remember the number of 'retards' who wore the mask last year and firmly 'believed' the lies sold by the politicians and CDC...and KNOW how easy it was and is to mislead the Herd. Know that the same number of people firmly BELIEVE that Banks hold at least 'some money' and that Money, CURRENCY has some value while, in fact, it is DEBT and FAITH.
The Media is nothing more than a PAID political PROPAGANDA instrument and is used to lead the Herd by the nose. There is a good reason WHY, when a revolution or a coup happens, the first thing the invader does, is to get control of the media.
- FICTION: U.S. economic activity grew at a slower pace than expected in the first quarter of 2023, flashing further signs that the economy is slowing down as recession fears swirl and the Federal Reserve considers more interest rate increases. The Bureau of Economic Analysis's advance estimate of the first U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) showed the economy grew at an annualized pace of 1.1.% during the period, slower than consensus forecasts. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had the U.S. economy grow at an annualized pace of 1.9 % during the first three months of 2022. The print came in significantly cooler than the previous two quarters, which saw annualized growth at 2.9% and 3.2%, respectively.
- REALITY with an OFFICIAL 6% INFLATION RATE: U.S. economic activity grew at a slower pace than expected in the first quarter of 2023, flashing further signs that the economy is slowing down as recession fears swirl and the Federal Reserve considers more interest rate increases. The Bureau of Economic Analysis's advance estimate of the first U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) showed the economy contracted at an annualized pace of 4.9.% during the period, slower than consensus forecasts. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had the U.S. economy contract at an annualized pace of 4.9 % during the first three months of 2022. The print came in significantly cooler than the previous two quarters, which saw annualized contraction at 3.1% and 2.8%, respectively.
- REALITY with a REAL 16% INFLATION RATE: U.S. economic activity contracted at a faster pace than expected in the first quarter of 2023, flashing further signs that the economy is slowing down as recession fears swirl and the Federal Reserve considers more interest rate increases. The Bureau of Economic Analysis's advance estimate of the first U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) showed the economy contracted at an annualized pace of 14.9.% during the period, faster than consensus forecasts. Economists surveyed by Goldonomic had the U.S. economy contract at an annualized pace of 14.1 % during the first three months of 2022. The print came in significantly cooler than the previous two quarters, which saw annualized contraction at 13.1% and 12.8%, respectively.
Lebanon used to be "The Switzerland" of The Middle East...that is until the politicians made A MESS of it. Same story as the DDR, Venezuela, Argentina, and Zimbabwe,... See the Inflation Index section for more examples...and STOP pretending it will not and never happen in your country.
And yes, the situation is A LOT WORSE than most people realize...A LOT WORSE! In the USA, we can't afford to let Stincky Biden & Co. "Finish the Job." In the EU, we can't allow Stinky Ursula, La Patate, Rotte, Macrot, and others to "Finish the Job." If these CRIMINALS are not stopped, Europe, Canada, and the USA will become yet another Lebanon soon.
Real Estate: The Trap is SET: The Biggest Real Estate Bubble is Primed and Ready to Blow!
Those who still dare to pretend that they did better with Real Estate than with Gold/Silver are proving to themselves that their opinion is tainted and that they refuse to remake their homework. Last year, the daughter of one of our relations made a doctorate thesis about what was the best investment over the past 10 years. The answer was GOLD (and Silver).
Important Fundamentals:
Important Technicals:
- Remember that Royalties are DIGITAL SHARES, that these can, and probably will, at a certain time, become subject of a BAIL-IN, and that trading these can be stopped at any time by the Authorities.
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