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    Francis Schutte

  • The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That’s one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can ever help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population — the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it’s the fools, no matter where you go in this world, it’s the fools that form the overwhelming majority.

    Hendrik Ibsen-

  • The mainstream (corporate) media is nothing less than the unofficial accomplice of the banking crime syndicate which is running/ruining our markets and economies. Nowhere is this despicable relationship more apparent than in its deliberate efforts to grossly misinform investors on the critical subject of risk.

    Jeff Nielsen

  • The business of investing rationally becomes problematic when market participants are pursuing maximum nominal returns without a second thought as to the real (inflation-adjusted) value of those returns and the location of the savings. Our Goal is to maximize safety.


  • Comparing the currencies is like picking the prettiest horse in the glue factory. The history of all fiat currencies shows they all end up being valueless. Gold’s nobody else’s liability and it has no counterparty risk. It’s provided protection against destruction of wealth for centuries and we’re at the cusp of another major chapter in its illustrious history.


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SA Rand & Gold

January 10, 2024 - Gold in Rand = secular uptrend & all-time high!

South African Rand Gold
south africa flag [Most Recent Quotes from] Bullish objective R - ????
Resistance R - 45,200
Support R - 42,000
Bearish objective R - 42,000
Technical pattern Exponential Acceleration.

Having spent many years in South Africa, I would advise investors not to hold their breath regarding the new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, who is bringing improved governance here. Corruption in the country is all-pervasive and is now penetrating personnel in the judiciary. I know this from various contacts I have. The Zuma faction still wields enormous influence within the ANC. The black economic empowerment policy has led to unsuitable and unqualified people being placed in key government and private positions. Given the world economy's current state, I would be surprised if the ZAR is not the currency that loses the most value among the emerging markets over the next year.

This year's elections will bring a new president who is even worse than Ramaphosa! (March 2024)

ZARGold pf3
Short term candle
Chart comments 
ZARGold candle
  • Jan 11-20, 2016: DISTINCT BREAKOUT and BULL RUN resumed
  • Jan 8 - Feb 4, 2017: and fresh upleg
  • Jan 4, 2018: And up we go...
  • Jan 16 - Feb 8, 2019: Sideward
  • June 6 - Sep 3: ALL-TIME HIGH...after an all-time high!
  • Oct 5 - Jan 3, 2020: End of pullback/backtest.
  • Sept 9 - Dec 4 - Jan 6, 2021: trend acceleration.
  • Aug 11: Late Sunday night, during thinly traded hours, $4 billion worth of gold was dumped onto the market—$4 billion, and you can't see any changes on the PF chart.
  • Nov. 8 - Apr. 12, 2022: new Bull Run.
  • Nov. 25 - Jan. 2, 2023: the next target = 48,000 per oz.
  • Mar. 24 - Apr. 24 - May 19: All-time high.
  • 5 Apr.: a new record.
  • 15 May - July 17, 2024: The end of correction, expect higher.
  • Sep.9 - Nov. 11 - Dec. 20 - Jan. 10, 2025: an exponential it has become.
Long term candle
ZARGold candle2


South African Rand - mind the INVERTED PF-Charts! Higher is lower & lower is higher!
[Most Recent Exchange Rate from] US $ Euro
Bearish target  $ 22.00  € 24.00
Resistance $ 19.20 € 22.50
Support $ 16.80 € 17.20
Bullish Target
$ 14.80 € 15.20
Technical pattern Bear Trend
Bear Trend

SA Rand and US Dollar:

ZAR pf1
Short term candle
Chart comments 
ZAR candle1
  • Jan 4, 2018: Rand reversed course and is now breaking out versus the Dollar. This points towards a WEAKER DOLLAR.
  • Jan 16 - May 19, 2019: Still Bearish...The Rand = SUICIDE CURRENCY! The SA Rand will devaluate by 46% over the next 3-5 years.
  • Jan 3 - Feb 5, 2020: End of typical yearend correction.
  • March 9 - May 10: The bear trend of Rand resumed.
  • Nov 11 - Jan 6, 2021: BEAR TRAP. & Traditional yearend Rand strength.
  • Feb 6 - Apr 12: Ready for a WEAKER RAND.
  • Aug 15 - July 14 - Aug. 6, 2022: Expect a weaker Rand.
  • Jan. 2 - Apr. 24, 2023: Even the Rand points to a weaker Dollar.
  • May 19 - Sept. 2: The charts look bad for the Rand!
  • Oct. 10: potential new breakout = expect a LOWER Rand.
  • Nov. 8 - Dec. 11 - Jan. 12, 2024: Sideward.
  • Feb. 9 - Mar. 12: new breakout of the Dollar = weaker Rand.
  • May 15: sideward.
  • June 22: Ramaphosa (new president) will destroy what is left of SA.
  • July 17 - Dec. 20 - Jan. 10 - 2025: expect a weaker Rand.
Long term candle
ZAR candle2

ZAR LT dec31

Rand in Euro: It has lost half of its value since 2011. Assume you bought a house in Knysna and invested € 500,000 in 2011; today, the residual value is € 250,000!

eZAR pf1
Short term candle
Chart comment
eZAR candle1
  • Dec 10 - Feb 4, 2015: Expect the Rand to weaken versus the Euro.
  • Jan 11 - June 11, 2016: Down it goes...
  • Dec 21 - Apr 18, 2017: SELL the RAND
  • Jan 4 - 29, 2018: bounce up the trendline, or the Rand will continue to weaken against the Euro but strengthen against the US dollar.
  • Dec 8 - Feb 8, 2019: Knowing what happened in Zimbabwe and Venezuela, it must be crazy to stay in South Africa and keep assets in Rand, especially Real Estate.
  • March 9 - May 19: Rand will devaluate by 46% in 3-5 years.
  • Jan 3 - Feb 5, 2020: sell Rand and buy Euro's
  • Nov 11 - Dec 4 - Jan 6, 2021: end of the yearend strength.
  • Aug 15 - Apr. 12, 2022: Expect a weaker Rand. Since we left South Africa in the 1990s, the Rand has lost 82% of its value.
  • Jan. 2 - Apr. 24, 2023: The Rand still shows a BEARISH trend versus the Euro.
  • Nov. 8 - Dec. 11 - Jan. 12, 2024: Sideward.
  • Feb. 9 - Mar. 12: preparing for a new "Upleg" = Weaker Rand versus the Euro.
  • June 22: STOP!?  Ramaphosa (new president) will destroy what is left of SA.
  • July 17 - Dec. 20 Jan. 10 - 2025: expect a weaker Rand.
Long term candle
eZAR candle2


There is a correlation between the exchange rate of the Rand and the nominal price of Gold:


Gold mining in South Africa is still cheap. Changing legislation kills the goose with the golden eggs in a Zimbabwe pattern!

Updated December 1,  2018 - What happened and happened in Africa is a BLUEPRINT of what will happen in any country and continent where LOW I.Q. takes over life. IMMIGRANTS. Whether BLACK, MUSLIM, ARAB.

What happened overnight in South Africa during the 1990s (I lived it) is slowly but surely happening in the Western World. Whites will soon be outnumbered.

South Africa has always been the most European country in Africa. It was also the country that was ruled the longest by white people. Since the sanctions of 1960, the Rand has been a weak currency. In 1960, one could fill up his car with ONE RAND. We did some research about the financial situation of South Africa years ago (1990) as The Mountainlands project was started up, and at that time, the figures looked rather good. Today they look BAD. Ever since the previously disadvantaged have become advantaged. People with a LOW IQ (the average IQ of the African population is 70) have taken over South Africa, and CORRUPTION and MISMANAGEMENT have become part of daily life. Proof of this we have all over Africa. Up to the 1950s and 60s, the standard of living in Africa was excellent (also for the black population). Law and order, Medicare for all, and a good infrastructure. As country after country kicked out of the White Colonists, the continent was propelled back to the Middle Ages. Shit happens if you let a nurse operate on a patient!

In the 1970s, South Africa was the world's most prolific exporter of gold. Over the years, industrial decline has seen widespread closures of mines across the country. However, Johannesburg sits on the most extensive gold basin ever discovered. It's perhaps not surprising that many of these abandoned mines have seen a recent boom in illegal mining activity... as we have for years in other African countries.

Click here for the IMF report.

There is a shortage of COAL required to run ESCOM's electricity plants...and there are no plans for new COAL MINES. (Dec 2018)

The Rand must be avoided by all means. It has become a BLACK COUNTRY CURRENCY. During the 1950s & 1960s, South Africa was a modern and prosperous country with NO UNEMPLOYMENT. In those years - under the rule of Apartheid -  the life of BLACK people was, on average, better than today. The country was destroyed by the Media & Communists during the 1990s. [fascinating interview below]. A NAIVE de Klerk gave South Africa away to BLACKS and COMMUNISTS, and he did it on a silver plate. Mandela's life brought more misery for all South Africans, black and white. Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, the Socialists, and the Media can be proud of themselves...The REALITY is that Mandela was a COMMUNIST and a MASS MURDERER who killed thousands of innocent women and children. Mandela is the one who has to be blamed for today's GENERAL Black and White MISERY in South Africa.


What goes around comes around: Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands were most involved in what they called anti-Apartheid. ANC members received their Detonators and Dynamite from these countries. The USSR financially supported all ANC members in Europe. Maybe that was why the USSR went bankrupt in 1998, and Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands have seen such a large inflow of Immigrants.

Zuma is finally gone (Feb 2018), but his successor is even worse...and so will Julius Malema, the next successor (2024).


NO African country can and will survive without receipts from the export of African commodities, such as gold, silver, diamonds, etc. ALL African rulers, no matter how corrupt they may be, know this.

These problems have to be solved by Entrepreneurs that politicians can't reach or intimidate. Everything in South Africa is bankrupt.

The new 2024 South African Ruler is even more dangerous!

Malala 2024 02 09 at 16.58.40

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